WASHINGTON, DC 20549

                                    FORM 8-K

                                 CURRENT REPORT

                                 August 27, 2003
                Date of Report (Date of earliest reported event)

                          Catalyst Lighting Group, Inc.
                         (formerly Wentworth III, Inc.)
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its chapter)

        Delaware                       333-75044                84-1588927
----------------------------    -----------------------   ----------------------
(State or other jurisdiction    (Commission File Number)       (IRS Employer
     of incorporation)                                       Identification No.)

        6777 Camp Bowie Boulevard
        Suite 233, Forth Worth, TX                          76116
-------------------------------------------               ----------
 (Address of principal executive offices)                 (Zip Code)

                                 (800) 433-7753
               Registrant's telephone number, including area code

                               Wentworth III, Inc.
              650 South Cherry Street, Suite 420, Denver, CO 80246
                                 (303) 320-1870
   (Former name or former address and telephone number, if changed since last


         As of February 12, 2003,  Catalyst Lighting Group, Inc., formerly known
as Wentworth III, Inc. (the  "Registrant"  or the "Company") and Whitco Company,
LP (as successor in interest to Whitco  Company,  L.L.P.)  ("Whitco") and all of
the  partners of Whitco (the  "Partners")  entered  into a  Securities  Exchange
Agreement ("Merger  Agreement") pursuant to which (a) the Partners exchanged all
issued and outstanding  partnership units of Whitco  ("Partnership  Units") for,
and (b) holders of options to  purchase  partnership  units of Whitco  exchanged
such options (the "Options") for options to purchase,  an aggregate of 3,800,000
shares of the common stock, par value $.001 per share ("Common  Stock"),  of the
Registrant (the "Merger"). On August 27, 2003, the transactions  contemplated by
the Merger Agreement were consummated and the Partnership Units and Options were
exchanged for Common Stock  representing  approximately  88% of the  outstanding
shares of Common Stock of the Registrant on a fully diluted basis.

         As part of the Merger, one of the directors of the Registrant,  Spencer
Browne,  resigned and the size of the board of directors of the Registrant  (the
"Board") was increased to three and Dennis H.  Depenbusch  and Henry Glover were
named to fill the vacancies on the Board.  On September 4, 2003, the size of the
Board was  increased  to five members and Mary Titus and Tracy Taylor were added
as directors to fill those vacancies.

         The following table sets forth certain  information after giving effect
to the issuance of  securities as part of the closing of the Merger with respect
to  beneficial  ownership  of the  outstanding  shares  of  Common  Stock by the
Registrant's  directors,  executive  officers  and  each  person  known  by  the
Registrant to own in excess of 5% of the outstanding  shares of Common Stock and
the directors and executive  officers as a group.  Unless otherwise noted,  each
person below has personal and sole beneficial  ownership of the shares of Common

                                                     Amount and     Percentage
                                                      Nature of      of Shares
                                                      Beneficial    Beneficially
Name of Stockholder                                   Ownership        Owned
--------------------                                 -----------    ------------

Kevin R. Keating (1) .......................            90,000             2.65%
Dennis H. Depenbusch (2) ...................         1,610,974(3)         47.50%
Henry Glover(4) ............................            96,951(5)          2.78%
Mary Titus (6) .............................                 0                0
Tracy B. Taylor (7) ........................                 0                0
Keating Investments, LLC ...................           200,000             5.90%
Larry Doskocil Trust (8) ...................           685,004            20.20%
Celestine Depenbusch (9) ...................           472,048            13.92%
Kip Pritchard (10) .........................           350,125             9.35%

All executive officers and
directors as a group .......................         1,797,925             53.0%



(1)      Mr. Keating is a member of our Board of Directors.
(2)      Mr. Depenbusch is our chief executive officer and chairman of our Board
         of Directors.
(3)      Represents 3,350 shares of our common stock owned by Mr. Depenbusch and
         1,607,624 shares owned by the Dennis H. Depenbusch  Revocable Trust, an
         entity of which Mr. Depenbusch is a co-trustee.
(4)      Mr. Glover is President and a member of our Board of Directors.
(5)      Represents  96,951  shares of common stock  issuable  upon  exercise of
         currently vested options granted to Mr. Glover.
(6)      Ms. Titus is a member of our Board of Directors.
(7)      Mr. Taylor is a member of our Board of Directors.
(8)      Larry Doskocil is the sole trustee of the Larry Doskocil Trust.
(9)      Celestine  Depenbusch  is the  mother  of  Dennis  H.  Depenbusch.  Mr.
         Depenbusch   exercises  no  voting  or  other  control  over  Celestine
         Depenbusch's shares.
(10)     Represents  350,125  shares of common stock  issuable  upon exercise of
         currently vested options granted to Mr. Pritchard.


         As described  in Item 1 above,  pursuant to the Merger  Agreement,  the
Registrant  acquired  all of the  Partnership  Units in  exchange  for shares of
Common  Stock,  whereupon  Whitco  became  a  wholly-owned   subsidiary  of  the
Registrant. After giving effect to the Merger, the former partners of Whitco now
own  approximately  88%  of  the  outstanding  shares  of  Common  Stock  of the
Registrant of a fully diluted basis.

         Whitco is a nationwide  marketer and  distributor of steel and aluminum
outdoor lighting poles.  Founded in 1969,  Whitco generates  revenue through the
sale of poles  directly to original  equipment  manufacturers  and indirectly to
other third  parties  through  its own sales  representatives.  Whitco  provides
design  services,  assembly  and  integration,  as well  as  other  value  added


         On September 3, 2003, the  Registrant  completed a merger with Catalyst
Lighting Group, Inc., its wholly-owned subsidiary. The subsidiary had no assets.
As a result of this  transaction,  and in accordance  with Section 253(b) of the
Delaware  General  Corporation Law,  Registrant  changed its name from Wentworth
III, Inc. to Catalyst Lighting Group, Inc.


     a. Financial Statements of Businesses Acquired.


     b. Pro Forma Financial Information.

     c. Exhibits:

         2.1  Securities Exchange Agreement, dated as of February 12, 2003.


Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of  1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report  to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

Date: September 8, 2003                        Catalyst Lighting Group, Inc.
                                               (formerly Wentworth III, Inc.)

                                               /s/ Dennis H. Depenbusch
                                               Dennis H. Depenbusch


                          INDEX TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

     Independent Auditor's Report....................................................................F-2
     Report of Independent Certified Public Accountants..............................................F-3
     Balance Sheets - June 30, 2003 (unaudited) and September 30, 2002...............................F-4
     Statements of Operations - For the Nine Months Ended June 30, 2003 and 2002 (unaudited)
         Three Months Ended December 31, 2002 (unaudited), Nine Months Ended September 30, 2002
         and Year Ended December 31, 2001............................................................F-5
     Statements of Partners' Equity - For the Year Ended December 31, 2001, For the Nine Months
         Ended September 30, 2002, and For the Nine Months Ended June 30, 2003 (unaudited)...........F-6
     Statements of Cash Flows - For the Nine Months Ended June 30, 2003 and 2002 (unaudited),
         Nine Months Ended September 30, 2002 and Year Ended December 31, 2001.......................F-7
     Notes to Financial Statements...................................................................F-8


    Pro Forma Combining, Condensed Balance Sheet (unaudited)........................................F-18
    Pro Forma Combining, Condensed Statement of Operations (unaudited)..............................F-19
    Pro Forma Notes to Combining, Condensed Financial Information...................................F-21

                          INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT

To the Partners
Whitco Company, LLP
Hutchinson, Kansas

We have audited the  accompanying  balance  sheet of Whitco  Company,  LLP as of
September 30, 2002, and the related statements of operations,  partners' equity,
and cash flows for the nine months then ended.  These  financial  statements are
the responsibility of the Company's management. Our responsibility is to express
an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards  generally accepted
in the  United  States of  America.  Those  standards  require  that we plan and
perform the audit to obtain  reasonable  assurance  about  whether the financial
statements are free of material misstatement.  An audit includes examining, on a
test basis,  evidence  supporting  the amounts and  disclosures in the financial
statements.  An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and
significant  estimates  made by  management,  as well as evaluating  the overall
financial  statement  presentation.   We  believe  that  our  audit  provides  a
reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion,  the financial  statements  referred to above present fairly, in
all material  respects,  the  financial  position of Whitco  Company,  LLP as of
September 30, 2002 and the results of its  operations and its cash flows for the
nine months then ended,  in  conformity  with  accounting  principles  generally
accepted in the United States of America.


Denver, Colorado
December 20, 2002




We have audited the accompanying statements of income, partners' equity and cash
flows of Whitco Company, LLP for the year ended December 31, 2001. These
statements are the responsibility of the Company's management. Our
responsibility is to express an opinion on these statements based on our audit.

We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted
in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and
perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the statements
are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis,
evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the statements. An audit also
includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made
by management, as well as evaluating the overall statement presentation. We
believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the statements referred to above present fairly, in all material
respects, the results of operations and cash flows of Whitco Company, LLP for
the year ended December 31, 2001 in conformity with accounting principles
generally accepted in the United States of America.


Wichita,  Kansas
January 31, 2002


                               WHITCO COMPANY, LLP

                                 BALANCE SHEETS

                                                                                         JUNE 30,      SEPTEMBER 30,
                                                                                           2003            2002
                                                                                        ----------      ----------

    Trade receivables, less allowance for doubtful accounts of $48,456
         (unaudited) and $54,442                                                        $2,640,753      $2,280,109
    Inventories                                                                          1,321,935         852,033
    Prepaid expenses and other                                                              25,574          20,029
                                                                                        ----------      ----------

         Total current assets                                                            3,988,262       3,152,171

PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT, net of accumulated depreciation of $50,638 (unaudited)
    and $51,991                                                                            114,074         133,875

    Goodwill, net of accumulated amortization of $330,151 (unaudited) and $330,151       2,971,362       2,971,362
    Other                                                                                   15,793          17,810
                                                                                        ----------      ----------

         Total other assets                                                              2,987,155       2,989,172
                                                                                        ----------      ----------

                                                                                        $7,089,491      $6,275,218
                                                                                        ==========      ==========

                        LIABILITIES AND PARTNERS' EQUITY
    Revolving note payable                                                              $1,673,884      $1,087,025
    Current maturities of long-term debt                                                   490,726         257,646
    Accounts payable                                                                     1,977,446       1,250,935
    Other accrued liabilities                                                              693,186         703,543
                                                                                        ----------      ----------

         Total current liabilities                                                       4,835,242       3,299,149
                                                                                        ----------      ----------

LONG-TERM DEBT, less current maturities:
    Related party                                                                           70,000         446,000
    Other                                                                                1,140,341       1,392,571
                                                                                        ----------      ----------
         Total long-term debt                                                            1,210,341       1,838,571

PARTNERS' EQUITY                                                                         1,043,908       1,137,498
                                                                                        ----------      ----------

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND PARTNERS' EQUITY                                                  $7,089,491      $6,275,218
                                                                                        ==========      ==========

             See accompanying notes to these financial statements.


                               WHITCO COMPANY, LLP

                            STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS

                                                    NINE MONTHS    NINE MONTHS    THREE MONTHS      MONTHS           YEAR
                                                       ENDED          ENDED           ENDED          ENDED           ENDED
                                                     JUNE 30,        JUNE 30,     DECEMBER 31,    SEPTEMBER 30,   DECEMBER 31,
                                                       2003            2002           2002           2002            2001
                                                   -------------- --------------- -------------- --------------  --------------
                                                    (unaudited)    (unaudited)      (unaudited)
    SALES                                          $ 10,644,295   $  9,600,503    $  3,282,406   $ 10,243,036    $ 11,784,438
    COST OF SALES                                     7,277,750      6,543,698       2,172,735      7,169,790       7,887,188
                                                   ------------   ------------    ------------   ------------    ------------

    GROSS MARGIN ON SALES                             3,366,545      3,056,805       1,109,671      3,073,246       3,897,250

        General, selling and administrative expenses  3,614,158      2,633,603       1,104,146      2,700,835       3,053,662
        Amortization of goodwill                              -              -               -              -         229,797
                                                   ------------   ------------    ------------   ------------    ------------

                                                      3,614,158      2,633,603       1,104,146      2,700,835       3,283,459
                                                   ------------   ------------    ------------   ------------    ------------

    INCOME FROM OPERATIONS                             (247,613)       423,202           5,525        372,411         613,791

        Interest expense                                220,977        209,099          71,519        224,677         292,138
                                                   ------------   ------------    ------------   ------------    ------------

    NET INCOME (LOSS)                              $   (468,590)  $    214,103    $    (65,994)  $    147,734    $    321,653
                                                   =============  ============    ============   ============    ============

        (LOSS): (unaudited)

    INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE PRO FORMA INCOME TAXES    $   (468,590)  $    214,103    $    (65,994)  $    147,734    $    321,653

    PRO FORMA INCOME TAXES                              169,250        (82,794)         22,838        (58,062)       (123,122)
                                                   ------------   -------------   ------------   ------------    ------------

    PRO FORMA NET INCOME (LOSS)                    $   (299,340)  $    131,309    $    (43,156)  $     89,672    $    198,531
                                                   =============  ============    ============   ============    ============

             See accompanying notes to these financial statements.


                               WHITCO COMPANY, LLP

                         STATEMENTS OF PARTNERS' EQUITY

                      For the Year Ended December 31, 2001,
                For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2002, and
               For the Nine Months Ended June 30, 2003 (Unaudited)

                                                                       PARTNERS'          RETAINED          PARTNERS'
                                                       UNITS         CONTRIBUTIONS        EARNINGS           EQUITY
                                                    -------------  -----------------  ----------------- ---------------
  BALANCE, January 1, 2001                               1,200     $     1,200,000    $       306,711   $     1,506,711

      Partners' distributions                                -                   -           (293,600)         (293,600)
      Net income                                             -                   -            321,653           321,653
                                                    ----------     ---------------    ---------------   ---------------

  BALANCE, December 31, 2001                             1,200           1,200,000            334,764         1,534,764

      Sale of partnership interest                         436             655,000                  -           655,000
      Redemption of partners' interest                    (800)         (1,200,000)                 -        (1,200,000)
      Net income                                             -                   -            147,734           147,734
                                                    ----------     ---------------    ---------------   ---------------

  BALANCE, September 30, 2002                              836             655,000            482,498         1,137,498

      Retirement of long term debt by conversion
         to partnership interest (unaudited)                57             375,000                  -           375,000
      Net loss (unaudited)                                   -                   -           (468,590)         (468,590)
                                                    ----------     ---------------    ----------------  ----------------

  BALANCE, June 30, 2003 (unaudited)                       893     $     1,030,000    $        13,908   $     1,043,908
                                                    ==========     ===============    ===============   ===============

             See accompanying notes to these financial statements.


                               WHITCO COMPANY, LLP
                            STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS

                                                                 NINE MONTHS       NINE MONTHS       NINE MONTHS
                                                                    ENDED             ENDED             ENDED           YEAR ENDED
                                                                   JUNE 30,          JUNE 30,         SEPTEMBER 30,     DECEMBER 31,
                                                                     2003              2002               2002              2001
                                                                  -----------       -----------       -----------       -----------
                                                                  (unaudited)       (unaudited)
    Net income (loss)                                             $  (468,590)      $   214,103       $   147,734       $   321,653
    Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash
         provided by (used in) operating activities:
             Loss on sale of property and equipment                    17,768
             Depreciation and amortization                             23,896            77,562            31,182           249,415
             Allowance for bad debt                                        --                --            32,406             9,048
             Change in operating assets and liabilities:
                 Trade receivables                                   (360,643)       (1,003,612)         (813,817)           (2,989)
                 Inventories                                         (469,902)          387,721            34,068          (190,183)
                 Prepaid expenses and other                            (5,545)            8,403            21,938           (14,849)
                 Accounts payable                                     726,510          (116,846)          720,595          (219,257)
                 Other accrued liabilities                            (10,357)          176,496           223,004           174,631
                                                                  -----------       -----------       -----------       -----------
         Net cash provided by (used in) operating activities         (546,863)         (256,173)          397,110           327,469
                                                                  -----------       -----------       -----------       -----------

    Purchase of property and equipment                                (19,846)          (31,930)          (74,307)          (26,934)
                                                                  -----------       -----------       -----------       -----------
         Net cash used in investing activities                        (19,846)          (31,930)          (74,307)          (26,934)
                                                                  -----------       -----------       -----------       -----------

    Net increase (decrease) in revolving note payable                 586,859           511,791           (99,276)          213,565
    Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt                               --                --           546,000                --
    Payments on short-term and long-term notes payable                (20,150)         (223,685)         (224,527)         (228,644)
    Sale of partnership interest                                           --                --           655,000                --
    Partners' distributions                                                --                --                --          (293,600)
    Redemption of partners' interest                                       --                --        (1,200,000)               --
                                                                  -----------       -----------       -----------       -----------
         Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities          566,709           288,106          (322,803)         (308,679)
                                                                  -----------       -----------       -----------       -----------

                                                                           --                 3                --            (8,144)
CASH, at beginning of period                                               --                (3)               --             8,144
                                                                  -----------       -----------       -----------       -----------
CASH, at end of period                                            $        --       $        --       $        --       $        --
                                                                  ===========       ===========       ===========       ===========
    Cash paid during the year for:
         Interest                                                 $   229,133       $   211,863       $   240,692       $   290,089
                                                                  ===========       ===========       ===========       ===========
    Conversion of long-term debt to partnership interest          $   375,000       $        --       $        --       $        --
                                                                  ===========       ===========       ===========       ===========
    Conversion of partnership interest to long-term debt          $        --       $   545,000       $        --       $        --
                                                                  ===========       ===========       ===========       ===========

              See accompanying notes to these financial statements.


                               WHITCO COMPANY, LLP

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
          (Information subsequent to September 30, 2002 is unaudited.)


        Nature of Operations - Whitco Company, LLP (the Company) was formed as a
        Texas  limited  liability  partnership  on June 27,  2000.  The Company,
        located in Fort Worth,  Texas,  sells sports and area lighting  poles to
        distributors throughout the United States of America.

        Pursuant  to a  redemption  in  May  2002,  the  Company  purchased  800
        partnership units for $1,200,000 (i.e., $1,500 per unit) from two of the
        three members. To finance the redemption of these partnership units, the
        Company issued 436  partnership  units for $655,000 (at $1,500 per unit)
        and  $545,000 in notes  payable to the then  remaining  member,  persons
        related  to him and a limited  number of new  investors.  The  change in
        ownership, however, did not result in a change in control or management,
        therefore all transactions were recorded at cost.

        Change in Year End - Effective  January 1, 2002, the Company changed its
        year end from December 31 to September 30.

        Inventories  -  Inventories  are  stated at the lower of cost or market,
        determined under the first-in, first-out method.

        Property  and  Equipment - Property  and  equipment  are stated at cost.
        Depreciation  and  amortization  of property  and  equipment is provided
        using the modified  straight-line  method over the  following  estimated
        useful lives:

               Vehicles and office furniture and equipment 5 years

        Depreciation  expense for the nine months  ended June 30, 2003 and 2002,
        for the nine  months  ended  September  30,  2002 and for the year ended
        December   31,   2001  was   $21,876,   $15,265,   $23,910  and  $5,461,
        respectively. Maintenance, repairs and renewals which neither materially
        add to the value of property and equipment nor  appreciably  prolong its
        life are charged to operations as incurred. Gains or losses on disposals
        of property and equipment are included in income.

        Impairment  of Long-Lived  Assets - Management  of the Company  assesses
        impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the
        carrying amount of a long-lived asset may not be recoverable. If the net
        carrying  value  exceeds the net cash  flows,  then  impairment  will be
        recognized to reduce the carrying value to the estimated fair value.


                               WHITCO COMPANY, LLP

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
          (Information subsequent to September 30, 2002 is unaudited.)

        Acquisition  and Goodwill - On June 30, 2000,  the Company  acquired the
        operating  assets and  liabilities  of Whitco  Sales,  Inc. The purchase
        price was allocated to the assets acquired and liabilities assumed based
        on their  estimated  fair value.  The fair value of assets  acquired and
        liabilities assumed was as follows:

               Receivables                                                                  $     1,560,576
               Inventories                                                                          585,901
               Property and equipment                                                                64,000
               Accounts payable                                                                    (633,922)
               Other accrued liabilities                                                           (220,931)
               Goodwill                                                                           3,301,513
               Fair value of net assets acquired                                            $     4,657,137

        The purchase was paid for as follows:

               Cash paid ($2,000 - June 30, 2000 and
                    $2,789,213 - August 1, 2000)                                            $     2,791,213
               Payable to seller upon collection of specific accounts receivable                    578,665
               Noninterest-bearing notes payable to Seller, net of discount of $244,504           1,287,259
               Purchase price                                                               $     4,657,137

        During fiscal 2001, the Company amortized  goodwill using a fifteen-year
        life.  Beginning  January 1, 2002,  the  Company  adopted  Statement  of
        Financial  Accounting  Standards No. 142 (SFAS 142)  "Goodwill and Other
        Intangible  Assets," and as a result  ceased  amortizing  goodwill.  The
        Company tests goodwill for impairment annually or on an interim basis if
        an event or  circumstance  occurs  between  the  annual  tests  that may
        indicate  impairment  of  goodwill.   Impairment  of  goodwill  will  be
        recognized in operating results in the period it is identified.  Had the
        Company recorded  amortization expense during the nine months ended June
        30, 2003 and the nine months ended  September  30, 2002,  unaudited  pro
        forma net income  (loss) would have been  approximately  $(578,640)  and
        $(25,000), respectively.


                               WHITCO COMPANY, LLP

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
          (Information subsequent to September 30, 2002 is unaudited.)

        Income  Taxes - The Company has been  organized  as a limited  liability
        partnership.  Accordingly,  no  provision  for  income  taxes  has  been
        provided for in the financial  statements  since  taxable  income of the
        Company is required to be reported by the  respective  partners on their
        income  tax  returns.   However,  the  Company  has  included  unaudited
        estimated  pro forma income taxes and the resulting pro forma net income
        (loss) in the statements of income.  Pro forma income taxes (tax refund)
        were estimated  using the effective  Federal and state tax rates,  as if
        the Company was a C-Corporation.

        Concentrations of Credit Risk - Financial  instruments which potentially
        subject the Company to  concentrations  of credit risk consist primarily
        of trade  receivables.  The Company  grants  credit to  distributors  of
        sports and area lighting  poles located  throughout the United States of
        America.  Collateral is generally  not required for the Company's  trade

        Use of Estimates - In preparing financial  statements in conformity with
        accounting  principles  generally  accepted  in  the  United  States  of
        America,  management is required to make estimates and assumptions  that
        affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, the disclosure of
        contingent   assets  and  liabilities  at  the  date  of  the  financial
        statements,  and the reported amounts of revenue and expenses during the
        reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

        Cash  Equivalents - For purposes of the  statements  of cash flows,  the
        Company considers all highly liquid investments with a maturity of three
        months or less to be cash equivalents. There were no cash equivalents at
        September 30, 2002 or June 30, 2003.

        Revenue  Recognition - The Company recognizes revenue in accordance with
        SEC Staff Accounting  Bulletin No. 101, Revenue Recognition in Financial
        Statements  (SAB 101), as amended by SAB 101A and 101B. SAB 101 requires
        that four basic  criteria must be met before  revenue can be recognized:
        (1)  persuasive  evidence of an  arrangement  exists;  (2)  delivery has
        occurred or services  rendered;  (3) the fee is fixed and  determinable;
        and (4) collectibility is reasonably assured. Company product is made to
        customer or industry specifications at an agreed upon price as typically
        specified in the customer  purchase order.  Title passes to the customer
        at the  point of  shipment  along  with all the  risks  and  rewards  of
        ownership.  Customers receive a one-year product warranty for defects in
        materials and workmanship  providing  repair or replacement or refund of
        purchase  price.  The  Company  provides  an  accrual  as a reserve  for
        potential warranty costs, which historically have not been significant.

        Stock-Based   Compensation  -  The  Company   accounts  for  partnership
        interest-based  compensation  for employees  using the  intrinsic  value
        method  prescribed  in  Accounting  Principles  Board  Opinion  No.  25,
        Accounting for Stock Issued to Employees,  and related  interpretations.
        Accordingly,  compensation  cost  for  partnership  options  granted  to
        employees is measured as the excess,  if any, of the market price of the
        Company's  partnership interest at the measurement date (generally,  the
        date of grant)  over the  amount an  employee  must pay to  acquire  the
        partnership interest.


                               WHITCO COMPANY, LLP

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
          (Information subsequent to September 30, 2002 is unaudited.)

        In October 1995, the Financial  Accounting  Standards Board issued a new
        statement titled Accounting for Stock-Based Compensation (SFAS No. 123).
        SFAS No. 123 requires that options,  warrants,  and similar  instruments
        which are granted to non-employees for goods and services be recorded at
        fair value on the grant date. Fair value is generally  determined  under
        an option  pricing  model using the  criteria set forth in SFAS No. 123.
        The  Company  did not adopt  SFAS No.  123 to  account  for  partnership
        interest-based  compensation  for  employees  but is  subject to the pro
        forma disclosure requirements.

        Interim  Financial  Information  - The  accompanying  interim  financial
        information  as of June 30, 2003 and for the periods ended June 30, 2003
        and 2002 and December 31, 2002 has been taken from the  Company's  books
        and records without audit.  However, in the opinion of management,  such
        information   includes  all  adjustments   (consisting  only  of  normal
        recurring  accruals)  necessary to fairly present the financial position
        as of June 30,  2003 and  results of  operations  of the Company for the
        periods ended June 30, 2002 and 2001 and December 31, 2002.

        Impact of Recently Issued Accounting  Pronouncements - In July 2002, the
        FASB  issued  Statements  of  Financial  Accounting  Standards  No. 146,
        Accounting for Costs  Associated with Exit or Disposal  Activities (SFAS
        146).  SFAS 146 requires  companies to recognize  costs  associated with
        exit or disposal  activities  when they are incurred  rather than at the
        date of a  commitment  to an exit or  disposal  plan.  Examples of costs
        covered by SFAS 146 include lease termination costs and certain employee
        severance costs that are associated with a  restructuring,  discontinued
        operation,  plant closing, or other exit or disposal activity.  SFAS 146
        is to be applied  prospectively to exit or disposal activities initiated
        after  December  31,  2002.  The adoption of SFAS 146 is not expected to
        have a material effect on the Company's financial position or results of
        its operations.

        In August  2002,  the FASB issued  Statements  of  Financial  Accounting
        Standards No. 147, Acquisitions of Certain Financial  Institutions (SFAS
        147). SFAS 147 requires financial institutions to follow the guidance in
        SFAS  141 and  SFAS  142 for  business  combinations  and  goodwill  and
        intangible  assets,  as opposed  to the  previously  applied  accounting
        literature.  This statement also amends SFAS 144 to include in its scope
        long-term   customer   relationship   intangible   assets  of  financial
        institutions. The provisions of SFAS 147 do not apply to the Company.

        In December  2002,  the FASB issued  Statements of Financial  Accounting
        Standards No.148,  Accounting for Stock-Based  Compensation - Transition
        and  Disclosure  - An Amendment of FASB  Statement  123 (SFAS 123).  For
        entities that change their accounting for stock-based  compensation from
        the  intrinsic  method to the fair value method under SFAS 123, the fair
        value  method is to be applied  prospectively  to those  awards  granted
        after the beginning of the period of adoption (the prospective  method).
        The amendment permits two additional  transition methods for adoption of
        the fair value method. In addition to the prospective method, the entity
        can choose to either (i)  restate  all  periods  presented  (retroactive
        restatement  method)  or  (ii)  recognize  compensation  cost  from  the
        beginning of the fiscal year of adoption as if the fair value method had
        been used to  account  for awards  (modified  prospective  method).  For
        fiscal years beginning December 15, 2003, the prospective method will no
        longer be allowed.  The Company  currently  accounts for its stock-based
        compensation   using  the  intrinsic   value  method  as  proscribed  by
        Accounting  Principles Board Opinion No. 25, Accounting for Stock Issued
        to Employees  and plans on  continuing  using this method to account for
        stock  options,  therefore,  it does not intend to adopt the  transition
        requirements  as  specified in SFAS 148. The Company has adopted the new
        SFAS  148  disclosure  requirements  of  SFAS  148  in  these  financial

        In May 2003, the FASB issued  Statement No. 150,  Accounting for Certain
        Financial  Instruments  with  Characteristics  of Both  Liabilities  and
        Equity ("FAS 150").  FAS 150 requires that three classes of freestanding
        financial  statements that embody obligations for entities be classified
        as   liabilities.   Generally,   FAS  150  is  effective  for  financial
        instruments entered into or modified after May 31, 2003 and is otherwise
        effective at the beginning of the first interim period  beginning  after
        June 15, 2003. The Company does not believe the adoption of FAS 150 will
        have  a  material  impact  on  its  financial  position  or  results  of


                               WHITCO COMPANY, LLP

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
          (Information subsequent to September 30, 2002 is unaudited.)


        Inventories are comprised of the following:
                                             June 30,         September 30,
                                               2003               2002
                                        -------------------  ---------------

              Raw materials             $       1,093,152    $       580,060
              Work in process                     176,628            271,973
              Finished goods                       52,155                  -
                                        -----------------    ---------------

                                        $       1,321,935    $       852,033
                                        =================    ===============


        The  Company has a revolving  credit  agreement  with a bank which bears
        interest at the bank's prime rate plus 1.50%  (totaling  5.75% and 6.25%
        at June 30, 2003 and  September  30, 2002) which  enables the Company to
        borrow  up to  the  lesser  of  $2,000,000  or the  aggregate  of 80% of
        eligible accounts receivable and 50% of eligible inventory as defined by
        the  agreement.  Borrowings  outstanding  on  the  revolving  loan  were
        $1,673,884  and  $1,087,025  at June 30, 2003 and  September  30,  2002,

        Borrowings under the revolving credit  agreement are  collateralized  by
        essentially all assets of the Company including accounts  receivable and
        inventory.  The  agreement  requires  the  Company to  maintain  certain
        financial covenants which include tangible net worth, cash flow coverage
        and debt ratios as defined in the  agreement.  As of June 30, 2003,  the
        Company was not in compliance with certain financial covenants,  whereby
        enabling  the lender to call the note on demand.  The lender is aware of
        this  non-compliance  and the  Company  does not believe its lender will
        initiate  any  action  which  would  be  detrimental  to  the  Company's
        liquidity situation.  The agreement also limits the amount of additional
        third-party  borrowings  the  Company  can  obtain  and  the  amount  of
        distributions the Company can pay partners.  The agreement is subject to
        annual review by the lender who has the right to terminate or change any
        of the terms and conditions of the agreement.


        Long-term debt at year end consists of the following:

                                                                                          June 30,        September 30,
                                                                                            2003              2002
                                                                                       ---------------   ----------------
       Noninterest-bearing  note payable to an  individual,  discounted  at 6.3%
       (unamortized discount of $47,766 and $75,509 at June 30, 2003 and
       September 30, 2002), payable in annual installments of $217,851 (a).            $     613,347     $       578,043

       Noninterest-bearing  note payable to an  individual,  discounted at 6.22%
       (unamortized  discount  of  $15,148  and  $20,207  at June  30,  2003 and
       30, 2002, respectively), payable in monthly installments of $7,375 (a)                167,720             222,175

       Note payable to an individual with indirect ownership in the partnership,
       note was assigned to a nonrelated limited partnership  effective December
       27, 2001,  principal  due July 31, 2005,  interest  payable  monthly at a
       fixed rate
       of 15% (b)                                                                            700,000             700,000

       Note payable to a family member of a partner, rate of 15%, unsecured (b) (c)                -              50,000

       Subordinated note payable to a partner, rate 15%, unsecured. (c)                            -             250,000
       Subordinated  note  payable  to a  partner,  due  April 30,  2007,  rate 15%,
       unsecured.                                                                             20,000              20,000
       Subordinated note payable to a partner, rate 15%, unsecured. (c)                            -              76,000
       Subordinated  note  payable  to a  partner,  due  April 30,  2007,  rate 15%,
       unsecured.                                                                             50,000              50,000
       Subordinated  note payable to an  individual,  due April 30, 2007,  rate 15%,
       unsecured.                                                                            150,000             150,000
                                                                                       -------------     ---------------
                                                                                           1,701,067           2,096,218
       Less current maturities                                                              (490,726)           (257,646)
                                                                                       --------------    ---------------

                                                                                       $   1,210,341     $     1,838,572
                                                                                       =============     ===============


                               WHITCO COMPANY, LLP

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
          (Information subsequent to September 30, 2002 is unaudited.)

       (a) Notes are  collateralized by all assets of the Company.  The security
           interest in inventory and accounts  receivable is subordinated to the
           revolving  bank  note and the  security  interest  in all  assets  is
           subordinated to notes marked as (b).

       (b) Notes  are  collateralized  by all  assets  of the  Company  but  are
           subordinated to the revolving bank note.

       (c) In January 2003, the Company converted three individual notes payable
           held by existing members of the partnership into partnership units at
           $6,617.38  per unit.  The  conversion  rate was  determined  based on
           "negotiated"  best  estimate of fair market  value of the  underlying
           partnership  units  at  the  conversion  date  between  the  parties.
           Interest was paid to note holders on the date of conversion.

        Aggregate annual  maturities of long-term debt at September 30, 2002 are
as follows:

                   2003                                     $       257,646
                   2004                                             523,133
                   2005                                           1,019,439
                   2006                                                   -
                   2007                                             296,000

                                                            $     2,096,218

        During the nine  months  ended June 30,  2003 and 2002,  the nine months
        ended  September  30, 2002 and the year ended  December  31,  2001,  the
        Company had $7,875, $15,525,  $27,875 and $0, respectively,  of interest
        expense on notes due to related parties.


        During  the nine  months  ended  September  30,  2002 and the year ended
        December  31,  2001,  one  customer  accounted  for more than 10% of the
        Company's sales, totaling 14% and 14%, respectively.  The Company grants
        lighting agencies the exclusive right to sell the Company's  products in
        given geographical locations. During the nine months ended September 30,
        2002,  one agency  accounted for more than 10% of the  Company's  sales,
        totaling 10%.

        During  the nine  months  ended  September  30,  2002 and the year ended
        December 31, 2001,  45% and 85% of the  Company's  material and assembly
        purchases of lighting  poles were from two vendors.  Although  there are
        multiple vendors with which the Company could enter into agreements, the
        deterioration or cessation of either  relationship could have a material
        adverse effect, at least  temporarily,  on the Company as it attempts to
        negotiate agreements with other manufactures of lighting poles. Accounts
        payable  to  these  two  vendors  were  $711,862  and  $1,149,766  as of
        September 30, 2002 and June 30, 2003, respectively.


        Partnership  Option  Plans - In June 2000,  the partners  began  issuing
        options for the purchase of partnership  units to certain key employees.
        Approximately 241 units have been issued through June 30, 2003.


                               WHITCO COMPANY, LLP

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
          (Information subsequent to September 30, 2002 is unaudited.)

         Following is a summary of partnership option activity:

                                                                                       Range of              Weighted
                                                               Employee            Exercise Prices            Average
                                                               Options        ---------------------------    Exercise
                                                             Outstanding          Low           High           Price
                                                           -----------------  ------------   ------------  --------------
       Balances, December 31, 2001                                  300       $    1,000     $   1,000     $     1,000
            Granted                                                 146            2,887         2,887           2,887
            Exercised                                                 -                -             -               -
            Terminated/Canceled                                    (240)           1,000         2,887           1,348
                                                           ------------       ----------     ---------     -----------

       Balances, September 30, 2002                                 206            1,000         2,887           1,931

           Granted (unaudited)                                       35            2,887         2,887           2,887
           Exercised (unaudited)                                      -                -             -               -
           Terminated/Canceled (unaudited)                            -                -             -               -
                                                           ------------       ----------     ---------     -----------

       Balances, June 30, 2003 (unaudited)                          241       $    1,000     $   2,887     $     2,070
                                                           ============       ==========     =========     ===========

       Vested options (unaudited)                                   118       $    1,000     $   2,887     $     1,216
                                                           ============       ==========     =========     ===========

        If not previously exercised, options expire as follows:

             Year Ending                 Number of           Exercise
             September 30,                 Shares              Price
             ------------            ------------------- ------------------

                  2011                        127        $     1,327
                  2012                         22              2,887
                  2013                         92              2,887



                               WHITCO COMPANY, LLP

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
          (Information subsequent to September 30, 2002 is unaudited.)

       Proforma Stock-Based Compensation Disclosures - SFAS No. 123 requires the
       Company  to  provide  pro forma  information  regarding  net income as if
       compensation  costs for the Company's  partnership option plans and other
       partnership  interest  awards had been  determined in accordance with the
       fair value based method prescribed in SFAS No. 123. The Company estimates
       the fair value of each  partnership  award at the grant date by using the
       Black-Scholes  option-pricing  model with the following  weighted-average

                                              June 30,            September 30,         December 31,
                                                2003                  2002                  2001
                                          ------------------    ------------------    -----------------
               Dividend yield                    0%                    0%                    0%
               Volatility                        0%                    0%                    0%
               Risk free interest rate          3.83%                 3.61%                4.55%
               Expected life                  10 years              10 years              10 years

       Under the  accounting  provisions of SFAS No. 123, there was no effect to
       the Company's net income for the nine months ended September 30, 2002 and
       the year ended December 31, 2001.


        During the nine  months  ended June 30,  2003 and 2002,  the nine months
        ended  September 30, 2002 and for the year ended  December 31, 2001, the
        Company paid $49,315,  $42,000, $24,000 and $12,000,  respectively,  for
        accounting  and  administrative  services to an entity  related  through
        common ownership.

        During the nine  months  ended June 30,  2003 and 2002,  the nine months
        ended  September  30, 2002 and the year ended  December  31,  2001,  the
        Company  had  sales  of  $262,223,  $311,248,  $266,580,  and  $679,527,
        respectively,  to an entity whose  principal  owner is the brother of an
        employee of the Company.  Accounts  receivable  from this related entity
        were $27,743 and $24,894 at June 30, 2003 and 2002, respectively.

        See Note 4 for other related party transactions.


                               WHITCO COMPANY, LLP

                          NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
          (Information subsequent to September 30, 2002 is unaudited.)


        The Company  leases a facility  and  equipment  under  operating  leases
expiring at various dates through 2005.

        The future minimum payments required under these operating leases are as

                   Year Ending
                   September 30,

                        2003                  $       40,166
                        2004                           6,783
                        2005                           2,220
                                              $       49,169

        Rent expense for the nine months ended June 30, 2003 and 2002,  the nine
        months ended  September  30, 2002 and the year ended  December 31, 2001,
        was $34,331, $39,993, $39,364 and $55,525, respectively.


        Subsequent  to December  31,  2002,  the Company  entered  into a merger
        agreement with Catalyst  Lighting  Group,  Inc. (CLG) (formerly known as
        Wentworth III, Inc.).  The merger (the Merger) was effective  August 27,
        2003,  after all  contingencies  had been met. For  financial  statement
        purposes,  the Company will be  considered  the acquiring  company.  For
        legal  purposes,   however,   CLG  will  remain  the  surviving  entity,
        therefore,  the combined entity will retain CLG's capital  structure and
        all the partnerships' units will be converted into common stock of CLG.

        On August 6, 2003, Whitco Company LLP received a bridge loan of $250,000
        from  Keating  Reverse  Merger  Fund  ("Lender").  The note and  accrued
        interest is due  February 6, 2004.  Interest on the note is at a rate of
        10%. In consideration for the note, the Company agreed to issue warrants
        for the purchase of up to 125,000  shares (the "Warrant  Shares") of the
        common stock of CLG upon  consummation of the Merger at a price of $2.00
        per Warrant  Share.  The agreement  carries  certain rights to repay the
        note early following any capital raised by the company.


                         PRO FORMA FINANCIAL INFORMATION


In August 2003,  Catalyst  Lighting  Group,  Inc. (CLG)  completed a merger with
Whitco. On January 31, 2003,  certain  noteholders  converted  $375,000 of notes
that were outstanding at December 31, 2002 into  partnership  units which are to
be exchanged into CLG common stock. CLG's assets and liabilities were nominal at
the date of the agreement.  The transaction is accounted for as a reverse merger
acquisition,  which  results  in a  recapitalization  of WC in as  much as it is
deemed  to be  the  acquiring  entity  for  accounting  purposes.  Assuming  the
acquisition is successful, the registrant intends to adopt Whitco's year end.

The accompanying unaudited pro forma combining, condensed balance sheet combines
the balance  sheet of WC as of June 30, 2003 with the balance sheet of CLG as of
June 30, 2003.

The  accompanying  unaudited  pro  forma  combining,   condensed  statements  of
operations  combine the  operations of WC and CLG for the nine months ended June
30,  2003  and  for  the  twelve  months  ended  December  31,  2002,  as if the
acquisition  and  conversion  of notes was  completed as of the beginning of the
periods presented under the purchase method of accounting.

These  statements  are not  necessarily  indicative of future  operations or the
actual  results that would have occurred had the merger been  consummated at the
beginning of the periods indicated.

The unaudited pro forma combined,  condensed financial statements should be read
in  conjunction  with the  historical  financial  statements  and notes thereto,
included elsewhere in this document.


                               WHITCO COMPANY, LLP
                          CATALYST LIGHTING GROUP, INC.
                                    PRO FORMA

                                                         WHITCO          LIGHTING
                                                      COMPANY, LLP     GROUP, INC.
                                                        JUNE 30,         JUNE 30,                         PRO FORMA
                                                          2003             2003           MERGER           COMBINED
                                                     -------------     ------------     -----------      -------------
   Cash                                              $           -     $        376     $         -      $         376
   Trade receivables                                     2,640,753                -               -          2,640,753
   Inventory                                             1,321,935                -               -          1,321,935
   Prepaid expenses and other                               25,574                -               -             25,574
                                                     -------------     ------------     -----------      -------------
      Total current assets                               3,988,262              376               -          3,988,638

CASH RESTRICTED                                                  -           45,000               -             45,000

PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENT, net                                114,074                -               -            114,074

    Goodwill                                             2,971,362                -               -          2,971,362
    Other                                                   15,793                -               -             15,793
                                                     -------------     ------------     -----------      -------------

TOTAL ASSETS                                         $   7,089,491     $     45,376     $         -      $   7,134,867
                                                     =============     ============     ===========      =============

   Revolving note payable                            $   1,673,884                -     $         -      $   1,673,884
   Current portion of notes payable                        490,726                -               -            490,726
   Other current liabilities                             2,670,632           44,058 (b)      50,000          2,764,690
                                                     -------------     ------------     -----------      -------------
      Total current liabilities                          4,835,242           44,058          50,000          4,929,300

LONG-TERM OBLIGATIONS, net of current portion            1,210,341                -               -          1,210,341
                                                     -------------     ------------     -----------      -------------

TOTAL LIABILITIES                                        6,045,583           44,058          50,000          6,139,641

   Common stock/partners' contribution                   1,030,000            2,000 (b)       2,000             33,914

                                                                                    (c)  (1,000,086)

   Additional paid-in capital                                    -           25,937 (b)     386,000          1,385,404
                                                                                    (c)     973,467

   Retained earnings (accumulated deficit)                  13,908          (26,619)(b)    (388,000)          (424,092)
                                                     -------------     -------------                     --------------
                                                                                    (b)     (50,000)
                                                                                    (c)      26,619
      Total stockholders' equity                         1,043,908            1,318         (50,000)           995,226
                                                     -------------     ------------     ------------     -------------

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY           $   7,089,491     $     45,376     $         -      $   7,134,867
                                                     =============     ============     ===========      =============


                               WHITCO COMPANY, LLP
                          CATALYST LIGHTING GROUP, INC.

                                    PRO FORMA

                                                    WHITCO         CATALYST
                                                 COMPANY, LLP      LIGHTING
                                                 FOR THE NINE     GROUP, INC.
                                                 MONTHS ENDED    FOR THE NINE
                                                   JUNE 30,      MONTHS ENDED
                                                     2003          JUNE 30,           PRO FORMA       PRO FORMA
                                                                     2003            ADJUSTMENTS       COMBINED
                                                -------------    -------------       ------------    -------------

NET SALES                                       $  10,644,295    $           -       $          -    $  10,644,295

COST OF SALES                                       7,277,750                -                  -        7,277,750
                                                -------------    -------------       ------------    -------------

GROSS PROFIT                                        3,366,545                -                  -        3,366,545

OPERATING EXPENSE                                   3,614,158            6,773                  -        3,620,931
                                                -------------    -------------       ------------    -------------

LOSS FROM OPERATIONS                                 (247,613)          (6,773)                 -         (254,386)

OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE)                                                           (a)       14,100
                                                                                 (b)     (388,000)
                                                     (220,977)               1   (b)      (50,000)        (644,876)
                                                --------------   -------------       -------------   --------------

NET LOSS BEFORE PRO FORMA INCOME TAXES               (468,590)          (6,772)          (423,900)        (899,262)

PRO FORMA INCOME TAXES                                169,250            2,512           (178,662)          (6,900)
                                                -------------    -------------       -------------   --------------

NET LOSS                                        $    (299,340)   $      (4,260)      $   (602,562)   $    (906,162)
                                                ==============   ==============      =============   ==============

BASIC AND DILUTED NET LOSS PER SHARE                             $       (.02)       $          -    $        (.03)
                                                                 =============       ============    ==============

COMMON STOCK OUTSTANDING                                               200,000          3,191,368        3,391,368
                                                                 =============       ============    =============


                               WHITCO COMPANY, LLP
                          CATALYST LIGHTING GROUP, INC.

                                    PRO FORMA

                                    WHITCO                          WHITCO         CATALYST
                                 COMPANY, LLP       WHITCO       COMPANY, LLP      LIGHTING
                                 FOR THE NINE    COMPANY, LLP      FOR THE       GROUP, INC.
                                 MONTHS ENDED   FOR THE THREE   TWELVE MONTHS    FOR THE YEAR
                                   SEPTEMBER     MONTHS ENDED       ENDED           ENDED
                                   30, 2002      DECEMBER 31,    DECEMBER 31,    DECEMBER 31,        PRO FORMA       PRO FORMA
                                                     2002            2002            2002           ADJUSTMENTS       COMBINED
                                 -------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------    --------------- ---------------
NET SALES                        $ 10,243,036   $   3,282,406   $  13,525,442   $           -      $          -    $  13,525,442

COST OF SALES                       7,169,790       2,172,735       9,342,525               -                 -        9,342,525
                                 ------------   -------------   -------------   -------------      ------------    -------------

GROSS PROFIT                        3,073,246       1,109,671       4,182,917               -                 -        4,182,917

OPERATING EXPENSE                   2,700,835       1,104,146       3,804,981          18,550                 -        3,823,531
                                 ------------   -------------   -------------   -------------      ------------    -------------

LOSS FROM OPERATIONS                  372,411           5,525         377,936         (18,550)                -          359,386

OTHER INCOME (EXPENSE)               (224,677)        (71,519)       (296,196)             25  (a)       14,100         (835,071)
                                                                                               (b)     (388,000)
                                                                                               (b)     (165,000)
                                 ------------   -------------   -------------   -------------      ------------    -------------
    FORMA INCOME TAXES                147,734         (65,994)         81,740         (18,525)         (538,900)        (475,685)

PRO FORMA INCOME TAXES                (58,062)         22,838         (35,224)          6,873            19,121           (9,230)
                                 ------------   -------------   -------------   -------------      ------------    -------------

NET INCOME (LOSS)                $     89,672   $     (43,156)  $      46,516   $     (11,652)     $   (519,779)   $    (484,915)
                                 ============   =============   =============   =============      ============    =============

    LOSS PER SHARE                                                              $           -      $          -    $        (.14)
                                                                                =============      ============    =============

COMMON STOCK OUTSTANDING                                                              200,000  (d)    3,191,368        3,391,368
                                                                                =============      ============    =============


                               WHITCO COMPANY, LLP
                          CATALYST LIGHTING GROUP, INC.


(a)      To reflect the  reduction  of the  related  interest  expense  totaling
         $14,100 and $14,100 for the nine months ended June 30, 2003 and for the
         twelve  months ended  December 31, 2002,  respectively,  related to the
         conversion of $375,000 of notes payable in January, 2003.

(b)      To reflect expenses related to the merger,  which are primarily related
         to investment  banker,  legal and accounting fees. The Company incurred
         approximately  $553,000 of merger  expenses.  $165,000  will be paid in
         cash (of which  $115,000 was accrued  during the nine months ended June
         30, 2003) and the remainder in common stock valued at $388,000.

(c)      To reflect the conversion of partnership units of WC to common stock of
         the Company and elimination of accumulated deficit of CLG.

(d)      To reflect the issuance of  3,191,368  shares in  conjunction  with the
