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Washington, D.C. 20549


Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the month of May, 2010

Commission File Number 1-15106

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

Brazilian Petroleum Corporation - PETROBRAS
(Translation of Registrant's name into English)

Avenida República do Chile, 65
20031-912 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Federative Republic of Brazil
(Address of principal executive office)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F. 

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Rio de Janeiro – May 14, 2010 – Petrobras announces today its consolidated results expressed in millions of Brazilian Reais, for the first time in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). These are the Company’s first financial statements presented in accordance with IFRS. Information for the first and fourth quarters of 2009 (1Q-2009 and 4Q-2009) has been adjusted retroactive to 01.01.2009.

Consolidated net income totaled R$ 7,726 million in 1Q-2010

Main Results

R$ million
                1st Quarter     
4Q-2009   1Q10 X
      2010   2009   2010 X
7,438    4   Consolidated Net Income    7,726    6,291    23
14,317    5   EBITDA    15,076    13,506    12
347,085    (4)   Market Value (Parent Company)    332,381    285,151    17
2,561    (1)   Total Oil and Natural Gas Production (th. barrel/day)    2,547    2,482    3


1Q-2010 Highlights

•     Net income increased by 23% over 1Q-2009, mainly due to Brent crude prices, which averaged US$ 76/bbl (+73% over 1Q-2009), and the recovery of sales volume.

•     Total oil and gas production moved up by 3% year-on-year. Petrobras began the extended well test (EWT) in the Tiro and Sídon fields in the Santos Basin.

•     Investments totaled R$ 17,753 million in the quarter, most of which funded by the Company’s strong cash flow, which totaled R$ 15.5 billion as measured by EBITDA.

•     Discovery of oil in the post- and pre-salt layers of the Barracuda field in the Campos Basin, and light crude in the Piranema field in the Sergipe Basin. These discoveries are the fruit of Petrobras’ strategy of intensifying exploration in areas adjacent to the productive fields in order to take full advantage of existing installations and, consequently, reduce production costs and ensure the rapid start-up of any new volumes discovered.

•     Sales totaled 3,507 mil (thousand) barrels/day, 3% up on the previous quarter and 7% more than in 1Q09.

•     Approval of CAPEX of between US$ 200-220 billion for the 2010-2014 Business Plan.

•     Announcement of the Investment and Shareholders’ Agreement with Odebrecht and Braskem, consolidating holdings in the petrochemical sector.

Investor Relations Department I E-mail: petroinvest@petrobras.com.br / acionistas@petrobras.com.br
Av. República do Chile, 65 – 22nd floor - 20031-912 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ I Tel.: 55 (21) 3224-1510 / 9947

This document may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (Securities Act), and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (Exchange Act) that merely reflect the expectations of the Company’s management. Such terms as “anticipate”, “believe”, “expect”, “forecast”, “intend”, “plan”, “project”, “seek”, “should”, along with similar or analogous expressions, are used to identify such forward-looking statements. These predictions evidently involve risks and uncertainties, whether foreseen or not by the Company. Therefore, the future results of operations may differ from current expectations, and readers must not base their expectations exclusively on the information presented herein.

Dear shareholders and investors,

It is with considerable pride that we present Petrobras’ first quarterly results in accordance with international financial reporting standards (IFRS). The year over year increase of 23% in net income and 12% in cash flow measured by EBITDA is the result of growing production and higher international prices, and reinforces the soundness our business model.

We continue to increase our output of oil in Brazil, the foundation of our operating and financial results. In the first quarter, production increased by 3% year-on-year. In April we established a monthly production record, 2,032,620 barrels per day, exceeding by 29 mil (thousand) barrels our previous best in September of 2009. The record was largely due to the connection of new wells in Marlim Leste, and to the FPSO Cidade de Vitória, in Golfinho, as well as the beginning of the extended well test (EWT) in the Tiro and Sidon fields. The installation of the EWT less than two years after its discovery of Tiro and Sidon, and the transfer of the FPSO Capixaba de Golfinho to the Parque da Baleias, reflect the range of our opportunities and the flexibility of our portfolio.

On the pre-salt front, we are continuing to concentrate our efforts on the BMS-9 and BMS-11 blocks. We have drilled and tested new wells in Tupi as part of our evaluation of the area. These wells will serve as the basis for the pilot project, which is expected to begin production by year end. These wells have reconfirmed the positive volumes and productivity experienced to date. We have also authorized the construction of eight FPSO-type hulls whose resulting platforms will be installed in the pre-salt area of the Santos Basin, thereby maintaining the development timetable on schedule.

Supported by our strong cash flow, we invested R$ 17.8 billion in the quarter, with a focus on increasing production capacity and integrating all our energy related activities.

We are passing through a period of crucial importance to our shareholders. In the coming months we will approach the market to increase our capital, to provide Petrobras with the financial resources needed to develop our pre-salt discoveries while expanding as an integrated company. We are fully committed to a fair and transparent operation, respecting all the rights of minority and preferred shareholders and employing best corporate governance practices. We are definitely moving forward to increase our capital, whether or not Congress approves the bill that authorizes the Transfer of Rights with Compensation and the Capitalization. The bill is currently before the Senate and we are hopeful it will be approved in time to complete the capitalization by July.

Our priority is to grow in an integrated manner and with profitability. In order to do so, we rely on a sound resource base that generates substantial cash flow. We also have access to various sources of funding, either through the banks or the capital market, allowing us to grow and invest, maintaining an appropriate capital structure and giving the Company sufficient financial muscle to sustain its expansion. All these steps are underpinned by the absolute certainty that we have one of the best portfolios of projects and opportunities in the world, and that we will invest all our funds with efficiency and discipline, thereby ensuring returns for our shareholders, investors and society as a whole.


Main items and Consolidated Economic Indicators

R$ million
            1st Quarter     
4Q-2009   1Q10 X
      2010   2009   2010 X
60,866   4   Gross Operating Revenues    63,324   53,636   18
47,696   6   Net Operating Revenues    50,412   42,630   18
18,124   7   Gross Profit    19,310   16,815   15
9,658   20   Operating Profit 1    11,617   10,347   12
111   (732)   Financial Result    (701)   (341)   106
7,438   4   Net Income    7,726   6,291   23
0.85   4   Net Income per Share    0.88   0.72   22
        Resultado líquido por segmento de negócio             
5,992   22   Exploration & Production    7,312   2,501   192
1,209   (8)   Supply    1,116   4,639   (76)
163   98   Gas and Energy    323   (142)   (327)
303   19   Distribution    362   227   59
(141)   (417)   International    447   (338)   (232)
251   (603)   Corporate    (1,262)   (1,129)   12
20,077   (12)   Consolidated Investments    17,753   14,380   23
38   -   Gross Margin (%)    38   39   (1)
20   3   Operating Margin (%)    23   24   (1)
16   (1)   Net Margin (%)    15   15   -
14,317   5   EBITDA – R$ million(2)    15,076   13,506   12
75   1   Brent (US$/bbl)    76   44   73
1.74   3   US Dollar Average Price - Sale (R$)    1.80   2.32   (22)
1.74   2   US Dollar Last Price - Sale (R$)    1.78   2.32   (23)
        Price Indicators (*)             
154.82   2   Average Oil Products Realization Prices (R$/bbl)    157.65   163.59   (4)
        Average sale price - Brazil             
70.24   4   Oil (US$/bbl)    72.92   32.23   126
15.51   (7)   Natural Gas(US$/bbl)    14.39   31.50   (54)
        Average sale price - International             
64.39   (4)   Oil (US$/bbl)    62.02   39.21   58
14.36   3   Natural Gas(US$/bbl)    14.81   12.75   16


1 Operating income before financial result, equity balance and taxes.
2 Operating income before financial result, equity balance + depreciation/amortization.


1Q-2010 x 1Q-2009 Results

•     Net Income3

Consolidated net income totaled R$ 7,726 million, 23% up on 1Q-2009, reflecting the gains from the sale of oil and oil products, influenced by the recovery of domestic sales volume and the impact of higher commodity prices on export prices. These effects more than offset the reduction in domestic diesel and gasoline prices and the upturn in unit costs, particularly expenses with government take and imports, which were also affected by international prices. Operating expenses climbed by 19%, due to the constitution of provisions for contingencies for legal processes related to the levying of ICMS-RJ (state VAT) on the P-36 platform (R$ 449 million), the action for damages due to the cancellation of the IPI (federal VAT) credit-premium assignment (R$ 399 million) and the action for damages arising from the Plano Cruzado involving three contracts for the construction of ships (R$ 79 million). Other contributory factors included estimated impairment losses on assets in Argentina (San Lorenzo Refinery) and the Breitener thermal plant, as well as expenses from the leasing of LNG regasification vessels, which began operating in 3Q-2009

The financial result was negative (R$ 360 million), reflecting the impact of the exchange variation on foreign assets and the increase in the dollar-denominated debt (R$ 319 million).

The higher result from relevant interests (R$ 176 million) was due to provisions for losses on investments in the Pasadena Refinery (R$ 341 million) in 2009.

Minority interest generated a positive impact of R$ 360 million, due to the impact of the exchange variation on SPE debt and the exercise of stock options on certain structured projects, as well as the revision of future inflow from financial leasing operations, both at the end of 2009.

Provision for interest on own capital in the 1Q-2010 provided a R$ 597 million fiscal benefit.

•     EBITDA

EBITDA totaled R$ 15,076 million, 12% up on 1Q-2009, fueled by the increase in the average export price, international sales and higher domestic sales volume. These effects were partially offset by the upturn in unit costs, due to the increased government take, and lower domestic sales prices, caused by the reduction in the price of diesel (15%) and gasoline (5%) in June 2009, in addition to higher operating expenses.

•     Investments

• First-quarter investments totaled R$ 17,753 million, most of which went to increasing future oil and gas production capacity, to the refineries, in order to expand capacity and improve fuel quality, and to the Brazilian gas pipeline network, thereby improving distribution and market service.

3 For further details, see Appendix 2.


1Q-2010 x 4Q-2009 Results

•     Net Income4

Consolidated net income moved up by 4% over 4Q-2009, reflecting higher oil exports and the upturn in the total average sale price, offset by the higher government take. Operating expenses fell by 9%, due to the write-offs of dry and economically unviable wells (R$ 620 million), provisions for impairment losses on E&P assets (R$ 350 million), expenses with institutional relations and cultural projects and unscheduled stoppages (R$ 261 million), which more than offset the constitution of provisions for contingencies for legal processes related to the levying of ICMS-RJ (state VAT) on the P-36 platform (R$ 449 million), the action for damages due to the cancellation of the IPI (federal VAT) credit-premium assignment (R$ 399 million) and the action for damages arising from the Plano Cruzado involving three contracts for the construction of ships (R$ 79 million).

The financial result was negative (R$ 812 million), reflecting the impact of the exchange variation on foreign assets and the increase in the dollar-denominated debt (R$ 790 million).

•     EBITDA

EBITDA increased by 5% over 4Q-2009, reflecting the impact of higher commodity prices on export prices and the sale price of oil products pegged to international prices, as well as higher export volume and the reduction in operating expenses.


4 For further details, see Appendix 3.



Petrobras operates in an integrated manner, with the greater part of oil and gas production in the exploration and production area being transferred to other Company areas.

When reporting results per business area, transactions with third parties and transfers between business areas are valued in accordance with the internal transfer prices established between the various areas and assessment methodologies based on market parameters.



                1st Quarter     
    1Q10 X
      2010   2009   2010 X
4Q-2009      Net Income       
5,992    22       7,312    2,501    192

(1Q-2010 x 4Q-2009): The increase in net income was due to:

•     Higher domestic oil sale/transfer prices (4% in US$/bbl);

•     Estimated impairment losses in 4Q-2009 (R$ 550 million);

•     Lower exploration costs (R$187 million), chiefly due to the write-off of dry and economically unviable wells.

These effects were partially offset by the 5% reduction in volume of oil transferred, despite the increase in exports (26%) and provisions for contingencies related to the levying of the ICMS/RJ tax on the P-36 platform (R$ 449 million).

The spread between the average domestic oil sale/transfer price and the average Brent price narrowed from US$ 4.32/bbl in 4Q-2009 to US$ 3.32/bbl in 1Q-2010.

(1Q-2010 x 1Q-2009): The increase in net income reflected higher domestic oil prices (126% in US$/bbl), in turn due to the international market appreciation of "heavy” versus “light” crudes, and the 2% upturn in daily oil and LNG production.

These effects were partially offset by the higher government take and provisions for contingencies related to the levying of the ICMS/RJ tax on the P-36 platform (R$ 449 million).

The spread between the average domestic oil sale/transfer price and the average Brent price fell from US$ 12.17/bbl in 1Q-2009 to US$ 3.32/bbl in 1Q-2010.

                1st Quarter     
4Q-2009   1Q10 X
      2010   2009   2010 X
    Domestic Production (th. barrels/day) (*)       
1,993    -   Oil and NGL    1,985    1,952    2
320    (1)   Natural Gas 5    317    309    3
2,313    -   Total    2,302    2,261    2


(1Q-2010 x 4Q-2009): This variation reflects stable production levels between the two periods.

(1Q-2010 x 1Q-2009): Increased output from the P-51 (Marlim Sul), P-53 (Marlim Leste), FPSO-Cidade de Vitória (Golfinho), FPSO-Espírito Santo (Parque das Conchas) and P-54 (Roncador) platforms more than offset the natural decline in the mature fields.



5 Excludes liquefied gas and includes re-injected gas.


                  1st Quarter     
4Q-2009   1Q10 X
        2010   2009   2010 X
      Lifting Cost - country (*)       
9.51    (1)   • •  without government participation    9.40    7.82    20
24.74    (4)   • •  with government participation    23.73    14.69    62
16.51    3   • •  without government participation    16.95    17.91    (5)
43.04    2   • •  with government participation    43.82    34.24    28


Lifting Cost Excluding Government Take – US$/barrel

(1Q-2010 x 4Q-2009): Excluding the exchange variation, this indicator remained stable.

(1Q-2010 x 1Q-2009): Excluding the exchange variation, the 2% increase in the lifting cost was caused by higher personnel expenses due to the 2009/2010 collective bargaining agreement, non-recurring interventions in the Marlim field and maintenance in the Campos Basin.

Lifting Cost Including Government Take – US$/barrel

(1Q-2010 x 4Q-2009): Excluding the exchange variation, the lifting cost fell by 3% chiefly due to the decline in the tax rate in the Albacora Leste, Barracuda and Albacora fields, as well as the stable average reference price for local oil, used to determine the government take, which is based on the international price.

(1Q-2010 x 1Q-2009): Excluding the exchange variation, the lifting cost increased by 51%, due to the upturn in the reference price for local oil and the increase in the tax rate in the Marlim Sul and Marlim Leste fields.





                1st Quarter     
    1Q10 X
4Q-2009      Net Income    2010    2009    2009
1,209    (8)       1,116    4,639    (76)


(1Q-2010 x 4Q-2009): The reduction in net income was due to higher oil acquisition/transfer and oil product import costs (Brent went up by 2% in US$/bbl) and the depreciation of the Real against the U.S. dollar (3%).

These effects were partially offset by higher average domestic oil product sale prices (2%), reflecting the behavior of those oil products whose prices are pegged to international prices, and reduced losses from investments in the petrochemical sector (R$ 278 million).

(1Q-2010 x 1Q-2009): The reduction in net income reflected higher oil acquisition/transfer and oil product import costs (Brent, up by 73% in US$/bbl).

These effects were partially offset by the increase in domestic oil product sales volume, chiefly gasoline (24%) and diesel (8%), higher average export prices and the upturn in the domestic price of those oil products whose prices are pegged to international prices, despite the reduction in the price of diesel (15%) and gasoline (5%) in June 2009.

                1st Quarter     
4Q-2009   1Q10 X
      2010   2009   2010 X
    Imports and exports (th. barrels/day) (*)       
373    (7)   Crude oil imports    347    426    (19)
139    97   Oil products imports    274    140    96
512    21   Import of crude oil and oil products    621    566    10
462    20   Crude oil exports 7    555    451    23
215    (11)   Oil products exports    192    215    (11)
677    10   Export of crude oil and oil products 6    747    666    12
165    (24)   Net exports (imports) crude oil and oil products    126    100    26
  50   Other imports        50
  (50)   Other exports 6        100


(1Q-2010 x 4Q-2009): The upturn in oil exports was caused by increased supply due to scheduled stoppages in distillation units in 1Q-2010, especially in Replan.

Oil product imports reflected higher demand for S-50 diesel, due to the agreement to increase the product’s availability in metropolitan areas, and for gasoline, thanks to the ethanol shortage in 1Q-2010.

(1Q-2010 x 1Q-2009): The increase in exports was caused by higher output and increased supply due to scheduled stoppages in distillation units in 1Q-2010, especially in Replan.

The upturn in imports reflected growing demand for oil products as a result of the economic recovery, led by diesel, thanks to the bringing forward of the grain harvest and the works associated with the Growth Acceleration Program (PAC), and gasoline, whose consumption moved up substantially due to the ethanol shortage in 1Q-2010.


6 Export volumes of oil and oil products include ongoing exports.
7 Includes oil exports by the Refining, Transportation & Marketing and E&P business areas.


                1st Quarter     
4Q-2009   1Q10 X
      2010   2009   2010 X

    Output Oil products (th. barrels/day) (*)       
1,867    (5)   Output Oil products    1,765    1,771    -
1,942    -   Primary Processed Installed Capacity8    1,942    1,942    -
94    (4)   Use of Installed Capacity (%)    90    91    (1)
78    3   Domestic crude as % of total feedstock processed    80    80    -


                1st Quarter     
4Q-2009   1Q10 X
      2010   2009   2010 X
    Processed Feedstock – Domestic (Th. barrels/day) (*)       
1,833    (5)       1,738    1,759    (1)


(1Q-2010 x 4Q-2009): The downturn was caused by the higher number of scheduled stoppages in distillation units, especially in Replan.

(1Q-2010 x 1Q-2009): The reduction was caused by the increased number of scheduled stoppages in distillation units.

                1st Quarter     
4Q-2009   1Q10 X
      2010   2009   2010 X
    Refining Cost – Domestic (*)       
3.76    (3)   Refining Cost (US$/barrel)    3.64    2.58    41
6.54    -   Refining Cost (R$/barrel)    6.52    5.88    11


(1Q-2010 x 4Q-2009): Excluding the exchange variation, refinery costs in dollars remained flat over the previous quarter.

(1Q-2010 x 1Q-2009): Excluding the exchange variation, these costs climbed by 13%, due to higher expenses with personnel and third-party maintenance services.


8 According to the ownership recognized by the ANP.



                1st Quarter     
4Q-2009   1Q10 X
      2010   2009   2010 X
    Net Income       
163    98       323    (142)   327


(1Q-2010 x 4Q-2009): The upturn in net income was due to the R$ 175 million increase in costs in 4Q-2009, related to the addendum to the agreement for the supply of natural gas from Bolivia, as well as higher gas sales volume.

Another contributing factor was the signing of new Energy Auction contracts in the regulated contracting environment, and higher energy sales volume in the free contracting environment, in addition to costs from scheduled stoppages in 4Q-2009.

These factors were partially offset by the increase in selling expenses with LNG regasification vessels and provisions for impairment losses.

(1Q-2010 x 1Q-2009): The year-on-year improvement was due to the following factors:

•     Increased fixed revenue from energy auctions (regulated contracting environment);

•     Higher energy sales (free contracting environment);

•     Increased hydroelectric reservoir levels, reducing the average energy acquisition cost and increasing sales margins;

•     The reduction in natural gas import/transfer costs, in line with the behavior of international prices.

These effects were partially offset by the increase in selling expenses with LNG regasification vessels and provisions for impairment losses (R$ 80 million).

                1st Quarter     
4Q-2009   1Q10 X
      2010   2009   2010 X
    Gas Imports (Th. barrels/day) (*)       
134    14       152    126    21






                1st Quarter     
    1Q10 X
      2010   2009   2010 X
4Q-2009      Net Income       
303    19       362    227    59


(1Q-2010 x 4Q-2009): The increase in net income was due to lower expenses from: i) the 2009/2010 collective bargaining agreement (R$ 32 million); ii) institutional relations and sales promotions (R$ 50 million); and iii) losses from uncollectable trade notes (R$ 21 million).

These factors were partially offset by the 6% reduction in sales volume.

The segment recorded a 39.5% share of the fuel distribution market in 1Q-2010, versus 38.6% in the previous quarter.

(1Q-2010 x 1Q-2009): The year-on-year upturn in net income was due to the 14% increase in sales margins and the 9% growth in sales volume, despite the consequent increase in SG&A expenses (R$ 95 million).

The Company’s share of the fuel distribution market climbed from 38.8% in 1Q-2009 to 39.5% in 1Q-2010.



                1st Quarter     
    1Q10 X               2010X
4Q-2009   4Q09   Net Income    2010    2009   2009
    (%)               (%)
(141)   (417)       447    (338)   (232)


(1Q-2010 x 4Q-2009): The upturn in net income caused by higher sales prices in 1Q-2010, which pushed up gross profit (R$ 85 million), as well as the reduction in write-offs of dry and economically unviable wells (R$ 321 million), and lower exploration costs (R$ 105 million).

(1Q-2010 x 1Q-2009): The main events impacting the 1Q10 result were:

•    Increased gross profit (R$ 537 million), due to the recovery of commodity prices and higher E&P activities as a result of the operational start-up of the Akpo field in Nigeria in March 2009; and

•    The constitution of provisions for losses on investments in the USA (R$ 341 million) in 1Q-2009.

                1st Quarter     
    1Q10 X               2010X
4Q-2009    4Q09   Intenational Production (th. barrels/day) (*)    2010    2009    2009
    (%)               (%)
        Consolidated - International Production             
143    (1)      Oil and NGL    142    114    25
96    (1)      Natural Gas 9    95    95    -
239    (1)   Total    237    209    13
9    (11)   Non Consolidated - Internacional Production 10    8    12    (33)
248    (1)   Total International Production    245    221    11


(1Q-2010 x 4Q-2009): Consolidated international oil, gas and LNG production remained stable over the previous quarter.

(1Q-2010 x 1Q-2009): Consolidated international oil and LNG production moved up due to the start-up of the Akpo field, in Nigeria, in March/09, offset by the reduction in Argentina due to the decline in output from the mature fields in the Neuquina Basin.


9 Excludes liquefied gas and includes re-injected gas.
10 Non-consolidated companies in Venezuela.


                1st Quarter     
    1Q10 X   Lifting Cost - International (US$/barrel) (*)           2010X
4Q-2009   4Q09     2010    2009   2009
    (%)             (%)
6.49    (15)       5.50    4.41 11    25

(1Q-2010 x 4Q-2009):
Lower expenses in the Akpo field, in Nigeria, due to the improved operating performance in 1Q-2010, together with lower expenses from third-party services in Argentina and more efficient cost controls in the Tibu field in Colombia.

(1Q-2010 x 1Q-2009): Higher expenses in Nigeria, due to the March 2009 start-up of production in the Akpo field, whose operating costs are higher than in the other fields abroad, together with higher costs from third-party services in Argentina, caused by contractual price adjustments and pay rises.

                1st Quarter     
    1Q10 X   Processed feedstock – International (th. barrels/day) (*)           2010X
4Q-2009   4Q09     2010    2009   2009
    (%)             (%)
205    3       212    198    7


(1Q-2010 x 4Q-2009): In 1Q-2010, the feedstock processed by refineries abroad climbed by 3%, due to increased refining in Argentina as a result of improved market conditions in 2010.

(1Q-2010 x 1Q-2009): Processed feedstock increased by 7%, due to the improved operating performance of the U.S. refinery, thanks to scheduled and unscheduled stoppages in 2009.

                1st Quarter     
    1Q10 X   Oil Products – International (*)           2010X
4Q-2009   4Q09     2010    2009   2009
    (%)             (%)
        (th. barrels/day)             
220    2   Output Oil products    225    220    2
281    -   Primary Processed Installed Capacity(1)    281    281    -
68    5   Use of Installed Capacity (%)    73    69    4
                1st Quarter     
    1Q10 X   Refining Cost – International (US$/barrel) (*)           2010X
4Q-2009   4Q09     2010    2009   2009
    (%)             (%)
3.07    8       3.32    4.69 12    (29)


(1Q-2010 x 4Q-2009): Increased costs from third-party services in the U.S. as a result of higher expenses from projects and the scheduled stoppage, partially offset by the higher volume of total processed feedstock in the period.

(1Q-2010 x 1Q-2009): Reduced expenses from the scheduled stoppage and repairs, combined with the increased volume of processed feedstock at the Pasadena refinery (USA).

11 Revisions to the lifting cost of the Nigeria unit.
12 Revisions to the CTOR in the Japnese refinery.


Sales Volume – thousand barrels/day (*)

                1st Quarter     
    1Q10 X               2010X
4Q-2009   4Q09     2010    2009   2009
    (%)               (%)
782    (6)   Diesel    733    652    12
366    12   Gasoline    410    328    25
100    4   Fuel Oil    104    103    1
161    (7)   Nafta    149    152    (2)
212    (4)   GLP    203    195    4
82    2   QAV    84    73    15
166    1   Other    168    111    51
1,869    (1)   Total Oil    1,851    1,614    15
106    (24)   ProductsAlcohol, Nitrogens, Biodiesel and other    81    84    (4)
247    4   Natural Gas    257    223    15
2,222    (1)   Total domestic market    2,189    1,921    14
682    10   Exports    749    667    12
490    16   International Sales    569    693    (18)
1,172    12   Total international market    1,318    1,360    (3)
3,394    3   Total    3,507    3,281    7


First-quarter domestic sales increased by 14% over 1Q-2009, reflecting sales of the following products:

•    Diesel oil (increase of 12%) – due to the recovery of the economy, higher grain production and increased investments in infrastructure.

•    Gasoline (increase of 25%) – due to the higher utilization of flex-fuel vehicles, as a result of the ethanol shortage at the beginning of 2010, the reduction in the ratio of anhydrous ethanol in the gasoline mix in February 2010, and higher family consumption.

Increased production combined with higher supply due to scheduled stoppages in the refineries in 1Q-2010 pushed oil exports up by 12%.

International sales declined by 18%, chiefly as a result of the 2009 sale of inventories formed in 2008.

Corporate Overhead (US$ million) (*)

                1st Quarter     
    1Q10 X               2010X
4Q-2009   4Q09     2010    2009   2009
    (%)               (%)


  651    478    36

(1Q-2010 x 4Q-2009):
Excluding the exchange variation, corporate overhead decreased by 15% over the previous quarter, due to lower expenses with sponsorship, marketing, personnel and data-processing.

(1Q-2010 x 1Q-2009): Excluding the exchange variation, corporate overhead climbed by 10%, due to higher personnel and rent expenses.



Consolidated Investments

In compliance with the goals outlined in its strategic plan, Petrobras continues to prioritize investments in the expansion of its oil and natural gas production capacity by investing its own funds and by structuring ventures with strategic partners.

R$ million
    1st Quarter
    2010    %    2009    %    Δ %
• Own Investments    16,707    94    12,889    90    30
Exploration & Production    7,778    44    7,122    50    9
Supply    5,262    30    2,838    20    85
Gas and Energy    1,629      1,447    10    13
International (1)    1,467      1,012      45
Distribution    116      104      12
Corporate    455      366      24
• Special Purpose Companies (SPCs) (2)   1,046    6    1,132    8    (8)
• Projects under Negotiation        359    2    -
Total Investments    17,753    100    14,380    100    23
(1) International    1,467    100    1,012    100    45
Exploration & Production    1,398    96    877    87    59
Supply    32      71      (55)
Gas and Energy    19      54      (65)
Distribution    12          300
Other            (14)
(2) Projects Developed by SPCs    1,046    100    1,132    100    (8)
Exploration & Production    150    14    211    19    (29)
Supply    157    15    156    14    1
Gas and Energy    739    71    765    67    (3)


In line with its strategic objectives, Petrobras acts in consortiums with other companies as a concessionaire of oil and gas exploration, development and production rights. Currently the Company is a member of 101 consortiums, of which it operates 69.


Consolidated Debt13

        R$ million     
    03.31.2010   12.31.2009   %
Short-term Debt 14    20,695   15,556   33
Long-term Debt 14    87,502   85,341   3
Total    108,197   100,897   7
Cash and cash equivalents    26,951   29,034   (7)
Net Debt15    81,246   71,863   13
Net Debt/(Net Debt + Shareholder's Equity) 14    32%   30%   2
Total Net Liabilities16    339,047   321,273   6
Capital Structure             
(third parties net / total liabilities net)    50%   49%   1
        US$ million     
    03.31.2010   12.31.2009   %
Short-term Debt    11,620   8,934   30
Long-term Debt    49,131   49,013   -
Total    60,751   57,947   5
Net Debt    45,618   41,272   11


The net debt of the Petrobras System increased by 13% over December 31, 2009, due to funding operations to finance the intensive investment program.

The level of indebtedness, measured by the net debt/EBITDA ratio, increased from 1.21 on December 31, 2009, to 1.35 on March 31, 2009. The portion of the capital structure represented by third parties was 50%.


13 For further details, see Appendix 6.
14 Includes contractual commitments related to the transfer of benefits, risks and control of goods (R$ 704 million on March 31, 2010 and R$ 739 million on December 31, 2009).
15 Total Debt (-) Cash and Cash Equivalents
16 Total Liabilities net from cash/financial investments


Income Statement – Consolidated

R$ million
        1st Quarter 
4Q-2009       2010   2009
60,866   Gross Operating Revenues    63,324   53,636
(13,170)   Sales Deductions    (12,912)   (11,006)
47,696   Net Operating Revenues    50,412   42,630
(29,572)      Cost of Goods Sold    (31,102)   (25,815)
18,124   Gross profit    19,310   16,815
    Operating Expenses         
(1,786)      Sales    (2,072)   (1,865)
(1,858)      General and Administratives    (1,829)   (1,749)
(1,623)      Exploratory Cost    (1,003)   (934)
(544)      Losses on recovery of assets    (194)   -
(243)      Research & Development    (391)   (336)
(223)      Taxes    (153)   (151)
(342)      Pension and Health Plan    (408)   (371)
(1,847)      Other    (1,643)   (1,062)
(8,466)       (7,693)   (6,468)
    Operating Income befor Financial Result and Participation in         
9,658   Equity Income    11,617   10,347
    Net Financial Expenses         
911      Income    760   786
(1,256)      Expenses    (884)   (652)
538      Net Monetary Variation    (571)   (117)
(82)      Net Exchange Variation    (6)   (358)
111       (701)   (341)
(8,355)       (8,394)   (6,809)
(422)   Participation in Equity Income    (179)   (355)
9,347   Operating Profit    10,737   9,651
(2,177)   Income Tax & Social Contribution    (2,940)   (2,929)
7,170   Net Income    7,797   6,722
268   Income attributable to minority interests    (71)   (431)
7,438   Net Income attributable to shareholders of Petrobras    7,726   6,291



Balance Sheet – Consolidated

Assets    R$ million 
    03.31.2010    12.31.2009 
Current Assets    74,459    74,374 
   Cash and Cash Equivalents    26,951    29,034 
   Accounts Receivable    16,200    14,062 
   Inventories    20,031    19,448 
   Marketable Securities    256    124 
   Taxes Recoverable    6,546    7,023 
   Other    4,475    4,683 
Non Current Assets    291,539    275,933 
   Long-term Assets    37,083    34,923 
   Petroleum & Alcohol Account    817    817 
   Marketable Securities    4,726    4,639 
   Deferred Taxes and Social Contribution    18,221    16,231 
   Prepaid Expenses    1,448    1,432 
   Accounts Receivable    3,156    3,288 
   Deposits - Legal Matters    2,123    1,989 
   Other    6,592    6,527 
   Investments    5,677    5,660 
   Fixed Assets    240,385    227,079 
   Intangible    8,394    8,271 
Total Assets    365,998    350,307 
Liabilities    R$ million 
    03.31.2010    12.31.2009 
Current Liabilities    60,148    54,829 
   Short-term Debt    20,335    15,166 
   Suppliers    16,191    17,082 
   Taxes and Social Contribution    9,842    10,590 
   Project Finance    274    212 
   Pension and Health Plan    1,253    1,208 
   Dividends    3,984    2,333 
   Salaries, Benefits and Charges    2,230    2,304 
   Other    6,039    5,934 
Non Current Liabilities    132,618    128,364 
   Long-term Debt    87,158    84,992 
   Pension Plan    4,049    3,956 
   Health Plan    10,478    10,208 
   Deferred Taxes and Social Contribution    21,289    20,458 
   Provision for well abandonment    4,701    4,791 
   Deferred Income    112    231 
   Other    4,831    3,728 
Shareholders’ Equity    170,299    164,204 
   Capital Stock    78,967    78,967 
   Reserves/Net Income    91,332    85,237 
Minority Interest    2,933    2,910 
Total Liabilities    365,998    350,307 



Statement of Cash Flow – Consolidated

R$ million
        1st Quarter
4Q-2009       2010   2009
7,438   Net Income    7,726   6,291
6,262   (+) Adjustments    1,950   6,112
4,115      Depreciation & Amortization    3,265   3,159
110      Charges on Financing and Connected Companies    1,116   164
(268)      Minority interest    71   431
421      Result of Equity Income    179   355
1,601      Income Tax and deffered contributions    (446)   540
(895)      Inventory Variation    (563)   1,820
(26)      Accounts Receivable Variation    (2,062)   142
1,552      Supplier Variation    (837)   (1,000)
205      Pension and Health Plan Variation    600   265
(2,331)      Tax Variation    (1,077)   336
1,244      Write-off of dry wells    632   562
593      Impairment    310   244
(59)      Other Adjustments    762   (906)
13,700   (=) Cash Generated by Operating Activities    9,676   12,403
(19,658)   (-) Cash used in Investment Activities    (16,013)   (14,427)
(8,100)      Investment in E&P    (7,286)   (7,035)
(6,267)      Investment in Refining and Transportation    (4,934)   (4,190)
(3,377)      Investment in Gas and Energy    (2,294)   (1,816)
(222)      Investiments in Distribution    (90)   (102)
(1,158)      Investment in International Segment    (1,395)   (951)
(534)      Other investments    (14)   (333)
(5,958)   (=) Free cash flow    (6,337)   (2,024)
4,475   (-) Cash used in Financing Activities    4,188   5,599
10,080      Financing    4,212   5,610
(5,605)      Dividends    (24)   (11)
207   (+) FX effect in cash and cash equivalents    66   102
(1,276)   (=) Cash generated in the period    (2,083)   3,677
30,310   Cash at the Beginning of Period    29,034   16,099
29,034   Cash at the End of Period    26,951   19,776



Statement of Added Value – Consolidated

    R$ million
    1st Quarter
    2010    2009 
Sale of products and services 17    64,485   54,439
Assets construction    16,136   11,559
    80,621   65,998
Materials acquisitions from third parties         
Raw Materials Used    (9,738)   (8,491)
Products for Resale    (9,114)   (5,076)
Energy, Services & Other    (16,698)   (15,033)
Tax    (5,322)   (3,876)
Impairment    (310)   (244)
    (41,182)   (32,720)
Gross Added Value    39,439   33,278
Depreciation & Amortization    (3,265)   (3,159)
Net Added Value produced by company    36,174   30,119
Added Value Received         
Equity Income Result    (179)   (355)
Financial Revenue - including monetary and exchange variation    760   786
Rent and Royalties and other    335   661
    916   1,092
Added Value to Distribute    37,090   31,211
Distribution of Added Value         
Personnel and administratives         
Salaries/Sharing Profit         
Salaries    2,910   2,396
Advantages    175   177
Health, Retirement and Pension Plan    758   595
FGTS    192   175
    4,035   3,343
Federal Government    13,016   10,359
States    6,098   5,772
Municipal    60   46
Foreign states    1,341   1,275
    20,515   17,452
Financial Institutions and Suppliers         
Interest, FX Rate and Monetary Variation    2,576   1,204
Rent and freight expenses    2,167   2,490
    4,743   3,694
Interest on Own Capital    1,755   -
Minority Interest    71   431
Retained Earnings    5,971   6,291
    7,797   6,722
Distributed Added Value    37,090   31,211


17 Net of provisions for Doubtful Accounts.


Consolidated Statement by Business Area18 19 - Jan- Mar 2010

Net Operating Revenues    23,389   41,274   3,083   15,300   5,840   -   (38,474)   50,412
   Intersegments    23,276   13,491   326   328   1,053   -   (38,474)   -
   Third Parties    113   27,783   2,757   14,972   4,787   -   -   50,412
Cost of Goods Sold    (10,403)   (37,992)   (1,782)   (13,962)   (4,503)   -   37,540   (31,102)
Gross Profit    12,986   3,282   1,301   1,338   1,337   -   (934)   19,310
Operating Expenses    (1,926)   (1,412)   (743)   (772)   (640)   (2,266)   66   (7,693)
   Sales, General & Administrative    (162)   (1,251)   (473)   (797)   (401)   (864)   47   (3,901)
   Taxes    (13)   (25)   (11)   (8)   (42)   (54)   -   (153)
   Exploratory Costs    (876)   -   -   -   (127)   -   -   (1,003)
   Loss on recovery assets    -   -   (80)   -   (114)   -   -   (194)
   Research & Development    (203)   (63)   (17)   (2)   (1)   (105)   -   (391)
   Health and Pension Plans    -   -   -   -   -   (408)   -   (408)
   Other    (672)   (73)   (162)   35   45   (835)   19   (1,643)
Operating Profit (Loss)    11,060   1,870   558   566   697   (2,266)   (868)   11,617
   Net of Interest Income (Expenses)    -   -   -   -   -   (701)   -   (701)
   Equity Income    -   (103)   (38)   (12)   (5)   (21)   -   (179)
Income (Loss) Before Taxes and Minority Interests    11,060   1,767   520   554   692   (2,988)   (868)   10,737
   Income Tax & Social Contribution    (3,761)   (636)   (189)   (192)   (184)   1,726   296   (2,940)
   Minority Interests    13   (15)   (8)   -   (61)   -   -   (71)
Net Income (Loss)    7,312   1,116   323   362   447   (1,262)   (572)   7,726


Consolidated Statement by Business Area 18 19 - Jan- Mar 2010

            R$ MILLION        
Net Operating Revenues    13,903   34,199   3,259   13,858   4,640   -   (27,229)   42,630
   Intersegments    13,556   12,289   545   465   374   -   (27,229)   -
   Third Parties    347   21,910   2,714   13,393   4,266   -   -   42,630
Cost of Goods Sold    (8,793)   (25,483)   (2,884)   (12,784)   (3,840)   -   27,969   (25,815)
Gross Profit    5,110   8,716   375   1,074   800   -   740   16,815
Operating Expenses    (1,352)   (1,516)   (495)   (687)   (752)   (1,732)   66   (6,468)
   Sales, General & Administrative    (182)   (1,268)   (246)   (702)   (477)   (805)   66   (3,614)
   Taxes    (20)   (27)   (22)   (6)   (30)   (46)   -   (151)
   Exploratory Costs    (781)   -   -   -   (153)   -   -   (934)
   Research & Development    (149)   (80)   (8)   (4)   (1)   (94)   -   (336)
   Health and Pension Plan    -   -   -   -   -   (371)   -   (371)
   Other    (220)   (141)   (219)   25   (91)   (416)   -   (1,062)
Operating Profit (Loss)    3,758   7,200   (120)   387   48   (1,732)   806   10,347
   Net of Interest Income (Expenses)    -   -   -   -   -   (341)   -   (341)
   Equity Income    -   (38)   58   (28)   (335)   (12)   -   (355)
Income (Loss) Before Taxes and Minority Interests    3,758   7,162   (62)   359   (287)   (2,085)   806   9,651
   Income Tax & Social Contribution    (1,277)   (2,449)   41   (132)   (28)   1,189   (273)   (2,929)
   Minority Interest    20   (74)   (121)   -   (23)   (233)   -   (431)
Net Income (Loss)    2,501   4,639   (142)   227   (338)   (1,129)   533   6,291


18 Biofuel results are included in the corporate group.
19 The segmented information for 2010 and 2009 was prepared considering the changes to the business areas, due to the transfer of management of the Fertilizer business from Refining, Transportation & Marketing to Gas & Power.


EBITDA20 Consolidated Statement by Business Area - Jan - Mar 2010 21, 22

            R$ MILLION        
Operating Profit    11,060    1,870    558    566    697    (2,266)   (868)   11,617 
Depreciation / Amortization    2.005    354    239    89    448    130   -   3.265 
Impairment        80      114    -   -   194 
EBITDA    13,065    2,224    877    655    1,259    (2,136)   (868)   15,076 


Statement of Other Operating Income (Expenses) - Jan-Mar 2010 21, 22

            R$ MILLION        
Losses and Contingencies related to Lawsuit    (460)   (10)   (8)   (8)   (6)   (538)     (1,030)
Institutional relations and cultural projects    (16)   (10)   (5)   (9)   -   (192)     (232)
Operational expenses with thermoelectric    -   -   (158)   -   -   -     (158)
Non programmed stoppages in installations                                 
and production equipment    (92)   (6)   (24)   -   -   -     (122)
Inventory adjustment    -   (17)   -   -   (100)   -     (117)
HSE Expenses    (21)   (12)   (1)   -   -   (50)     (84)
Incentive, Donations and Governamental                                 
Subvention    29   157   5   -   -   -     191
Others    (112)   (175)   29   52   151   (55)   19    (91)
    (672)   (73)   (162)   35   45   (835)   19    (1,643)


Statement of Other Operating Income (Expenses) - Jan-Mar 2009 21, 22

            R$ MILLION        
Losses and Contingencies related to Lawsuit    (10)   (19)   -   (15)   (7)   (27)       (78)
Institutional relations and cultural projects    (18)   (6)   (3)   (5)   -   (159)       (191)
Operational expenses with thermoelectric    -   -   (177)   -   -   -       (177)
Non programmed stoppages in installations                                 
and production equipment    (78)   (10)   (30)   -   -   -       (118)
Inventory adjustment    -   (117)   -   -   (113)   (14)       (244)
HSE Expenses    (18)   (9)   (1)   -   -   (54)       (82)
Incentive, Donations and Governamental                                 
Subvention    -   103   5   -   -   -       108
Others    (96)   (83)   (13)   45   29   (162)       (280)
    (220)   (141)   (219)   25   (91)   (416)       (1,062)


20 Operating income before the financial result and equity income, excluding depreciation/amortization.
21 Biofuel results are included in the corporate group.
22The segmented information for 2010 and 2009 was prepared considering the changes to the business areas, due to the transfer of management of the Fertilizer business from Refining, Transportation & Marketing to Gas & Power.


Consolidated Assets by Business Area 23 24 - 03.31.2010

            R$ MILLION        
ASSETS    138,732    94,425    45,507    11,064    30,462    57,353    (11,545)   365,998 
   CURRENT ASSETS    7,233    30,041    4,095    5,841    5,373    32,131    (10,255)   74,459 
      CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS              26,951    -   26,951 
      OTHER    7,233    30,041    4,095    5,841    5,373    5,180    (10,255)   47,508 
   NON-CURRENT ASSETS    131,499    64,384    41,412    5,223    25,089    25,222    (1,290)   291,539 
      LONG-TERM ASSETS    8,161    4,386    2,975    988    2,849    19,014    (1,290)   37,083 
      INVESTIMENTS      3,257    363    14    1,893    150    -   5,677 
      PROPERTY, PLANTS AND EQUIPMENT    121,579    56,484    36,905    3,529    16,875    5,013    -   240,385 
      INTANGIBLE    1,759    257    1,169    692    3,472    1,045    -   8,394 


Consolidated Assets by Business Area 23 24 - 12.31.2009

            R$ MILLION        
ASSETS    132,171    87,853    44,939    10,950    28,378    56,555    (10,540)   350,306 
   CURRENT ASSETS    6,515    27,412    5,076    5,668    5,128    33,989    (9,415)   74,373 
      CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS              29,034    -   29,034 
      OTHER    6,515    27,412    5,076    5,668    5,128    4,955    (9,415)   45,339 
   NON-CURRENT ASSETS    125,656    60,441    39,863    5,282    23,250    22,566    (1,125)   275,933 
      LONG-TERM ASSETS    7,487    4,387    2,815    1,060    2,776    17,523    (1,125)   34,923 
    INVESTIMENTS      3,330    273    25    1,882    150    -   5,660 
    PROPERTY, PLANTS AND EQUIPMENT    116,369    52,456    35,666    3,503    15,252    3,833    -   227,079 
    INTANGIBLE    1,800    268    1,109    694    3,340    1,060    -   8,271 


23 The segmented information for 2010 and 2009 was prepared considering the changes to the business areas, due to the transfer of management of the Fertilizer business from Refining, Transportation & Marketing to Gas & Power.
24 Biofuel results are included in the corporate group.


Consolidated Results by International Business Area - Jan-Mar 2010



ASSETS  21,303    5,175   3,536    1,243    4,015   (4,810)   30,462 
Income Statement                           
Net Operating Revenues  1,498    3,100   566    1,618    -   (942)   5,840 
   Intersegments  1,183    704   101    18    -   (953)   1,053 
   Third Parties  315    2,396   465    1,600    -   11   4,787 
Operating Profit (Loss)  673    (68)   118    62    (74)   (14)   697 
Net Income (Loss)  483    (62)   68    59    (87)   (14)   447 


Consolidated Results by International Business Area



ASSETS (12.31.2009)  19,950    5,068   3,470    1,163    3,910   (5,183)   28,378
Income Statement - Jan-Mar/2009                           
Net Operating Revenues  1,123    2,799   600    1,146    3   (1,031)   4,640
Intersegments  644    639   91    31    -   (1,031)   374
Third Parties  479    2,160   509    1,115    3   -   4,266
Operating Profit (Loss)  195    (188)   86    60    (197)   92   48
Net Income (Loss)  13    (540)   72    61    (36)   92   (338)



Income Statement – Parent Company

R$ million
        1st Quarter 
4Q-2009       2010   2009
45,924   Gross Operating Revenues    48,247   39,983
(11,315)   Sales Deductions    (11,295)   (9,511)
34,609   Net Operating Revenues    36,952   30,472
(20,578)      Cost of Products Sold    (21,342)   (17,224)
14,031   Gross Profit    15,610   13,248
    Operating Expenses         
(1,402)      Sales    (1,750)   (1,704)
(1,240)      General & Administrative    (1,225)   (1,135)
(1,063)      Exploratory Cost    (876)   (781)
(550)      Impairment    -   -
(240)      Research & Development    (380)   (332)
(63)      Taxes    (81)   (67)
(324)      Health and Pension Plans    (384)   (350)
(1,789)      Other    (1,826)   (1,250)
(6,671)       (6,522)   (5,619)
7,360   Operating Income before Financial Result and Participation in Equity Income    9,088   7,629
    Net Financial         
1,153      Income    912   1,728
(583)      Expenses    (1,026)   (1,349)
262      Net Monetary Variation    (219)   (136)
(487)      Net Exchange Variation    448   (547)
345       115   (304)
(6,326)       (6,407)   (5,923)
1,119   Paticipation in Equity Income    993   1,341
8,824   Operating Income    10,196   8,666
(1,397)   Income Tax / Social Contribution    (2,505)   (2,385)
7,427   Net Income    7,691   6,281



Balance Sheet – Parent Company

Assets  R$ million 
  03.31.2010    12.31.2009 
Current Assets  60,732    54,076 
   Cash and Cash Equivalents  17,522    16,798 
   Marketable Securities  2,861    1,718 
   Accounts Receivable  16,246    12,844 
   Advances to Suppliers  1,583    1,750 
   Inventories  15,111    14,437 
   Dividends Receivable  1,552    780 
   Taxes Recoverable  4,044    4,049 
   Other  1,813    1,700 
Non-current Assets  274,482    265,976 
Long-term Assets  73,724    73,467 
   Oil & Alcohol Account  817    817 
   Subsidiaries and affiliated companies  49,155    48,889 
   Structured Projects  923    2,330 
   Advances to Suppliers  1,724    1,900 
   Marketable Securities  4,335    4,180 
   Taxes & Social Contribution Payable  13,182    11,640 
   Judicial Deposits  1,731    1,691 
   Anticipated Expenses  819    830 
   Other  1,038    1,190 
Investments  39,751    39,373 
Property, plant and equipment  157,418    149,447 
Intangible  3,154    3,216 
Deferred  435    473 
Total Assets  335,214    320,052 
Liabilities  R$ million 
  03.31.2010    12.31.2009 
Current Liabilities  84,646    79,074 
   Short-term Debt  8,863    3,123 
   Risk and assets control  2,523    3,557 
   Suppliers  38,893    41,519 
   Taxes & Social Contribution Payable  8,038    8,268 
   Dividends / Interest on Own Capital  3,984    2,333 
   Structured Projects  413    351 
   Health and Pension Plan  1,183    1,123 
   Clients Anticipation  283    134 
   Receivable Cash Flow  16,438    14,318 
   Other  4,028    4,348 
Long-term Liabilities  79,600    76,070 
   Long-term Debt  26,554    26,004 
   Risk and assets control  11,849    10,904 
   Subsidiaries and affiliated companies  665    905 
   Pension plan  3,664    3,612 
   Health Care Benefits  9,784    9,535 
   Deferred Taxes & Social Contribution  17,762    16,855 
   Provision for abandonment  4,405    4,419 
   Other  4,917    3,836 
Shareholders' Equity  170,968    164,908 
   Capital  78,967    78,967 
   Capital Reserves  92,001    85,941 
Total Liabilities  335,214    320,052 



1. Adoption of international financial reporting standards

The Company prepared its opening balance with January 1, 2009 as the transition date for the mandatory exceptions to and certain optional exemptions from the retroactive application of IFRS, in accordance with CPC 37 – Initial Adoption of International Accounting Standards.

We present below a summary of those procedures that resulted in changes to the Company’s financial statements:

a) Exchange variations registered in a specific equity account

The Company adopted CPC 02 – Changes in foreign exchange rates and the conversion of financial statements (IAS 21) in fiscal year 2008. Nevertheless, as January 1, 2009 was considered as the date of the opening balance, the balance of accrued conversion adjustments existing on December 31, 2008 was transferred to accrued earnings in order to comply with IFRS exemption 1 of not having to calculate the retroactive impact of exchange variations on investments in subsidiaries and associated companies whose functional currency differs from that of the parent company.

b) Capitalization of borrowing costs

The capitalization of financial costs was previously limited to interest on loans/financings, whose contracts specified the allocation of the resulting funds to a specific asset (specific loans/financings). With the adoption of CPC 20, the following processes were implemented:· specific loans/financings: the Company capitalized all specific borrowing costs, subtracting any financial revenue from the temporary investment of the funds raised;· other loans/financings: the Company capitalized interest at a rate equivalent to the weighted average cost of said loans/financings in the period.

c) Business combinations

The negative goodwill resulting from the acquisition of interests in which the amount paid was lower than the economic value of the investments will be booked as gains from bargain purchases.

With the adoption of CPC 15/IFRS 3, the balance of negative goodwill calculated and booked under investments, in accordance with the previously adopted accounting practices, was transferred to accrued earnings.

d) Provisions for abandonment of wells and dismantling of areas

The balance of the provision for abandonment of wells and dismantling of areas was adjusted to comply with CPC 26/ICPC 12/IAS 37/IFRIC 1 to reflect the changes in discount rates between periods. This provision was previously booked without revision between periods due to changes in the current discount rate.

e) Post-retirement benefits

Actuarial gains and losses, previously classified under the Pension and Health Plan accounts, were recognized under accrued earnings or losses on January 1, 2009, in accordance with CPC 33/IAS19;

f) Deferred revenue and expenses

Law 11,941/09 eliminated deferred assets, enabling the maintenance of the balance of December 31, 2008, which will continue to be amortized, in up to 10 years, subject to an impairment test, which was adopted by the Company in the individual financial statements, in accordance with CPC 43.

In accordance with IFRS, pre-operating gains and expenses should be recorded under revenue and expenses, respectively, when incurred. With the adoption of IFRS, the Company recognized R$ 3,470 million under accrued earnings in the consolidated balance sheet.


g) Public service concessions.

The Company exercises joint control over state gas distributors whose results are consolidated proportionally to the interest it holds in their capital stock. These distributors operate under concession regimes and their activities meet the requirements of ICPC 01/IFRIC 12. Consequently, the rights presented as part of these companies’ fixed assets began to be recognized as intangible assets in the consolidated financial statements.

In addition, with the initial adoption of CPC/IFRS, the Company adjusted Petrobras’ consolidated and individual financial statements in relation to the useful life of assets.

h) Useful life of assets.

In accordance with CPC 27 – Fixed Assets (IAS 16) and ICPC 10, the Company revised the economically useful life of assets related to the Refining, Transportation & Marketing segment and to the thermal plants in the Gas & Power segment, based on reports from independent appraisers, resulting in the following rate adjustments:

Useful life  Before IFRS  After IFRS 
Refining equipments  10 years  4 to 31 years (average of 20 years) 
Pipelines  10 years  31 years 
Tanks  10 years  26 years 
Thermoelectric plant  20 years  10 to 33,3 years (average of 23 years) 


These alterations were treated as changes to accounting estimates, in accordance with CPC 27 and, therefore, their effects were recognized as of 2010, i.e., prospectively, in accordance with CPC 23 – Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors (IAS 8).

Effects of the adoption of international financial reporting standards on the consolidated opening balance on January 1, 2009

  Balance as released     Business combinations    Forecast for abandonment   Post-employment benefits     Deferred expenses and revenue     Deferred taxes    Consolidated Inclusion Proportional of CIESA (25)     Other  PL
  Reclassifications    Balance adjusted to the IFRS 
Currente Asset  63,575    -   -   -   (48)     289    -       (1,725)   62,091 
RLP Asset  21,255    -   -   -   -   989    117    (1)      6,771   29,131 
Investiments  5,106    756   -   -   (188)       -     -   5,674 
Property, equipment and plant  190,754    -   109   -   -     278    (62)     (5,386)   185,693 
Intangible  8,003    -   -   -   -     1,014    -     575   9,592 
Deferred  3,470    -   -   -   (3,235)       -     (235)  
  292,163    756   109   -   (3,471)   989    1,698    (63)     -   292,181 
Current Liabilities  62,557    -   -   -   -     487    (616) 76    (4,187)   58,317 
Non current liabilities  88,588    (60)   (1,164)   (572)   (1,004)   26    819    (107) 176    4,187   90,889 
Parent Company Participatiion  138,365    816   1,273   580   (1,036)   611    45    45     -   140,699 
Minority Interest  2,653    -   -   (8)   (1,432)   352    347    616 (252)    -   2,276 
  292,163    756   109   -   (3,472)   989    1,698    (62)     -   292,181 



25 Petrobras Argentina subsidiary which, according to CVM Instruction 247/96, was not consolidated for it was operating under restrictions that makes it difficult to transfer resources to shareholders.


Effects of the adoption of international financial reporting standards on the consolidated balance of December 31, 2009

   Balance as released    Loan cost  capitalization  Business combinations    Forecast for abandonment     Post-employ expenses benefits   Deferred and revenue      Deferred taxes    Consolidated Inclusion Proportional of CIESA    Other    SE SPEs      Reclassifications   Balance adjusted to the IFRS 
Currente Asset  76,674                      327            (2,627)   74,374 
RLP Asset  26,380              659   92    (1)       7,793   34,923 
Investiments  3,148        2,692         (180)                        5,660 
Property, equipment and plant  230,231    2,645    (498)   328               173    (9)       (5,790)   227,080 
Intangible  6,808    18                        683            762   8,271 
Deferred  2,366                    (2,229)                    (137)     
  345,607    2,663    2,194   328       (2,409)   659   1,274    (10)           350,308 
Current Liabilities  58,030                          383    (1,432)   44   (2,196)   54,829 
Non current liabilities  126,503        (54)   (106)   (582)   (947)   805   616    (72)   6   2,196   128,365 
Shareholder's Equity  159,465    2,494    2,248   434   587   (951)   (158)   21    64           164,204 
Minority Interest  1,610    170            (5)   (511)   12   254    1,430   (50       2,910 
  345,608    2,664    2,194   328       (2,409)   659   1,274    (10)           350,308 


Effects of the adoption of international financial reporting standards on the Parent Company’s financial statements

a) Reconciliation of Shareholders’ Equity

  01.01.2009   12.31.2009
Net profit of the holding company as divulged  144,051   163,879
   Loan cost capitalization      2,494
   Business combinations  816   2,248
   Forecast for well abandonment and area disassembly  1,273   434
   Post-employment benefits  580   587
   Absorption of subsidiary unsecured liabilities  (4,160)   (3,584)
   Deferred taxes  309   (405)
   Non-realized profit  (1,526)   (830)
   Other  90   86
Net worth of the holding company adjusted to the IFRS  141,433   164,908


b) Reconciliation of the Net Income

Net profit of the holding company as divulged  6,161
   Loan cost capitalization  631
   Deferred taxes  (112)
   Other  (398)
Net profit of the holding company adjusted to the international accounting standards  6,281



c) Reconciliation with the Consolidated Results

    Shareholders Equity    Net Profit 
    12.31.2009   03.31.2009 
Holding company adjusted to the international accounting standards    164,908   6,281 
Deffered asset after income tax    (704)   10 
Consolidated according to IFRS    164,204   6,291 



2. Gross Profit Analysis (1Q-2010 x 1Q-2009)

        R$ million
        1Q-2010 X 1Q-2009
Gross Profit Analysis - Main Items    Net Revenues    Cost of Goods Sold    Gross Profit 
. Domestic Market:    - volumes sold    2,298   (986)   1,312
    - domestic prices    (1,165)       (1,165)
. International Market:    - export volumes    (207)   861   654
    - export price    3,197       3,197
. Increase (decrease) in expenses:(*)        (2,298)   (2,298)
. Increase (decrease) in profitability of distribution segment    1,611   (1,349)   262
. Increase (decrease) in profitability of trading operations    1,800   (1,775)   25
. Increase (decrease) in international sales    1,546   (831)   715
. FX effect on controlled companies abroad    (1,529)   1,316   (213)
. Other        231   (225)   4
        7,782   (5,287)   2,495
 (*) Expenses Composition:   Value         
   - domestic government take    (1,356)        
   - import of crude oil and oil products and gas    (427)        
   - materials, services, rents and depreciation    (317)        
   - transportation: maritime and pipelines (1)   (183)        
   - oil products (domestic purchases)   (113)        
   - salaries, benefits and charges   (69)        
   - non-oil products, including alcohol, biodiesel and other    27        
   - third-party services   58        
   - nitrogens   82        
(1) Expenses with cabotage, terminals and pipelines.



3. Gross Profit Analysis (1Q-2010 x 4Q-2009)

         R$ million
        1Q-2010 x 4Q-2009
Gross Profit Analysis - Main Items    Net Revenues    Cost of Goods Sold    Gross Profit 
. Domestic Market:    - volumes sold    (236)   88   (148)
    - domestic prices    513       513
. International Market:    - export volumes    1,289   (571)   718
    - export price    571       571
. (Increase) decrease in expenses:(*)        (385)   (385)
. Increase (decrease) in profitability of distribution segment    (775)   683   (92)
. Increase (decrease) in profitability of trading operations    1,043   (1,118)   (75)
. Increase (decrease) in international sales    15   30   45
. FX effect on controlled companies abroad    290   (241)   49
. Other        6   (16)   (10)
        2,716   (1,530)   1,186
    (*) Expenses Composition:    Value         
   - domestic government take    (258)        
   - transportation: maritime and pipelines (1)    (116)        
   - salaries, benefits and charges    (76)        
   - oil products (domestic purchases)    (66)        
   - third-party services   (54)        
   - non-oil products, including alcohol, biodiesel and other    (17)        
   - import of oil, oil products and gas    93        
   - materials, services, rents and depreciation    109        
(1) Expenses with cabotage, terminals and pipelines.             


Due to the average inventory period of 60 days, international oil and refinery product prices, as well as the impact of the exchange rate on imports and government take are not fully reflected in the cost of goods sold in the actual period, but in the subsequent period.

The chart below shows the estimated impact on COGS:

    4Q09    1Q10   \ (*) 
Effect of the weighted average cost (Real MM)    195   271   76 
( ) Sales Cost increase             


(*) The effect of sale of inventories formed at lower unit costs in previous periods was higher in 1Q-2010 than in 4Q-2009, reflecting the bigger increase in international prices, net of the exchange variation.


4. Consolidated Taxes and Contributions

The economic contribution of Petrobras to the country, measured through the generation of current taxes, duties and social contributions, totaled R$ 15,569 million.

R$ million
            1st Quarter
 4Q-2009   1Q10 X 4Q09
      2010     2009    

2009 X 2008

        Economic Contribution - Country             
6,542   (6)   Value Added Tax on Sales and Services (ICMS)    6,117    5,758    6
1,828   (17)   CIDE (1)    1,519    1,052    44
3,315   (4)   PASEP/COFINS    3,193    3,028    5
1,971   47   Income Tax & Social Contribution    2,903    2,705    7
513   21   Other    621    668    (7)
14,169   1   Subtotal Country    14,353    13,211    9
960   27   Economic Contribution - Foreign    1,216    1,079    13
15,129   3   Total    15,569    14,290    9


5. Government Take

R$ million
            1st Quarter
 4Q-2009   1Q10 X 4Q09
      2010     2009    

2009 X 2008

2,335        Royalties    2,333    1,646    42
2,672    (2)   Special Participation    2,610    1,278    104
31    3   Surface Rental Fees    32    29    10
17        ANP Agreement            -
5,055    (2)   Subtotal Country    4,975    2,953    68
124    1   Foreign    125    96    30
5,179    (2)   Total    5,100    3,049    67


The government take in the country in 1Q-2010 increased by 68% over 1Q-2009, due to the 49% upturn in the reference price for domestic oil, which averaged R$ 124.27 (US$ 69.00) in 1Q-2010, versus R$ 83.36 (US$ 36.08) in the same period in 2009, reflecting the increase in oil prices on the international market and the higher government take in the Marlim Sul and Marlim Leste fields.

In 1Q-2010, government take in the country declined by 2% over 4Q-2009, due to the reduction in the tax rate in the Albacora Leste, Barracuda and Albacora fields, as well as the stability of the reference price for local oil, based on the international price.


23 CIDE – Economic Domain Contribution Charge.


6. Indebtedness (Graphs)



7. Foreign Exchange Exposure

Assets    R$ million 
    03.31.2010   12.31.2009
Current Assets    8,058   5,581

Cash and Cash Equivalents 

  5,686   4,035

Other Current Assets 

  2,372   1,546
Non-current Assets    21,324   17,876

Amounts invested abroad by partner companies, in the international segment, in E&P equipments to be used in Brazil and in commercial activities. 

  20,131   16,759

Long-term Assets 

  1,193   1,117
Total Assets    29,382   23,457
Liabilities    R$ million 
    03.31.2010   12.31.2009
Current Liabilities    (14,204)   (11,978)
Short-term Financing    (12,848)   (10,303)
Suppliers    (702)   (1,088)
Others Current Liabilities    (654)   (587)
Long-term Liabilities    (22,227)   (15,203)
Long-term Financing    (22,216)   (15,125)
Others Long-term Liabilities    (11)   (78)
Total Liabilities    (36,431)   (27,181)
Net Assets (Liabilities) in Reais    (7,049)   (3,724)
( - ) FINAME Loans - dollar indexed reais    (184)   (179)
( - ) BNDES Loans - dollar indexed reais    (25,027)   (25,368)
Net Assets (Liabilities) in Reais    (32,260)   (29,271)



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: May 24, 2010

/S/  Almir Guilherme Barbassa

Almir Guilherme Barbassa
Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relations Officer



This press release may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (Securities Act), and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (Exchange Act) that are not based on historical facts and are not assurances of future results.  These forward-looking statements are based on management's current view and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results o f operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations. 
All forward-looking statements are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement, and you should not place reliance on any forward-looking statement contained in this press release. We undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information or future events or for any other reason.