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Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the month of May, 2011

Commission File Number 1-15106

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

Brazilian Petroleum Corporation - PETROBRAS
(Translation of Registrant's name into English)

Avenida República do Chile, 65
20031-912 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Federative Republic of Brazil
(Address of principal executive office)

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This report on Form 6-K is incorporated by reference in the Registration
Statement on Form F-3 of Petróleo Brasileiro -- Petrobras (No. 333-163665).


Rio de Janeiro – May 13, 2011 – Petrobras announces today its consolidated results expressed in millions of Brazilian Reais, in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). 


Consolidated net income totaled R$10,985 million in 1Q-2011, a new quarterly record, while EBITDA increased by 10% over 4Q-2010

Main Highlights

R$ million
      First quarter   
4Q-2010 1Q11 X
  2011 2010 2011 X
10,602  4  Consolidated net income attributable to Petrobras shareholders  10,985  7,726  42 
2,628    Total oil and natural gas production (th. barrel/day)  2,627  2,547  3 
14,584  10  EBITDA  16,093  15,076  7 
380,247  6  Market capitalization (parent company)  402,487  332,381  21 


     For further information: PETRÓLEO BRASILEIRO S. A. – PETROBRAS Investor Relations I E-mail: petroinvest@Petrobras.com.br / acionistas@Petrobras.com.br
Av. República do Chile, 65 - 2202 - B - 20031-912 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ I Tel.: 55 (21) 3224-1510 / 9947 I 0800-282-1540

Financial Performance
Operating Performance
Financial Statements




This document may contain forecasts that merely reflect the expectations of the Company’s management. Such terms as “anticipate”, “believe”, “expect”, “forecast”, “intend”, “plan”, “project”,
“seek”, “should”, along with similar or analogous expressions, are used to identify such forecasts. These predictions evidently involve risks and uncertainties, whether foreseen or not by the
Company. Therefore, the future results of operations may differ from current expectations, and readers should not base their expectations exclusively on the information presented herein.



Dear shareholders and investors,

We are pleased to announce our results for the first quarter of 2011, which was marked by continuing challenges and important operational and corporate achievements, leading to record net income of R$10,985 million.

Our operating performance improved substantially, particularly in the Exploration and Production segment. At the beginning of 2011, we announced that our proven oil and gas reserves had reached 15.986 billion barrels of oil equivalent (boe) in 2010, in accordance to SPE, 7.5% more than the previous year. This means that, for every boe extracted in 2010, we added 2.29, corresponding to a reserve replacement ratio of 229%. The reserve/production ratio (R/P) closed 2010 at 18.4 years, an exceptionally comfortable figure for our industry.

We continue to make progress in our development of the Santo pre-salt frontier, approving the chartering of two new FPSO platforms (oil and gas floating production, storage and offloading units) for the pilot projects in the Guará-Norte region and the Cernambi field.

Continuing with our strategy of ensuring key equipment for the development of our operations, we approved the construction of the first lot of seven drilling rigs to be built in Brazil. The rigs will be chartered from Sete Brasil S.A., which will be responsible for the construction contract with Estaleiro Atlântico Sul (EAS), in Pernambuco. This represents the first stage of a project involving up to 28 rigs, the first of which is scheduled for start-up by 2015. It is worth highlighting that the contracting of these rigs is fully compatible with a policy of local construction at internationally competitive costs.

Continuing with our exploration program, we announced several new and important discoveries, including the area known informally as Carioca Nordeste, where preliminary analyses indicate an accumulation of oil with an API gravity of 26° in a high-quality 200 meter reservoir, and the Macunaíma area, where the Company identified an oil accumulation also with an API gravity of 26° in the Santos Basin pre-salt reservoirs.

We began extended well tests (EWTs) in the Tracajá reservoir in the Marlim Leste field, and the Brava region of the Marlim field, both of which located in the pre-salt area of the Campos Basin, the latter being connected to the P-27 platform, avoiding the need for an additional production unit. The EWTs will provide us with more data on the characteristics of the reservoirs, thus helping to ensure the best means of developing production.

We entered into a Memorandum of Understanding and a General Technological Cooperation Agreement with the Chinese companies, Sinochem Corporation and Sinopec, respectively. These strategic alliances will ensure cooperation between the companies’ activities in Brazil and abroad in areas of common interest in the oil and gas industry.

On the corporate front, we undertook the largest ever international debt issue by a Brazilian company, placing US$6 billion in bonds maturing in 5, 10 and 30 years. The proceeds will be used to finance the investments scheduled in our Business Plan, thereby maintaining an appropriate capital structure and financial leverage in line with our objectives.




In April, we announced the annual review of the Santos Basin Pre-Salt Integrated Development Plan (Plansal), incorporating the data from the new wells and the implementation of the various commercial strategies.

Finally, we cannot forget to mention the highly volatile international oil prices which, combined with the ethanol shortage in Brazil, have further underlined the correctness of Petrobras’ strategy which is primarily aimed at increasing oil production and actively participating in the biofuel segment, not only capturing growing demand in these markets, but also ensuring that all the Company’s human, financial and operational resources are put to the best possible use. We remain confident in our capacity to achieve the goals laid out in our Business Plan, thereby ensuring increasing returns for our shareholders and investors.




Main Items and Consolidated Economic Indicators

R$ million
      First quarter   
4Q-2010 1Q11 X
  2011 2010 2011 X
54,492  1  Revenue from sales  54,800  50,412  9 
18,880  7  Gross profit  20,204  19,310  5 
10,773  16  Income befor e financial result, profit sharing and taxes  12,536  11,617  8 
1,926  5  Net financial result  2,022  (701)  388 
10,602  4  Net income attributable to Petrobras shareholders  10,985  7,726  42 
0.81  4  Earnings per share 1  0.84  0.88  (4) 
    Result by business area       
7,848  19  . Exploration & Production  9,327  7,312  28 
1,415  (107)  . Refining, Transportation & Marketing  (95)  1,116  (109) 
332  55  . Gas & Power  515  323  59 
(38)   (66)  . Biofuels  (13)  (22)  (41) 
290  27  . Distribution  369  362  2 
62  1,260  . International  843  447  89 
1,449  (39)  . Corporate  880  (1,240)  171 
19,911  (20) Consolidated investments  15,871  17,753  (11) 
35  2  Gross margin (%)  37  38  (1) 
21  2  Operating margin (%) 2  23  23    
19  1  Net margin (%)  20  15  5 
14,584  10  EBITDA – R$ million 3  16,093  15,076  7 
86.48  21  Brent (US$/bbl)  104.97  76.24  38 
1.70  (2) US Dollar average sell price (R$)  1.67  1.80  (7) 
1.67  (2) US Dollar final sell price (R$)  1.63  1.78  (8) 
    Average price indicators       
159.00  3  Average Oil Products Realization Prices (R$/bbl)  163.72  157.65  4 
    Sale price - Brazil       
79.70  18  . Oil (US$/bbl) 4  94.04  72.92  29 
14.01  (37) . Natural gas (US$/bbl) 5  8.83  14.39  (39) 
    Sale price - International       
73.90  18  . Oil (US$/bbl)  87.39  62.02  41 
14.80  11  . Natural gas (US$/bbl)  16.36  14.81  10 


1 Earnings per share based on the weighted average of the number of shares. 
2 Calculated based on operating income before financial result, profit sharing and taxes. 
3 Operating income before financial result, equity balance and depreciation/amortization. 
4 Average of exports and domestic transfer prices from E&P to Refining, Transportation & Marketing. 
5 Domestic oil transfer price from E&P to Gas & Power. 





1Q-2011 x 4Q-2010:

Gross profit

Gross profit6 totaled R$20,204 million in 1Q-2011, 7% up on the R$18,880 million posted in 4Q-2010, due to:

o Relatively stable sales revenue (R$54,800 million in 1Q-2011, versus R$54,492 million in 4Q-2010), due to:
The impact of higher international prices on export prices and the price of oil products whose prices are pegged to the international market;
The price increases were almost entirely offset by the reduction in domestic sales volume, especially diesel, due to the decline in industrial activity, and natural gas, reflecting the seasonality of the industrial and thermal power segments.

o A reduction of 3% in the cost of goods sold – COGS- (R$1,016 million), due to:
The 7% decline in domestic sales volume (2,344 thousand barrels/day in 1Q-2011, versus 2,526 thousand barrels/day in 4Q-2010);
The lower share of imports, especially diesel, in the COGS mix;

These effects were partially offset by the increase in extraction costs, which climbed by 17% in R$/bbl terms (including the government take).

Net Income

o First quarter net income (R$10,985 million) improved by 4% over the previous quarter (R$10,602 million), mostly reflecting:
Higher sales revenue;
Lower COGS;
The 5% reduction in expenses (R$439 million), chiefly due to reduced write-offs of economically unviable wells, mostly abroad (R$321 million).

These effects were partially offset by the R$754 million reduction in tax benefits from the payment of interest of equity.

Cash and Cash Equivalents, Investments and Debt

o Cash and cash equivalents (including federal bonds maturing in more than 90 days) climbed by 13% (R$62,935 million in 1Q-2011, versus R$55,848 million in 4Q-2010).

o First-quarter investments totaled R$15,871 million, 45% of which allocated to Exploration & Production.

o Net debt stood at R$66,064 million, up by 6%, most of which in the long term, with a comfortable leverage of 17%, well below the Company’s established maximum of 35% .

6 For further details, see Appendix 2. 





1Q-2011 x 1Q-2010.

Gross profit

Gross profit7 totaled R$20,204 million in 1Q-2011, 5% up on 1Q-2010 (R$19,310 million), thanks to:

o The 9% increase in revenue (R$4,388 million), basically due to:

The 7% upturn in domestic sales volume (R$1,383 million), reflecting Brazil’s economic growth, led by jet fuel (+18%), natural gas (+13%), diesel (+9%) and gasoline (+7%)8.
The increase in crude and oil product prices, chiefly oil exports (41% in US$), and the higher price of naphtha (+13%) and jet fuel (+20%);
Increased revenue from the international market (R$1,094 million), due to higher prices abroad (R$1,077 million).

o COGS increased by 11% over 1Q-2010 (R$3,494 million), due to:

Higher import expenditures, mainly with diesel;
The 16% increase in extraction expenses (including the government take), due to higher international crude prices and increased output;
The 16% upturn in R$/bbl refining costs, excluding the exchange variation, due to higher expenses with personnel, materials, third-party services and scheduled stoppages.

Net Income

o 1Q-2010, net income increased by 42% year-on-year, reaching a new quarterly record, mostly reflecting:

The 29% increase in national oil prices in US$;
The 4% upturn in LNG and natural gas production due to higher output in the Marlim Leste, Cachalote/Baleia Franca, Jubarte, Uruguá/Tambaú and Frade fields, the operational start-up of the Piloto de Lula and Marlim Sul fields and the extended well tests in Tiro, Sidon and Guará.
Higher sales of natural gas, accompanying industrial growth and increased demand for power generation;
The increase in the financial result (R$2,723 million), due to exchange gains on debt from the appreciation of the Real against the U.S. dollar, and higher returns on financial investments and federal bonds due to investment of the proceeds from the September 2010 capitalization.


Cash and Cash Equivalents, Investments and Debt

o Net cash from operating activities amounted to R$12,924 million in 1Q-2011, 34% up year-on-year, reflecting higher output, increased sales, and favorable crude and oil product prices.

o The Company has invested R$15,871 million to date, R$7,196 million of which in Exploration & Production and R$5,845 million in Refining, Transportation & Marketing.

o Following the September 2010 capitalization, the company’s leverage fell substantially and has been maintained at 17%, much lower than the Company’s established limit of 35%.

7 For further details, see Appendix 3. 
8 For further details, see page 14. 






Petrobras operates in an integrated manner, with the greater part of oil and gas production in the exploration and production area being transferred to other Company areas.

When reporting results per business area, transactions with third parties and transfers between business areas are valued in accordance with the internal transfer prices established between the various areas and assessment methodologies based on market parameters.

 Net income

First quarter   
  4Q-2010 1Q11 X

2011 2010 2011 X
  7,848  19  9,327  7,312  28 

(1Q-2011 x 4Q-2010): The upturn in net income was caused by the increase in the domestic oil sale/transfer price (18% in US$/bbl), partially offset by the higher government take.

 The spread between the average domestic oil sale/transfer price and the average Brent price widened from US$6.78/bbl in 4Q-2010 to US$10.93/bbl in 1Q-2011, reflecting higher international prices and the disparity between Brent crude and WTI prices.

(1Q-2011 x 1Q-2010): The increase in net income reflected higher domestic oil prices (29% in US$/bbl), partially offset by the higher government take.

Another contributing factor was the reduction in losses and lower contingencies for lawsuits (R$451million), chiefly due to provisions for tax contingencies related to the ICMS/RJ (state VAT) of the P-36 platform in 1Q-2010.

The spread between the average domestic oil sale/transfer price and the average Brent price widened from US$3.32/bbl in 1Q-2010 to US$10.93/bbl in 1Q-2011, reflecting the higher international prices and the disparity between Brent crude and WTI prices.


      First quarter   
4Q-2010 1Q11 X
Domestic production (th. barrels/day) (*)  2011 2010 2011 X
2,030  1  Oil and NGL  2,044  1,985  3 
354  (4)  Natural gas 9  341  317  8 
2,384     Total  2,385  2,302  4 


(1Q-2011 x 4Q-2010): Oil and gas production remained flat over 4Q-2010.

(1Q-2011 x 1Q-2010): Higher output in the Marlim Leste, Cachalote/Baleia Franca, Jubarte, Uruguá/Tambaú, Frade, Piloto de Lula and Marlim Sul fields and the extended well tests (EWT) in Tiro, Sidon and Guará more than offset the natural decline in the remaining fields.


9 Excludes liquefied gas and includes re-injected gas 





        First quarter   
4Q-2010 1Q11 X
  Lifting cost - country (*)  2011 2010 2011X

10.29  11  • • without government take  11.38  9.40  21 
25.58  19  • • with government take  30.48  23.73  28 
17.34  10  • • without government take  19.00  16.95  12 
43.47  17  • • with government take  50.66  43.82  16 


Lifting Cost Excluding Government Take – US$/barrel

(1Q-2011 x 4Q-2010): Excluding the exchange variation, lifting costs increased by 9%, due to the higher number of well interventions in the Marlim Sul and Albacora Leste fields and preventive maintenance in the Marlim field.

(1Q-2011 x 1Q-2010): Excluding the exchange variation, lifting costs climbed by 15% over 1Q-2010, due to the increased number of well interventions in the Marlim Leste, Roncador, Marlim Sul and Albacora Leste fields and preventive maintenance in the Marlim field. 

Lifting Cost Including Government Take – US$/barrel

(1Q-2011 x 4Q-2010): Excluding the exchange variation, lifting cost increased by 19% due to the higher average reference price for local oil.

(1Q-2011 x 1Q-2010): Excluding the exchange variation, the lifting cost increased by 26% due to the
higher average reference price for local oil. 


(*) Unaudited. 






 Net income

First quarter   
  4Q-2010 1Q11 X

2011 2010 2011 X
  1,415 (107) (95) 1,116 (109)

(1Q-2011 x 4Q-2010): The reduction in net income reflected higher oil acquisition/transfer and oil product
import costs (Brent – up by 21% in US$/bbl) and the decline in domestic oil product sales volume.

These factors were partially offset by the sale of inventories formed at lower acquisition costs in previous periods, higher export prices and the upturn in the domestic price of those oil products whose prices are pegged to international prices.

(1Q-2011 x 1Q-2010): The year-on-year reduction in net income reflects higher oil acquisition/transfer and
oil product import costs (Brent, up by 38% in US$/bbl), partially offset by the increase in oil product sales volume, higher export prices and the upturn in the domestic price of those oil products whose prices are pegged to international prices. Increased returns on interests in petrochemical investees (R$328 million) also helped offset the reduction.



      First quarter   
4Q-2010 1Q11 X
Imports and exports (th. barrels/day) (*)  2011 2010 2011 X
270  50 

Crude oil imports 

405  347  17 
188  48 

Oil product imports 

279  274  2 
458  49  Crude oil and oil product imports  684  621  10 
441  (1) 

Crude oil exports 10 

436  555  (21) 
215  (2) 

Oil product exports 

210  192  9 
656  (2) 

Crude oil and oil product exports 11 

646  747  (14) 
198  (119)  Net crude oil and oil product exports (imports)  (38)  126  (130) 


(1Q-2011 x 4Q-2010): The increase in oil imports reflected the need to replenish inventories and process lighter crude at Replan, due to the stoppage of the refinery’s fuel oil and gasoil outflow pipeline. Oil product imports also moved up, especially diesel.

Oil exports declined due to the need to build up inventories, and gasoline exports were also reduced to  meet the increase in local demand caused by the ethanol shortage. 

(1Q-2011 x 1Q-2010): Oil imports increased due to the need to replenish inventories and process lighter
crude at Replan, due to the stoppage in the refinery’s fuel oil and gasoil outflow pipeline.


(*) Unaudited. 
10 Includes oil exports by the Refining, Transportation & Marketing and E&P business areas. 
11 Includes ongoing exports. 





      First quarter   
4Q-2010 1Q11 X
Oil product output (th. barrels/day) (*)  2011 2010 2011 X
1,910  (2)  Oil product output  1,877  1,765  6 
2,007     Primary installed processing capacity 12  2,007  1,942  3 
93  (1)  Installed capacity use (%)  92  90  2 
83  (1)  Domestic crude as % of total  processed feedstock  82  80  2 


        First quarter   
4Q-2010 1Q11 X
Processed Feedstock – Domestic (th. barrels/day) (*)  2011 2010 2011 X
1,862  (1)      1,852  1,738  7 
(1Q-2011 x 4Q-2010): Daily processed feedstock remained stable over the previous quarter.

(1Q-2011 x 1Q-2010): Daily processed feedstock moved up by 7%, reflecting the reduction in scheduled stoppages in the distillation units.


      First quarter   
4Q-2010 1Q11 X
Refining Cost – Domestic (*)  2011 2010 2011 X
4.79  (5)  Refining cost (US$/barrel)  4.53  3.64  24 
8.07  (6)  Refining cost (R$/barrel)  7.57  6.52  16 


(1Q-2011 x 4Q-2010): Excluding the exchange variation, refining costs fell by 7%, due to lower expenses from scheduled stoppages, maintenance, repairs and materials.

(1Q-2011 x 1Q-2010): Excluding the exchange variation, these costs increased by 16%, due to higher expenses from scheduled stoppages in the conversion units (without no direct impact on throughput), as well as from personnel, materials, and third-party services, chiefly as a result of equipment maintenance and repairs. 


(*) Unaudited  
12 According to the ownership recognized by the ANP. 





 Net income

First quarter   
  4Q-2010 1Q11 X

2011 2010 2011 X
  332 55 515 323 59

(1Q-2011 x 4Q-2010): The increase in net income was due to the following factors:

• The upturn in the average gas sales price, reflecting the thermal market’s reduced sales share;

• The reduction in domestic natural gas acquisition/transfer costs, accompanying the behavior of  international prices and the appreciation of the Real against the U.S. dollar;

• Lower LNG import/consumption volume;

• Higher energy trading margins due to the increase in the average spot market acquisition cost.

 These factors were partially offset by reduced sales volume of natural gas, reflecting demand seasonality, and electricity, due to the recovery of water levels in the hydro plant reservoirs.

(1Q-2011 x 1Q-2010): The annual improvement was due to the following factors:

• Higher sales of natural gas, accompanying industrial growth and greater demand for power generation;

• The reduction in domestic natural gas acquisition/transfer costs, accompanying the behavior of international prices and the appreciation of the Real against the U.S. dollar;

• Increased fixed revenue from energy auctions (regulated market) due to the operational start-up of two thermal plants and higher revenue from thermal generation;

• Estimated impairment losses in 1Q-2010 (R$80 million);

These effects were partially offset by reduced power sales margins due to the increase in the average spot
market acquisition cost and LNG import/consumption costs. 


      First quarter   
4Q-2010 1Q11 X
Physical and financial indicators (*)  2011 2010 2011 X
171  (2)  Gas imports (th. barrels/day)  168  152  11 
1,931  6  Electricity sales (agreements) - average MW  2,037  2,317  (12) 
3,119  (75)  Electricity generation - average MW  773  456  70 
115  (71)  Difference settlement price (PLD) - R$/MWh 13  33  19  81 


(1Q-2011 x 4Q-2010): The 2% reduction in Bolivian gas imports reflected the decline in thermal power generation.

Electricity sales volume climbed by 6%, reflecting the trading optimization policy through balance and short-term sales.

The 75% reduction in power generation was caused by lower dispatch by the ONS (National System Operator) due to the higher water levels.

The 71% decline in the difference settlement price reflected the slight increase in reservoir water levels.

(1Q-2011 x 1Q-2010): The 10% increase in Bolivian gas imports was due to higher demand for thermal power and the increase in industrial consumption.

The 12% downturn in electricity sales was caused by the increase in the difference settlement price in 1Q-2011, which reduced balance sales.

The 70% increase in power generation, reflected lower-than-expected water levels, together with high temperatures and increased dispatch by the ONS due to increased confidence in the System’s reliability. The 81% upturn in the difference settlement price reflected the reduction in reservoir water levels in 2011. 


(*) Unaudited. 
13 PLD – weekly prices weighted by load level (light, medium and heavy), number of hours and sub-market capacity. 






 Net income

First quarter   
  4Q-2010 1Q11 X

2011 2010 2011 X
  38 66 13 (22) (41)

(1Q-2011 x 4Q-2010): The reduction in losses reflected the increase in sales volume due to higher biofuel production and sales, the development of agribusiness activities and higher gains from the Company’s interests in ethanol producing investees.

These effects were partially offset by higher operating costs.

Biodiesel operations are still being consolidated in Brazil, and current sales volume and auction price levels do not yet permit wider operating margins. 

(1Q-2011 x 1Q-2010): The reduced losses were due to higher biodiesel sales volume and gains from the Company’s interests in ethanol producing investees.

These factors were partially offset by higher biodiesel raw material acquisition and transportation costs, expenses from the implementation of new projects and higher operating expenses, reflecting the expansion of the business.

 Net income

First quarter   
  4Q-2010 1Q11 X

2011 2010 2011 X
  290 27 369 362 2

(1Q-2011 x 4Q-2010): The upturn in net income was due to the 6% increase in sales margins and the reduction in selling expenses with services, sales promotions and the 2010/2011 pay rise.

These effects were partially offset by the 7% reduction in sales volume.

The share of the fuel distribution market was 38.9% in 1Q-2011, versus 39.0% in the previous quarter.

(1Q-2011 x 1Q-2010): Net income remained flat given that the 3% increase in sales margins and the 6% upturn in sales volume were offset by the increase in selling expenses with services, provisions for doubtful debts and personnel, the latter explained by the 2010/2011 collective bargaining agreement.

The share of the fuel distribution market declined from 39.5% in 2010 to 38.9% in 2011.






 Net income

First quarter   
  4Q-2010 1Q11 X

2011 2010 2011 X
  62 1.260 843 447 89

(1Q-2011 x 4Q-2010): The increase in net income reflected the upturn in gross profit (R$454 million) due to higher commodity prices, and the reduction in exploration expenses and the write-off of wells in 1Q-2011 (R$577 million). 

(1Q-2011 x 1Q-2010): The year-on-year increase was caused by higher international commodity prices in 2011 and increased sales volume in Nigeria due to the operational start-up of new production wells in 2010, affecting gross profit (R$464 million). 



      First quarter   
4Q-2010 1Q11 X
International Production (th. barrels/day) (*)  2011 2010 2011 X
    Consolidated international production       
143  (2) 

Oil and LNG 

140  142  (1) 

Natural gas 

93  95  (2) 
236  (1)  Total  233  237  (2) 
8  13  Non consolidated internacional production  9  8  13 
244  (1)  Total international production  242  245  (1) 





(1Q-2011 x 4Q-2010): Consolidated oil and LNG production fell due to the termination of the Exploration & Production agreements in Ecuador and the decline in output from the mature fields in Colombia. Consolidated gas production remained flat over the previous quarter.

(1Q-2011 x 1Q-2010): Consolidated oil and LNG production fell due to the termination of the Exploration & Production agreements in Ecuador and the decline in output from the mature fields in Argentina and Colombia, offset by the operational start-up of new wells in the Akpo and Agbami fields in Nigeria.

The reduction in gas production was due to the decline in output from mature fields and disputes with
unions in Argentina, offset by higher demand for Bolivian gas in Brazil. 


(*) Unaudited. 





      First quarter   
4Q-2010 1Q11 X
Lifting Cost - International (US$/barrel) (*)  2011 2010 2011 X
6.80  (17)    5.65  5.1114  11 


(1Q-2011 x 4Q-2010): Lower expenses from third-party services in Argentina,  Colombia and Angola due to the reduction in well intervention and maintenance services.

(1Q-2011 x 1Q-2010): Increase in third-party and materials expenses in Argentina, due to contractual price adjustments and the higher volume of well intervention services. 


      First quarter   
4Q-2010 1Q11 X
Processed Feedstock – International (th. barrels/day) (*)  2011 2010 2011 X
208  (5)    198  212  (7) 


(1Q-2011 x 4Q-2010): Lower processed feedstock due to the scheduled maintenance stoppage at the FCC catalytic cracking unit in the USA.

(1Q-2011 x 1Q-2010): Reduction in processed feedstock due to the February stoppage at the hydrotreatment unit (HDT) in Bahia Blanca
(Argentina) and the scheduled stoppage at the FCC catalytic  cracking unit in the USA in march/2011. 


      First quarter   
4Q-2010 1Q11 X
Oil Product Output - International (*)  2011 2010 2011 X
(th. barrels/day) 
220  (4)  Oil product output  212  225  (6) 
281  -  Primary installed processing capacity  281  281  - 
70  (4)  Installed capacity use (%)  66  73  (7) 


      First quarter   
4Q-2010 1Q11 X
Refining Cost – International (US$/barrel) (*)  2011 2010 2011 X
4.08  18    4.81  3.32  45 


(1Q-2011 x 4Q-2010): Higher maintenance expenses in the Pasadena refinery in the USA due to the scheduled stoppage in 1Q-2011.

(1Q-2011 x 1Q-2010): Refinery costs increased in the USA due to expenses from the scheduled stoppage at the FCC catalytic cracking unit in March 2011 and the reduction in total processed feedstock.


(*) Unaudited. 
14 Revised lifting cost in the Nigerian unit. 





 Sales Volume – thousand barrels/day (*) 
      First quarter   
4Q-2010 1Q11 X
  2011 2010 2011 X
841  (5)  Diesel  796  733  9 
414  6  Gasoline  439  410  7 
91  (8)  Fuel Oil  84  104  (19) 
197  (22)  Naphtha  153  149  3 
219  (5)  LPG  208  203  2 
99    Jet fuel  99  84  18 
191  (1)  Other  189  168  13 
2,052  (4)  Total oil products  1,968  1,851  6 
111  (23)  Alcohols, nitrogen-based compounds and others  85  81  5 
363  (20)  Natural gas  291  257  13 
2,526  (7)  Total domestic market  2,344  2,189  7 
658  (2)  Exports  646  749  (14) 
601  (11)  International sales 15  536  561  (4) 
1,259  (6)  Total international market  1,182  1,310  (10) 
3,785  (7)  Total  3,526  3,499  1 


Domestic sales volume increased by 7% over 1Q-2010, reflecting economic growth as well as the following factors:

Diesel (increase of 9%) – due to the reduced market share of the other local players;

Gasoline (increase of 7%) – reflecting the more advantageous gasoline prices compared to those of ethanol in most states, as well as the expansion of the vehicle fleet;

Natural gas (increase of 13%) – accompanying industrial growth and greater demand for power generation;

Jet fuel (increase of 18%) – due to the appreciation of the Real and the greater number of domestic and international flights.

The 19% reduction in fuel oil reflected the substitution of part of natural gas consumption, both in the thermal and industrial segments.

Exports declined by 14%, due to increased oil supply in 1Q-2010, reflecting the scheduled stoppage in the Replan refinery.

Corporate Overhead (US$ million) (*)
      First quarter   
4Q-2010 1Q11 X
  2011 2010 2011 X
862  (7)    798  651  23 


(1Q-2011 x 4Q-2010): Excluding the appreciation of the Real, corporate overhead fell 9%, due to the reduction in expenses from social programs, sponsorships and data processing, partially offset by higher personnel expenses.

(1Q-2011 x 1Q-2010): Excluding the appreciation of the Real, corporate overhead climbed by 15% over Q-2010, due to higher personnel, sponsorship marketing and advertising expenses.



(*) Unaudited. 
15 Altered in accordance with the revision of PESA’s volumes. 



Consolidated Investments

R$ million
      First quarter     
    2011  %  2010  %  Δ% 
• Own Investments    15,585  98  16,707  94  (7) 
Exploration & Production    7,196  45  7,778  44  (7) 
Refining, Transportation & Marketing    5,845  38  5,262  29  11 
Gas & Power    917  6  1,629  9  (44) 
International (I)    870  5  1,467  8  (41) 
Distribution    235  1  116  1  103 
Biofuels    219  1  116  1  89 
Corporate    303  2  339  2  (11) 
• Special purpose companies (SPCs) (II)    286  2  1,046  6  (73) 
Total investments    15,871  100  17,753  100  (11) 
(I) International    870  100  1,467  100  (41) 
Exploration & Production    752  86  1,398  96  (46) 
Refining, Transportation & Marketing    71  8  32  2  122 
Gas & Power    31  4  19  1  63 
Distribution    11  1  12  1  (8) 
Other    5  1  6    (17) 
(II) Projects developed by SPCs    286  100  1,046  100  (73) 
Exploration & Production    45  16  150  14  (70) 
Refining, Transportation & Marketing    164  57  157  15  4 
Gas & Power    68  24  739  71  (91) 
Distribution    9  3       


In line with its strategic objectives, Petrobras operates through joint ventures with other companies, in Brazil and abroad, as a concessionaire of oil and gas exploration, development and production rights. Currently the Company is a member of 105 consortiums in Brazil, of which it operates 72, and 155 joint ventures abroad, of which it operates 79.






Consolidated Debt

  R$ million
  03.31.2011  12.31.2010  Δ% 
Short-term debt 16  16,595  15,668  6 
Long-term debt 17  112,404  102,247  10 
Total  128,999  117,915  9 
Cash and cash equivalents  43,345  30,323  43 
Treasury Bills (maturity of more than 90 days)  19,590  25,525  (23) 
Adjusted cash equivalents  62,935  55,848  13 
Net debt 18  66,064  62,067  6 
Net debt/(net debt + shareholder's equity)  17%  17%  - 
Total net liabilities 19  482,010  464,122  4 
Capital structure       
(net third parties capital / total net liabilities)  34%  33%  1 
Net debt/EBITDA ratio  1.03  1.03  - 
    US$ million   
  03.31.2011  12.31.2010  Δ%
Short-term debt  10,189  9,403  8 
Long-term debt  69,015  61,365  12 
Total  79,204  70,769  12 
Net debt  40,562  37,250  9 


The net debt of the Petrobras System increased by 6% over December 31, 2010, due to the raising of long-term funding abroad through bond issues, partially offset by financial investments in Brazil.

16 Includes financial leasings (R$159million on March 31, 2011 and R$176 million on December 31, 2010). 
17 Includes financial leasings (R$201 million on March 31, 2011 and R$196 million on December 31, 2010). 
18 Total debt less cash and cash equivalents. 
19 Total liabilities net of cash and financial investments. 





Income Statement – Consolidated

R$ million
    First quarter 
4Q-2010    2011  2010 
54,492  Revenue from sales  54,800  50,412 

Cost of products sold 

(34,596)  (31,102) 
18,880  Gross profit  20,204  19,310 


(2,116)  (2,072) 

General and administrative 

(2,010)  (1,829) 

Exploratory cost 

(942)  (1,003) 

Research & development 

(492)  (391) 


(251)  (153) 


(1,857)  (2,245) 
(8,107)    (7,668)  (7,693) 
10,773  Income before financial results, profit sharing and taxes  12,536  11,617 
1,926  Net financial result  2,022  (701) 
389  Interest in investments  277  (179) 
13,088  Income before taxes  14,835  10,737 
(2,452)  Income tax and social contribution  (3,641)  (2,940) 
10,636  Net income  11,194  7,797 
(34)  Minority interest  (209)  (71) 
10,602  Net income attributable to Petrobras shareholders  10,985  7,726 





Balance Sheet – Consolidated

ASSETS  R$ million 
  03.31.2011  12.31.2010 
Current Assets  120,036  106,685 

Cash and cash equivalents 

43,345  30,323 

Marketable securities 

20,016  26,017 

Accounts receivable 

17,778  17,334 


23,869  19,816 

Taxes recoverable 

10,178  8,935 


4,850  4,260 
Non Current Assets  424,909  413,285 

Long-term assets 

38,681  38,470 

Accounts receivable 

4,969  4,956 

Marketable securities 

5,127  5,208 

Judicial deposits 

2,897  2,807 

Deferred taxes and social contribution 

17,068  17,211 

Advances to suppliers 

4,807  4,976 


3,813  3,312 


9,222  8,879 

Fixed assets 

294,165  282,838 

Intangible assets 

82,841  83,098 
Total assets  544,945  519,970 


LIABILITIES  R$ million 
  03.31.2011  12.31.2010 
Current Liabilities  60,590  56,834 

Short-term debt 

16,595  15,668 


18,601  17,044 

Taxes and social contribution 

10,792  10,250 


4,216  3,595 

Salaries, benefits and charges 

2,569  2,606 

Pension and health plan 

1,348  1,303 


6,469  6,368 
Non Current Liabilities  166,163  152,911 

Long-term Debt 

112,404  102,247 

Deferred taxes and social contribution 

28,961  26,161 

Pension and health plan 

15,708  15,278 

Provision for well abandonment 

6,443  6,505 

Provision for lawsuits 

1,356  1,372 


1,291  1,348 
Shareholders’ Equity  318,192  310,225 

Capital stock 

205,357  205,357 

Reserves/Income for the period 

109,424  101,409 
Minority Interest  3,411  3,459 
Total Liabilities  544,945  519,970 





Statement of Cash Flow – Consolidated

R$ million
    First quarter 
4Q-2010    2011  2010 
10,602  Net Income Attributable to Petrobras Shareholders  10,985  7,726 
4,823  (+) Adjustments  1,939  1,950 

Depreciation and amortization 

3,558  3,265 

Interest, FX rate and monetary variation 

(771)  1,116 

Minority interest 

209  71 

Equity income 

(277)  179 

Deferred income tax and contribution 

2,373  (446) 

Write-off of dry wells 

538  632 

Impairment losses 

163  310 

Inventory variation 

(4,266)  (563) 

Accounts receivable variation 

(877)  (2,450) 

Supplier variation 

2,157  (900) 

Pension and health plan variation 

480  600 

Tax variation 

(237)  (1,077) 

Other adjustments 

(1,111)  1,213 
15,425  (=) Cash Generated by Operating Activities  12,924  9,676 
(32,942)  (-) Cash Used in Investment Activities  (9,395)  (16,013) 

Investiments in business areas 

(15,329)  (16,022) 

Marketable Securities 

5,934  9 
(17,517)  (=) Free Cash Flow  3,529  (6,337) 
758  (-) Cash Used in Financing Activities  9,704  4,188 

Capital increase 


Cash capitalization 

15,355  10,124 

Amortization of principal 

(2,172)  (4,277) 

Amortization of interest 

(1,641)  (1,635) 


(1,838)  (24) 


(210)  (+) FX effect on cash and cash equivalents  (211)  66 
(16,969)  (=) Cash and cash equivalents generated in the period  13,022  (2,083) 
47,292  Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period  30,323  29,034 
30,323  Cash and cash equivalents at end of period  43,345  26,951 





Statement of Added Value – Consolidated

  R$ million
  First quarter
  2011  2010 
Sales of products and services 20  70,267  64,485 
Asset construction  15,246  16,136 
  85,513  80,621 
Input acquisitions from third parties     
Raw materials used  (11,458)  (9,738) 
Products for resale  (8,415)  (9,114) 
Energy, services & other  (14,575)  (16,698) 
Tax credits on inputs acquired from third parties  (3,985)  (5,322) 
Impairment losses  (163)  (310) 
  (38,596)  (41,182) 
Gross added value  46,917  39,439 
Depreciation and amortization  (3,558)  (3,265) 
Net added value produced by the Company  43,359  36,174 
Added value received     
Equity income  277  (179) 
Financial revenue - including monetary and exchange variation  1,793  760 
Rent, royalties and other  231  335 
  2,301  916 
Added value to distribute  45,660  37,090 
Distribution of added value     
Personnel and administrative     
Salaries/profit sharing     
Salaries  3,434  2,910 
Advantages  193  175 
Health, retirement and pension plan  912  758 
FGTS  216  192 
  4,755  4,035 
Federal  15,694  13,016 
State  8,407  6,098 
Municipal  68  60 
Foreign states  1,417  1,341 
  25,586  20,515 
Financial institutions and suppliers     
Interest, FX rate and monetary variation  1,431  2,576 
Rent and freight expenses  2,694  2,167 
  4,125  4,743 
Interest on equity  2,609  1,755 
Minority interest  209  71 
Retained earnings  8,376  5,971 
  11,194  7,797 
Added value distributed  45,660  37,090 


20 Net of provisions for doubtful accounts. 




Consolidated Income Statement by Business Area - Jan-Mar/2011 21

Revenue from sales  28,043  44,322  3,825  202  16,698  7,273  -  (45,563)  54,800 


28,005  14,699  563  160  319  1,817  -  (45,563)  - 

Third parties 

38  29,623  3,262  42  16,379  5,456  -  -  54,800 
Cost of goods sold  (12,210)  (43,216)  (2,460)  (218)  (15,230)  (5,472)  -  44,210  (34,596) 
Gross profit  15,833  1,106  1,365  (16)  1,468  1,801  -  (1,353)  20,204 
Expenses  (1,691)  (1,600)  (620)  (46)  (909)  (898)  (1,984)  80  (7,668) 

Selling, General & administrative 

(189)  (1,243)  (497)  (37)  (912)  (412)  (891)  55  (4,126) 

Exploratory costs 

(858)  -  -  -  -  (84)  -  -  (942) 

Research & development 

(283)  (88)  (15)  -  (2)  -  (104)  -  (492) 


(21)  (25)  (28)  (1)  (12)  (60)  (104)  -  (251) 


(340)  (244)  (80)  (8)  17  (342)  (885)  25  (1,857) 
Income before financial result, profit sharing and taxes  14,142  (494)  745  (62)  559  903  (1,984)  (1,273)  12,536 

Net financial result 

-  -  -  -  -  -  2,022  -  2,022 

Equity income 

-  225  15  28  -  8  1  -  277 
Income before profit sharing and taxes  14,142  (269)  760  (34)  559  911  39  (1,273)  14,835 

Income tax and social contribution 

(4,808)  168  (253)  21  (190)  (67)  1,056  432  (3,641) 
Net income  9,334  (101)  507  (13)  369  844  1,095  (841)  11,194 

Minority interest 

(7)  6  8  -  -  (1)  (215)  -  (209) 
Net income attributable to Petrobras shareholders  9,327  (95)  515  (13)  369  843  880  (841)  10,985 


Consolidated Income Statement by Business Area - Jan-Mar/2010 21

Revenue from sales  23,389  41,274  3,083  106  15,300  5,840  -  (38,580)  50,412 


23,276  13,493  326  104  328  1,053  -  (38,580)  - 

Third parties 

113  27,781  2,757  2  14,972  4,787  -  -  50,412 
Cost of goods sold  (10,403)  (37,992)  (1,782)  (108)  (13,962)  (4,503)  -  37,648  (31,102) 
Gross profit  12,986  3,282  1,301  (2)  1,338  1,337  -  (932)  19,310 
Expenses  (1,926)  (1,412)  (743)  (32)  (772)  (640)  (2,232)  64  (7,693) 

Selling, general & administrative 

(162)  (1,251)  (473)  (15)  (797)  (401)  (864)  62  (3,901) 

Exploratory costs 

(876)  -  -  -  -  (127)  -  -  (1,003) 

Research & development 

(203)  (63)  (17)  -  (2)  (1)  (105)  -  (391) 


(13)  (25)  (11)  -  (8)  (42)  (54)  -  (153) 


(672)  (73)  (242)  (17)  35  (69)  (1,209)  2  (2,245) 
Income before financial result, profit sharing and taxes  11,060  1,870  558  (34)  566  697  (2,232)  (868)  11,617 

Net financial result 

-  -  -  -  -  -  (701)  -  (701) 

Equity income 

-  (103)  (38)  -  (12)  (5)  (21)  -  (179) 
Income before profit sharing and taxes  11,060  1,767  520  (34)  554  692  (2,954)  (868)  10,737 

Income tax and social contribution 

(3,761)  (636)  (189)  12  (192)  (184)  1,714  296  (2,940) 
Net income  7,299  1,131  331  (22)  362  508  (1,240)  (572)  7,797 

Minority interest 

13  (15)  (8)  -  -  (61)  -  -  (71) 
Net income attributable to Petrobras' shareholders  7,312  1,116  323  (22)  362  447  (1,240)  (572)  7,726 


21 As of 2011 Biofuel results are presented separately. This information was previously included in the corporate group. For comparative purposes, the 2010 information was reclassified. 





Consolidated EBITDA Statement by Business Area - 2011 22

Income before financial result, profit sharing and taxes  14,142  (494)  745  (62)  559  903  (1,984)  (1,273)  12,536 
Depreciation / amortization  2,118  498  312  11  87  399  133  -  3,558 
Impairment  -  -  -  -  -  (1)  -  -  (1) 
EBITDA  16,260  4  1,057  (51)  646  1,301  (1,851)  (1,273)  16,093 


Statement of Other Operating Income (Expenses) - Jan-Mar/2011 22

Unprogrammed stoppages and pre-operational expenses  (178)  (17)  (45)  -  -  (234)  -  -  (474) 
Pension and health plan  -  -  -  -  -  -  (391)  -  (391) 
Institutional relations and cultural projects  (15)  (12)  (2)  -  (7)  -  (234)  -  (270) 
Expenses with health, safety and the environment  (21)  (23)  (1)  -  -  (54)  (97)  -  (196) 
Adjustment of inventories to market value  9  (69)  -  (9)  -  (1)  -  -  (70) 
Losses and contingencies related to lawsuits  (9)  (13)  (5)  -  (10)  (4)  (7)  -  (48) 
Operational expenses with thermoelectric plants  -  -  (14)  -  -  -  -  -  (14) 
Impairment losses  -  -  -  -  -  1  -  -  1 
Government incentives, donations and subsidies  35  24  2  -  -  -  -  -  61 
Other  (161)  (134)  (15)  1  34  (50)  (156)  25  (456) 
  (340)  (244)  (80)  (8)  17  (342)  (885)  25  (1,857) 


Statement of Other Operating Income (Expenses) - Jan-Mar/2010 22

Unprogrammed stoppages and pre-operational expenses  (92)  (6)  (24)  -  -  -  -  -  (122) 
Pension and health plan  -  -  -  -  -  -  (408)  -  (408) 
Institutional relations and cultural projects  (16)  (10)  (5)  -  (9)  -  (192)  -  (232) 
Expenses with health, safety and the environment  (21)  (12)  (1)  -  -  -  (72)  -  (106) 
Adjustment of inventories to market value  -  (17)  -  -  -  (100)  -  -  (117) 
Losses and contingencies related to lawsuits  (460)  (10)  (8)  -  (8)  (6)  (538)  -  (1,030) 
Operational expenses with thermoelectric plants  -  -  (158)  -  -  -  -  -  (158) 
Impairment losses  -  -  (80)  -  -  (114)  -  -  (194) 
Government incentives, donations and subsidies  29  160  5  -  -  -  -  -  194 
Other  (112)  (178)  29  (17)  52  151  1  2  (72) 
  (672)  (73)  (242)  (17)  35  (69)  (1,209)  2  (2,245) 


22 As of 2011 Biofuel results are presented separately. This information was previously included in the corporate group. For comparative purposes, the 2010 information was reclassified. 





Consolidated Assets by Business Area - 03.31.2011 23             
Assets  234,185  130,900  50,011  2,298  12,448  29,576  97,606  (12,079)  544,945 
Current assets  8,619  35,498  3,707  276  6,551  5,906  71,551  (12,072)  120,036 
Non-current assets  225,566  95,402  46,304  2,022  5,897  23,670  26,055  (7)  424,909 
Long-term assets  6,018  6,277  3,045  137  1,015  4,042  18,154  (7)  38,681 
Investments  6,502  202  1,038  20  1,312  148  9,222 
Property, plant and equipment 142,870  82,328  41,980  809  4,174  15,202  6,802  294,165 
Intangible assets  76,678  295  1,077  38  688  3,114  951  82,841 


Consolidated Assets by Business Area - 12.31.2010 23
Assets  227,601  117,625  50,175  2,058  12,280  29,869  90,393  (10,031)  519,970 
Current assets  6,133  28,853  4,523  283  6,580  5,750  64,558  (9,995)  106,685 
Non-current assets  221,468  88,772  45,652  1,775  5,700  24,119  25,835  (36)  413,285 
Long-term assets  6,268  6,024  2,829  147  951  4,054  18,233  (36)  38,470 
Investments  6,276  295  802  16  1,340  150  8,879 
Property, plant and equipment  138,519  76,186  41,262  788  4,050  15,559  6,474  282,838 
Intangible assets  76,681  286  1,266  38  683  3,166  978  83,098 


23 As of 2011 Biofuel results are presented separately. This information was previously included in the corporate group. For comparative purposes, the 2010 information was reclassified. 





Consolidated Income Statement by International Business Area       
Income Statement- 1Q-2011 
Revenue from sales  2,108  3,698  533  2,032    (1,098)  7,273 


1,765  1,038  106  16  (1,108)  1,817 

Third parties 

343  2,660  427  2,016  10  5,456 
Earnings before financial result, profit sharing               
and taxes  808  217  101  (35)  (188)    903 
Net income attributable to Petrobras               
shareholders  747  221  76  (40)  (161)    843 
Income Statement- 1Q-2010               
Revenue from sales  1,498  3,100  566  1,618     (942)  5,840 


1,183  704  101  18  (953)  1,053 

Third parties 

315  2,396  465  1,600  11  4,787 
Earnings before financial result, profit sharing               
and taxes  673  (68)  118  62  (74)  (14)  697 
Net income attributable to Petrobras               
shareholders  483  (62)  68  59  (87)  (14)  447 


Consolidated Income Statement by International Business Area       
Assets in 03.31.2011  20,938  5,337  3,165  1,659  2,586  (4,109)  29,576 
Assets in 12.31.2010  20,715  5,433  3,213  1,645  2,801  (3,938)  29,869 





Income Statement – Parent Company     
R$ million
    First quarter 
4Q-2010    2011  2010 
39,958  Revenue from sales  40,097  36,952 

Cost of products sold 

(24,703)  (21,342) 
14,571  Gross profit  15,394  15,610 


(2,251)  (1,750) 

General and administrative 

(1,324)  (1,225) 

Exploratory costs 

(859)  (876) 

Research & development 

(483)  (380) 


(126)  (81) 


(1,672)  (2,210) 
(6,032)    (6,715)  (6,522) 
8,539  Earnings before financial result, profit sharing and taxes  8,679  9,088 
1,449  Net financial result  1,789  116 
2,173  Equity income  3,076  992 
12,161  Income before taxes  13,544  10,196 
(1,608)  Income/social contribution taxes  (2,699)  (2,505) 
10,553  Net income attributable to Petrobras shareholders  10,845  7,691 





Balance Sheet – Parent Company     
ASSETS  R$ million 
  03.31.2011  12.31.2010 
Current assets  108,447  95,258 

Cash and cash equivalents 

33,420  19,995 

Marketable securities 

27,297  33,731 

Accounts receivable 

17,534  16,178 


18,223  15,199 

Taxes recoverable 

7,246  5,911 


4,727  4,244 
Non-current assets  364,821  371,397 

Long-term assets 

34,940  52,384 

Accounts receivable

12,424  29,760 

Petroleum & Ethanol account 

824  822 

Marketable securities 

4,679  4,749 

Judicial deposits 

2,513  2,426 

Deferred taxes and social contribution 

11,388  11,790 

Advances to suppliers 

1,090  964 


2,022  1,873 


51,156  50,955 

Property, plant and equipment

200,497  189,775 

Intangible assets 

78,021  78,042 

Deferred assets 

207  241 
Total Assets  473,268  466,655 


LIABILITIES  R$ million 
  03.31.2011  12.31.2010 
Current Liabilities  59,625  62,441 


1,908  1,506 

Financial leasing 

3,442  3,149 

Taxes and social contribution 

8,869  7,837 


9,306  9,567 

Dividends / Interest on equity 

4,216  3,595 

Salaries, benefits and charges 

2,171  2,174 

Provision for profit sharing 

941  1,428 

Pension and health plan 

1,278  1,209 

Subsidiaries, controlled and affiliates 

25,338  30,113 


2,156  1,863 
Non-current Liabilities  98,440  96,897 


35,772  36,430 

Financial leasing 

14,837  14,976 

Deferred taxes and social contribution 

24,253  21,808 

Pension and health plan 

14,531  14,162 

Provision for lawsuits 

417  425 

Provision for well abandonment 

6,040  6,072 

Subsidiaries and controlled companies 

536  404 


2,054  2,620 
Shareholders' Equity  315,203  307,317 

Paid-up capital 

205,357  205,357 

Reserves/Income for the period 

99,001  101,960 

Net income 

Total Liabilities  473,268  466,655 





1. Analysis of Consolidated Gross Profit (1Q-2011 x 4Q-2010)     
R$ million
1Q-2011 X 1Q-2010
Gross Profit Analysis - Main Items Net Revenue Cost of
Goods Sold 
. Domestic Market:  - volumes sold  (2,589)  1,780  (809) 
  - domestic prices  1,208    1,208 
. International Market:  - export volumes  300  (337)  (37) 
  - export price  1,134    1,134 
. (Increase) decrease in expenses: (i)    (806)  (806) 
. Increase (decrease) in profitability of Distribution segment  (701)  678  (23) 
. Increase (decrease) in profitability of trading operations  157  (102)  55 
. Increase (decrease) in international sales  344  134  478 
. FX effect on overseas subsidiaries  (178)  148  (30) 
. Other    633  (479)  154 
    308  1,016  1,324 


(i) Breakdown of Variation in Expenses:  Value 

- domestic government take 


- purchase of renewable resources 


- oil products (domestic purchases) 


- imports of crude oil, oil products and gas 


- transportation: maritime and pipelines 24 


- outsourced services 


- purchase of nitrogen compounds 


- salaries, benefits and charges 


- energy generation and purchase of energy for resale 


- materials, services, rent and depreciation 



Due to the average inventory period of 60 days, international oil and refinery product prices, as well as the impact of the exchange rate on imports and government take are not fully reflected in the cost of goods sold in the actual period, but in the subsequent period. The chart below shows the estimated impact on COGS:


*Similarly to 4Q-2010, first quarter COGS was positively influenced by the sale of inventories acquired at lower unit costs in previous periods, given the behavior of international prices when inventories were formed.

24 Expenses with cabotage, terminals and pipelines. 





2. Analysis of Consolidated Gross Profit (1Q-2011 x 1Q-2010)       
      R$ million   
    1Q-2011 x 4Q-2010
Gross Profit Analysis - Main Items Net Revenue Cost of
Goods Sold 
. Domestic Market:  - volumes sold  1,383  (237)  1,146 
  - domestic prices  791  791 
. International Market:  - export volumes  (1,385)  604  (781) 
  - export price  1,214  1,214 
. (Increase) decrease in expenses: (i)  (2,033)  (2,033) 
. Increase (decrease) in profitability of Distribution segment  1,490  (1,359)  131 
. Increase (decrease) in profitability of trading operations  608  (388)  220 
. Increase (decrease) in international sales  1,094  (533)  561 
. FX effect on overseas subsidiaries  (710)  601  (109) 
. Other    (97)  (149)  (246) 
    4,388  (3,494)  894 


(i) Breakdown of Variation in Expenses:  Value 

- domestic government take 


- imports of crude oil, oil products and gas 


- outsourced services 


- materials, services, rent and depreciation 


- energy generation and purchase of energy for resale 


- oil products (domestic purchases) 


- transportation: maritime and pipelines 25 


- purchase of renewable resources 


- salaries, benefits and charges 


- purchase of nitrogen compounds 



25 Expenses with cabotage, terminals and pipelines. 





3. Consolidated Taxes and Contributions

The economic contribution of Petrobras measured through the generation of current taxes, duties and social contributions, totaled R$19,329 million.

R$ million
      First quarter   
4Q-2010 1Q11 X
  2011 2010 2011 X
    Economic Contribution - Country       
8,625  (2)  Value Added Tax on Sales and Services (ICMS)  8,414  6,117  38 
1,947  2  CIDE 26  1,988  1,519  31 
4,798  (28)  PASEP/COFINS  3,475  3,193  9 
2,179  59  Income Tax and Social Contribution  3,456  2,750  26 
1,125  (35)  Other  728  621  17 
18,674  (3)  Subtotal Country  18,061  14,200  27 
1,351  (6)  Economic Contribution - Foreign  1,268  1,216  4 
20,025  (3)  Total  19,329  15,416  25 


4. Government Take       
R$ million
      First quarter   
4Q-2010 1Q11 X
  2011 2010 2011 X
2,489  16  Royalties  2,885  2,333  24 
2,634  22  Special Participation  3,201  2,610  23 
45  (51)  Surface Rental Fees  22  32  (31) 
5,168  18  Subtotal Country  6,108  4,975  23 
134  11  Foreign  149  125  19 
5,302  18  Total  6,257  5,100  23 


The government take in the country in 1Q-2011 increased over 4Q-2010, due to the 19% upturn in the reference price for local oil, which averaged R$153.11/bbl (US$91.90/bbl) versus R$128.43/bbl (US$75.72/bbl) in 4Q-2010, reflecting international oil prices.

In year-on-year terms, the government take also increased, due to the 23% upturn in the reference price for local oil, which averaged R$153.11/bbl (US$91.90/bbl) versus R$124.27/bbl (US$69.00/bbl) in 1Q-2010, reflecting international oil prices.

26 CIDE – Economic Domain Contribution Charge. 




5. Indebtedness





6. Foreign Exchange Exposure     
ASSETS  R$ million 
  03.31.2011  12.31.2010 
Current assets  12,527  13,065 
Cash and cash equivalents  9,772  10,818 
Other current assets  2,755  2,247 
Non-current assets  4,560  18,755 
Amounts invested abroad by     
partner companies in the international segment,     
in E&P equipment to be used in Brazil and in     
commercial activities  2,880  17,351 
Other long-term assets  1,680  1,404 
Total Assets  17,087  31,820 


LIABILITIES  R$ million 
  03.31.2011  12.31.2010 
Current Liabilities  (12,777)  (11,562) 
Financing  (9,050)  (7,953) 
Suppliers  (3,173)  (3,286) 
Other current liabilities  (554)  (323) 
Non-current Liabilities  (22,495)  (26,248) 
Financing  (22,456)  (26,208) 
Other long-term liabilities  (39)  (40) 
Total Liabilities  (35,272)  (37,810) 
Net Assets (Liabilities) in Reais  (18,185)  (5,990) 
(-) FINAME Loans - in reais indexed to dollar  (101)  (103) 
(-) BNDES Loans - in reais indexed to dollar  (22,966)  (23,906) 
Net Assets (Liabilities) in Reais  (41,252)  (29,999) 



Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: May 31, 2011
/S/  Almir Guilherme Barbassa

Almir Guilherme Barbassa
Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relations Officer



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