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Report of Foreign Private Issuer
Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of the
Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the month of August, 2011

Commission File Number 1-15106

(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

Brazilian Petroleum Corporation - PETROBRAS
(Translation of Registrant's name into English)

Avenida República do Chile, 65
20031-912 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ
Federative Republic of Brazil
(Address of principal executive office)

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This report on Form 6-K is incorporated by reference in the Registration
Statement on Form F-3 of Petróleo Brasileiro -- Petrobras (No. 333-163665).


Rio de Janeiro – August 15, 2011 – Petrobras announces today its consolidated results expressed in millions of Brazilian Reais, in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).

Consolidated net income totaled R$10,942 million in 2Q-2011 and R$21,928 million in 1H-2011.
First-half EBITDA of R$32,233 million was 4% higher than in the first six months of 2010.

Main Highlights

R$ million
2nd quarter       First half
            2Q11 X               2011 X
1Q-2011   2011   2010   1Q11       2011   2010   2010
            (%)               (%)
10,985   10,942   8,295     Consolidated net income attributable to Petrobras shareholders   21,928   16,021   37
2,627   2,598   2,587   (1)   Total oil and natural gas production (th. barrel/day)   2,613   2,568   2
16,093   16,139   15,927     EBITDA   32,233   31,003   4
402,487   328,245   256,675   (18)   Market capitalization (parent company)   328,245   256,675   28





For further information: PETRÓLEO BRASILEIRO S. A. – PETROBRÁS
Investor Relations I E-mail: petroinvest@Petrobrás.com.br / acionistas@Petrobrás.com.br
Av. República do Chile, 65 - 2202 - B - 20031-912 - Rio de Janeiro, RJ I Tel.: 55 (21) 3224-1510 / 9947 I 0800-282-1540



Financial Performance
Operating Performance
Financial Statements



This document may contain forecasts that merely reflect the expectations of the Company’s management. Such terms as “anticipate”, “believe”, “expect”, “forecast”, “intend”, “plan”, “project”, “seek”, “should”, along with similar or analogous expressions, are used to identify such forecasts. These predictions evidently involve risks and uncertainties, whether foreseen or not by the Company. Therefore, the future results of operations may differ from current expectations, and readers should not base their expectations exclusively on the information presented here.

Dear shareholders and investors,

We are pleased to announce our results for the first half of 2011, in which we posted record net income of R$ 21.9 billion, 37% higher than in the same period last year, accompanied by a 4% increase in cash flow (measured by EBITDA) to R$ 32.2 billion.

During the second quarter, we announced important discoveries in the Gávea exploratory well, the pre-salt areas of the Campos Basin and the cretaceous reservoirs in the Espírito Santo Basin. The ongoing exploratory operations in the pre-salt area of the Santos Basin also brought encouraging results, reinforcing the excellent productivity experienced with the the Lula Pilot and the extended well test in Guará. The first Lula Pilot well was responsible for the highest ever output from a single Petrobras well (more than 36,000 boe in May).

We initiated three new extended well tests in the second quarter: Lula Nordeste (Santos Basin), whose data will contribute to the study of that area’s definitive system; Aruanã (Campos Basin post-salt area), which will last for approximately six months; and Brava (Marlim pre-salt field), whose duration is estimated at two years and whose data will provide input for the area’s definitive production development project. Together, these systems will contribute up to 32,000 bpd in this phase.

In relation to Refining, Transportation & Marketing, we used 92% of our nominal refining capacity and our installed primary processing capacity exceeded 2 million bpd. We continued to invest heavily in expansion and quality improvements, which will allow us to increase production of oil products required by the Brazilian market. The expansion of our refineries will ensure that we are equipped to meet the growth in domestic demand, which climbed by 9% this quarter over the same period last year.

Following ample analysis, in July we published our 2011-2015 Business Plan, with total investments of US$ 224.7 billion, virtually identical to the figure in the previous period. Essentially the plan calls for higher investments in exploration and production (with an emphasis on the pre-salt discoveries and, for the first time, the Transfer of Rights); the expansion, improvement and modernization of refining facilities, most of which scheduled for conclusion by the end of 2014; continuing investments in the gas, energy and fertilizer chain; and increased production of ethanol and biofuels. Certain assets will also be divested, as part of our ongoing effort to improve our returns on capital. And we are committed no additionally equity issuance in the period, as well as maintaining our investment-grade status conferred by the leading rating agencies.

We do not expect the uncertainty of the global economic scenario to have an adverse impact upon our plans. The company’s integration in Brazil, with our access to abundant and economically viable reserves directly adjacent to a growing market, provides stable and robust cash flow. The recent Moody’s upgrade of our foreign-currency debt rating to A3, based on the strength of our financial ratios and cash flow generation in relation to our plan, reaffirms this outlook.

In July, the Board of Directors approved the second interest on equity installment to our shareholders. The total amount is R$ 2,609 million, equivalent to R$ 0.20 per share, to be paid until the end of October.

We believe our positive results are an accurate reflection of our entrepreneurial spirit and confirm our capacity for transforming challenges into achievements. We will continue to invest in order to reach our goals, working harder every day to grow and exceed our limits. These fundamentals, together with the profitable projects we are continuing to develop, will generate higher returns for our investors and shareholders, while continually increasing our strength as a company.


Main Items and Consolidated Economic Indicators

R$ million
2nd quarter       First half
            2Q11 X               2011 X
1Q-2011   2011   2010   1Q11       2011   2010   2010
            (%)               (%)
54,800   61,469   53,631   12   Revenue from sales   116,269   104,043   12
20,204   20,243   19,387   -   Gross profit   40,447   38,697   5
12,536   12,047   12,303   (4)   Income before financial results, participations and taxes   24,584   23,920   3
2,022   2,895   (630)   43   Net financial result   4,918   (1,331)   -
10,985   10,942   8,295   -   Net income attributable to Petrobras shareholders   21,928   16,021   37
0.84   0.84   0.95   -   Earnings per share1   1.68   1.83   (8)
                Net Result by business area            
9,327   10,593   7,649   14   . Exploration & Production   19,920   14,961   33
(95)   (2,280)   (108)   -   . Refining, Transportation & Marketing   (2,375)   1,008   -
515   747   349   45   . Gas & Power   1,262   672   88
(13)   (37)   (18)   185   . Biofuels   (50)   (40)   25
369   221   268   (40)   . Distribution   590   630   (6)
843   615   533   (27)   . International   1,458   980   49
880   1,252   (902)   42   . Corporate   2,132   (2,140)   -
15,871   16,133   20,348   2   Consolidated investments   32,004   38,101   (16)
37   33   36   (11)   Gross margin (%)   35   37   (2)
23   20   23   (13)   Operating margin (%) 2   21   23   (2)
20   18   15   (10)   Net margin (%)   19   15   4
16,093   16,139   15,927   -   EBITDA – R$ million 3   32,233   31,003   4
104.97   117.36   78.30   12   Brent (US$/bbl)   111.16   77.27   44
1.67   1.60   1.79   (4)   US Dollar average sell price (R$)   1.63   1.80   (9)
1.63   1.56   1.80   (4)   US Dollar final sell price (R$)   1.56   1.80   (13)
                Average price indicators            
163.72   167.15   158.72   2   Average Oil Products Realization Prices (R$/bbl)   165.51   158.20   5
                Sale price - Brazil            
94.04   108.97   73.79   16   . Oil (US$/bbl) 4   101.49   73.35   38
8.83   11.47   19.73   30   . Natural gas (US$/bbl) 5   10.28   17.26   (40)
                Sale price - International            
87.39   91.09   66.20   4   . Oil (US$/bbl)   89.08   64.24   39
16.36   15.32   14.82   (6)   . Natural gas (US$/bbl)   15.84   14.82   7

1Earnings per share based on the weighted average of the number of share.
2 Calculated based on operating income before financial result, profit sharing and taxes.
3 Operating income before financial result, equity balance and depreciation/amortization.
4 Average of exports and domestic transfer prices from E&P to Refining, Transportation & Marketing.
5 Domestic oil transfer price from E&P to Gas & Power.


2Q-2011 x 1Q-2011:

Gross profit

Gross profit6 totaled R$ 20,243 million, very close to the 1Q-2011 figure (R$20,204 million) chiefly due to:

• Sales revenue of R$61,469 million, 12% up on 1Q-2011 (R$54,800 million), due to:

• Higher prices of oil exports and products sold on the domestic market whose prices are pegged to international prices;
• Increase of 8% in total of oil product volume, led by naphtha (12%), gasoline (10%), diesel (9%) and LPG (9%).

• An increase of 19% in the cost of goods sold (R$41,226 million in 2Q-2011 versus R$34,596 million in 1Q-2011), due to:

• The upturn in oil product imports (volume effect), particularly diesel and gasoline, to meet greater seasonal demand in the domestic market; 
• Higher expenses from the government take on oil production (9%), reflecting the increase in international oil prices (Brent +12%); 
• The 15% and 10% increase in exploration costs, in Brazil, in U.S. dollars and Reais, respectively, due to the greater number of well interventions in blocks such as Marlim, Espadarte and Albacora fields.

Net Income

• Net income totaled R$10,942 million, also very close to the 1Q-2011 figure (R$10,985 million), reflecting:

• The 7% increase in expenses (R$528 million), due to higher SG&A expenses (R$220 million) and prospecting and exploration expenses (R$257 million), as well as provisions for adjusting inventories to market value (R$119 million); 
• The improved financial result (R$873 million), due to higher foreign exchange gains on dollar-denominated debt and improved returns from financial investments.

Cash and Cash Equivalents, Investments and Debt

• Net cash from operating activities came to R$14,248 million, 10% up on 1Q-2011, influenced by increased oil sales and prices. Petrobras closed 2Q11 with cash of R$34,673 million and federal bonds (maturing in more than 90 days) of R$24,788 million, giving a total of R$59,461 million.

• Second-quarter investments totaled R$16,133 million, 46% of which allocated to Exploration & Production.

6 For further details, see Appendix 2.


1H-2011 x 1H-2010.

Gross profit

Gross profit7 totaled R$40,447 million in 1H-2011, 5% up on 1H-2010 (R$38,697 million), thanks to:

• Sales revenue of R$116,269 million, 12% more than in 1H-2010 (R$104,043 million), basically due to:

• Higher international crude and oil product prices (Brent +44%), reflected in the price of exports, international sales and oil products sold in the domestic market whose prices are pegged to international prices; 
• Increased domestic demand (8%), particularly for gasoline (17%), whose prices were more competitive than those of ethanol, diesel (9%), and jet fuel (17%).

• COGS increased by 16% (R$10,476 million) over 1H-2010, due to:

• The impact of higher volumes and international prices on crude and oil product imports; 
• The increase in the government take due to the 44% upturn in the price of Brent crude;
• The 28% and 16% increase in exploration costs in Brazil in U.S. dollars and Reais, respectively, due to the greater number of well interventions in fields such as Marlim, Marlim Sul and Marlim Leste.

Net Income

• Net income totaled R$21,928 million, 37% higher than in 1H-2010 (R$16,021 million), reflecting:

• The improved financial result (R$6,249 million), due to the impact of the 6.3% appreciation of the Real against the U.S. dollar on debt, and increased returns from financial investments due to higher cash and cash equivalents and the upturn in the country’s interest rates; 
• Higher equity results of non-consolidated companies (R$852 million), especially from the petrochemical sector; 
• Higher tax benefits (R$580 million), due to the provisioning of interest on equity.

These effects were partially offset by:

• The increase in prospecting and exploration expenses (R$512 million), due to more write-offs of dry or economically unviable wells; 
• Higher administrative expenses (R$448 million), fueled by the upturn in personnel expenses, in turn caused by the expansion of the workforce, training and workforce skills improvement.

Cash and Cash Equivalents, Investments and Debt

• Net cash from operating activities amounted to R$27,172 million in 1H-2011, 18% up year-on-year, reflecting higher output, increased sales and more favorable crude and oil product prices;

• The Company invested R$32,004 million in 1H-2011, 46% of which in Exploration & Production;

• Petrobras has maintained its leverage at 17%, considerably lower than established limit of 35%;

• Net debt in 1H-2011 came to R$68,837 million.

7 For further details, see Appendix 3.



Petrobras operates in an integrated manner, with the greater part of oil and gas production in the exploration and production area being transferred to other Company areas.

When reporting results per business area, transactions with third parties and transfers between business areas are valued in accordance with the internal transfer prices established between the various areas and assessment methodologies based on market parameters.

2nd quarter       First half
            2Q11 X               2011 X
1Q-2011   2011   2010   1Q11   Net income   2011   2010   2010
            (%)               (%)
9,327   10,593   7,649   14       19,920   14,961   33


(2Q-2011 x 1Q-2011): The upturn in net income was caused by the increase in the domestic oil sale/transfer price (16% in US$/bbl), partially offset by the higher government take.

The spread between the average domestic oil sale/transfer price and the average Brent price fell from US$10.93/bbl in 1Q-2011 to US$8.39/bbl in 2Q-2011.

(1H-2011 x 1H-2010): The increase in net income reflected higher domestic oil prices (38% in US$/bbl) and the 2% upturn in oil and LNG production.

These factors were partially offset by the higher government take and the upturn in exploration costs (R$491 million), due to geological and geophysical expenses and the write-off of dry or economically unviable wells.

The spread between the average domestic oil sale/transfer price and the average Brent price climbed from US$3.92/bbl in 2010 to US$9.67/bbl in 2011.


2nd quarter       First half
            2Q11 X               2011 X
1Q-2011   2011   2010   1Q11   Domestic production (th. barrels/day) (*)   2011   2010   2010
            (%)               (%)
2,044   2,018   2,010   (1)   Oil and NGL   2,031   1,998   2
341   354   331   4   Natural gas 8   348   324   7
2,385   2,372   2,341   (1)   Total   2,379   2,322   2


(2Q-2011 x 1Q-2011): Oil and LNG production remained flat over 1Q-2011, as the natural decline in the mature fields was offset by higher output from the  Cachalote/Baleia Franca, Jubarte, Peroá, Piloto de Lula, Uruguá/Tambaú and Mexilhão fields and the extended well test (EWT) in the Lula Nordeste field.

(1H-2011 x 1H-2010): Higher output in the Marlim Leste, Cachalote/Baleia Franca, Jubarte and Piloto de Lula fields and the EWTs in Tiro, Sidon, Guará, Lula Nordeste and Aruanã more than offset the natural decline in the remaining fields.


(*) Unaudited by Independent Auditors.
8 Excludes liquefied gas and includes re-injected gas.


2nd quarter       First half
            2Q11 X               2011 X
1Q-2011   2011   2010   1Q11   Lifting cost - country (*)   2011   2010   2010
            (%)               (%)
11.38   13.12   9.79   15   • • without government take   12.26   9.60   28
30.48   35.00   24.50   15   • • with government take   32.75   24.12   36
19.00   20.93   17.54   10   • • without government take   19.97   17.25   16
50.66   55.14   43.91   9   • • with government take   52.91   43.87   21


Lifting Cost Excluding Government Take – US$/barrel

(2Q-2011 x 1Q-2011): Excluding the exchange variation, lifting costs increased by 10% over 1Q-2011 due to the greater number of well interventions in the Marlim, Espadarte and Albacora fields.

(1H-2011 x 1H-2010): Excluding the exchange variation, lifting costs climbed by 20% over 1H-2010 due to the increased number of well interventions in the Marlim, Marlim Sul and Marlim Leste fields and preventive maintenance in the Marlim and Jubarte fields, as well as the pay rise following the 2010/2011 collective bargaining agreement, partially offset by the 2% upturn in production.


Lifting Cost Including Government Take – US$/barrel

(2Q-2011 x 1Q-2011): Excluding the exchange variation, lifting costs increased by 13%, due to the higher average reference price for local oil.(*)

(1H-2011 x 1H-2010): Excluding the exchange variation, the lifting cost increased by 32%, due to the higher average reference price for local oil.


(*) Unaudited by Independent Auditors.



2nd quarter       First half
            2Q11 X               2011 X
1Q-2011   2011   2010   1Q11   Net income   2011   2010   2010
            (%)               (%)
(95)   (2,280)   (108)   2,300       (2,375)   1,008   (336)


(2Q-2011 x 1Q-2011): The results reflected higher oil acquisition/transfer and oil product import costs (Brent, up by 12% in US$/bbl). These factors partially offset by higher export prices and the upturn to domestic price of those oil products whose prices are pegged to international prices.

(1H-2011 x 1H-2010): The results reflected higher oil acquisition/transfer and oil product import costs (Brent, up by 44% in US$/bbl)

These factors were partially offset by increased export prices and the upturn in the domestic price of those oil products whose prices are pegged to international prices, as well as higher equity results of non-consolidated companies from petrochemical companies (R$ 671 million), due to increased sales volume and the impact of the foreign exchange gains on debt.


2nd quarter       First half
            2Q11 X   Imports and exports of           2011 X
1Q-2011   2011   2010   1Q11   crude oil and oil products (th. barrels/day) (*)   2011   2010   2010
            (%)               (%)
405   347   330   (14)  

Crude oil imports

  376   339   11
279   374   289   34  

Oil product imports

  326   281   16
684   721   619   5   Crude oil and oil product imports   702   620   13
436   486   561   11  

Crude oil exports 9

  461   558   (17)
210   213   216   1  

Oil product exports

  211   204   3
646   699   777   8  

Crude oil and oil product exports 10

  672   762   (12)
(38)   (22)   158   (42)   Net crude oil and oil product exports (imports)   (30)   142   (121)


(2Q-2011 x 1Q-2011): Increase in oil product imports, especially diesel, reflecting the upturn in economic activity, and gasoline, since its price was more competitive than that of ethanol.

The increase in crude exports reflected the weak comparative base provided by 1Q-2011, when exports fell due to the need to replenish inventories.

(1H-2011 x 1H-2010): Higher oil product imports, especially diesel, reflecting the upturn in economic activity, and crude, in order to mitigate the production of fuel oil and gasoil, due to the scheduled stoppage in the heavy oil product pipeline.

Lower crude exports, due to the need to build up inventories in the first months of 2011, and higher oil exports in 1H-2010, reflecting increased availability due to the scheduled stoppage in Replan, which inflated the comparative base.


(*) Unaudited by Independent Auditors.
9 Includes oil exports by the Refining, Transportation & Marketing and Exploration & Production business areas.
10 Includes ongoing exports.



2nd quarter       First half
            2Q11 X               2011 X
1Q-2011   2011   2010   1Q11   Oil product output (th. barrels/day) (*)   2011   2010   2010
            (%)               (%)
1,877   1,869   1,807     Oil product output   1,873   1,786   5
2,007   2,007   1,942     Primary installed processing capacity 11   2,007   1,942   3
92   92   91     Installed capacity use (%)   92   90   2
1,852   1,837   1,760   (1)   Processed feedstock - Brazil (th. barrels/day) (*)   1,845   1,749   5
82   81   81   (1)   Domestic crude as % of total processed feedstock   81   81  


(2Q-2011 x 1Q-2011): Processed feedstock remained stable over the previous quarter.

(1H-2011 x 1H-2010): Daily processed feedstock moved up by 5%, reflecting the reduction in scheduled stoppages in the distillation units.


2nd quarter       First half
            2Q11 X               2011 X
1Q-2011   2011   2010   1Q11   Refining Cost – Domestic (*)   2011   2010   2010
            (%)               (%)
4.53   5.48   3.93   21   Refining cost (US$/barrel)   5.01   3.79   32
7.57   8.78   7.03   16   Refining cost (R$/barrel)   8.18   6.78   21


(2Q-2011 x 1Q-2011): Excluding the exchange variation effect, refining costs increased by 17%, due to higher expenses with scheduled stoppages, third-party services and materials.11

(1H-2011 x 1H-2010): Excluding the exchange variation effect, refining costs increased by 22% over 1H-2010, due to higher expenses from scheduled stoppages, materials and maintenance, as well as higher personnel expenses, due to the 2010/2011 collective bargaining agreement.


11 According to the ownership recognized by the ANP.



2nd quarter       First half
            2Q11 X               2011 X
1Q-2011   2011   2010   1Q11   Net income   2011   2010   2010
            (%)               (%)
515   747   349   45       1,262   672   88


(2Q-2011 x 1Q-2011): The increase in net income was due to higher demand from industry, sustained by the upturn in domestic gas output, as well as the improved margins from energy sales, thanks to the generation of thermal power for export (which did not occur in 1Q-2011), whose margins are higher than those of the local market.

These effects were partially offset by lower electricity output, due to the recovery in hydropower plant reservoir volumes.

(1H-2011 x 1H-2010): The annual improvement was due to the following factors:

• Higher natural gas sales, accompanying industrial growth and greater demand for power generation;

• The reduction in domestic natural gas acquisition/transfer costs, accompanying the behavior of international prices and the appreciation of the Real against the U.S. dollar;

• Increased fixed revenue from energy auctions (regulated market) due to the operational start-up of two new thermal plants;

• Increased fertilizer sales, reflecting improved demand and higher agriculture commodity prices;

• The recognition of impairment losses in 1H-2010 (R$80 million);


2nd quarter       First half
            2Q11 X               2011 X
1Q-2011   2011   2010   1Q11   Physical and financial indicators (*)   2011   2010   2010
            (%)               (%)
168   162   168   (4)   Gas imports (th. barrels/day)   165   160   3
2,037   2,008   1,973   (1)   Electricity sales (agreements) - average MW   1,991   2,142   (7)
773   626   881   (19)   Electricity generation - average MW   699   669   4
33   20   41   (39)   Difference settlement price (PLD) - R$/MWh 12   27   30   (10)


(2Q-2011 x 1Q-2011): The 4% reduction in Bolivian gas imports was driven by increased supply and the higher utilization of Brazilian gas.

Electricity sales volume remained virtually flat, reflecting the optimization of spot market trading.

The 19% reduction in power generation was caused by lower dispatch by the ONS (National System Operator) due to higher water levels in 2Q-2011.

The 39% decline in the difference settlement price reflected the high reservoir levels.

(1H-2011 x 1H-2010): The 3% increase in Bolivian gas imports was due to higher industrial consumption.

The reduction in electricity sales was due to reduced availability in the free market since part of this energy was routed to the regulated market (energy auctions).

The 4% higher energy output was caused by increased dispatch by the ONS.

The 10% reduction in the difference settlement price reflected the heavier rainfall in 2011.


(*) Unaudited by Independent Auditors.
12 PLD – weekly prices weighted by load level (light, medium and heavy), number of hours and sub-market capacity.




Biodiesel operations are still being consolidated in Brazil, and current sales volume and auction price levels do not yet permit wider operating margins.

2nd quarter       First half
            2Q11 X               2011 X
1Q-2011   2011   2010   1Q11   Net income   2011   2010   2010
            (%)               (%)
(13)   (37)   (18)   185       (50)   (40)   25


(2Q-2011 x 1Q-2011): The net loss was chiefly due to the lower average biodiesel sale price and the  seasonality of the ethanol sector.

(1H-2011 x 1H-2010): The improved profitability of ethanol was offset by higher biodiesel raw material acquisition and transportation costs and increased higher operating expenses.


2nd quarter       First half
            2Q11 X               2011 X
1Q-2011   2011   2010   1Q11   Net income   2011   2010   2010
            (%)               (%)
369   221   268   (40)       590   630   (6)


(2Q-2011 x 1Q-2011): The reduction in net income was due to narrower sales margins, partially offset by the 6% increase in sales volume.

(1H-2011 x 1H-2010): The increase in gross profit (R$88 million), due to the 7% upturn in sales volume, despite the reduction in sales margins, was offset by the increase in selling expenses with services, provisions for doubtful debts and personnel.


2nd quarter       First half
            2Q11 X               2011 X
1Q-2011   2011   2010   1Q11       2011   2010   2010
            (%)               (%)
38.9%   39.0%   38.0%       Market Share (*)   39.0%   38.7%   1


(*) Unaudited by Independent Auditors.



2nd quarter       First half
            2Q11 X               2011 X
1Q-2011   2011   2010   1Q11   Net income   2011   2010   2010
            (%)               (%)
843   615   533   (27)       1,458   980   49


(2Q-2011 x 1Q-2011): The reduction in net income was chiefly due to lower output in Nigeria, partially offset by the reduction in expenses which were higher in 1Q-2011 due to the devolution of operations in Ecuador (R$82 million).

(1H-2011 x 1H-2010): The improvement in net income was caused by higher international commodity prices in 2011, which pushed up gross profit (R$407 million).


2nd quarter       First half
            2Q11 X               2011 X
1Q-2011   2011   2010   1Q11   International Production (th. barrels/day) 13 (*)   2011   2010   2010
            (%)               (%)
                Consolidated international production            
140   124   146   (11)  

Oil and LNG

  132   144   (8)
93   94   92   1  

Natural gas

  94   94   -
233   218   238   (6)   Total   226   238   (5)
9   8   8   (11)   Non consolidated internacional production   8   8   -
242   226   246   (7)   Total international production   234   246   (5)


(2Q-2011 x 1Q-2011): Oil and LNG production fell, especially in the Agbami field in Nigeria, due to the lower production quota allocated to Petrobras and the initial collection of tax oil (government take paid in oil) in March.

(1H-2011 x 1H-2010): Oil and LNG production fell, especially in the Agbami field in Nigeria, due to the initial collection of tax oil in March, together with the termination of agreements in Ecuador.


(*) Unaudited by Independent Auditors.
13 Some countries that contribute to international output, such as Nigeria and Angola, operate under the shared production regime through which the government take is paid in oil.



2nd quarter       First half
            2Q11 X               2011 X
1Q-2011   2011   2010   1Q11   Lifting Cost - International (US$/barrel) (*)   2011   2010   2010
            (%)               (%)
5.65   7.31   5.4814   29       6.48   5.3015   22


(2Q-2011 x 1Q-2011): Higher expenses in Argentina due to the increase in the price of third-party services and the higher number of well interventions, together with higher insurance and transportation costs in Nigeria.

(1H-2011 x 1H-2010): Increase in expenses with third-party services and materials in Argentina, due to contractual price adjustments and the higher volume of well intervention services.


2nd quarter       First half
            2Q11 X   Oil Product Output - International (*)
(th. barrels/day)
          2011 X
1Q-2011   2011   2010   1Q11     2011   2010   2010
            (%)             (%)
198   181   194   (9)   Processed feedstock   190   203   (6)
212   194   208   (8)   Oil product output   203   216   (6)
281   231   281   (18)   Primary installed processing capacity   231   281   (18)
66   68   63   3   Installed capacity use (%)   67   68   (1)


(2Q-2011 x 1Q-2011): Lower processed feedstock due to the sale of the San Lorenzo refinery in Argentina.

(1H-2011 x 1H-2010): Reduction in processed feedstock due to the sale of the San Lorenzo refinery in Argentina, together with the scheduled stoppage, in the fluid catalytic cracking unit in the USA between March and May 2011.


2nd quarter       First half
            2Q11 X               2011 X
1Q-2011   2011   2010   1Q11   Refining Cost – International (US$/barrel) (*)   2011   2010   2010
            (%)               (%)
4.81   5.70   3.68   19       5.24   3.49   50


(2Q-2011 x 1Q-2011): Higher maintenance expenses in the Pasadena refinery in the USA due to the scheduled stoppage between March and May 2011 and the reduction in processed feedstock.

(1H-2011 x 1H-2010): Refinery costs increased in the USA due to expenses from the scheduled stoppage in the fluid catalytic cracking unit between March and May 2011 and the reduction in processed feedstock.


(*) Unaudited by Independent Auditors.
14 Revised lifting cost in the Nigerian unit.
15 Revised lifting cost in the units in Nigeria and Angola.



Sales Volume – thousand barrels/day (*)
2nd quarter       First half
            2Q11 X               2011 X
1Q-2011   2011   2010   1Q11       2011   2010   2010
            (%)               (%)
796   871   802   9   Diesel   834   768   9
439   481   374   10   Gasoline   460   392   17
84   81   101   (4)   Fuel Oil   83   102   (19)
153   172   176   12   Naphtha   162   162   -
208   227   221   9   LPG   218   212   3
99   98   85   (1)   Jet fuel   98   84   17
189   188   139   (1)   Other   188   154   22
1,968   2,118   1,898   8   Total oil products   2,043   1,874   9
85   82   93   (4)   Alcohols, renewable nitrogen and others   84   87   (3)
291   298   292   2   Natural gas   295   275   7
2,344   2,498   2,283   7   Total domestic market   2,422   2,236   8
646   700   777   8   Exports   673   763   (12)
536   506   638   (6)   International sales 16   521   599   (13)
1,182   1,206   1,415   2   Total international market   1,194   1,362   (12)
3,526   3,704   3,698   5   Total   3,616   3,598   1


Domestic sales volume increased by 8% over 1H-2010, chiefly due to sales of the following products:

• Diesel (increase of 9%) – due to economic growth, the increase in the grain harvest and the reduced market share of the other local players;

• Gasoline (increase of 17%) – reflecting the more advantageous gasoline prices compared to those of ethanol in most states, the expansion of the flex-fuel vehicle fleet and the reduced market share of the other local players;

• Jet fuel (increase of 17%) – due to economic growth, the appreciation of the Real against the U.S. dollar, which helped increase demand for air travel, and the higher number of domestic and international flights;

• Natural gas (increase of 7%) – accompanying industrial growth and higher demand for power generation;

• Fuel oil (reduction of 19%) – reflecting the substitution of part of natural gas consumption, both in the thermal and industrial segments.

Exports declined by 12% over 1H-2010, due to the need to replenish Brazil’s oil inventories in 2011 and higher oil exports in 2010, due to the product’s greater availability as a result of the scheduled stoppages.

Corporate Overhead (US$ million) (*)
2nd quarter       First half
            2Q11 X               2011 X
1Q-2011   2011   2010   1Q11       2011   2010   2010
            (%)               (%)
798   901   725   13       1,698   1,376   23


(2Q-2011 x 1Q-2011): Excluding the appreciation of the Real, corporate overhead increased by 9% over the previous quarter, due to higher data-processing and sponsorship expenses.

(1H-2011 x 1H-2010): Excluding the appreciation of the Real, corporate overhead moved up by 14% in 1H-2011 due to higher personnel and data-processing expenses.


(*) Unaudited by Independent Auditors.
16 Altered in accordance with the revision of PESA’s volumes.


Consolidated Investments

R$ million
    First half    
    2011   %   2010   %   Δ%
• Own Investments   31,589   99   36,277   95   (13)
Exploration & Production   14,696   46   15,745   41   (7)
Refining, Transportation & Marketing   12,080   38   13,781   36   (12)
Gas & Power   1,720   5   2,416   6   (29)
International (I)   1,877   6   2,530   7   (26)
Distribution   430   1   257   1   67
Biofuels   236   1   851   2   (72)
Corporate   550   2   697   2   (21)
• Special purpose companies (SPCs) (II)   415   1   1,824   5   (77)
Total investments   32,004   100   38,101   100   (16)
(I) International   1,877   100   2,530   100   (26)
Exploration & Production   1,606   87   2,320   92   (31)
Refining, Transportation & Marketing   192   10   126   5   52
Gas & Power   44   2   44   2    
Distribution   26   1   28   1   (7)
Other   9       12       (25)
(II) Projects developed by SPCs   415   100   1,824   100   (77)
Exploration & Production   99   24   243   13   (59)
Refining, Transportation & Marketing   175   42   237   13   (26)
Gas & Power   105   25   1,344   74   (92)
Distribution   36   9      


In line with its strategic objectives, Petrobras operates associated with other companies, in Brazil and abroad, as a concessionaire of oil and gas exploration, development and oil and natural gas production rights. Currently the Company is a member of 100 consortiums in Brazil, of which it operates 67, and 148 partnerships abroad, of which it operates 75.



Consolidated Debt

    R$ million
    06.30.2011   12.31.2010   Δ%
Short-term debt 17   16,737   15,668   7
Long-term debt 18   111,561   102,247   9
Total   128,298   117,915   9

Cash and cash equivalents

  34,673   30,323   14

Treasury Bills (maturity of more than 90 days)

  24,788   25,525   (3)
Adjusted cash equivalents   59,461   55,848   6
Net debt 19   68,837   62,067   11
Net debt/(net debt + shareholder's equity) (*)   17%   17%  
Total net liabilities 20   495,123   464,122   7
Capital structure (*)            
(net third parties capital / total net liabilities)   34%   33%   1
Net debt/EBITDA ratio   1.07   1.03   4
    US$ million
    06.30.2011   12.31.2010   Δ%
Short-term debt   10,721   9,403   14
Long-term debt   71,463   61,365   16
Total   82,184   70,769   16
Net debt   44,095   37,250   18


The net debt of the Petrobras System increased by 11% over December 31, 2010, due to the raising of long-term funding abroad through bond issues (Global Notes), partially offset by higher cash and cash equivalents. (*)17181920

(*) Unaudited by Independent Auditors.
17 Includes financial leasings (R$114 million on June 30, 2011 and R$176 million on December 31, 2010).
18Includes financial leasings (R$181 million on June 30, 2011 and R$196 million on December 31, 2010).
19 Total debt less cash and cash equivalents.
20 Total liabilities net of cash and financial investments.



Income Statement – Consolidated

R$ million
    2nd quarter       First half
1Q-2011   2011   2010       2011   2010
54,800   61,469   53,631   Revenue from sales   116,269   104,043
(34,596)   (41,226)   (34,244)  

Cost of products sold

  (75,822)   (65,346)
20,204   20,243   19,387   Gross profit   40,447   38,697
(2,116)   (2,182)   (2,276)  


  (4,298)   (4,348)
(2,010)   (2,164)   (1,897)  

General and administrative

  (4,174)   (3,726)
(942)   (1,199)   (626)  

Exploratory cost

  (2,141)   (1,629)
(492)   (526)   (415)  

Research & development

  (1,019)   (806)
(251)   (115)   (225)  


  (366)   (378)
(1,857)   (2,010)   (1,645)  


  (3,865)   (3,890)
(7,668)   (8,196)   (7,084)       (15,863)   (14,777)
12,536   12,047   12,303   Income before financial results and taxes   24,584   23,920
2,022   2,895   (630)   Net financial result   4,918   (1,331)
277   166   (231)   Equity results of non-consolidated companies   442   (410)
14,835   15,108   11,442   Income before taxes   29,944   22,179
(3,641)   (3,698)   (3,105)   Income tax and social contribution   (7,339)   (6,045)
11,194   11,410   8,337   Net income   22,605   16,134
(209)   (468)   (42)   Minority interest   (677)   (113)
10,985   10,942   8,295   Net income attributable to Petrobras shareholders   21,928   16,021





Balance Sheet – Consolidated

ASSETS   R$ million
    06.30.2011   12.31.2010
Current Assets   119,494   106,685
Cash and cash equivalents   34,673   30,323
Marketable securities   24,969   26,017
Accounts receivable   18,763   17,334
Inventories   25,751   19,816
Taxes recoverable   11,323   8,935
Other   4,015   4,260
Non Current Assets   435,090   413,285
Long-term assets   38,249   38,470
Accounts receivable   4,730   4,956
Marketable securities   5,199   5,208
Judicial deposits   2,810   2,807
Deferred taxes and social contribution   16,913   17,211
Advances to suppliers   4,691   4,976
Other   3,906   3,312
Investments   9,237   8,879
Properties, plant and equipments   304,925   282,838
Intangible assets   82,679   83,098
Total assets   554,584   519,970
LIABILITIES   R$ million
    06.30.2011   12.31.2010
Current Liabilities   60,821   56,835
Short-term debt   16,737   15,668
Suppliers   18,616   17,044
Taxes and social contribution   11,547   10,250
Dividends   2,609   3,595
Payroll and related charges   2,942   2,606
Pension and health plan obligation   1,283   1,303
Other   7,087   6,369
Non Current Liabilities   167,420   152,912
Long-term Debt   111,561   102,247
Deferred taxes and social contribution   30,847   26,161
Pension and health plan   16,098   15,278
Provision for well abandonment   6,424   6,505
Provision for lawsuits   1,251   1,372
Other   1,239   1,349
Shareholders’ Equity   326,343   310,223
Capital stock   205,380   205,357
Reserves/Income for the period   117,332   101,408
Non-controlling Interest   3,631   3,458
Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity   554,584   519,970




Statement of Cash Flow – Consolidated

R$ million
    2nd quarter       First half
1Q-2011   2011   2010       2011   2010
10,985   10,942   8,295   Net Income Attributable to Petrobras Shareholders   21,928   16,021
1,939   3,306   4,964   (+) Adjustments   5,244   6,914
3,558   4,087   3,624  

Depreciation and amortization

  7,645   6,889
(771)   (1,225)   1,265  

Financial expenses, monetary and exchange variations

  (1,996)   2,381
209   468   42  

Minority interest

  677   112
(277)   (166)   230  

Equity results of non-consolidated companies

  (443)   410
2,373   1,751   1,541  

Deferred income tax and contribution

  4,124   1,095
538   708   274  

Write-off of dry wells

  1,246   906
163   205   204  

Impairment losses

  368   514
(4,266)   (2,213)   191  

Inventory variation

  (6,479)   (372)
(877)   (1,109)   11  

Accounts receivable variation

  (1,986)   (2,050)
2,157   (101)   69  

Supplier variation

  2,055   (768)
480   329   243  

Pension and health plan obligation variation

  809   844
(237)   (258)   (2,097)  

Tax variation

  (495)   (3,174)
(1,111)   830   (633)  

Other adjustments

  (281)   127
12,924   14,248   13,259   (=) Cash Generated by Operating Activities   27,172   22,935
(9,395)   (19,090)   (19,638)   (-) Cash Used in Investment Activities   (28,485)   (35,651)
(15,329)   (15,313)   (19,664)  

Investiments in business areas

  (30,642)   (35,686)
5,934   (3,777)   26  

Marketable Securities

  2,157   35
3,529   (4,842)   (6,379)   (=) Net Cash Flow   (1,313)   (12,716)
9,704   (3,128)   3,581   (-) Cash Used in Financing Activities   6,576   7,770
15,355   6,766   11,664  

Cash capitalization

  22,121   21,788
(2,172)   (4,439)   (3,434)  

Amortization of principal

  (6,611)   (7,711)
(1,641)   (1,421)   (938)  

Amortization of interest

  (3,062)   (2,572)
(1,838)   (4,034)   (3,711)  


  (5,872)   (3,735)
(211)   (702)   57   (+) FX effect on cash and cash equivalents   (913)   122
13,022   (8,672)   (2,741)   (=) Cash and cash equivalents generated in the period   4,350   (4,824)
30,323   43,345   26,951   Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period   30,323   29,034
43,345   34,673   24,210   Cash and cash equivalents at end of period   34,673   24,210




Statement of Added Value – Consolidated

    R$ million
    First half
    2011   2010
Sales of products and services 21   148,474   132,081
Asset construction   30,238   32,407
    178,712   164,488
Input acquisitions from third parties        
Raw materials used   (22,553)   (19,876)
Products for resale   (19,455)   (19,723)
Energy, third parties services & other   (33,185)   (34,350)
Tax credits on inputs acquired from third parties   (8,677)   (9,536)
Impairment losses   (369)   (514)
    (84,239)   (83,999)
Gross added value   94,473   80,489
Depreciation and amortization   (7,645)   (6,889)
Net added value produced by the Company   86,828   73,600
Added value received        
Equity results of non-consolidated companies   443   (410)
Financial revenue - including monetary and exchange variation   3,622   1,682
Rent, royalties and other   511   597
    4,576   1,869
Added value to distribute   91,404   75,469
Distribution of added value        
Personnel and administrative        
Direct compensation        
Salaries   7,034   6,182
Advantages   393   353
Health and pension plan   1,827   1,500
FGTS   402   355
    9,656   8,390
Federal   32,289   26,561
State   17,190   13,401
Municipal   109   103
Foreign states   2,639   2,570
    52,227   42,635
Financial institutions and suppliers        
Exchange variation, monetary and financial charge   2,079   5,012
Rent and freight expenses   4,837   3,298
    6,916   8,310
Interest on equity   5,218   3,510
Minority interest   677   112
Retained earnings   16,710   12,512
    22,605   16,134
Added value distributed   91,404   75,469


21 Net of provisions for doubtful debt.


Consolidated Income Statement by Business Area - First half/2011 22

            R$ MILLION        
Revenue from sales   59,128   94,917   7,969   337   34,896   14,011       (94,989)   116,269


  58,873   30,639   1,139   251   644   3,443       (94,989)    

Third parties

  255   64,278   6,830   86   34,252   10,568           116,269
Cost of goods sold   (25,249)   (95,761)   (4,822)   (381)   (32,089)   (10,845)       93,325   (75,822)
Gross profit   33,879   (844)   3,147   (44)   2,807   3,166       (1,664)   40,447
Expenses   (3,720)   (3,268)   (1,271)   (96)   (1,912)   (1,614)   (4,116)   134   (15,863)

Selling, General & administrative

  (402)   (2,535)   (957)   (62)   (1,865)   (816)   (1,919)   84   (8,472)

Exploratory costs

  (1,894)             (247)         (2,141)

Research & development

  (547)   (180)   (52)   (7)   (4)       (229)       (1,019)


  (34)   (41)   (37)   (1)   (24)   (91)   (138)       (366)


  (843)   (512)   (225)   (26)   (19)   (460)   (1,830)   50   (3,865)
Income before financial result, profit sharing and taxes   30,159   (4,112)   1,876   (140)   895   1,552   (4,116)   (1,530)   24,584

Net financial result

                4,918       4,918
Equity results of non-consolidated companies       328   31   43   (1)   39   2       442
Income before profit sharing and taxes   30,159   (3,784)   1,907   (97)   894   1,591   804   (1,530)   29,944

Income tax and social contribution

  (10,254)   1,398   (638)   47   (304)   (112)   2,003   521   (7,339)
Net income   19,905   (2,386)   1,269   (50)   590   1,479   2,807   (1,009)   22,605

Minority interest

  15   11   (7)         (21)   (675)       (677)
Net income attributable to Petrobras shareholders   19,920   (2,375)   1,262   (50)   590   1,458   2,132   (1,009)   21,928

Consolidated Income Statement by Business Area - First half/2010 22

            R$ MILLION        
Revenue from sales   46,900   85,525   6,485   243   30,976   12,150       (78,236)   104,043


  46,646   27,386   819   230   655   2,500       (78,236)    

Third parties

  254   58,139   5,666   13   30,321   9,650           104,043
Cost of goods sold   (21,256)   (80,247)   (4,030)   (239)   (28,257)   (9,390)       78,073   (65,346)
Gross profit   25,644   5,278   2,455   4   2,719   2,760       (163)   38,697
Expenses   (3,012)   (3,164)   (1,375)   (56)   (1,763)   (1,463)   (4,069)   125   (14,777)

Selling, general & administrative

  (359)   (2,661)   (921)   (31)   (1,656)   (809)   (1,760)   123   (8,074)

Exploratory costs

  (1,403)                   (226)           (1,629)

Research & development

  (414)   (138)   (56)       (4)   (1)   (193)       (806)


  (112)   (49)   (24)   (1)   (14)   (75)   (103)       (378)


  (724)   (316)   (374)   (24)   (89)   (352)   (2,013)   2   (3,890)
Income before financial result, profit sharing and taxes   22,632   2,114   1,080   (52)   956   1,297   (4,069)   (38)   23,920

Net financial result

                          (1,331)       (1,331)
Equity results of non-consolidated companies       (343)   (12)   (6)   (1)   (12)   (36)       (410)
Income before profit sharing and taxes   22,632   1,771   1,068   (58)   955   1,285   (5,436)   (38)   22,179

Income tax and social contribution

  (7,695)   (719)   (367)   18   (325)   (213)   3,268   (12)   (6,045)
Net income   14,937   1,052   701   (40)   630   1,072   (2,168)   (50)   16,134

Minority interest

  24   (44)   (29)           (92)   28       (113)
Net income attributable to Petrobras' shareholders   14,961   1,008   672   (40)   630   980   (2,140)   (50)   16,021


22 As of 2011 Biofuel results are presented separately. This information was previously included in the corporate group.For comparative purposes, the information from the previous period was reclassified.


Consolidated EBITDA Statement by Business Area - First half/2011 23

Income before financial result and taxes   30,159   (4,112)   1,876   (140)   895   1,552   (4,116)   (1,530)   24,584
Depreciation / amortization   4,520   1,156   697   27   182   787   276   -   7,645
Impairment   -   -   -   -   -   4   -   -   4
EBITDA   34,679   (2,956)   2,573   (113)   1,077   2,343   (3,840)   (1,530)   32,233


Statement of Other Operating Income (Expenses) - First half/2011 23

Pension and health plan   -   -   -   -   -   -   (782)   -   (782)
Unprogrammed stoppages and pre-operational expenses   (364)   (39)   (68)   -   -   (192)   -   -   (663)
Institutional relations and cultural projects   (28)   (23)   (4)   -   (37)   (2)   (473)   -   (567)
Expenses with health, safety and the environment   (39)   (56)   (4)   -   -   (66)   (147)   -   (312)
Adjustment of inventories to market value   7   (135)   -   (19)   -   (112)   -   -   (259)
Results with sales and write-off of assets   (38)   (10)   (48)           (82)   (61)       (239)
Losses and contingencies related to law suits   (30)   (26)   (8)   -   (29)   (15)   (66)   -   (174)
Expenses/repayment in E&P partnership operations   (133)                               (133)
Operational expenses with thermoelectric plants   -   -   (97)   -   -   -   -   -   (97)
Impairment losses   -   -   -   -   -   (4)   -   -   (4)
Government incentives, donations and subsidies   67   90   57   -   -   -   -   -   214
Other (such as: penalties and contractual charges, rent revenue/leases etc)   (285)   (313)   (53)   (7)   47   13   (301)   50   (849)
    (843)   (512)   (225)   (26)   (19)   (460)   (1,830)   50   (3,865)


Statement of Other Operating Income (Expenses) - First half/2010 23

Pension and health plan   -   -   -   -   -   -   (788)   -   (788)
Unprogrammed stoppages and pre-operational expenses   (207)   (13)   (56)   -   -   -   -   -   (276)
Institutional relations and cultural projects   (31)   (19)   (10)   -   (26)   (2)   (433)   -   (521)
Expenses with health, safety and the environment   (38)   (33)   (2)   -   -   -   (182)   -   (255)
Adjustment of inventories to market value   -   (38)   -   (2)   -   (281)   -   -   (321)
Results with sales and write-off of assets   (2)   (5)   (2)               (1)       (10)
Losses and contingencies related to law suits   (489)   (146)   (9)   -   (160)   (11)   (548)   -   (1,363)
Expenses/repayment in E&P partnership operations   86                               86
Operational expenses with thermoelectric plants   -   -   (243)   -   -   -   -   -   (243)
Impairment losses   -   -   (80)   -   -   (114)   -   -   (194)
Government incentives, donations and subsidies   75   216   7   -   -   -   -   -   298
Other (such as: penalties and contractual charges, rent revenue/leases etc)   (118)   (278)   21   (22)   97   56   (61)   2   (303)
    (724)   (316)   (374)   (24)   (89)   (352)   (2,013)   2   (3,890)


23 As of 2011 Biofuel results are presented separately. This information was previously included in the corporate group.For comparative purposes, the information from the previous period was reclassified.




Consolidated Assets by Business Area - 06.30.2011 24

Assets   240,003   138,757   50,880   2,377   13,354   29,117   92,217   (12,121)   554,584
Current assets   9,623   36,776   3,978   313   7,218   5,620   67,568   (11,602)   119,494
Non-current assets   230,380   101,981   46,902   2,064   6,136   23,497   24,649   (519)   435,090
Long-term assets   6,363   6,555   3,195   128   1,145   4,214   17,168   (519)   38,249
Investments   2   6,493   260   1,089   21   1,225   147   -   9,237
Property, plant and equipment   147,477   88,620   42,297   827   4,288   15,001   6,415   -   304,925
Intangible assets   76,538   313   1,150   20   682   3,057   919   -   82,679


Consolidated Assets by Business Area - 12.31.2010 24

Assets   227,601   117,625   50,175   2,058   12,280   29,869   90,393   (10,031)   519,970
Current assets   6,133   28,853   4,523   283   6,580   5,750   64,558   (9,995)   106,685
Non-current assets   221,468   88,772   45,652   1,775   5,700   24,119   25,835   (36)   413,285
Long-term assets   6,268   6,024   2,829   147   951   4,054   18,233   (36)   38,470
Investments   -   6,276   295   802   16   1,340   150   -   8,879
Property, plant and equipment   138,519   76,186   41,262   788   4,050   15,559   6,474   -   282,838
Intangible assets   76,681   286   1,266   38   683   3,166   978   -   83,098


24 As of 2011 Biofuel results are presented separately. This information was previously included in the corporate group.For comparative purposes, the information from the previous period was reclassified.


Consolidated Income Statement by International Business Area

    E&P   RT&M   &   DISTRIB.   CORP.   ELIMIN.   TOTAL
Income Statement- 1st half-2011                            
Revenue from sales   3,891   7,007   988   3,993   -   (1,868)   14,011
Intersegment   3,139   1,993   162   28   -   (1,879)   3,443
Third parties   752   5,014   826   3,965   -   11   10,568
Earnings before financial result, profit sharing and taxes   1,555   161   137   35   (351)   15   1,552
Net income attributable to Petrobras shareholders   1,462   168   109   36   (332)   15   1,458
    E&P   RT&M   &   DISTRIB.   CORP.   ELIMIN.   TOTAL
Income Statement- 1st half-2010                            
Revenue from sales   3,255   6,462   1,078   3,460   -   (2,105)   12,150
Intersegment   2,641   1,786   172   32   -   (2,131)   2,500
Third parties   614   4,676   906   3,428   -   26   9,650
Earnings before financial result, profit sharing and taxes   1,334   (43)   184   58   (221)   (15)   1,297
Net income attributable to Petrobras shareholders   1,123   (35)   111   53   (257)   (15)   980


Consolidated Income Statement by International Business Area

    E&P   RT&M   &   DISTRIB.   CORP.   ELIMIN.   TOTAL
Assets in 06.30.2011   20,324   5,443   2,979   1,554   2,489   (3,672)   29,117
Assets in 12.31.2010   20,715   5,433   3,213   1,645   2,801   (3,938)   29,869



Income Statement – Parent Company

R$ million
    2nd quarter       First half
1Q-2011   2011   2010       2011   2010
40,097   45,921   38,914   Revenue from sales   86,018   75,866
(24,703)   (29,964)   (23,925)   Cost of products sold   (54,667)   (45,267)
15,394   15,957   14,989   Gross profit   31,351   30,599
(2,251)   (2,319)   (2,148)   Sales   (4,571)   (3,898)
(1,324)   (1,483)   (1,280)   General and administrative   (2,807)   (2,505)
(859)   (1,035)   (527)   Exploratory costs   (1,894)   (1,403)
(483)   (497)   (384)   Research & development   (980)   (764)
(126)   (39)   (75)   Taxes   (166)   (156)
(1,672)   (1,851)   (1,222)   Other   (3,522)   (3,432)
(6,715)   (7,224)   (5,636)       (13,940)   (12,158)
8,679   8,733   9,353   Earnings before financial result, profit sharing and taxes   17,411   18,441
1,789   1,807   (51)   Net financial result   3,596   64
3,076   2,895   1,408   Equity income   5,972   2,401
13,544   13,435   10,710   Income before taxes   26,979   20,906
(2,699)   (2,525)   (2,473)   Income tax and social contribution   (5,224)   (4,978)
10,845   10,910   8,237   Net income attributable to Petrobras shareholders   21,755   15,928





Balance Sheet – Parent Company

ASSETS   R$ million
    06.30.2011   12.31.2010
Current assets   101,794   95,258
Cash and cash equivalents   23,917   19,995
Marketable securities   28,216   33,731
Accounts receivable   17,627   16,178
Inventories   19,612   15,199
Taxes recoverable   8,067   5,911
Other   4,355   4,244
Non-current assets   374,262   371,397
Long-term assets   31,314   52,384
Accounts receivable   9,301   29,760
Petroleum & Ethanol account   826   822
Marketable securities   4,706   4,749
Judicial deposits   2,418   2,426
Deferred taxes and social contribution   10,890   11,790
Advances to suppliers   928   964
Other   2,245   1,873
Investments   53,802   50,955
Property, plant and equipment   211,121   189,775
Intangible assets   77,851   78,042
Deferred assets   174   241
Total Assets   476,056   466,655
LIABILITIES   R$ million
    06.30.2011   12.31.2010
Current Liabilities   53,180   62,441
Financing   2,352   1,506
Financial leasing   1,874   3,149
Taxes and social contribution   9,707   7,837
Suppliers   9,515   9,567
Dividends / Interest on equity   2,609   3,595
Payroll and related charges   2,497   2,174
Provision for profit sharing   941   1,428
Pension and health plan   1,213   1,209
Subsidiárias, controladas e coligadas   19,751   30,113
Other   2,721   1,863
Non-current Liabilities   99,776   96,897
Financing   36,035   36,430
Financial leasing   14,367   14,976
Deferred taxes and social contribution   25,840   21,808
Pension and health plan   14,889   14,162
Provision for lawsuits   308   425
Provision for well abandonment   6,035   6,072
Subsidiaries and controlled companies   490   404
Other   1,812   2,620
Shareholders' Equity   323,100   307,317
Paid-up capital   205,380   205,357
Reserves/Income for the period   95,965   101,960
Net income   21,755   -
Total Liabilities   476,056   466,655



1. Analysis of Consolidated Gross Profit (2Q-2011 x 1Q-2011)

         R$ million
2Q-2011 X 1Q-2011
Gross Profit Analysis - Main Items   Net Revenue    Cost of
Goods Sold
  Gross Profit
. Domestic Market:   - volumes sold   2,591   (1,537)   1,054
    - domestic prices   885       885
. International Market:   - export volumes   920   (342)   578
    - export price   1,378       1,378
. (Increase) decrease in expenses: (i)       (3,774)   (3,774)
. Increase (decrease) in profitability of Distribution segment   1,509   (1,638)   (129)
. Increase (decrease) in profitability of trading operations   104   (161)   (57)
. Increase (decrease) in international sales   453   (544)   (91)
. FX effect on overseas subsidiaries   (526)   435   (91)
. Other       (645)   931   286
        6,669   (6,630)   39
(i) Breakdown of Variation in Expenses:   Value        
- imports of crude oil, oil products and gas   (3,528)        
- domestic government take   (197)        
- materials, services, rent and depreciation   (158)        
- salaries, benefits and charges   (75)        
- transportation: maritime and pipelines 25   (60)        
- outsourced services   (8)        
- energy generation and purchase of energy for resale   (6)        
- purchase of nitrogen compounds   11        
- purchase of renewable resources   62        
- oil products (domestic purchases)   185        


Due to the average inventory period of 60 days, international oil and oil product prices, as well as the impact of the exchange rate on imports and government take are not fully reflected in the cost of goods sold in the actual period, but in the subsequent period. The chart below shows the estimated impact on COGS:

    1Q-2011   2Q-2011   Δ (*)
Effect of the weighted average cost (R$ million)   1,757   746   (1,011)
( ) sales cost increase            


(*) COGS in 2Q-2011 was less favored by the average cost effect than in 1Q-2011, partially offsetting the substantial increase in international prices in 1Q-2011.

25 Expenses with cabotage, terminals and pipelines.


2. Analysis of Consolidated Gross Profit (1H-2011 x 1H-2010)

            R$ million    
1st half-2011 x 1st half-2010
Gross Profit Analysis - Main Items   Net Revenue   Cost of
Goods Sold
. Domestic Market:   - volumes sold   2,920   (443)   2,477
    - domestic prices   2,252   -   2,252
. International Market:   - export volumes   (2,621)   1,376   (1,245)
    - export price   4,090   -   4,090
. (Increase) decrease in expenses: (i)   -   (6,702)   (6,702)
. Increase (decrease) in profitability of Distribution segment   4,092   (4,004)   88
. Increase (decrease) in profitability of trading operations   653   (180)   473
. Increase (decrease) in international sales   2,575   (1,916)   659
. FX effect on overseas subsidiaries   (1,812)   1,546   (266)
. Other       77   (153)   (76)
        12,226   (10,476)   1,750
(i) Breakdown of Variation in Expenses:   Value        
- imports of crude oil, oil products and gas   (3,627)        
- domestic government take   (1,575)        
- materials, services, rent and depreciation   (576)        
- transportation: maritime and pipelines 26   (440)        
- outsourced services   (356)        
- salaries, benefits and charges   (142)        
- energy generation and purchase of energy for resale   (54)        
- oil products (domestic purchases)   (13)        
- purchase of nitrogen compounds   81        
- purchase of renewable resources   (6,702)        


26 Expenses with cabotage, terminals and pipelines.


3. Consolidated Taxes and Contributions

The economic contribution of Petrobras to the country, measured through the generation of current taxes, duties and social contributions, totaled R$39,137 million.

R$ million
    2nd quarter           First half    
 1Q-2011     2011     2010    2Q11 X
       2011     2010    2011 X
                Economic Contribution - Country            
8,414   8,800   7,291   5   Value Added Tax on Sales and Services (ICMS)   17,214   13,408   28
1,988   2,055   1,601   3   CIDE 27   4,043   3,120   30
3,475   3,617   3,254   4   PASEP/COFINS   7,092   6,447   10
3,456   3,760   2,993   9   Income Tax and Social Contribution   7,216   5,743   26
728   519   730   (29)   Other   1,247   1,351   (8)
18,061   18,751   15,869   4   Subtotal Country   36,812   30,069   22
1,268   1,056   1,108   (17)   Economic Contribution - Foreign   2,325   2,324   -
19,329   19,807   16,977   2   Total   39,137   32,393   21


4. Government Take

R$ million
    2nd quarter           First half    
 1Q-2011     2011     2010    2Q11 X
       2011     2010    2011 X
2,885   3,123   2,396   8   Royalties   6,008   4,729   27
3,201   3,511   2,598   10   Special Participation   6,712   5,208   29
22   34   29   55   Surface Rental Fees   56   61   (8)
6,108   6,668   5,023   9   Subtotal Country   12,776   9,998   28
149   164   121   10   Foreign   314   246   28
6,257   6,832   5,144   9   Total   13,090   10,244   28


The government take in the country in 2Q-2011 increased by 9% over 1Q-2011, due to the 8% upturn in the reference price for local oil, which averaged R$165.55 (US$103.82) in 2Q-2011, versus R$153.11 (US$91.90) in 1Q-2011, reflecting international oil prices.

The government take in the country in 1H-2011 increased by 28% over 1H-2010, due to the 29% upturn in the reference price for local oil, which averaged R$159.33 (US$97.86) in 1H-2011, versus R$123.66 (US$68.88) in 1H-2010, reflecting international oil prices.

27 CIDE – Economic Domain Contribution Charge.




5. Indebtedness


6. Foreign Exchange Exposure

ASSETS   R$ million
    06.30.2011   12.31.2010
Current assets   10,320   13,065
Cash and cash equivalents   7,749   10,818
Other current assets   2,571   2,247
Non-current assets   4,823   18,755
Amounts invested abroad by partner companies in the international segment, in E&P equipment to be used in Brazil and in commercial activities    3,469    17,351
Other long-term assets   1,354   1,404
Total Assets   15,143   31,820
LIABILITIES   R$ million
    06.30.2011   12.31.2010
Current Liabilities   (10,998)   (11,562)
Financing   (7,660)   (7,953)
Suppliers   (2,957)   (3,286)
Other current liabilities   (381)   (323)
Non-current Liabilities   (22,640)   (26,248)
Financing   (22,640)   (26,208)
Other long-term liabilities       (40)
Total Liabilities   (33,638)   (37,810)
Net Assets (Liabilities) in Reais   (18,495)   (5,990)
(-) FINAME Loans - in reais indexed to dollar   (20)   (103)
(-) BNDES Loans - in reais indexed to dollar   (22,345)   (23,906)
Net Assets (Liabilities) in Reais   (40,860)   (29,999)




Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: August 17, 2011
/S/  Almir Guilherme Barbassa

Almir Guilherme Barbassa
Chief Financial Officer and Investor Relations Officer



This press release may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (Securities Act), and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (Exchange Act) that are not based on historical facts and are not assurances of future results.  These forward-looking statements are based on management's current view and estimates of future economic circumstances, industry conditions, company performance and financial results. The words "anticipates", "believes", "estimates", "expects", "plans" and similar expressions, as they relate to the company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Statements regarding the declaration or payment of dividends, the implementation of principal operating and financing strategies and capital expenditure plans, the direction of future operations and the factors or trends affecting financial condition, liquidity or results o f operations are examples of forward-looking statements. Such statements reflect the current views of management and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. There is no guarantee that the expected events, trends or results will actually occur. The statements are based on many assumptions and factors, including general economic and market conditions, industry conditions, and operating factors. Any changes in such assumptions or factors could cause actual results to differ materially from current expectations. 
All forward-looking statements are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement, and you should not place reliance on any forward-looking statement contained in this press release. We undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information or future events or for any other reason.