Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act
                                     of 1934

                                                              File No. 0-10772
[X]   Filed by the Registrant

[  ]  Filed by a Party other than the Registrant

Check the appropriate box:
[X]   Preliminary Proxy Statement

[  ]  Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by
      Rule 14a-16(e)(2))

[  ]  Definitive Proxy Statement

[  ]  Definitive Additional Materials

[  ]  Soliciting Material Pursuant to Exchange Act Rule 14a-11 or 14a-12

                                ESSEX CORPORATION

Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
[X]   No fee required

[  ]  Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11

1) Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies:


2) Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies:


3) Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to
   Exchange Act Rule 0-11:(1)


4) Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction:


5) Total fee paid:

[  ]  Fee paid previously with preliminary materials

[  ]  Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided  by Exchange  Act
      Rule  0-11(a)(2)  and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was
      paid  previously.  Identify the previous filing by registration  statement
      number, or the form or schedule and the date of its filing.

      1) Amount previously paid:
      2) Form, Schedule or Registration No.
      3) Filing party:
      4) appointment filed:

(1)Set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it
   was determined.

                                ESSEX CORPORATION

Fellow Stockholder:

         You are cordially  invited to attend our Annual Meeting of Stockholders
of Essex  Corporation to be held at THE GREAT ROOM AT HISTORIC SAVAGE MILL, 8600
FOUNDRY STREET,  SAVAGE,  MARYLAND on Wednesday,  July 21, 2004 at 10:00 a.m. We
invite you to arrive at 9:30 a.m. to visit with Essex Management.  A continental
breakfast will be served.

         As discussed in this Proxy Statement, the matters to be acted on at the
Annual  Meeting are: the election of  directors;  the amendment of the Company's
Articles of Incorporation to increase the number of authorized  shares of common
stock;   the   ratification  of  the  Company's  2004  stock  option  plan;  the
ratification of the Company's Employee Stock Purchase Plan; and the ratification
of the  appointment  of  independent  auditors.  Additionally,  there  will be a
presentation  reviewing the Company's  performance in 2003 and 2004.  There will
also be an opportunity for  stockholders to present  questions to management and
to a representative of the Company's independent auditors.

         The  Company's  Annual  Report on Form 10-K for the  fiscal  year ended
December 28, 2003, including the financial statements,  is enclosed. Such report
and financial statements are not a part of this Proxy Statement.

         Whether or not you plan to attend, we request that your shares of stock
will be represented and voted at the Annual Meeting.  You can accomplish this by
completing,  signing,  dating and promptly  returning your proxy in the enclosed


                                     Respectfully yours,

                                     Leonard E. Moodispaw
                                     PRESIDENT & CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER

Columbia, Maryland
June              , 2004

                                ESSEX CORPORATION
                               9150 Guilford Road
                            Columbia, Maryland 21046


         Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Essex
Corporation (the "Company"), a Virginia corporation, will be held at 10:00 a.m.,
Wednesday,  July 21, 2004,  at The Great Room at Historic  Savage Mill,  Savage,
Maryland, for the following purposes:

1.       To elect nine (9)  directors to serve until the next Annual  Meeting of
         Stockholders or until their successors are duly elected and qualified;

2.       To amend  Article (c) of the  Company's  Articles of  Incorporation  to
         increase  the  number of  authorized  shares  of common  stock to fifty
         million (50,000,000) shares;

3.       To ratify the Company's 2004 Stock Incentive Plan;

4.       To ratify the Company's Employee Stock Purchase Plan;

5.       To ratify the appointment of independent auditors; and

6.       To transact such other  business as may properly come before the Annual

         Your  attention is directed to the  accompanying  Proxy  Statement  for
further  information  with respect to the matters to be acted upon at the Annual

         The Board of Directors  has fixed the close of business on June 1, 2004
as the record date for the determination of stockholders  entitled to notice of,
and to vote at, the Annual Meeting. The stock transfer books will not be closed.

         The approximate date on which the Proxy Statement and form of Proxy are
first sent or given to shareholders is June , 2004.

         Please  indicate your vote,  date and sign the enclosed  proxy card and
promptly return it in the enclosed pre-addressed  envelope. The prompt return of
proxies  will  assure a quorum and reduce  solicitation  expenses.  If you are a
stockholder of record and are personally  present at the Annual Meeting and wish
to vote your shares in person, even after returning your proxy, you still may do

                                 BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                 KIMBERLY J. DECHELLO
Columbia, Maryland
June              , 2004

                                ESSEX CORPORATION

                               9150 Guilford Road

                            Columbia, Maryland 21046

                                 PROXY STATEMENT


                            TO BE HELD JULY 21, 2004

         The enclosed proxy is furnished to the holders of common stock,  no par
value  (the  "Common  Stock"),  of  Essex  Corporation  (the  "Company")  and is
solicited by the Board of Directors of the Company for use at the Annual Meeting
of Stockholders to be held on July 21, 2004 and at any adjournments thereof (the
"Annual  Meeting").  The approximate date on which the Notice of Annual Meeting,
Proxy  Statement and proxy card are first sent or given to  stockholders is June
20, 2004.

         The shares  represented by all properly  executed proxies will be voted
at  the  Annual  Meeting  in  accordance  with  instructions   thereon.   If  no
instructions  are  indicated,  the  proxy  will be voted  FOR the  nominees  for
director  listed on the proxy and also  listed  under the caption  "Proposal  1"
herein; FOR the amendment of the Company's Articles of Incorporation to increase
the number of authorized shares of common stock,  "Proposal 2;" FOR ratification
of the Company's 2004 Stock Incentive Plan,  "Proposal 3;" FOR the  ratification
of  the  Company's   Employee  Stock  Purchase  Plan,   "Proposal  4;"  and  FOR
ratification of appointment of independent auditors, "Proposal 5". The Company's
Board of Directors recommends that the stockholders vote in favor of each of the
proposals.  All valid proxies  obtained  will be voted at the  discretion of the
Board of Directors  with respect to any other  business that may come before the
Annual Meeting.

         The Board of Directors  has fixed the close of business on June 1, 2004
as the record date (the "Record  Date") for the  determination  of  stockholders
entitled to notice of, and to vote at, the Annual  Meeting  and any  adjournment

         As of the Record Date, there were outstanding  15,097,443 shares of the
Common  Stock.  Holders  of shares of Common  Stock of record as of the close of
business  on the Record  Date will be  entitled  to vote at the Annual  Meeting.
Holders of Common Stock are entitled to one vote on all matters presented at the
meeting  for each share held of record.  The  presence  in person or by proxy of
holders  of record of at least  one-third  of the shares  outstanding  as of the
Record  Date shall be required  for a quorum to transact  business at the Annual
Meeting. If a quorum should not be present,  the Annual Meeting may be adjourned
from time to time until a quorum is  obtained.  The


nominees  to be  selected  as  directors  named in  Proposal  1 must  receive  a
plurality  of the votes cast at the Annual  Meeting  with respect to Proposal 1.
Proposal  2 must  receive  approval  of  more  than  two-thirds  of  the  shares
outstanding. The remaining proposals to be considered at the Annual Meeting must
receive a greater  number of  affirmative  votes than negative votes cast at the
Annual  Meeting.  In addition,  abstentions  and broker  non-votes will have the
effect of a vote against Proposal 2 and no effect on the remaining proposals.

         Proxies may be revoked  before they are voted at the Annual  Meeting by
giving written  notice of revocation to the Secretary,  by submission of a proxy
bearing a later date, or by attending the Annual Meeting in person and voting by

         The  cost  of  preparing  and  mailing  this  Proxy  Statement  and the
accompanying  proxy card will be borne by the Company  and the Company  will pay
the cost of soliciting  proxies.  In addition to solicitation  by mail,  certain
officers  and regular  employees of the Company and  employees of the  Company's
Transfer  Agent may solicit the return of proxies by  telephone,  telegram or in
person. The Company will also reimburse brokers,  nominees and other fiduciaries
for their expenses in forwarding solicitation materials to the beneficial owners
of Common Stock and soliciting them to execute proxies.

         Any document  referenced in this Proxy  Statement is available  without
charge to any  stockholder  of record upon request.  All requests  shall be made
either in writing, and directed to the Company at its main office address,  9150
Guilford Road,  Columbia,  MD 21046,  or orally and directed to the Secretary at



         The voting  securities of the Company  consist of Common Stock.  On the
Record Date there were 15,097,443 shares of Common Stock outstanding. Each share
of Common  Stock is  entitled to one vote on each matter to be acted upon at the
Annual Meeting.



         The  following  table  and  accompanying  notes set forth as of June 1,
2004,  information  with respect to the  beneficial  ownership of the  Company's
voting securities by (i) each person or group who beneficially owns more than 5%
of the voting securities,  (ii) each of the directors of the Company, (iii) each
of the officers of the Company named in the Summary Compensation Table, and (iv)
all directors and executive officers of the Company as a group.

                                                                               Percentage of
                                                                           Outstanding Shares of
                                                  Amount and Nature of         Common Stock
Name and Address of Beneficial Owner*           Beneficial Ownership (1)     Beneficially Owned
---------------------------------------------   -------------------------  ---------------------

H. Jeffrey Leonard (2)                                2,344,533                   15.5

John G. Hannon (3)                                    2,049,498                   13.6

Caroline S. Pisano (4)                                  753,000                    5.0

Terry M. Turpin (5)                                     496,643                    3.2

Leonard E. Moodispaw (6)                                452,950                    2.9

Joseph R. Kurry, Jr. (7)                                220,814                    1.5

Craig H. Price (8)                                      118,712                     **

Rudy Liskovec (9)                                        46,900                     **

Robert W. Hicks (10)                                     71,700                     **

Anthony M. Johnson (11)                                      --                     --

Ray M. Keeler (12)                                       46,500                     **

Marie S. Minton (13)                                         --                     --

Arthur L. Money (14)                                     10,000                     **

GEF Management Corporation ("GEFMC")(15)              2,314,758                   15.3

Global Environment Capital Co. LLC
  ("GECC") (15)                                       2,314,758                   15.3

Global Environment Strategic Technology
  Partners ("GESTP")(15)                              2,314,758                   15.3

GEF Technology Managers, Co., LLC
  ("GEFTM")(15)                                       2,314,758                   15.3

The Hannon Family LLC (16)                            1,438,973                    9.5

Systematic Financial Management, LP (17)              1,067,431                    7.0

All Directors and Executive Officers
     as a Group (18 persons) (18)                     6,967,143                   42.7

   *   Except  as noted  below,  all  beneficial  owners  are  directors  and/or
       officers of the Company  and can be reached c/o Essex


       Corporation,  9150 Guilford Road, Columbia, MD 21046.

   **  Less than 1%.

   (1) The shares  listed  above  include  options and rights to acquire  shares
       within sixty (60) days and shares held of record by the Essex Corporation
       Retirement  Trust as to  which  shares  the  respective  participant  has
       disposition and voting rights. The percentage ownership is computed based
       upon the number of shares which would be  outstanding if such options and
       rights were exercised.

   (2) H.  Jeffrey  Leonard  is  Chairman  of the Board of the  Company  and the
       President and a director of GEFMC. Of the shares of Common Stock shown as
       beneficially  owned,  29,775  are  owned  directly  by  Mr.  Leonard.  In
       addition,   2,314,758  shares  of  Common  Stock  may  be  deemed  to  be
       beneficially owned by Mr. Leonard as described in footnotes (15) and (19)
       below. Mr. Leonard's address is c/o GEF Management Corporation,  1225 Eye
       Street,  N.W.,  Suite  900,  Washington,  DC 20005.  Mr.  Leonard  is the
       brother-in-law of Ms. Pisano.

   (3) John G.  Hannon is a  Director  of the  Company.  Of the shares of Common
       Stock shown as  beneficially  owned,  610,525  are owned  directly by Mr.
       Hannon. In addition, 1,438,973 shares of Common Stock may be deemed to be
       beneficially owned by Mr. Hannon as described in footnote (16) below.

   (4) Caroline S. Pisano is Vice  President  of Finance and General  Counsel of
       the Company. Ms. Pisano is the sister-in-law of Mr. Leonard.

   (5) Terry M. Turpin is a Director,  Senior Vice President and Chief Scientist
       of the  Company.  Of the  shares  shown as  beneficially  owned,  221,450
       represent  presently  exercisable  rights to acquire Common Stock through
       stock options.

   (6) Leonard E. Moodispaw is President, Chief Executive Officer and a Director
       of the  Company.  Of the  shares  shown as  beneficially  owned,  395,000
       represent  presently  exercisable  rights to acquire Common Stock through
       stock options.

   (7) Joseph R.  Kurry,  Jr.  is Senior  Vice  President,  Treasurer  and Chief
       Financial  Officer of the Company.  Of the shares  shown as  beneficially
       owned,  170,500 represent presently  exercisable rights to acquire Common
       Stock through stock options.

   (8) Craig H. Price is Vice  President of the Company.  Of the shares shown as
       beneficially  owned,  101,500 represent  presently  exercisable rights to
       acquire Common Stock through stock options.

   (9) Rudy  Liskovec is Vice  President of the Company.  Of the shares shown as
       beneficially  owned,  46,900 represent  presently  exercisable  rights to
       acquire Common Stock through stock options.

   (10)Robert W.  Hicks is a Director  of the  Company.  Of the shares  shown as
       beneficially  owned,  31,500 represent  presently  exercisable  rights to
       acquire Common Stock through stock options.

   (11)Anthony M. Johnson is a Director of the Company.

   (12)Ray M.  Keeler is a  Director  of the  Company.  Of the  shares  shown as
       beneficially  owned,  32,500 represent  presently  exercisable  rights to
       acquire Common Stock through stock options.

   (13)Marie S. Minton is a Director of the Company.

   (14)Arthur L.  Money is a Director  of the  Company.  Of the shares  shown as
       beneficially  owned,  10,000 represent  presently  exercisable  rights to
       acquire Common Stock through stock options.

   (15)Consists of 582,473 shares of Common Stock directly owned by GEFMC.  Also
       consists of (i) 118,200 shares of Common Stock directly owned by GECC, by
       virtue of the  arrangements  described  in footnote  (19),  (ii)  864,166
       shares  of  Common  Stock  directly  owned by  GESTP,  by  virtue  of the
       arrangements  described  in  footnote  (19) and (iii)  749,919  shares of
       Common  Stock  directly  owned by GEFTM,  by  virtue of the  arrangements
       described in footnote  (19) below.  GEF is a Delaware  limited  liability
       company with its principal  executive offices located at 1225 Eye Street,
       N.W., Suite 900, Washington, DC 20005.

   (16)Consists of 1,438,973  shares directly held by The Hannon Family LLC. Mr.
       John G. Hannon is the managing person of this entity.

   (17)Based  on  Form  13F  filed  with  the SEC on May  14,  2004.  Systematic
       Financial  Management,  L.P.  address  is 300  Frank W.  Burr  Boulevard,
       Glenpointe East, 7th Floor, Teaneck, NJ 07666.

   (18)Of the shares shown as beneficially owned,  1,232,900 represent presently
       exercisable rights to acquire Common Stock through stock options.

   (19)Based on a Schedule  13D/A filed with the SEC on February 24, 2004,  each
       of  GEFMC,  GECC,  GESTP,  GEFTM,  and  Mr.  Leonard  may be  deemed  the
       beneficial  owner of 2,314,758  shares of Common Stock  directly held for
       the account of GEF.



         The Company's Directors generally meet quarterly, and at such meetings,
the Company's  Independent  Directors  generally meet in executive session. At a
minimum, the Company's  Independent  Directors plan to meet in executive session
twice in 2004.  Additionally,  the By-Laws provide for special  meetings and, as
also permitted by Virginia law, Board action may be taken without a meeting upon
unanimous  written consent of all Directors.  Board members who are not employed
by the  Company  receive a maximum of $1,500 for each Board  meeting or $750 for
each Board Committee Meeting attended. In 2003 the Board held five meetings; the
entire  membership  of the Board was present at all of the  meetings  except for
three where three  directors  were absent from one meeting and one  director was
absent from the other two meetings. Board members who are affiliated with GEF or
The Hannon Family LLC have waived any board fees.

         The  Board of  Directors  had  three  standing  Committees:  the  Audit
Committee, the Ethics Committee and the Compensation Committee.

         AUDIT COMMITTEE.  Our audit committee is established in accordance with
Section 3(a)(58)(A) of the Exchange Act of 1934 as amended,  and composed of the
following  three  directors:  Messrs.  Hicks and Keeler and Ms. Minton.  Messrs.
Hicks and Keeler and Ms. Minton are independent  directors within the meaning of
the independence standards of audit committee members of SEC Rule 10A-3(b) under
the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934 in addition to the current  NASDAQ listing
rules.  Ms.  Minton is an audit  committee  financial  expert as defined by Item
401(h) of Regulation S-K of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended.

         The primary responsibilities of the audit committee are to:

       o Oversee  management's  conduct of our financial  reporting  process and
         systems of internal accounting and financial control;

       o Monitor the independence and performance of our outside auditors;

       o Provide  an  avenue  of   communication  among  the  outside  auditors,
         management and our board of directors;

       o Make reports and  recommendations  to our board and our shareholders as
         necessary under the rules of the Securities and Exchange  Commission or
         as otherwise within the scope of its functions; and

       o Oversee and,  where  appropriate,  report to our board on our review of
         and response to any government audit, inquiry or investigation, as they
         determine to be appropriate.

         The  Board  has  implemented   all  necessary   changes  to  the  audit
committee's  charter to comply with Nasdaq's  revised listing  standards and may
consider  further changes to its charter and designated  responsibilities  as it
deems necessary and appropriate. The Audit Committee held four meetings in 2003.
One member was absent from one of the four meetings.



         The Audit Committee consists of Messrs.  Hicks, Keeler and Ms.  Minton.
Messrs.  Hicks and Keeler and Ms. Minton within the meaning of the  independence
standards of audit  committee  members of SEC Rule 10A-3(b) under the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 in addition to the current NASDAQ listing rules.  Minton is
an audit committee  financial expert as defined by Item 401(h) of Regulation S-K
of  the   Securities   Act  of  1933,   as   amended.   The  Audit   Committee's
responsibilities  are as described in a written  Charter adopted by the Board of

         In performing its oversight  responsibilities,  the Audit Committee has
reviewed and discussed the Company's 2003 audited financial  statements with the
Company's   management.   The  Audit  Committee  also  has  discussed  with  the
independent auditors, Stegman & Company, the matters required to be discussed by
Statement on Auditing  Standards No. 61,  COMMUNICATIONS  WITH AUDIT COMMITTEES,
which include, among other items, matters related to the conduct of the audit of
the Company's consolidated financial statements.

         The Audit  Committee has received  written  disclosures  and the letter
from the  independent  auditors  required by the  Independence  Standards  Board
the auditor's  independence  from the corporation and its related  entities) and
has discussed with the auditors their independence from the Company.

         Based on these reviews and discussions, the Audit Committee recommended
to the Board of Directors that the Company's 2003 audited  financial  statements
be included in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K.

         The members of the Audit  Committee are not  professionally  engaged in
the  practice of  accounting  or  auditing  and are not experts in the fields of
accounting  or  auditing,  including  in respect of  accountant's  independence.
Members of the Audit  Committee  rely without  independent  verification  on the
information  provided to them and on the representations  made by management and
the independent auditors.  Accordingly, the Audit Committee's oversight does not
provide  an  independent  basis to  determine  that  management  has  maintained
appropriate   accounting  and  financial  reporting  principles  or  appropriate
internal  controls and procedures  designed to assure compliance with accounting
standards  and  applicable  laws  and   regulations.   Furthermore,   the  Audit
Committee's  considerations  and discussions do not assure that the audit of the
Company's financial  statements has been carried out in accordance with auditing
standards generally accepted in the United States of America, that the financial
statements  are presented in accordance  with  accounting  principles  generally
accepted  in the  United  States of America  or that the  Company's  independent
auditors are in fact "independent."

                                                     Audit Committee

                                                     Robert W. Hicks, Chairman
                                                     Ray M. Keeler
                                                     Marie S. Minton

        The Compensation Committee oversees the Company's executive compensation
program. In this capacity,  the Committee reviews compensation levels of elected
officers,  evaluates  performance,  considers management  succession and related
matters, and administers the Company's incentive plans,  including the Executive
Bonus Plan.  Membership during 2003 consisted of Mr. John G. Hannon,  Mr. Ray M.
Keeler and Mr. Frank E. Manning.

         The Company's executive compensation program is designed to attract and
retain executives  responsible for the Company's  long-term  success,  to reward
executives for achieving both  financial and strategic  company goals,  to align
executive and stockholder  interests through long-term,  equity-based plans, and
to provide a compensation  package that recognizes  individual  contributions as
well as overall business  results.  As a result,  a substantial  portion of each
executive's total compensation is intended to be variable and to be tied closely
to the  achievement  of specific  business  objectives  and corporate  financial
goals,  as well as the  attainment  of the  executive's  individual  performance
objectives. The Company's executive compensation program also takes into account
the  compensation  practices of companies with whom Essex competes for executive
talent.  These companies (the "peer companies")  include the principal companies
included in the peer group  indices in the Stock  Performance  Graph  section of
this proxy statement and additional companies in various industries.

         The  three  key  components  of the  Company's  executive  compensation
program  are  base  salary,  variable  incentive  compensation,   and  long-term
incentive awards in the form of stock options.  Overall compensation is intended
to be competitive for comparable positions at the peer companies.

         Nasdaq allows  companies to have a separate  Compensation  Committee or
have Independent  Directors of the Board vote on compensation related items. The
Board agreed as a whole to eliminate the Compensation  Committee beginning March
16, 2004.  The  Independent  Directors  of the Board will  recommend to the full
Board the levels of compensation paid to the CEO and other executive officers.

         ETHICS COMMITTEE. Mr.Leonard E. Moodispaw and Frank E. Manning composed
our ethics committee until April 2004. Current members are Mr. Leonard Moodispaw
and Mr. John G. Hannon. The primary responsibilities of the ethics committee are

              o   Advise our  management  and the entire  board of  directors of
                  means  of  ensuring  that we  adhere  to the  highest  ethical
                  standards in our day to day operations;

              o   Ensure  that a positive  working  environment  is created  and
                  maintained for all our employees and that those  employees are
                  challenged to meet such a standard;

              o   Provide  a forum  for  advice to the  corporate  counsel,  our
                  management  and  any  of our  employees  to  consider  ethical
                  issues; and

              o   Recommend to our  management and the entire board of directors
                  means of training managers and employees.

         The  Company has  adopted a  written  code of  ethics  that is publicly
available on the Company's website (WWW.ESSEXCORP.COM).



         Non-employee  members  of the board of  directors  receive a maximum of
$1,500 for each board  meeting and $750 for each board  committee  meeting  they
attend.  Such  members  are also  reimbursed  for travel  expenses  incurred  in
connection with their attendance at board and committee meetings. Two members of
the board of directors,  Arthur L. Money and Marie S. Minton, receive $1,500 per
month for serving on an informal committee of the board with Messrs.  Hannon and
Leonard.  The  members of our board of  directors  who are  affiliated  with our
significant  shareholders,  GEF and The Hannon Family LLC, have waived the right
to receive  any board fees.  Employee  directors  do not receive  fees for their
service on our board of directors.

         In  addition,  non-employee  members  of the  board  of  directors  are
eligible to participate in our Restricted Stock Bonus Plan. Shares of restricted
stock may be issued under this plan subject to  forfeiture  during a restriction
period, fixed in each instance by the board of directors,  whereby all rights of
the grantee to the stock terminate upon certain  conditions such as cessation of
continuous   membership  on  our  board  during  the  restriction  period.  Upon
expiration of the restriction  period,  or earlier upon the death or substantial
disability  of  the  grantee,  the  restrictions  applicable  to all  shares  of
restricted  stock of the grantee  expire.  While this plan also provides that we
may advance  loans to a grantee to pay income taxes due on the taxable  value of
shares granted under the plan, we have never issued any such loans. The Board of
Directors has prohibited these loans.


         None of our  executive  officers  serves on the board of  directors  or
compensation  committee  of any entity that has one or more  executive  officers
serving as a member of our board of directors or compensation committee.

         DIRECTOR  NOMINATION  PROCESS.  The  Company's   Independent  Directors
perform the nominating  committee  functions in lieu of a formal committee.  The
Directors performing these functions are Messrs. Hannon,  Johnson, Hicks, Keeler
and Ms. Minton,  all independent  directors within the meaning of current NASDAQ
listing  rules.  The Board  believes it is more  effective  for the  Independent
Directors  to manage  the  process  of  structuring  the  Board  and  nominating
candidates than to delegate to a committee.  Because a majority of the Board are
independent, this decision saves time and cost for the entire Board.

         The Independent  Directors review potential candidates for the Board of
Directors  and  recommends  any  nominees  to the Board of  Directors  for their
consideration.  In reviewing potential candidates for the Board, the Independent
Directors considers among other things, the individual's  experience,  the needs
of the Company for an additional or replacement  director,  and the  candidate's
interest in the business of the Company.

         The Company  welcomes  nominations  from  shareholders  and  encourages
interested  shareholders  to  submit  candidates  to the  Independent  Directors
through the Secretary. The Company did not receive any recommended nominees from
any   shareholder  in  connection  with  the  previous  year's  annual  meeting.
Stockholders can send nominations by e-mail to

                                       9,  by fax to (301)  953-7880  or by mail to Kim  DeChello,
Corporate Secretary,  Essex Corporation,  9150 Guilford Road, Columbia MD 21046.
All  nominations  are  reviewed  based on  their  qualifications  and  potential
contributions to Essex.

         Mr. Anthony Johnson is standing for election by the shareholders at the
2004 Annual Meeting after being  appointed to the Board of Directors  earlier in
2004 by the Board.  CEO Moodispaw  recommended  Mr. Johnson and the  Independent
Directors  performing the nominating committee functions initiated the review of
the  qualifications  of Mr. Johnson and  recommended his appointment by the full
Board  of  Directors.  No  search  firm  was  retained  in  connection  with his


         The Board recommends that stockholders initiate any communications with
the  Board  in  writing  and  send  them  in care  of the  Corporate  Secretary.
Stockholders can send communications by e-mail to, by fax
to  (301)  953-7880  or by  mail to Kim  DeChello,  Corporate  Secretary,  Essex
Corporation,  9150 Guilford Road,  Columbia MD 21046.  This centralized  process
will assist the Board in reviewing and responding to stockholder  communications
in an appropriate  manner.  The name of any specific  intended  Board  recipient
should be noted in the  communication.  The Board has  instructed  the Corporate
Secretary  to  forward  such  correspondence  only to the  intended  recipients;
however,  the  Board  has also  instructed  the  Corporate  Secretary,  prior to
forwarding  any  correspondence,  to  review  such  correspondence  and,  in her
discretion,  not to forward  certain items if they are deemed of a commercial or
frivolous nature or otherwise  inappropriate for the Board's  consideration.  In
such  cases,  some of that  correspondence  may be  forwarded  elsewhere  in the
company for review and possible response.

         It is the  policy  of the  Company  and  Board  of  Directors  that all
directors  attend  the Annual  Meeting  of  Shareholders  and be  available  for
questions from the shareholders.  All sitting  directors  nominated for election
were in attendance at the 2003 Annual Meeting of Shareholders. It is anticipated
that most  directors  nominated  for  election  at the 2004  Annual  Meeting  of
Shareholders also will be in attendance at that meeting.



         The following table sets forth the aggregate cash compensation paid for
services  rendered  to the  Company  during the last three  fiscal  years by the
Company's  Chief  Executive  Officer  and the  Company's  four other most highly
compensated  executive officers who served as such at the end of the last fiscal
year and whose total compensation exceeds $100,000.


                                                                                    LONG-TERM COMPENSATION
                                              ANNUAL COMPENSATION                           AWARDS
                                                                       Other              Securities
                                                                       Annual             Underlying
        Name and                                                    Compensation         Options/SARs
   Principal Position         Year   Salary($)(1)    Bonus ($)         ($)(2)                (#)
Leonard E. Moodispaw          2003     192,556           0             5,777                30,000
President and CEO             2002     175,032           0             5,251                30,000
                              2001     175,032           0             1,616                85,000

Terry M. Turpin               2003     164,707        10,000           5,269                30,000
Senior Vice President         2002     155,064           0             4,652                20,000
and Director                  2001     155,064           0             4,652                70,000

Joseph R. Kurry, Jr.          2003     140,036        10,000           4,509                15,000
Treasurer, Senior Vice        2002     134,992           0             4,050                10,000
  President and CFO           2001     134,992           0             4,050                40,000

Craig H. Price                2003     139,260         5,000           4,335                     0
Vice President                2002     134,992           0             4,050                 7,500
                              2001     134,992           0             4,050                25,000

Rudolf Liskovec, Jr.          2003     201,845        32,000           9,418                40,000
Vice President(3)

(1)  Includes  amounts  deferred at the election of the named executive  officer
     pursuant to Section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code ("401(k)").

(2)  Represents  matching 401(k)  contributions made on behalf of the respective
     named  executive  officer  pursuant to the  Company's  Retirement  Plan and
     Trust.  Excludes other perquisites and benefits not exceeding the lesser of
     $50,000 or 10% of the named  executive  officer's  total annual  salary and

(3)  Mr. Liskovec was hired May 5, 2003.  Prior to that time, Mr. Liskovec was a
     self  employed  consultant  on direct  program  work for Essex and was paid
     $4,620 in the  period  October -  December  2002 and  $90,860 in the period
     January  2003 - April  2003.  The  amount  paid in 2003 for  consulting  is
     included in salary in the table above.  Mr.  Liskovec  also  received a non
     qualified  stock option for 10,000 shares in November 2002 with an exercise
     price at the market price of $2.36. Mr. Liskovec was paid signing and other
     bonuses in 2003 of $32,000.



         The Company has a qualified defined  contribution  retirement plan, the
Essex  Corporation  Retirement  Plan and Trust,  which  includes a 401(k) salary
reduction  feature for its  employees.  The Plan calls for an employer  matching
contribution of up to 4.5% of eligible  employee  compensation  under the salary
reduction feature and a discretionary contribution as determined by the Board of
Directors. The Company made no discretionary contribution to the Retirement Plan
for  2001  -  2003.  The  total  authorized   contribution  under  the  matching
contribution feature of the Plan was approximately  $125,000 in 2003, $78,000 in
2002 and $64,000 in 2001.  All  employee  and  employer  contributions  are 100%
vested at all times.  Vested  contributions  are  distributable and benefits are
payable  only  upon  death,   disability,   retirement   or  break  in  service.
Participants  may request that their accrued  benefits  under the Section 401(k)
portion of the Plan be allocated among various investment options established by
the Plan Administrator.

         The Company  contributions  under the  Retirement  Plan for the persons
referred to in the Summary Compensation Table are included in that Table.


         The  Company  has an Employee  Incentive  Performance  Award Plan under
which  bonuses are  distributed  to  employees.  All  employees  are eligible to
receive such awards under flexible  criteria designed to compensate for superior
division  and  individual  performance  during  each  fiscal  year.  Awards  are
generally  recommended  annually  by  management  and  approved  by the Board of
Directors.  Such awards are  affected  by overall  Company  performance  and the
availability of funds. There was $49,000 awarded in 2003,  including the $25,000
awarded to three of the persons named in the Summary  Compensation  Table, under
this plan. No awards were made under this plan in 2001 and 2002.


         Section 16(a) of the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the
"Exchange Act") requires the Company's  officers and directors,  and persons who
own  more  than ten  percent  of a  registered  class  of the  Company's  equity
securities (the "Reporting  Persons"),  to file reports of ownership and changes
in  ownership  of equity  securities  of the  Company  with the  Securities  and
Exchange Commission ("SEC").  Officers,  directors, and greater than ten percent
shareholders  are required by SEC regulations to furnish the Company with copies
of all Section 16(a) forms that they file.

         Based  solely  upon a review  of Forms 3 and Forms 4  furnished  to the
Company  pursuant to Rule 16(a)-3  under the Exchange Act during its most recent
fiscal year and Forms 5 with respect to its most recent fiscal year, the Company
believes that all such forms  required to be filed  pursuant to Section 16(a) of
the Exchange Act were timely filed by the  Reporting  Persons  during the fiscal
year ended December 28, 2003,  other than one filing each by Ms.  DeChello,  Mr.
Kurry, Mr. Leonard and Mr. Price.



         The  Company  has  established   Essex  Corporation  Stock  Option  and
Appreciation  Rights Plans (the  "Plans").  These Plans provide for the grant of
options to  purchase  shares of common  stock of the  Company,  no par value per
share (the "Common Stock"), which qualify as incentive stock options ("Incentive
Options")  under  Section 422 of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended
(the "Code"),  to persons who are employees,  as well as options which do not so
qualify ("Non-Qualified  Options") to be issued to employees and persons who are
not employees, including directors and consultants. These Plans also provide for
grants of stock  appreciation  rights  ("SARs") in connection  with the grant of
options under these Plans. The exercise price of an Incentive Option under these
Plans may not be less than the "fair market value" of the shares of Common Stock
at the time of  grant;  the  exercise  price of  Non-Qualified  Options  and the
appreciation base price of SARs are determined at the discretion of the Board of
Directors except that the SAR  appreciation  base price may not be less than 50%
of the fair  market  value of a share of  Common  Stock on the  grant  date with
respect to awards to persons who are officers or directors of the Company. These
Plans reserve 1,797,100 shares of Common Stock for issuance. As of June 1, 2004,
there were 49,672  shares  available  for future grants of options or SARs under
the Plans.

         The Company  grants non plan  non-qualified  options  from time to time
directly to certain parties. In 2003, the Company issued such options for 30,000
shares  to  its  Chief  Scientist  and  10,000  shares  to its  Chief  Financial
Officer/Treasurer.  The  Company  issued such  options for 85,000  shares to its
President and 40,000 shares to its Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer in 2001. In
addition, another 45,000 shares were issued to an employee of the company. There
were no grants of non plan non-qualified options in 2002.

         The following  table shows for the fiscal year ended  December 28, 2003
for the  persons  named in the  Summary  Compensation  Table,  information  with
respect to options to purchase Common Stock granted during 2003.

                               STOCK OPTION GRANTS
                     FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 28, 2003

                           NUMBER OF    % OF TOTAL                               POTENTIAL REALIZABLE
                          SECURITIES    OPTIONS/SAR                                 VALUE AT ASSUMED
                          UNDERLYING    GRANTED TO    EXERCISE OR                ANNUAL RATES OF STOCK
NAME                        GRANTED        2003        PER SHARE      DATE            OPTION TERM
----                        -------        ----        ---------      ----            -----------
                                                                                     5%           10%
                                                                                     --           ---

Leonard E. Moodispaw      30,000 (2)       6.5         $    3.61    05-18-13    $   176,409  $   280,902

Terry M. Turpin           30,000 (2)       6.5         $    3.61    05-18-13    $   176,409  $   280,902

Joseph R. Kurry, Jr.       5,000 (1)       1.1         $    3.34    03-24-13    $    27,203  $    46,817
                          10,000 (2)       2.2         $    3.61    05-18-13    $    58,803  $    86,631

Craig H. Price                --           --          $   --          --       $        --  $        --

Rudolf Liskovec           30,000 (2)       6.5         $    3.61    05-18-13    $   176,409  $   280,902
                          10,000 (3)       2.2         $    5.71    09-04-13    $    93,010  $   148,103

(1) Such options became  exercisable  beginning March 25, 2003.
(2) Such options became  exercisable  beginning May 19, 2003.
(3) Such options became exercisable beginning September 5, 2003.


         The following  table shows for the fiscal year ended  December 28, 2003
for the  persons  named in the  Summary  Compensation  Table,  information  with
respect  to  option/SAR  exercises  and fiscal  year end values for  unexercised


                              ACQUIRED                     NUMBER OF SECURITIES           VALUE OF UNEXERCISED
                                 ON          VALUE        UNDERLYING UNEXERCISED        IN-THE-MONEY OPTIONS AT
NAME                          EXERCISE     REALIZED         OPTIONS AT FY-END #               FY-END $ (1)
                                                        EXERCISABLE   UNEXERCISABLE   EXERCISABLE   UNEXERCISABLE
Leonard E. Moodispaw               --             --        380,000         15,000     $ 2,731,100   $    90,300

Terry M. Turpin                 4,000     $   20,720        221,450            550     $ 1,470,582   $     3,999

Joseph R. Kurry, Jr.            5,200     $   26,780        170,500          7,500      $1,183,980   $    45,825
                                2,800     $   15,120             --             --              --            --

Craig H. Price                  3,000     $   17,580        101,500              0     $   698,420   $         0

Rudolf Liskovec                    --     $       --         30,000         20,000     $   182,600   $   109,900

(1)   Market  value  of  underlying  securities  based on the  closing  price of
      Essex's  Common  Stock on December  26,  2003 (last  trading day of fiscal
      2003) on the AMEX of $9.63 minus the exercise price.


         The following table sets forth information as of December 28, 2003 with
respect to compensation  plans under which equity  securities of the Company are
authorized for issuance.

                                 OF OUTSTANDING OPTIONS,      OPTIONS, WARRANTS AND         FUTURE ISSUANCE
        PLAN CATEGORY              WARRANTS AND RIGHTS               RIGHTS              [EXCLUDING COLUMN (A)]

                                           (A) (B) (C)
-----------------------------    -----------------------    -------------------------   ------------------------

APPROVED BY SECURITY HOLDERS              1,537,200                       $3.26                   272,900

APPROVED BY SECURITY HOLDERS                620,673                       $2.56                     7,550

                                 -----------------------                                -----------------------
TOTAL                                     2,157,873                                               280,450

(1)    Represents shares of common stock underlying stock options,  warrants and
       rights  issued  outside of any formal plan.  Generally,  options  granted
       outside  of equity  compensation  plans  have  grant  prices  equal to or
       greater than the fair market value of the  underlying  stock on the grant
       date and have a term of 10 years.  The Board will adjust  non-plan awards
       to make  appropriate  adjustments  in the  number  of  shares  underlying
       options in the event of a stock split, merger, or other change in capital
       structure of the Company.  Our specific conditions of the awards, such as
       vesting and termination provisions, are individually determined.

(2)    Includes  179,173  options  issued at below market prices in exchange for
       fully vested outstanding options of acquired company.


                       PROPOSAL 1 -- ELECTION OF DIRECTORS

         At the  Annual  Meeting,  nine (9)  directors  of the  Company  will be
elected,  each to hold office until the next Annual Meeting of  Stockholders  or
until their  respective  successors  shall have been duly elected and qualified.
Each of the nominees named below has consented to serve if elected.  In case any
of the nominees is not a candidate for director at the Annual Meeting,  an event
which  management  does not  anticipate,  it is intended that the enclosed proxy
will be  voted  for  substitute  nominee,  if any,  designated  by the  Board of
Directors and nominated by a person named in the proxy,  unless the authority to
vote for the management nominee(s) is withheld in the proxy.



         JOHN G.  HANNON,  age 66,  was  elected a  Director  of the  Company in
September  2000.  From early 2000 to 2002, Mr. Hannon was the managing member of
Networking  Ventures,   L.L.C.,  a  privately  held  company  that  invested  in
technology  companies.  From 1979 to March 2000,  Mr. Hannon served as the Chief
Executive Officer of Pulse Engineering, Inc. an information security and signals
processing company which was sold in March 2000. Mr. Hannon started his business
career in 1963 after serving in the United States Marine Corps. Since that time,
he has been involved in numerous  entrepreneurial  ventures. He is a Director of
the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA).

         ROBERT W.  HICKS,  age 66,  was  elected a Director  of the  Company in
August  1988.  He has been an  independent  consultant  since 1986.  During this
period he was  engaged  for three and  one-half  years by the State of  Maryland
Deposit  Insurance  Fund  Corporation,  Receiver  of  several  savings  and loan
associations,  first as an  Agent  and then as a  Special  Representative  (both
court-approved  positions).  He was a principal officer and stockholder in Asset
Management  &  Recovery,  Inc.,  a  consulting  firm  which  primarily  provided
services,  directly and as a subcontractor,  to the Resolution Trust Corporation
and law firms engaged by the Resolution Trust  Corporation.  Mr. Hicks is also a
Director and the Corporate Secretary of the Kirby Lithographic  Company, Inc. In
1998,  he  formed  Hicks  Little  Company,  LLC for the  purpose  of  conducting
consulting activity.

         ANTHONY M. JOHNSON,  age 50, was nominated by CEO  Moodispaw,  reviewed
and  recommended by the  Independent  Directors,  approved by the full Board and
elected a Director of the Company in April 2004. Dr. Johnson became the Director
of the Center for Advanced Studies in Photonics  Research (CASPR) in 2003 and is
a  Professor  of  Physics  and a  Professor  of  Computer  Science &  Electrical
Engineering at the University of Maryland,  Baltimore County (UMBC).  He was the
Chairperson &  Distinguished  Professor of the Department of Applied Physics and
Professor of Electrical and Computer  Engineering at the New Jersey Institute of
Technology  from 1995 to 2003.  Prior to this,  from 1981 until  1995,  he was a
Member of Technical Staff at AT&T Bell Laboratories in Holmdel,  NJ. In 2002, he
served as the President of the Optical Society of America and is a Fellow of the
American  Physical  Society,  the American  Association  for the  Advancement of
Science,  the Institute of Electrical  and  Electronics  Engineers,  the Optical
Society  of  America,  and a Charter  Fellow of the  National  Society  of Black
Physicists.  He

received  his B.S.  in  Physics  (Magna  Cum  Laude)  in 1975  from  Polytechnic
Institute of New York, and his Ph.D. in Physics from City College of New York.

         RAY M.  KEELER,  age 73, was  elected a Director of the Company in July
1989.  Since 1986,  he has been an  independent  consultant to both industry and
government  organizations in areas related to national and tactical intelligence
programs.  Mr. Keeler served on the Board of Directors of System Engineering and
Development  Corporation  ("SEDC") from  December 1987 through April 1989.  From
1988 to November  1995,  he was  President of CRYTEC,  Inc.,  a service  company
providing  management,  business  development and technical support to companies
involved in classified cryptologic projects.  Since December 1995, he has been a
consultant to companies  involved in national technical  intelligence  programs.
From 1982 to 1986, Mr. Keeler was Director of Program and Budget for the NSA. He
received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of  Wisconsin-Madison  in

         H.  JEFFREY  LEONARD,  age 50, was elected a Director of the Company in
September  2000 and Chairman of the Board in December  2000.  Dr. Leonard is the
President  and founding  shareholder  of Global  Environment  Fund,  or GEF. Dr.
Leonard  has  served as  Chairman  of the  Investment  Committee  for GEF's five
investment  funds. He has extensive  experience in international  private equity
and project  finance  investments,  and advanced  technology  investments in the
energy, environmental,  applications software,  intelligent systems engineering,
biological and medical fields.  Dr. Leonard also serves as a member of the Board
of Directors of the National  Cooperative  Bank,  Xymetrex  Corporation,  Aurora
Flight Sciences Corp., Athena Technologies, Sorbent Technologies,  International
Pepsi-Cola  Bottlers Limited and Global Forest Products Company Limited.  He has
served as an advisor to the U.S. Office of Technology Assessment and is a member
of  the  Board  of  Directors  of the  National  Council  for  Science  and  the
Environment. Dr. Leonard received a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1976 from Harvard
College,  a Master of Science degree from the London School of Economics in 1978
and a Doctor of Philosophy  degree from Princeton  University in 1984. He is the
brother-in-law  of Caroline S. Pisano,  the Company's  General  Counsel and Vice
President of Finance.  Dr. Leonard is the Chairman of the Board of Beacon House,
a not-for profit  community  development  and education  organization  assisting
children  and their  families  in  Northeast  Washington,  D.C. He is a marathon
runner and was the winner of the 2003 Cleantech Pioneer Award from the Cleantech
Venture Capital Network.

         MARIE S.  MINTON,  age 42,  was  elected a Director  of the  Company in
December 2000. In late 2003, Ms. Minton founded Transition  Finance  Strategies,
L.L.C., a holding company that owns small businesses in the financial  reporting
and  professional  services  area.  From 1994 to June  2003,  Ms.  Minton  was a
Managing Director and the Chief Financial Officer of Global Environment Fund, an
international,  private equity,  investment management firm. Before joining GEF,
Ms.  Minton was the Vice  President  of Finance  for Clean Air  Capital  Markets
Corporation,  a boutique  investment  banking firm.  From 1986 through 1993, Ms.
Minton was an Audit Manager in the Entrepreneurial  Services Division of Ernst &
Young.  Ms.  Minton  graduated  from the  University  of Virginia in 1986 with a
Bachelor of Science degree in Commerce.  She is a member of the Virginia Society
and American Institute of Certified Public  Accountants,  the Washington Society
of Investment Analysts (WSIA) and the Association for Investment  Management and
Research. She serves as an officer and Board member of the WSIA and is a faculty
member for the WSIA's CFA Education  Program.  Ms. Minton is a Certified  Public
Accountant and a Chartered  Financial


Analyst.  She  teaches  accounting  for the WSIA CFA  education  program,  is an
officer of WSIA,  volunteers as a Girl Scout leader and enjoys riding her horse,
Abner, in her free time.

         ARTHUR MONEY,  age 64, was elected a Director of the Company in January
2003.  Mr.  Money  served as the  Assistant  Secretary  of Defense for  Command,
Control,  Communication and Intelligence  (C3I) from October 1999 to April 2001.
Prior to his  Senate  confirmation  in that  role,  he was the  Senior  Civilian
Official,  Office of the ASD (C3I) from February  1998. Mr. Money also served as
the Chief  Information  Officer for the Department of Defense from 1998 to 2001.
From  1996 to 1998,  he  served  as  Assistant  Secretary  of the Air  Force for
Research,  Development and Acquisition,  and as CIO for the Air Force.  Prior to
his  government  service,  Mr. Money held senior  management  positions with ESL
Inc., a subsidiary  of TRW, and the TRW  Avionics and  Surveillance  Group.  Mr.
Money  serves  on  numerous  United  States   Government   Panels,   Boards  and
Commissions. He additionally serves on many U.S. Company Boards, Advisory Boards
and  Advisory  Groups.  Mr.  Money  received  a Bachelor  of  Science  degree in
Mechanical  Engineering  from San Jose  State  University  in 1965,  a Master of
Science degree in Mechanical  Engineering from University of Santa Clara in 1970
and attended the Harvard Executive  Security Program in 1985 and the Program for
Senior Executives at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1988.

         LEONARD E. MOODISPAW,  age 61,  President,  Chief Executive Officer and
Director of the  Company,  rejoined  Essex in 1998.  He held the office of Chief
Operating  Officer  until  September  2000 when he was elected  Chief  Executive
Officer.  Mr. Moodispaw was an employee and consultant with Essex during 1988 to
1993. From 1988 to 1993, he was President of the former Essex subsidiary,  SEDC,
and later served as Essex Chief Administrative Officer and General Counsel. From
April 1994 to April  1998,  Mr.  Moodispaw  was  President  of ManTech  Advanced
Systems  International,  Inc.  (MASI),  a  subsidiary  of ManTech  International
Corporation.  From  1965 to 1978,  Mr.  Moodispaw  was a senior  manager  in the
National  Security  Agency  (NSA).  After  leaving the NSA he was engaged in the
private  practice  of law.  He is the Founder of the  Security  Affairs  Support
Association  (SASA)  that  brings  government  and  industry  together  to solve
problems  of  mutual  interest.  He also  serves  as a  member  of the  Board of
Directors of Griffin Services,  Inc., a subsidiary of  Vosper-Thornycroft,  a UK
Co. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from the
American  University in Washington,  D.C. in 1965, a Master of Science degree in
Business  Administration from George Washington University in Washington D.C. in
1969 and Juris Doctor in Law from the University of Baltimore, Maryland in 1977.
He enjoys chocolate and Key West, Florida; is growing older but not up.

         TERRY M.  TURPIN,  age 61,  was  elected a Director  of the  Company in
January  1997 and became a Senior Vice  President  and Chief  Scientist  for the
Company,  positions he has held since 1996. He joined Essex through  merger with
SEDC where he was Vice President and Chief Scientist from September 1984 through
June 1989. Currently Mr. Turpin is the Chairman of the Industrial Advisory Board
for the  Opto-electronic  Computing  Center at the University of Colorado.  From
December  1983 to September  1984 he was an  independent  consultant.  From 1963
through  December  1983, Mr. Turpin was employed by the NSA. He was Chief of the
Advanced  Processing  Technologies  Division for ten years. He holds patents for
optical computers and adaptive optical components. Mr. Turpin represented NSA on
the Tri-Service Optical Processing Committee organized by the Under Secretary of
Defense for Research and  Engineering.  He received a Bachelor


of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Akron in 1966
and  a  Master  of  Science  degree  in  Electrical  Engineering  from  Catholic
University in Washington, D.C. in 1970.


         MATTHEW S. BECHTA,  age 50, was elected Vice President in October 1993.
He is  currently  Director of the  Processing  Systems  Group,  responsible  for
developing  radar  imaging  technology  and  products for the  Intelligence  and
Defense Community.  Mr. Bechta joined Essex in 1989 with the merger of Essex and
SEDC.  Mr.  Bechta was one of the  founders of SEDC,  where he served in various
technical and  management  capacities  since  incorporation  in 1980. At SEDC he
contributed to the development of several  satellite  processing  systems.  From
1975-1980,  Mr. Bechta was employed as a project engineer with NSA, where he was
involved in the  development of remote  collection  and satellite  communication
systems.  Mr.  Bechta  holds a Master of Science  degree from the Johns  Hopkins
University  and a Bachelor  of Science  degree in  Electrical  Engineering  from
Spring Garden College,  Pennsylvania. In the off-hours, Matt is a coach with the
Columbia Reds Baseball Club,  President of the Centennial High School  Boosters,
and a fan of University of Pennsylvania baseball.

         KIMBERLY J.  DECHELLO,  age 43, joined Essex in May 1987 and has served
in various  administrative  and  management  capacities.  She was  elected  Vice
President in December 2003, appointed Chief  Administrative  Officer in November
1997 and Corporate  Secretary in January 1998. Ms.  DeChello is responsible  for
corporate administration, human resources, stock/stock option administration and
investor  relations.  Ms. DeChello  received a Master of Science degree in Human
Resources Management in 2000 from the University of Maryland.  Ms. DeChello also
holds an Associate of Arts degree in Accounting and a Bachelor of Science degree
in Criminal  Justice/Criminology  from the  University  of Maryland.  She enjoys
dancing and bird watching.  She participates in the  Smithsonian's  Neighborhood
Nest Watch Program where she assists in catching, banding and data collection of
birds in her backyard.

         JAMES J. DEVINE,  age 65,  Executive Vice President and General Manager
for the  Company,  joined Essex in February  2004.  From  November  2000 through
January 2004 he was a Principal  at Booz Allen  Hamilton  leading the  Corporate
Enterprise and Mission Operations lines of business  supporting the Intelligence
Community.  From 1964 to 2000,  Mr.  Devine was a senior  executive  at NSA.  He
served three  overseas  assignments  in Europe and Asia and led two of the major
NSA  Directorates  during his 36 year career.  He holds a Bachelor of Science in
Engineering   from  Johns  Hopkins   University  and  a  Master  of  Engineering
Administration  from  George  Washington  University.  He is a  graduate  of the
National War College.  He enjoys golf (despite never having broken 100), hiking,
cross country skiing, and travel.

      EDWIN M. JAEHNE,  age 52, joined Essex  Corporation  as Vice President and
Chief  Strategy  Officer in 2003.  As Chief  Strategy  Officer,  Mr. Jaehne is a
veteran  entrepreneur  focused on the  strategic  growth of Essex,  expanding on
existing technology and capabilities, and creating product and service lines for
both the commercial and government  markets. In 1996, Mr. Jaehne left ManTech to
create the Technology and Security  Services  Division of Fischer  International
Systems  Corporation,  where he served  as  President.  In 1997 he  successfully
negotiated  the merger of this Division  with Xcert  Software Inc. to form Xcert
International,  where he continued


as President of Xcert's  Security  Solutions  Group.  In 1998 Mr. Jaehne started
Jaehne  Technology   Associates,   a  high  technology  consultancy  focused  on
information security and electronic  commerce.  In January of 1999 he merged JTA
with Microcosm Computer Resources to form Managed Computing Resources,  where he
served  as Chief  Operating  Officer.  He  started  his  first  company,  Jaehne
Associates, LTD (an information security consultancy), in 1983, which he sold in
1988 to ManTech International, Inc. From 1988 until 1996, he served as President
of ManTech Strategic Associates,  Ltd. In 1975 Mr. Jaehne earned two Bachelor of
Arts degrees  (Physics  and Russian)  from the  University  of Utah.  In 1976 he
earned a Master of Arts degree in Physics at the University of Utah. In 1977, he
earned  a  Master  of Arts in the  History  and  Philosophy  of  Science  at the
University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada.

         JOSEPH R. KURRY,  JR., age 54, joined Essex  Corporation in March 1985.
He is Treasurer and Chief Financial  Officer,  positions he has held since 1985,
and a Senior Vice President.  Mr. Kurry was controller of ManTech  International
Corporation  from December 1979 to March 1985. Mr. Kurry  graduated in 1972 from
Georgetown University, in Washington, D.C. and is a Certified Public Accountant.
Mr. Kurry and his wife spend time with their  college-age  daughters  and son in
supporting   various  sports  and  school  programs  for  Lehigh  University  in
Pennsylvania and the University of Maryland. The family prefers summer vacations
at the shore in Sea Girt, New Jersey.

         RUDOLF (RUDY) LISKOVEC,  age 52, joined Essex in 2003 as Vice President
of Essex's  Government  Services.  Mr.  Liskovec  provides  leadership  to Essex
technology  professionals that support  enterprise-wide,  life-cycle engineering
and  technical  services,  application  development,   systems  integration  and
business process  reengineering to systems of national importance.  Mr. Liskovec
has 25 years of international management and engineering experience where he has
developed  a  track  record  of   excellence  in   organizational   development,
operational  and  engineering  management,  business  development,  and  systems
engineering.  During 2002-2003, Mr. Liskovec was President/CEO of Lisk Technical
Services,  LLC, a consulting firm to government  contractors,  including  Essex.
From 2001 to 2002,  Mr.  Liskovec  was a  director  for the  communications  and
networks  group of General  Dynamics  and from 1993 to 2001 he was an  Executive
Vice  President for ManTech  International.  He holds a Master of Science degree
(honors) in Computer  Information Systems from Boston University,  a Bachelor of
Science  degree (Cum Laude) in Computer  Science from the University of Maryland
and a Bachelor of Science degree (Summa Cum Laude) in Business  Management  from
the University of Maryland.

         CAROLINE  S.  PISANO,  age  37,  was a  Director  of the  Company  from
September 2000 through  January 2003 and now serves as General  Counsel and Vice
President of Finance.  From April 2000 through  December  2002 Ms.  Pisano was a
member of Networking Ventures, L.L.C. From August 1996 to March 2000, Ms. Pisano
served as General  Counsel  and Chief  Financial  Officer of Pulse  Engineering,
Inc., an information  security and signal  processing  company which was sold in
March  2000.  From  August  1992 to July  1996  Ms.  Pisano  served  as a senior
transactional  attorney  with the law firm of Wechsler,  Selzer,  and  Gurvitch,
Chartered.  From  June 1988 to August  1990,  Ms.  Pisano,  a  certified  public
accountant, practiced public accounting and specialized in high tech and biotech
companies.  Ms. Pisano received her Juris Doctor from the Washington  College of
Law at the American  University in Washington,  D.C. Ms. Pisano  graduated Magna
Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from the University of
Maryland.  Ms. Pisano is the sister-in-law of H. Jeffrey Leonard,  a Director of
the Company.  Although Ms. Pisano is an attorney


and an accountant she likes to follow Jimmy  Buffett's  advice and "say what you
mean,  mean what you say". Ms. Pisano has four children and enjoys  volunteering
at her children's public schools.

         CRAIG H. PRICE, age 55, was elected Vice President in October 1993. Dr.
Price,  Director of Optical  Solutions,  is responsible  for the  development of
products utilizing Essex patented optical  technologies.  Dr. Price joined Essex
in 1989 as a result of the merger of Essex and SEDC.  Dr.  Price had joined SEDC
in  1985,  with  varied  assignments  in  engineering,   analysis  and  advanced
technologies.  Previously, he served in numerous technical and project positions
in the U.S.  Air Force  during the period 1974 - 1985,  where he was awarded the
Distinguished  Service  Medal.  Dr. Price holds a Bachelor of Science  degree in
Electrical Engineering from Kansas State University,  a Master of Science degree
in  Electrical  Engineering  from Purdue  University  and a Doctor of Philosophy
degree in Electrical  Engineering,  from Stanford University.  He enjoys tennis,
family vacations and visiting his daughter in Cambridge, England, with the added
benefit of cheap hops to Europe.


                               INVESTMENT ANALYSIS


                           (PERFORMANCE GRAPH OMITTED)

         The Stock Performance graph was plotted using the following data:

                                         Dec-98    Dec-99     Dec-00    Dec-01     Dec-02     Dec-03    25-May-04
                                        --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- --------- -------------
Essex Corporation                         100.00    240.00     493.33  1,696.00     650.67   2,003.20   1,713.07
Communication Equipment Companies (1)     100.00     83.65      71.11     70.23      89.21      88.37     130.33
Government IT Services Companies (2)      100.00    122.48     126.91    129.25     247.03     228.43     324.89
S&P 500                                   100.00    119.53     107.41     93.40      71.57      90.46      90.46
Nasdaq Composite                          100.00    185.59     112.67     88.95      60.91      91.37      89.60

(1)  Communication Equipment Companies include:  Applied Signal Technology Inc.,
     Flir Systems Inc., Harris Corp., Sensytech Inc.

(2)  Government IT Services Companies include:  Anteon International Corp., CACI
     International  Corp.,  DigitalNet  Holdings Inc.,  Dynamics Research Corp.,
     ManTech  International  Corp.,  Maximus  Inc.,  MTC  Technologies  Inc., SI
     International Inc., SRA International Inc.


              OF COMMON STOCK TO FIFTY MILLION (50,000,000) SHARES

         The Board of Directors has adopted a resolution  declaring it advisable
and in the best interests of the Company and its stockholders that the Company's
Articles  of  Incorporation  be  amended  to  provide  for  an  increase  in the
authorized  number of shares of Common  Stock of the  Company  from  twenty-five
million  (25,000,000) shares to fifty million (50,000,000) shares of stock. Such
resolution  also  recommends  that such amendment be approved and adopted by the
Company's  Stockholders  and  directs  that such  proposal be  submitted  to the
Company's Stockholders at the Annual Meeting.

         The Company's Articles of Incorporation currently authorize issuance of
a maximum of twenty-five  million  (25,000,000)  shares of Common Stock.  If the
Board of  Directors'  proposal is approved by the  Company's  Stockholders,  the
Board  of  Directors   would  have  authority  to  issue  up  to  fifty  million
(50,000,000) shares of Common Stock to such persons,  and for such consideration
as  the  Board  of  Directors  may  determine  without  further  action  by  the
Stockholders except as may be required by law.

         As of the record  date,  there are  15,097,443  shares of Common  Stock
issued and outstanding.  The Board of Directors has reserved 2,348,407 shares of
Common Stock for issuance  pursuant to the exercise of outstanding stock options
and warrants.  Accordingly,  there remain 7,554,150 shares of Common Stock which
are unissued and are not reserved for any specific purpose.

         The Board of Directors  has  proposed  the  increase in the  authorized
capital  stock to provide  shares which could be used for a variety of corporate
purposes,  including  stock  splits,  mergers,   acquisitions,  the  raising  of
additional  capital,  and  implementation  of incentive  and other option plans.
While the Board of  Directors  believes it  important  that the Company have the
flexibility that would be provided by having additional authorized capital stock
available,  the  Company  does not  currently  have any binding  commitments  or
arrangements  that  would  require  the  issuance  of such  stock.  The Board of
Directors believes it would be in the Company's best interest,  however, to have
such  additional  shares of authorized  stock available to enable the Company to
take  advantage of  opportunities  for  possible  future  acquisitions,  raising
capital for future growth and the  establishment of option plans,  including the
stock option plan  proposed to be adopted in Proposal 4 below.  Essex could also
use the additional  shares of Common Stock to oppose a hostile  takeover attempt
or delay or prevent changes of control (whether by merger,  tender offer,  proxy
contest or  assumption  of control by a holder of a large block of the Company's
securities)  or  changes  in or removal of  management  of Essex.  For  example,
without further shareholder approval, the Board of Directors could strategically
sell shares of Common Stock in a private  transaction  to  purchasers  who would
oppose a takeover or favor the current Board of Directors. If such opportunities
arise in the future,  significant  amounts of capital stock may be issued by the
Company's  Board of Directors  without  further  authorization  by the Company's
Stockholders.  Such  issuances  could  have a  dilutive  effect  on the  current
Stockholders of the Company.


         It is possible that  additional  capital stock that would be authorized
by the proposed amendment could be issued in a transaction that might discourage
offers by takeover  bidders or make such offers more  difficult  or expensive to
accomplish,  although the Board of Directors  has no current  plans for any such
use of the capital stock. For example,  the Board of Directors could approve the
issuance  of stock,  or grant  rights or stock  options  for such  issuance,  to
persons,  firms or entities  that are known to be friendly to  management of the
Company. Any issuance of capital stock must be made for proper business purposes
and for proper consideration from the recipient. Designation of certain classes,
series, rights and preferences with respect to the Company's capital stock would
be  subject  to  applicable  rules  and  regulations  of the  exchange  on which
securities are listed for quotation (currently the NASDAQ Stock Market).

         The amendment to the Articles of  Incorporation  will become  effective
upon approval of more than  two-thirds of the shares  outstanding and the filing
of the  amendment to the Articles of  Incorporation  with the State  Corporation
Commission of Virginia. If approved by the Stockholders, the Company anticipates
that such  amendment to the Articles of  Incorporation  will be filed as soon as


                            2004 STOCK INCENTIVE PLAN

         The Company's  stockholders  are being asked to approve the adoption of
the Company's  2004 Stock  Incentive  Plan (the "2004  Plan").  The 2004 Plan is
intended  to enable  the  Company  to  attract  and  retain  the best  available
personnel for positions, to provide additional incentive to employees, directors
and consultants and to promote the success of the Company's business.  The Board
believes that the Company's  long term success is dependent  upon the ability of
the Company to attract and retain superior  individuals  who, by virtue of their
ability and  qualifications,  make important  contributions  to the Company.  If
approved by the stockholders, a total of 1,000,000 shares of Common Stock of the
Company will be initially  reserved for issuance under the 2004 Plan, subject to
adjustment only in the event of a stock split, stock dividend,  or other similar
change in the common  stock or capital  structure  of the  Company.  Capitalized
terms used in this  Proposal  No. 3 shall  have the same  meaning as in the 2004
Plan unless otherwise indicated.

         This Proposal 3 must receive a greater number of affirmative votes than
negative  votes  cast at the  Annual  Meeting to be  approved.  Abstentions  and
broker-non votes will have no effect on this Proposal.



         A  general  description  of the  principal  terms of the  2004  Plan as
proposed is set forth below.  This  description  is qualified in its entirety by
the terms of the 2004 Plan, a copy of which is attached to this Proxy  Statement
as Exhibit A and is incorporated herein by reference.


         PURPOSE.  The  purpose  of the 2004 Plan is to  provide  the  Company's
employees,  directors and consultants, whose present and potential contributions
are important to the success of the Company, an incentive,  through ownership of
the Company's  Common Stock, to continue in service to the Company,  and to help
the Company  compete  effectively  with other  enterprises  for the  services of
qualified individuals.

         SHARES  RESERVED FOR ISSUANCE  UNDER THE 2004 PLAN.  If approved by the
stockholders,  a total of  1,000,000  shares of Common  Stock will be  initially
reserved for issuance  under the 2004 Plan,  subject to  adjustment  only in the
event of a stock split,  stock  dividend,  or other similar change in the common
stock or capital  structure  of the Company.  The maximum  number of shares with
respect  to which  options  and stock  appreciation  rights  may be granted to a
participant  during a fiscal year of the Company is 500,000 shares. In addition,
in  connection  with a  participant's  commencement  of  continuous  service,  a
participant  may be granted options and stock  appreciation  rights for up to an
additional  500,000  shares which shall not count against the limit set forth in
the previous sentence. For awards of restricted stock and restricted stock units
that are intended to be  performance-based  compensation under Section 162(m) of
the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"),  the maximum number
of shares  subject to such awards that may be granted to a participant  during a
fiscal year of the Company is 500,000 shares.

         ADMINISTRATION.  The 2004 Plan is administered,  with respect to grants
to employees,  directors,  officers, and consultants,  by the plan administrator
(the "Administrator"), defined as the Board or one or more committees designated
by the Board.  With respect to grants to officers and  directors,  the committee
shall be constituted in such a manner as to satisfy  applicable laws,  including
Rule 16b-3 promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended and
Section 162(m) of Code.

         TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF AWARDS. The 2004 Plan provides for the grant of
stock options,  restricted  stock,  restricted stock units,  stock  appreciation
rights and dividend  equivalent rights  (collectively  referred to as "awards").
Stock options granted under the 2004 Plan may be either  incentive stock options
under the provisions of Section 422 of the Code, or nonqualified  stock options.
Incentive  stock  options may be granted  only to  employees.  Awards other than
incentive stock options may be granted to employees,  directors and consultants.
Under the 2004  Plan,  awards may be granted  to such  employees,  directors  or
consultants who are residing in non-U.S.  jurisdictions as the Administrator may
determine from time to time.

         Subject to applicable laws, the Administrator has the authority, in its
discretion, to select employees, directors and consultants to whom awards may be
granted from time to time,  to determine  whether and to what extent  awards are
granted,  to determine the number of shares of


the Company's Common Stock or the amount of other consideration to be covered by
each award (subject to the limitations set forth under the above section of this
Proposal 3 "SHARES RESERVED FOR ISSUANCE UNDER THE 2004 PLAN"), to approve award
agreements for use under the 2004 Plan, to determine the terms and conditions of
any  award,  to  construe  and  interpret  the terms of the 2004 Plan and awards
granted,  to establish  additional  terms,  conditions,  rules or  procedures to
accommodate the rules or laws of applicable  non-U.S.  jurisdictions and to take
such  other  action  not  inconsistent  with the  terms of the 2004  Plan as the
Administrator deems appropriate.

         Each award  granted under the 2004 Plan shall be designated in an award
agreement. In the case of an option, the option shall be designated as either an
incentive  stock option or a nonqualified  stock option.  To the extent that the
aggregate  fair market value of shares of the Company's  Common Stock subject to
options  designated as incentive stock options which become  exercisable for the
first time by a  participant  during any calendar  year exceeds  $100,000,  such
excess options shall be treated as nonqualified stock options.

         The term of any award  granted  under the 2004 Plan may not be for more
than seven years (or five years in the case of incentive  stock options  granted
to any  participant  who owns stock  representing  more than 10% of the combined
voting  power of the  Company  or any  parent  or  subsidiary  of the  Company),
excluding any period for which the  participant has elected to defer the receipt
of the shares or cash issuable pursuant to the award.

         The 2004 Plan  authorizes  the  Administrator  to grant  options  at an
exercise  price not less than 100% of the fair market  value of the common stock
on the date the  option is  granted  (or 110%,  in the case of  incentive  stock
options granted to any employee who owns stock representing more than 10% of the
combined  voting  power  of the  Company  or any  parent  or  subsidiary  of the
Company).  In the case of a stock  appreciation  right, the base amount on which
the stock  appreciation  is  calculated  shall be not less than 100% of the fair
market  value of the common stock on the date of grant.  The  exercise  price is
generally  payable in cash,  check,  shares of common  stock or with  respect to
options, payment through a broker-dealer sale and remittance procedure.

         The 2004 Plan provides that (a) any reduction of the exercise  price of
any option awarded under the 2004 Plan shall be subject to stockholder  approval
and (b)  canceling  any  option  awarded  under the 2004 Plan at a time when its
exercise  price  exceeds  the fair  market  value of the  underlying  shares  in
exchange for another award shall be subject to stockholder approval.

         Under  the 2004  Plan,  the  Administrator  may  establish  one or more
programs  under the 2004 Plan to permit  selected  grantees the  opportunity  to
elect  to  defer  receipt  of   consideration   payable  under  an  award.   The
Administrator  also may establish under the 2004 Plan separate  programs for the
grant of  particular  forms of awards to one or more  classes of  grantees.  The
awards may be granted subject to vesting  schedules and restrictions on transfer
and repurchase or forfeiture  rights in favor of the Company as specified in the
award agreements to be issued under the 2004 Plan.

         TERMINATION  OF  SERVICE.  An  award  may not be  exercised  after  the
termination date of such award as set forth in the award agreement. In the event
a participant in the 2004 Plan terminates


continuous  service  with the  Company,  an award may be  exercised  only to the
extent  provided  in the award  agreement.  Where an award  agreement  permits a
participant to exercise an award  following  termination  of service,  the award
shall  terminate to the extent not  exercised  on the last day of the  specified
period or the last day of the original term of the award, whichever comes first.
Any award  designated as an incentive stock option,  to the extent not exercised
within the time  permitted by law for the exercise of  incentive  stock  options
following  the  termination  of  employment,  shall convert  automatically  to a
nonqualified  stock option and  thereafter  shall be  exercisable as such to the
extent exercisable by its terms for the period specified in the award agreement.

         TRANSFERABILITY OF AWARDS. Under the 2004 Plan, incentive stock options
may not be sold, pledged, assigned, hypothecated,  transferred or disposed of in
any manner other than by will or by the laws of descent or distribution  and may
be exercised  during the lifetime of the  participant  only by the  participant.
Other  awards  shall be  transferable  only by will or by the laws of descent or
distribution  and to the extent provided in the award  agreement.  The 2004 Plan
permits  the  designation  of  beneficiaries  by holders  of  awards,  including
incentive stock options.

         SECTION  162(M) OF THE CODE.  The maximum number of shares with respect
to which options and stock  appreciation  rights may be granted to a participant
during  a  fiscal  year of the  Company  is  500,000  shares.  In  addition,  in
connection  with  a  participant's   commencement  of  continuous   service,   a
participant  may be granted options and stock  appreciation  rights for up to an
additional  500,000  shares which shall not count against the limit set forth in
the   previous   sentence.   The   foregoing   limitations   shall  be  adjusted
proportionately  by the  Administrator  in  connection  with any  change  in the
Company's  capitalization  due to a stock split, stock dividend or similar event
affecting the common stock of the Company and its determination  shall be final,
binding and conclusive. Under Code Section 162(m) no deduction is allowed in any
taxable year of the Company for  compensation  in excess of $1 million paid to a
Covered Employee. An exception to this rule applies to compensation that is paid
pursuant to a stock incentive plan approved by stockholders  and that specifies,
among other things,  the maximum  number of shares with respect to which options
and stock appreciation rights may be granted to eligible participants under such
plan during a specified  period.  Compensation paid pursuant to options or stock
appreciation  rights  granted under such a plan and with an exercise price equal
to the fair market value of the  Company's  Common Stock on the date of grant is
deemed to be inherently  performance-based,  since such awards  provide value to
participants  only if the stock  price  appreciates.  To the extent  required by
Section  162(m)  of the Code or the  regulations  thereunder,  in  applying  the
foregoing limitation, if any option or stock appreciation right is canceled, the
cancelled  award shall continue to count against the maximum number of shares of
Common Stock with respect to which an award may be granted to a participant.

         For awards of  restricted  stock and  restricted  stock  units that are
intended to be performance-based  compensation under Section 162(m) of the Code,
the  maximum  number of shares  subject to such  awards that may be granted to a
participant  during a fiscal year of the Company is 500,000 shares. In order for
restricted  stock and  restricted  stock  units to qualify as  performance-based
compensation,  the Administrator  must establish a performance goal with respect
to such award in writing  not later than 90 days after the  commencement  of the
services to which it relates and while the outcome is  substantially  uncertain.
In  addition,  the  performance


goal must be stated in terms of an objective formula or standard.  The 2004 Plan
contains  a  list  of  performance  criteria  that  may  be  considered  by  the
Administrator when granting performance-based awards.

         CHANGE  IN  CAPITALIZATION.  Subject  to  any  required  action  by the
stockholders  of the Company,  the number of shares of common  stock  covered by
outstanding  awards,  the  number  of  shares  of  common  stock  that have been
authorized  for issuance  under the 2004 Plan, the exercise or purchase price of
each outstanding award, the maximum number of shares of common stock that may be
granted  subject to awards to any  participant  in a fiscal year,  and the like,
shall be  proportionally  adjusted by the  Administrator in the event of (i) any
increase or decrease in the number of issued  shares of common  stock  resulting
from a stock split, stock dividend,  combination or  reclassification or similar
event  affecting  the common  stock of the Company,  (ii) any other  increase or
decrease in the number of issued shares of common stock effected without receipt
of consideration by the Company or (iii) as the  Administrator  may determine in
its discretion,  any other  transaction with respect to common stock including a
corporate merger,  consolidation,  acquisition of property or stock,  separation
(including   a  spin-off   or  other   distribution   of  stock  or   property),
reorganization,  liquidation  (whether  partial  or  complete)  or  any  similar
transaction; provided, however, that conversion of any convertible securities of
the  Company  shall  not be deemed to have been  "effected  without  receipt  of
consideration."  Such  adjustment  shall  be made by the  Administrator  and its
determination shall be final, binding and conclusive.

         CORPORATE  TRANSACTION.  Effective upon the consummation of a corporate
transaction  (as  defined  in the  2004  Plan),  all  outstanding  awards  shall
terminate.  However,  all such  awards  shall not  terminate  to the  extent the
contractual  obligations  represented  by the award are assumed by the successor
entity.  In the event an  outstanding  award is not  assumed or  replaced by the
successor  entity in connection  with a corporate  transaction,  the award shall
automatically  become fully vested and  exercisable for all of the shares at the
time represented by the award, immediately prior to the specified effective date
of such corporate transaction.

         CHANGE IN  CONTROL.  In the event of a change in control (as defined in
the 2004 Plan), all outstanding awards shall  automatically  become fully vested
and  exercisable  for all of the  shares at the time  represented  by the award,
immediately prior to the specified effective date of such change in control.

any time amend, suspend or terminate the 2004 Plan. The 2004 Plan will terminate
ten years from the date of its approval by the  Company's  stockholders,  unless
terminated  earlier  by the  Board.  To the  extent  necessary  to  comply  with
applicable provisions of federal securities laws, state corporate and securities
laws, the Code, the rules of any  applicable  stock exchange or national  market
system, and the rules of any non-U.S.  jurisdiction applicable to awards granted
to residents therein,  the Company shall obtain stockholder approval of any such
amendment to the 2004 Plan in such a manner and to such a degree as required.



         The following  summary of the federal income tax  consequences  of 2004
Plan transactions is based upon federal income tax laws in effect on the date of
this proxy statement. This summary does not purport to be complete, and does not
discuss, state, local or non-U.S. tax consequences.

         NONQUALIFIED  STOCK OPTIONS.  The grant of a nonqualified  stock option
under the 2004 Plan will not result in any federal  income tax  consequences  to
the participant or to the Company. Upon exercise of a nonqualified stock option,
the  participant  is subject to income taxes at the rate  applicable to ordinary
compensation  income on the difference between the option exercise price and the
fair market value of the shares on the date of exercise.  This income is subject
to withholding  for federal  income and employment tax purposes.  The Company is
entitled to an income tax  deduction in the amount of the income  recognized  by
the participant,  subject to possible  limitations  imposed by Section 162(m) of
the Code and so long as the Company withholds the appropriate taxes with respect
to such income (if required) and the participant's  total compensation is deemed
reasonable  in  amount.  Any  gain  or  loss  on  the  participant's  subsequent
disposition  of the  shares of common  stock  will  receive  long or  short-term
capital  gain or loss  treatment,  depending  on whether the shares are held for
more  than one year  following  exercise.  The  Company  does not  receive a tax
deduction for any such gain.

         INCENTIVE  STOCK OPTIONS.  The grant of an incentive stock option under
the 2004 Plan will not  result in any  federal  income tax  consequences  to the
participant  or to the Company.  A  participant  recognizes  no federal  taxable
income upon  exercising an incentive  stock option  (subject to the  alternative
minimum tax rules discussed below), and the Company receives no deduction at the
time of exercise.  The Internal Revenue Service has issued proposed  regulations
that would subject participants to withholding at the time participants exercise
an incentive stock option for Social Security and Medicare taxes (but not income
tax) based upon the excess of the fair market value of the shares on the date of
exercise over the exercise price. These proposed regulations,  if adopted, would
be effective only for the exercise of an incentive  stock option that occurs two
years  after  the  regulations  are  issued  in final  form.  In the  event of a
disposition  of stock acquired upon exercise of an incentive  stock option,  the
tax  consequences  depend upon how long the  participant  has held the shares of
common stock. If the participant does not dispose of the shares within two years
after the  incentive  stock  option was  granted,  nor within one year after the
incentive stock option was exercised, the participant will recognize a long-term
capital  gain (or loss)  equal to the  difference  between the sale price of the
shares and the  exercise  price.  The Company is not  entitled to any  deduction
under these circumstances.

         If the  participant  fails to satisfy  either of the foregoing  holding
periods, he or she must recognize ordinary income in the year of the disposition
(referred  to as a  "disqualifying  disposition").  The amount of such  ordinary
income generally is the lesser of (i) the difference between the amount realized
on the  disposition  and the exercise price or (ii) the  difference  between the
fair market value of the stock on the exercise date and the exercise price.  Any
gain in excess of the amount taxed as ordinary  income will be treated as a long
or  short-term  capital  gain,  depending on whether the stock was held for more
than one year. The Company,  in the year of the  disqualifying  disposition,  is
entitled to a deduction equal to the amount of ordinary income recognized by the
participant,  subject to possible  limitations  imposed by Section 162(m)


of the Code and so long as the  Company  withholds  the  appropriate  taxes with
respect to such income (if required) and the participant's total compensation is
deemed reasonable in amount.

         The "spread"  under an incentive  stock option -- i.e.,  the difference
between the fair market value of the shares at exercise  and the exercise  price
-- is  classified  as an item of adjustment in the year of exercise for purposes
of the  alternative  minimum  tax. If a  participant's  alternative  minimum tax
liability  exceeds  such  participant's   regular  income  tax  liability,   the
participant  will owe the  larger  amount  of  taxes.  In  order  to  avoid  the
application of alternative  minimum tax with respect to incentive stock options,
the participant  must sell the shares within the same calendar year in which the
incentive stock options are exercised. However, such a sale of shares within the
same year of exercise will constitute a disqualifying disposition,  as described

         RESTRICTED  STOCK.  The grant of  restricted  stock  will  subject  the
recipient to ordinary  compensation  income on the difference between the amount
paid for such stock and the fair market value of the shares on the date that the
restrictions lapse. This income is subject to withholding for federal income and
employment  tax purposes.  The Company is entitled to an income tax deduction in
the  amount of the  ordinary  income  recognized  by the  recipient,  subject to
possible  limitations  imposed by Section  162(m) of the Code and so long as the
Company  withholds  the  appropriate  taxes  with  respect  to such  income  (if
required)  and the  participant's  total  compensation  is deemed  reasonable in
amount. Any gain or loss on the recipient's subsequent disposition of the shares
will receive long or short-term capital gain or loss treatment  depending on how
long the stock has been held since the restrictions lapsed. The Company does not
receive a tax deduction for any such gain.

         Recipients of restricted stock may make an election under Section 83(b)
of the Code  ("Section  83(b)  Election") to recognize as ordinary  compensation
income in the year that such  restricted  stock is granted,  the amount equal to
the spread  between the amount paid for such stock and the fair market  value on
the  date of the  issuance  of the  stock.  If such an  election  is  made,  the
recipient recognizes no further amounts of compensation income upon the lapse of
any restrictions and any gain or loss on subsequent  disposition will be long or
short-term  capital gain to the  recipient.  The Section 83(b)  Election must be
made within thirty days from the time the restricted stock is issued.

         STOCK  APPRECIATION  RIGHTS.  Recipients of stock  appreciation  rights
("SARS")  generally  should  not  recognize  income  until the SAR is  exercised
(assuming  there is no ceiling on the value of the right).  Upon  exercise,  the
participant will normally  recognize  taxable ordinary income for federal income
tax purposes  equal to the amount of cash and fair market  value the shares,  if
any, received upon such exercise. Participants who are employees will be subject
to  withholding  for federal  income and employment tax purposes with respect to
income recognized upon exercise of an SAR. Participants will recognize gain upon
the disposition of any shares received on exercise of an SAR equal to the excess
of (i) the amount  realized on such  disposition  over (ii) the ordinary  income
recognized  with  respect to such shares under the  principles  set forth above.
That gain will be  taxable  as long or  short-term  capital  gain  depending  on
whether the shares were held for more than one year.


         The Company  will be entitled to a tax  deduction  to the extent and in
the year that  ordinary  income is  recognized  by the  participant,  subject to
possible  limitations  imposed by Section  162(m) of the Code and so long as the
Company  withholds  the  appropriate  taxes  with  respect  to such  income  (if
required)  and the  participant's  total  compensation  is deemed  reasonable in

         RESTRICTED STOCK UNITS.  Recipients of restricted stock units generally
should not recognize  income until such units are converted  into cash or shares
of stock.  Upon  conversion,  the participant  will normally  recognize  taxable
ordinary  income for federal income tax purposes equal to the amount of cash and
fair  market  value  the  shares,   if  any,   received  upon  such  conversion.
Participants who are employees will be subject to withholding for federal income
and employment tax purposes with respect to income recognized upon conversion of
the  restricted  stock  units.   Participants   will  recognize  gain  upon  the
disposition of any shares received upon conversion of the restricted stock units
equal to the excess of (i) the amount realized on such disposition over (ii) the
ordinary income  recognized with respect to such shares under the principles set
forth  above.  That gain will be  taxable  as long or  short-term  capital  gain
depending on whether the shares were held for more than one year.

         The Company  will be entitled to a tax  deduction  to the extent and in
the year that  ordinary  income is  recognized  by the  participant,  subject to
possible  limitations  imposed by Section  162(m) of the Code and so long as the
Company  withholds  the  appropriate  taxes  with  respect  to such  income  (if
required)  and the  participant's  total  compensation  is deemed  reasonable in

         DIVIDENDS AND DIVIDEND  EQUIVALENTS.  Recipients of stock-based  awards
that earn  dividends or dividend  equivalents  will recognize  taxable  ordinary
income on any dividend payments received with respect to unvested shares subject
to such awards,  which income is subject to  withholding  for federal income and
employment  tax purposes.  The Company is entitled to an income tax deduction in
the amount of the  income  recognized  by a  participant,  subject  to  possible
limitations  imposed  by Section  162(m) of the Code and so long as the  Company
withholds  the  appropriate  taxes with respect to such income (if required) and
the individual's total compensation is deemed reasonable in amount.

                          EMPLOYEE STOCK PURCHASE PLAN

         The Company's  stockholders  are being asked to approve the adoption of
the Company's  2004 Employee  Stock  Purchase Plan (the  "Purchase  Plan").  The
purpose of the  Purchase  Plan is to provide  employees  of the  Company and its
Designated  Parents or Subsidiaries with an opportunity to purchase Common Stock
of the Company through accumulated  payroll  deductions.  It is the intention of
the Company to have the Purchase  Plan qualify as an  "Employee  Stock  Purchase
Plan" under  Section 423 of the Internal  Revenue Code of 1986,  as amended (the
"Code").  The Purchase Plan is intended to enable the Company and its Designated
Parents or Subsidiaries  to attract and retain the best available  personnel for
positions of  substantial  responsibility,  to provide  additional  incentive to
current  employees,  and to promote


the success of the Company's business.  The Board of Directors believes that the
Company's long-term success is dependent upon the ability of the Company and its
Designated  Parents or Subsidiaries  to attract and retain superior  individuals
who, by virtue of their ability and qualifications, make important contributions
to the Company.

         If approved by the stockholders,  a total of 1,000,000 shares of Common
Stock of the Company will be initially  reserved for issuance under the Purchase
Plan,  subject to adjustment only in the event of a stock split, stock dividend,
or other similar change in the common stock or capital structure of the Company.
Capitalized  terms used in this Proposal No. 4 shall have the same meaning as in
the Purchase Plan unless otherwise indicated.

         This Proposal 4 must receive a greater number of affirmative votes than
negative  votes  cast at the  Annual  Meeting to be  approved.  Abstentions  and
broker-non votes will have no effect on this Proposal.


         A general  description  of the principal  terms of the Purchase Plan as
proposed is set forth below.  This  description  is qualified in its entirety by
the  terms of the  Purchase  Plan,  a copy of which is  attached  to this  Proxy
Statement as Exhibit B and is incorporated herein by reference.


         PURPOSE.  The purpose of the Purchase  Plan is to provide  employees of
the Company with an opportunity to purchase  Common Stock of the Company through
payroll  deductions.  The Purchase Plan, and the right of  Participants  to make
purchases  thereunder,  is intended to qualify as an  "employee  stock  purchase
plan"  under  the  provisions  of  Section  423 the Code.  Employees  (including
officers  and  directors)  of  the  Company  and  its   Designated   Parents  or
Subsidiaries are eligible to participate in the Purchase Plan. Directors who are
not employees are not eligible to participate.

the stockholders,  a total of 1,000,000 shares of Common Stock will be initially
reserved for issuance under the Purchase Plan, subject to adjustment only in the
event of a stock split,  stock  dividend,  or other similar change in the common
stock or capital structure of the Company.

         ADMINISTRATION.  The Purchase Plan will be administered by the Board of
Directors,  or a committee of the Board as  designated by the Board from time to
time (the "Administrator").

         TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION. The Purchase Plan will initially
be  implemented  by  consecutive   Purchase  Intervals  of  3  months'  duration
commencing  each  January  1,  April 1, July 1 and  October  1 (except  that the
initial  Purchase  Interval  shall  commence  on  the  date  determined  by  the
Administrator).  Purchase Dates shall occur on each March 31, June 30, September
30 and December 31 (except that the first  Purchase  Date shall be September 30,
2004, unless a later date is determined by the Administrator). The Administrator
may alter the duration of the Purchase Intervals,  up to a maximum of 27 months.
Certain  additional  limitations  on the


amount of Common Stock which may be  purchased in any calendar  year are imposed
by the Code.

         Any person who is employed by the Company or any  Designated  Parent or
Subsidiary is eligible to participate  in the Purchase Plan,  subject to certain
limitations  imposed  by Section  423(b) of the Code;  provided,  however,  that
employees  who are  subject  to rules or laws of a  non-U.S.  jurisdiction  that
prohibit or make impractical the participation of such employees in the Purchase
Plan shall not be  eligible  to  participate.  All  eligible  employees  will be
automatically  enrolled as  Participants  in each  Purchase  Interval  under the
Purchase Plan.

         Participants  may elect to purchase  shares under the Purchase  Plan by
delivering to the Company a  subscription  agreement.  At the time a Participant
files a  subscription  agreement,  the  Participant  may  elect to have  payroll
deductions  made during the Purchase  Interval in either (i) amounts  between 1%
and not  exceeding  10% of the  Participant's  Compensation  during the Purchase
Interval or (ii) fixed dollar  amounts not  exceeding  10% of the  Participant's
Compensation  during  the  Purchase  Interval.  A copy of the form  subscription
agreement for the Purchase Plan is attached as Exhibit A to the copy of Purchase
Plan attached hereto. A Participant may also make one or more direct payments to
the Company to be applied toward the purchase of shares by completing and filing
with the Company either (i) a subscription  agreement or (ii) a change in status
or direct payment notice designating the amount of the direct payment. A copy of
the form  change in status or direct  payment  notice for the  Purchase  Plan is
attached as Exhibit B to the copy of Purchase  Plan attached  hereto.  The total
amount of the direct payment(s) and the payroll deductions may not exceed 10% of
the Participant's Compensation during the Purchase Interval.

         A  Participant  may increase or decrease the rate of his or her payroll
deduction  for the  remainder of a Purchase  Interval by filling out a change of
status or  direct  payment  notice  and  delivering  it to the  Company  (or its
designee).  The reduced or increased  rate will become  effective with the first
full payroll period  commencing ten business days after the Company receives the
form  unless  the  Company   elects  to  process   changes  more  quickly.   The
Participant's  subscription  agreement  (as modified by any  subsequently  filed
notice)  will  remain  in  effect  for the  entire  Purchase  Interval  and each
subsequent  Purchase  Interval,  unless the  Participant  further  modifies  his
subscription agreement or terminates his participation in the Purchase Plan.

         The price per share at which shares are sold under the Purchase Plan is
equal to 85% of the fair market value of the Common Stock on the Purchase  Date.
The fair market value of the Common  Stock on a given date is the closing  sales
price of the Common Stock on the Nasdaq Stock Market as of such date.

         No employee  shall be granted  purchase  rights under the Purchase Plan
(1) if immediately after the grant of the purchase right, the employee would own
5% or more of the total  combined  voting power or value of all classes of stock
of the  Company or of a Parent or of any of its  Subsidiaries  (including  stock
which may be purchased  under the Purchase Plan or issued  pursuant to any stock
options) or (2) which would permit the  employee to buy more than $25,000  worth
of stock  (determined  at the fair  market  value of the  shares at the time the
stock purchase  right is granted) in any calendar  year. In addition,  employees
shall not be permitted to purchase more than 250 shares on any Purchase Date.


         A Participant's interest in a given Purchase Interval may be terminated
by delivering to the Company a change of status or direct  payment  notice which
indicates  the  Participant's   withdrawal  from  the  Purchase  Interval.  Such
withdrawal may be elected no later than 10 business days prior to the end of the
applicable  Purchase  Interval.  If a  Participant  withdraws  from  a  Purchase
Interval,  payroll deductions will not resume at the beginning of the succeeding
Purchase  Interval  unless  the  Participant  delivers  to  the  Company  a  new
subscription agreement.

         The  Administrator  has  the  authority  to  determine  the  terms  and
conditions  under which shares are to be offered under the Purchase Plan for any
Purchase Interval and to resolve all questions relating to the administration of
the plan.  The Company makes no cash  contributions  to the Purchase  Plan,  but
bears the expenses of administration.

         TRANSFERABILITY.  No  rights or  accumulated  payroll  deductions  of a
Participant under the Purchase Plan may be pledged,  assigned or transferred for
any reason and any such  attempt may be treated by the Company as an election to
withdraw from the Purchase Plan.

         CORPORATE TRANSACTION. In the event of a corporate transaction, such as
a merger,  sale of the company or substantially  all of its assets,  and similar
transactions,  each  purchase  right under the then existing  Purchase  Interval
shall be assumed by such successor corporation or a parent or subsidiary of such
successor corporation,  unless the Administrator  determines, in the exercise of
its sole  discretion  and in lieu of such  assumption,  to shorten the  Purchase
Interval then in progress by setting a new Purchase Date.

may at any time amend, suspend or terminate the Purchase Plan. The Purchase Plan
will  terminate  twenty  years from the date of its  approval  by the  Company's
stockholders, unless terminated earlier by the Board. To the extent necessary to
comply with applicable  provisions of federal  securities  laws, state corporate
and securities  laws,  the Code,  the rules of any applicable  stock exchange or
national market system, and the rules of any non-U.S. jurisdiction applicable to
awards  granted to  residents  therein,  the Company  shall  obtain  stockholder
approval of any such amendment to the Purchase Plan in such a manner and to such
a degree as required.


         The  following  summarizes  the  federal  income  tax  consequences  of
participation  under the  Purchase  Plan and  certain tax effects to the Company
based  upon  federal  income  tax  laws in  effect  on the  date  of this  proxy
statement.  This summary  does not purport to be complete,  and does not discuss
any non-U.S., state or local tax consequences.  In addition, the discussion does
not  address  tax  consequences  which may vary with,  or are  contingent  on, a

individual  circumstances.  Each  Participant  in the Purchase  Plan is strongly
urged to consult  with his or her tax  advisor  regarding  participation  in the
Purchase Plan.

         The  Purchase  Plan and the  right of  Participants  to make  purchases
thereunder  are intended to qualify under the  provisions of Section 421 and 423
of the Code. Under these


provisions,  no income will be taxable to a Participant  at the time of grant of
the purchase right or purchase of shares.  Amounts deducted from a Participant's
pay under the Purchase Plan are part of the employee's regular  compensation and
remain  subject to federal,  state and local income and  employment  withholding

         Upon  disposition  of the shares,  the  Participant  will  generally be
subject  to tax and the  amount of the tax will  depend  upon the  Participant's
holding  period.  If the shares have been held by the  Participant for more than
two years  after the date of grant of the  purchase  right and for more than one
year from the  purchase  date of the  shares,  the lesser of (i) 15% of the fair
market  value of the shares on the date the  purchase  right was granted or (ii)
the  difference  between the fair market  value of the shares on the date of the
disposition  of the shares and the  purchase  price will be treated as  ordinary
income. This amount of ordinary income will be added to a Participant's basis in
the shares and any further gain will be treated as long-term  capital  gain.  If
the  shares  are  disposed  of before  the  expiration  of the 2-year and 1-year
holding  periods  described  above,  the excess of the fair market  value of the
shares on the purchase date over the purchase  price will be treated as ordinary
income. This amount of ordinary income will be added to a Participant's basis in
the shares and any further gain or loss on such disposition will be long-term or
short-term capital gain or loss, depending on the holding period.

         There currently is no income tax withholding required upon the purchase
or  disposition  of the  shares by a  Participant.  However,  in the  future,  a
Participant may be subject to employment tax withholding (e.g.,  Social Security
and  Medicare)  at the time of  purchase.  The United  States  Internal  Revenue
Service  issued  proposed  regulations  which,  if  adopted,   would  subject  a
Participant  to  withholding  for Social  Security and Medicare  (not  including
income tax) at the time of purchase based upon the  difference  between the fair
market value of the shares on the date of purchase and the purchase price of the
shares.  These  proposed  regulations,  if adopted,  would be effective only for
purchases  made under the  Purchase  Plan two years  after the  regulations  are
issued in final form.

         The  Company  is not  entitled  to a  deduction  for  amounts  taxed as
ordinary  income  or  capital  gain to a  Participant  except  to the  extent of
ordinary income reported by Participants  upon  disposition of shares within two
years from date of grant of the purchase right or within one year of the date of
purchase  (subject  to the  requirements  of  reasonableness).  The  Company  is
required to report to the United States  Internal  Revenue  Service any ordinary
income  recognized  by a  Participant  as a  result  of a  disposition  if  such
information  is  available  to the  Company.  In the future,  the Company may be
required to withhold  (from a  Participant's  salary) the amount due as taxes on
such ordinary income.



                             OF INDEPENDENT AUDITORS

         The Board of Directors has, upon recommendation of the Audit Committee,
selected Stegman & Company as independent auditors of the Company for the fiscal
year ending  December 26, 2004,  and has further  directed that the selection of
such auditors be submitted for  ratification  by the  stockholders at the Annual

         Stegman & Company representatives will be present at the Annual Meeting
to respond to appropriate questions.

         This Proposal 5 must receive a greater number of affirmative votes than
negative  votes  cast at the  Annual  Meeting to be  approved.  Abstentions  and
broker-non votes will have no effect on this Proposal.



         The  Company  uses  Stegman  &  Company  ("Stegman")  as its  principal
accountant.  The  following  table  shows  the  fees  that  were  billed  to the
Corporation by Stegman for professional  services  rendered for the fiscal years
ended December 28, 2003 and December 29, 2002.

                       FEE CATEGORY               2003              2002
------------------------------------------    -------------     -------------

Audit Fees................................    $    32,000       $     32,000
Audit-Related Fees........................         44,000                 --
Tax Fees..................................          8,000              5,500
All Other Fees............................             --              1,500
                                              -------------     -------------

     Total Fees...........................    $    84,000       $     39,000
                                              =============     =============


         This  category  includes  fees for the  audit of the  Company's  annual
financial  statements  and  review  of  financial  statements  included  in  the
quarterly reports on Form 10-Q.


         This category includes fees for assurance and related services that are
reasonably   related  to  the   performance  of  the  audit  or  review  of  the
Corporation's  financial  statements  and are not


included above under "Audit Fees".  These services include accounting advice and
services  in  connection  with   acquisitions,   including  comfort  letters  to


         This category includes fees for tax return preparation,  tax advice and
tax planning.


         This  category  includes  fees for products  and  services  provided by
Stegman that are not included in the services reported above.

                                  OTHER MATTERS

         The Company knows of no other  matters to be brought  before the Annual
Meeting.  If any other matter  requiring a vote of the  Stockholders is properly
brought before the Annual Meeting,  it is the intention of the persons appointed
as proxies to vote with respect to any such matter in accordance with their best

         It is  important  that  proxies  be  returned  promptly.  Stockholders,
whether or not they expect to attend the Annual Meeting in person,  are urged to
complete,  sign and return the accompanying proxy in the enclosed envelope which
requires no postage if mailed in the United States.


         All stockholder  proposals  intended to be presented at the 2005 Annual
Meeting of the Company  must be received by the Company not later than  February
21, 2005, and must  otherwise  comply with the rules of the SEC for inclusion in
the  Company's  proxy  statement  and form of proxy  relating  to that  meeting.
Proposals  should  be  delivered  to  Essex  Corporation,  9150  Guilford  Road,
Columbia, MD 21046, Attention: Corporate Secretary.

         Except in the case of  proposals  made in  accordance  with Rule 14a-8,
stockholders  intending  to bring any  business  before  the  annual  meeting of
shareholders must deliver written notice thereof to the Secretary of the Company
not  less  than 45 days  prior  to the  anniversary  of the  date on  which  the
Corporation  first  mailed its proxy  materials  for its  immediately  preceding
annual meeting of shareholders.  The deadline for matters sought to be presented
at the 2005 Annual  Meeting is May 16, 2005.  If a  stockholder  gives notice of
such a proposal  after the May 16, 2005  deadline,  the Company's  proxy holders
will be allowed to use their discretionary  voting authority to vote against the
stockholder  proposal when and if the proposal is raised at the  Company's  2005
annual meeting.


         A copy of the Company's  Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year
ended December 28, 2003  accompanies  this Proxy  Statement.  Such report is not
part of the proxy solicitation materials.


                               REFERENCE DOCUMENTS


                                            BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                            KIMBERLY J. DECHELLO


                                                                    EXHIBIT A

                                ESSEX CORPORATION
                            2004 STOCK INCENTIVE PLAN

         1.  Purposes of the Plan.  The purposes of this Plan are to attract and
retain  the best  available  personnel,  to  provide  additional  incentives  to
Employees, Directors and Consultants and to promote the success of the Company's

         2.  Definitions.  The following  definitions shall apply as used herein
and in the  individual  Award  Agreements  except  as  defined  otherwise  in an
individual  Award  Agreement.  In the event a term is  separately  defined in an
individual  Award  Agreement,  such  definition  shall  supercede the definition
contained in this Section 2.

                  a.  "ADMINISTRATOR"  means the Board or any of the  Committees
appointed to administer  the Plan.

                  b.  "AFFILIATE"  and  "ASSOCIATE"  shall  have the  respective
meanings  ascribed to such terms in Rule 12b-2  promulgated  under the  Exchange

                  c. "APPLICABLE LAWS" means the legal requirements  relating to
the Plan and the Awards under applicable  provisions of federal securities laws,
state corporate and securities laws, the Code, the rules of any applicable stock
exchange or national market system,  and the rules of any non-U.S.  jurisdiction
applicable to Awards granted to residents therein.

                  d.  "ASSUMED"  means that pursuant to a Corporate  Transaction
either  (i)  the  Award  is  expressly  affirmed  by the  Company  or  (ii)  the
contractual  obligations represented by the Award are expressly assumed (and not
simply by operation of law) by the successor  entity or its Parent in connection
with the Corporate  Transaction with  appropriate  adjustments to the number and
type of securities of the  successor  entity or its Parent  subject to the Award
and the  exercise  or  purchase  price  thereof  which  at least  preserves  the
compensation  element  of the  Award  existing  at  the  time  of the  Corporate
Transaction  as determined in accordance  with the  instruments  evidencing  the
agreement to assume the Award.

                  e.  "AWARD"  means  the  grant  of an  Option,  SAR,  Dividend
Equivalent  Right,  Restricted  Stock,  Restricted  Stock Unit or other right or
benefit under the Plan.

                  f. "AWARD  AGREEMENT" means the written  agreement  evidencing
the grant of an Award  executed by the Company and the  Grantee,  including  any
amendments thereto.

                  g. "BOARD" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

                  h.  "CAUSE"  means,  with  respect to the  termination  by the
Company  or a Related  Entity of the  Grantee's  Continuous  Service,  that such
termination is for "Cause" as such


term is expressly  defined in a  then-effective  written  agreement  between the
Grantee  and the  Company  or such  Related  Entity,  or in the  absence of such
then-effective   written   agreement  and  definition,   is  based  on,  in  the
determination of the Administrator, the Grantee's: (i) performance of any act or
failure to perform any act in bad faith and to the detriment of the Company or a
Related Entity;  (ii) dishonesty,  intentional  misconduct or material breach of
any agreement  with the Company or a Related  Entity;  or (iii)  commission of a
crime  involving  dishonesty,  breach of trust, or physical or emotional harm to
any person.

                  i. "CHANGE IN CONTROL"  means a change in ownership or control
of the Company effected through either of the following transactions:

                           (i) the direct or indirect  acquisition by any person
or related group of persons (other than an acquisition from or by the Company or
by a  Company-sponsored  employee  benefit plan or by a person that  directly or
indirectly  controls,  is controlled  by, or is under common  control with,  the
Company)  of  beneficial  ownership  (within  the  meaning  of Rule 13d-3 of the
Exchange  Act) of  securities  possessing  more than fifty  percent (50%) of the
total combined voting power of the Company's outstanding  securities pursuant to
a tender or exchange offer made directly to the Company's  stockholders  which a
majority of the Continuing Directors who are not Affiliates or Associates of the
offeror do not recommend such stockholders accept, or

                           (ii) a change in the  composition of the Board over a
period of  thirty-six  (36)  months or less  such that a  majority  of the Board
members  (rounded up to the next whole number) ceases,  by reason of one or more
contested elections for Board membership, to be comprised of individuals who are
Continuing Directors.

                  j. "CODE" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

                  k. "COMMITTEE" means any committee  composed of members of the
Board appointed by the Board to administer the Plan.

                  l. "COMMON STOCK" means the common stock of the Company.

                  m. "COMPANY" means Essex Corporation,  a Virginia corporation,
or any successor corporation that adopts the Plan in connection with a Corporate

                  n. "CONSULTANT"  means any person (other than an Employee or a
Director, solely with respect to rendering services in such person's capacity as
a  Director)  who is engaged  by the  Company  or any  Related  Entity to render
consulting or advisory services to the Company or such Related Entity.

                  o.  "CONTINUING  DIRECTORS"  means  members  of the  Board who
either  (i) have  been  Board  members  continuously  for a  period  of at least
thirty-six  (36) months or (ii) have been Board members for less than thirty-six
(36) months and were  elected or nominated  for election as Board  members by at
least a majority of the Board members  described in clause (i) who were still in
office at the time such election or nomination was approved by the Board.


                  p.  "CONTINUOUS  SERVICE" means that the provision of services
to the  Company or a Related  Entity in any  capacity of  Employee,  Director or
Consultant is not interrupted or terminated.  In jurisdictions  requiring notice
in advance of an effective  termination as an Employee,  Director or Consultant,
Continuous  Service  shall be deemed  terminated  upon the actual  cessation  of
providing  services  to the  Company  or a Related  Entity  notwithstanding  any
required  notice  period  that  must be  fulfilled  before a  termination  as an
Employee,  Director  or  Consultant  can be  effective  under  Applicable  Laws.
Continuous  Service shall not be considered  interrupted  in the case of (i) any
approved leave of absence, (ii) transfers among the Company, any Related Entity,
or any successor, in any capacity of Employee,  Director or Consultant, or (iii)
any change in status as long as the  individual  remains  in the  service of the
Company or a Related Entity in any capacity of Employee,  Director or Consultant
(except as  otherwise  provided in the Award  Agreement).  An approved  leave of
absence  shall  include  sick leave,  military  leave,  or any other  authorized
personal  leave.  For purposes of each Incentive  Stock Option granted under the
Plan, if such leave exceeds ninety (90) days, and  reemployment  upon expiration
of such leave is not guaranteed by statute or contract, then the Incentive Stock
Option  shall be treated as a  Non-Qualified  Stock  Option on the day three (3)
months and one (1) day following the expiration of such ninety (90) day period.

                  q.  "CORPORATE   TRANSACTION"   means  any  of  the  following

                           (i) a merger or consolidation in which the Company is
not the surviving entity, except for a  transaction  the  principal  purpose  of
which is to  change  the  state in  which  the  Company  is incorporated;

                           (ii) the sale,  transfer or other  disposition of all
or substantially all of the assets of the Company;

                           (iii) the complete  liquidation or dissolution of the

                           (iv)  any   reverse   merger  or  series  of  related
transactions culminating in a reverse merger (including,  but not  limited to, a
tender offer followed by a reverse merger) in which the Company is the surviving
entity  but (A) the shares of  Common  Stock  outstanding  immediately  prior to
such merger are  converted  or  exchanged  by  virtue  of  the merger into other
property, whether in the form of securities, cash or otherwise,  or (B) in which
securities  possessing  more than forty  percent  (40%)  of the  total  combined
voting  power  of the  Company's outstanding  securities  are  transferred  to a
person or persons  different from  those who  held  such securities  immediately
prior to such merger or the initial transaction  culminating in such merger, but
excluding  any  such  transaction  or  series  of  related transactions that the
Administrator  determines shall not be a Corporate Transaction; or

                           (v)  acquisition  in a single or  series  of  related
transactions by any person or related group of persons (other  than the  Company
or by a Company-sponsored employee benefit plan) of beneficial ownership (within
the meaning of Rule 13d-3 of  the Exchange Act) of  securities  possessing  more
than fifty percent (50%) of the total  combined  voting  power of  the Company's
outstanding  securities  but  excluding  any   such  transaction  or


series of related transactions that the Administrator  determines shall not be a
Corporate Transaction.

                  r.       "COVERED  EMPLOYEE"  means  an  Employee   who  is  a
"covered  employee"  under Section 162(m)(3) of the Code.

                  s.  "DIRECTOR"  means a member  of the  Board or the  board of
directors of any Related Entity.

                  t.   "DISABILITY"   means  as  defined   under  the  long-term
disability  policy of the  Company or the  Related  Entity to which the  Grantee
provides  services  regardless of whether the Grantee is covered by such policy.
If the Company or the Related Entity to which the Grantee  provides service does
not have a long-term disability plan in place, "Disability" means that a Grantee
is unable to carry out the  responsibilities  and functions of the position held
by the  Grantee  by  reason of any  medically  determinable  physical  or mental
impairment for a period of not less than ninety (90) consecutive days. A Grantee
will not be considered to have incurred a Disability  unless he or she furnishes
proof  of  such  impairment  sufficient  to  satisfy  the  Administrator  in its

                  u.  "DIVIDEND  EQUIVALENT  RIGHT" means a right  entitling the
Grantee to compensation measured by dividends paid with respect to Common Stock.

                  v.  "EMPLOYEE"  means any  person,  including  an  Officer  or
Director,  who is in the employ of the Company or any Related Entity, subject to
the control and  direction  of the Company or any Related  Entity as to both the
work to be performed and the manner and method of performance.  The payment of a
director's  fee by the Company or a Related  Entity shall not be  sufficient  to
constitute "employment" by the Company.

                  w. "EXCHANGE  ACT" means the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
as amended.

                  x. "FAIR MARKET  VALUE" means, as of  any date, the  value  of
Common Stock determined as follows:

                           (i) If the  Common  Stock  is  listed  on one or more
established  stock  exchanges or  national  market  systems,  including  without
limitation  The Nasdaq  National Market  or  The Nasdaq  SmallCap  Market of The
Nasdaq Stock Market,  its Fair Market Value shall be the closing sales price for
such stock (or the  closing bid, if  no sales  were reported)  as quoted  on the
principal exchange or system on which the Common Stock  is listed (as determined
by  the  Administrator) on  the  date  of determination (or, if no closing sales
price or closing bid was reported  on  that  date,  as  applicable,  on the last
trading date such closing  sales price or closing bid was reported), as reported
in The Wall  Street Journal  or such  other source  as the  Administrator  deems

                           (ii) If the Common  Stock is  regularly  quoted on an
automated quotation system (including the OTC Bulletin Board) or by a recognized
securities dealer,  its Fair Market  Value shall be the closing  sales price for
such stock as quoted on such system on the date


of determination,  but if selling prices are not reported, the Fair Market Value
of a share of Common  Stock shall be the mean between the high bid and low asked
prices for the Common Stock on the date of determination  (or, if no such prices
were  reported on that date,  on the last date such prices  were  reported),  as
reported in The Wall Street  Journal or such other  source as the  Administrator
deems reliable; or

                           (iii) In the absence of an established market for the
Common Stock of the type described in (i) and (ii), above, the Fair Market Value
thereof  shall be determined by the Administrator in good faith.

                  y.   "GRANTEE" means an Employee,  Director or Consultant  who
receives an Award under the Plan.

                  z.  "INCENTIVE  STOCK  OPTION"  means an  Option  intended  to
qualify as an incentive  stock  option  within the meaning of Section 422 of the

                  aa.  "NON-QUALIFIED STOCK OPTION" means an Option not intended
to qualify as an Incentive Stock Option.

                  bb.  "OFFICER" means a person who is an officer of the Company
or a Related Entity within the meaning of Section 16 of the Exchange Act and the
rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.

                  cc. "OPTION" means an option to purchase Shares pursuant to an
Award Agreement granted under the Plan.

                  dd.  "PARENT"  means a "parent  corporation",  whether  now or
hereafter existing, as defined in Section 424(e) of the Code.

                  ee.   "PERFORMANCE-BASED   COMPENSATION"   means  compensation
qualifying as "performance-based compensation" under Section 162(m) of the Code.

                  ff. "PLAN" means this 2003 Stock Incentive Plan.

                  gg.  "RELATED  ENTITY"  means any Parent or  Subsidiary of the
Company and any business, corporation, partnership, limited liability company or
other  entity in which the  Company or a Parent or a  Subsidiary  of the Company
holds a substantial ownership interest, directly or indirectly.

                  hh. "REPLACED" means that pursuant to a Corporate  Transaction
the Award is replaced with a comparable stock award or a cash incentive  program
of the Company, the successor entity (if applicable) or Parent of either of them
which preserves the  compensation  element of such Award existing at the time of
the Corporate  Transaction and provides for subsequent payout in accordance with
the same (or a more favorable)  vesting  schedule  applicable to such Award. The
determination of Award  comparability shall be made by the Administrator and its
determination shall be final, binding and conclusive.


                  ii.  "RESTRICTED  STOCK" means Shares issued under the Plan to
the Grantee for such consideration,  if any, and subject to such restrictions on
transfer, rights of first refusal, repurchase provisions, forfeiture provisions,
and other terms and conditions as established by the Administrator.

                  jj.  "RESTRICTED  STOCK  UNITS"  means an Award  which  may be
earned  in  whole or in part  upon  the  passage  of time or the  attainment  of
performance  criteria  established by the Administrator and which may be settled
for cash,  Shares or other securities or a combination of cash,  Shares or other
securities as established by the Administrator.

                  kk.  "RULE 16B-3"  means  Rule  16b-3  promulgated  under  the
Exchange  Act or any  successor thereto.

                  ll.  "SAR"  means a stock  appreciation  right  entitling  the
Grantee to Shares or cash  compensation,  as established  by the  Administrator,
measured by appreciation in the value of Common Stock.

                  mm. "SHARE" means a share of the Common Stock.

                  nn. "SUBSIDIARY" means a "subsidiary corporation", whether now
or hereafter existing, as defined in Section 424(f) of the Code.

         3.       STOCK SUBJECT TO THE PLAN.

                  a. Subject to the provisions of Section 8, below,  the maximum
aggregate number of Shares which may be issued pursuant to all Awards (including
Incentive Stock Options) is 1,000,000  Shares.  The Shares to be issued pursuant
to Awards may be authorized, but unissued, or reacquired Common Stock.

                  b. Any  Shares  covered  by an Award (or  portion of an Award)
which is forfeited,  canceled or expires (whether  voluntarily or involuntarily)
shall be deemed not to have been issued for purposes of determining  the maximum
aggregate  number of Shares  which may be  issued  under the Plan.  Shares  that
actually  have been  issued  under the Plan  pursuant  to an Award  shall not be
returned to the Plan and shall not become  available for future  issuance  under
the Plan,  except that if unvested  Shares are forfeited,  or repurchased by the
Company at the lower of their original purchase price or their Fair Market Value
at the time of repurchase,  such Shares shall become  available for future grant
under the Plan. To the extent not  prohibited  by Section  422(b)(1) of the Code
(and the corresponding regulations thereunder),  the listing requirements of The
Nasdaq National Market (or other  established  stock exchange or national market
system on which the  Common  Stock is traded)  and  Applicable  Law,  any Shares
covered by an Award which are  surrendered  (i) in payment of the Award exercise
or purchase price or (b) in satisfaction of tax withholding obligations incident
to the exercise of an Award shall be deemed not to have been issued for purposes
of determining  the maximum number of Shares which may be issued pursuant to all
Awards under the Plan, unless otherwise determined by the Administrator.



                  a.       PLAN ADMINISTRATOR.

                           (i)  ADMINISTRATION  WITH  RESPECT TO  DIRECTORS  AND
OFFICERS. With respect to  grants  of Awards  to Directors  or Employees who are
also  Officers or Directors of the Company, the Plan  shall be  administered  by
(A) the Board or (B) a  Committee designated by the Board, which Committee shall
be constituted in such a manner as to satisfy the  Applicable Laws and to permit
such  grants and  related transactions  under the Plan to be exempt from Section
16(b) of the Exchange Act in accordance with  Rule 16b-3. Once  appointed,  such
Committee shall  continue to serve  in its designated  capacity until  otherwise
directed by the Board.

OTHER EMPLOYEES. With respect to  grants  of Awards to Employees or  Consultants
who  are  neither  Directors  nor  Officers  of  the Company,  the Plan shall be
administered by (A) the Board or (B) a Committee designated by the Board,  which
Committee  shall be constituted in  such a  manner as  to satisfy the Applicable
Laws. Once appointed,  such Committee  shall continue to serve in its designated
capacity until otherwise  directed by the Board. The  Board may authorize one or
more Officers to grant such Awards and  may limit  such  authority  as the Board
determines from time to time.

                           (iii)   ADMINISTRATION   WITH   RESPECT   TO  COVERED
EMPLOYEES.  Notwithstanding  the  foregoing,  grants  of  Awards  to any Covered
Employee intended to qualify as Performance-Based  Compensation  shall  be  made
only by a Committee (or subcommittee of a Committee)  which  is comprised solely
of two  or more Directors  eligible  to  serve  on  a  committee  making  Awards
qualifying as  Performance-Based  Compensation.  In  the  case  of  such  Awards
granted  to  Covered  Employees, references  to  the  "Administrator"  or  to  a
"Committee" shall be deemed to be references to such Committee or subcommittee.

                           (iv) ADMINISTRATION  ERRORS. In the event an Award is
granted in a manner inconsistent  with the  provisions of this  subsection  (a),
such Award shall be presumptively  valid as of its  grant  date  to  the  extent
permitted  by the Applicable Laws.

                  (b) POWERS OF THE  ADMINISTRATOR.  Subject to Applicable  Laws
and the  provisions  of the  Plan  (including  any  other  powers  given  to the
Administrator  hereunder),  and except as otherwise  provided by the Board,  the
Administrator shall have the authority, in its discretion:

                           (i)  to   select   the   Employees,   Directors   and
Consultants to whom Awards may be granted from time to time hereunder;

                           (ii) to determine  whether and to what extent  Awards
are granted hereunder;


                           (iii) to determine the number of Shares or the amount
of other consideration to be covered by each Award granted hereunder;

                           (iv) to  approve  forms of Award  Agreements  for use
under the Plan;

                           (v) to  determine  the  terms and  conditions  of any
Award granted hereunder;

                           (vi) to  amend  the  terms of any  outstanding  Award
granted under the Plan, provided that  (A)  any  amendment  that would adversely
affect the Grantee's rights under an outstanding Award shall not be made without
the Grantee's  written consent,  (B) the reduction of the exercise  price of any
Option  awarded under the Plan shall be subject to  stockholder approval and (C)
canceling an Option at a time when its exercise  price exceeds  the Fair  Market
Value of the underlying  Shares,  in  exchange  for  another Option,  Restricted
Stock,  or  other Award shall be subject to  stockholder  approval,  unless  the
cancellation  and  exchange occurs  in connection with a Corporate  Transaction;

                           (vii) to construe and interpret the terms of the Plan
and  Awards,  including  without  limitation,  any  notice  of  award  or  Award
Agreement, granted pursuant to the Plan;

                           (viii) to grant Awards to  Employees,  Directors  and
Consultants  employed outside  the United  States on  such  terms and conditions
different  from  those  specified  in  the Plan  as  may, in the judgment of the
Administrator, be necessary or desirable to further the purpose of the Plan; and

                           (ix) to take such other action, not inconsistent with
the terms of the Plan, as the Administrator deems appropriate.

                  c.  INDEMNIFICATION.  In  addition  to such  other  rights  of
indemnification  as they may have as  members  of the  Board or as  Officers  or
Employees  of the  Company  or a Related  Entity,  members  of the Board and any
Officers or  Employees of the Company or a Related  Entity to whom  authority to
act for the  Board,  the  Administrator  or the  Company is  delegated  shall be
defended  and  indemnified  by the Company to the extent  permitted by law on an
after-tax  basis against all reasonable  expenses,  including  attorneys'  fees,
actually and  necessarily  incurred in connection with the defense of any claim,
investigation,  action,  suit or  proceeding,  or in connection  with any appeal
therein,  to which  they or any of them may be a party by reason  of any  action
taken or  failure  to act under or in  connection  with the  Plan,  or any Award
granted  hereunder,  and against all amounts paid by them in settlement  thereof
(provided  such  settlement  is  approved  by the  Company)  or  paid by them in
satisfaction  of a judgment in any such claim,  investigation,  action,  suit or
proceeding,  except in  relation  to matters as to which it shall be adjudged in
such claim, investigation, action, suit or proceeding that such person is liable
for gross negligence,  bad faith or intentional misconduct;  provided,  however,
that within thirty (30) days after the institution of such claim, investigation,
action, suit or proceeding,  such person shall offer to the Company, in writing,
the opportunity at the Company's expense to defend the same.


         5.  ELIGIBILITY.  Awards  other than  Incentive  Stock  Options  may be
granted to Employees, Directors and Consultants.  Incentive Stock Options may be
granted  only to  Employees  of the Company or a Parent or a  Subsidiary  of the
Company. An Employee,  Director or Consultant who has been granted an Award may,
if otherwise  eligible,  be granted additional Awards.  Awards may be granted to
such   Employees,   Directors  or  Consultants  who  are  residing  in  non-U.S.
jurisdictions as the Administrator may determine from time to time.


                  a. TYPES OF AWARDS.  The Administrator is authorized under the
Plan to award any type of  arrangement  to an Employee,  Director or  Consultant
that is not  inconsistent  with the provisions of the Plan and that by its terms
involves  or might  involve the  issuance  of (i) Shares,  (ii) cash or (iii) an
Option,  a SAR, or similar  right with a fixed or variable  price related to the
Fair Market  Value of the Shares and with an exercise  or  conversion  privilege
related to the passage of time,  the  occurrence  of one or more events,  or the
satisfaction of performance  criteria or other conditions.  Such awards include,
without  limitation,  Options,  SARs,  sales or  bonuses  of  Restricted  Stock,
Restricted Stock Units or Dividend  Equivalent  Rights, and an Award may consist
of one such security or benefit,  or two (2) or more of them in any  combination
or alternative.

                  b. DESIGNATION OF AWARD. Each Award shall be designated in the
Award  Agreement.  In the case of an Option,  the Option shall be  designated as
either an  Incentive  Stock Option or a  Non-Qualified  Stock  Option.  However,
notwithstanding  such designation,  to the extent that the aggregate Fair Market
Value of Shares subject to Options  designated as Incentive  Stock Options which
become  exercisable  for the first time by a Grantee  during any  calendar  year
(under  all plans of the  Company or any Parent or  Subsidiary  of the  Company)
exceeds  $100,000,  such  excess  Options,  to the extent of the Shares  covered
thereby in excess of the foregoing limitation, shall be treated as Non-Qualified
Stock  Options.  For this purpose,  Incentive  STOCK OPTIONS shall be taken into
account in the order in which they were  granted,  and the Fair Market  Value of
the Shares shall be determined as of the grant date of the relevant Option.

                  c. CONDITIONS OF AWARD.  Subject to the terms of the Plan, the
Administrator  shall  determine the  provisions,  terms,  and conditions of each
Award  including,  but not limited to, the Award  vesting  schedule,  repurchase
provisions,  rights of first  refusal,  forfeiture  provisions,  form of payment
(cash,  Shares, or other  consideration)  upon settlement of the Award,  payment
contingencies,  and  satisfaction of any performance  criteria.  The performance
criteria  established  by the  Administrator  may be  based  on any one  of,  or
combination  of, the following:  (i) increase in share price,  (ii) earnings per
share, (iii) total stockholder  return, (iv) operating margin, (v) gross margin,
(vi) return on equity, (vii) return on assets, (viii) return on investment, (ix)
operating  income,  (x) net operating  income,  (xi) pre-tax profit,  (xii) cash
flow, (xiii) revenue, (xiv) expenses,  (xv) earnings before interest,  taxes and
depreciation,  (xvi) economic value added, (xvii) market share, (xviii) personal
management  objectives,  and (xix) other measures of performance selected by the
Administrator.  Partial  achievement  of the specified  criteria may result in a
payment or vesting  corresponding  to the degree of  achievement as specified in
the Award Agreement.


                  d. ACQUISITIONS AND OTHER TRANSACTIONS.  The Administrator may
issue Awards  under the Plan in  settlement,  assumption  or  substitution  for,
outstanding  awards or obligations to grant future awards in connection with the
Company or a Related Entity  acquiring  another  entity,  an interest in another
entity or an additional  interest in a Related Entity  whether by merger,  stock
purchase, asset purchase or other form of transaction.

                  e. DEFERRAL OF AWARD PAYMENT.  The Administrator may establish
one or more programs under the Plan to permit selected  Grantees the opportunity
to  elect  to  defer  receipt  of  consideration  upon  exercise  of  an  Award,
satisfaction  of performance  criteria,  or other event that absent the election
would entitle the Grantee to payment or receipt of Shares or other consideration
under an Award. The  Administrator  may establish the election  procedures,  the
timing of such  elections,  the  mechanisms  for  payments  of,  and  accrual of
interest or other earnings, if any, on amounts, Shares or other consideration so
deferred,  and such  other  terms,  conditions,  rules and  procedures  that the
Administrator  deems  advisable  for the  administration  of any  such  deferral

                  f. SEPARATE  PROGRAMS.  The Administrator may establish one or
more  separate  programs  under the Plan for the  purpose of issuing  particular
forms of Awards to one or more classes of Grantees on such terms and  conditions
as determined by the Administrator from time to time.


                           (i)  INDIVIDUAL  LIMIT  FOR  OPTIONS  AND  SARS.  The
maximum  number of Shares with respect to which  Options and SARs may be granted
to any  Grantee in any fiscal year of the Company  shall be 500,000  Shares.  In
connection with a Grantee's commencement of Continuous Service, a Grantee may be
granted  Options or SARs for up to an additional  500,000 Shares which shall not
count  against  the limit  set forth in the  previous  sentence.  The  foregoing
limitations shall be adjusted  proportionately  in connection with any change in
the  Company's  capitalization  pursuant  to  Section  9,  below.  To the extent
required  by  Section  162(m)  of the  Code or the  regulations  thereunder,  in
applying the foregoing  limitations with respect to a Grantee,  if any Option or
SAR is canceled,  the canceled Option or SAR shall continue to count against the
maximum  number of Shares with respect to which  Options and SARs may be granted
to the Grantee.  For this purpose, the repricing of an Option (or in the case of
a SAR, the base amount on which the stock  appreciation is calculated is reduced
to reflect a reduction  in the Fair Market  Value of the Common  Stock) shall be
treated as the cancellation of the existing Option or SAR and the grant of a new
Option or SAR.

                           (ii)  INDIVIDUAL   LIMIT  FOR  RESTRICTED  STOCK  AND
RESTRICTED  STOCK UNITS.  For awards of Restricted  Stock and  Restricted  Stock
Units that are intended to be Performance-Based Compensation, the maximum number
of Shares with respect to which such Awards may be granted to any Grantee in any
fiscal year of the Company shall be 500,000  Shares.  The  foregoing  limitation
shall be adjusted proportionately in connection with any change in the Company's
capitalization pursuant to Section 9, below.


                           (iii)  DEFERRAL.  If the vesting or receipt of Shares
under an Award is deferred to a later date, any amount  (whether  denominated in
Shares or cash) paid in addition  to the  original  number of Shares  subject to
such Award will not be treated as an increase in the number of Shares subject to
the Award if the  additional  amount is based  either  on a  reasonable  rate of
interest or on one or more predetermined actual investments such that the amount
payable by the  Company  at the later  date will be based on the actual  rate of
return of a specific investment  (including any decrease as well as any increase
in the value of an investment).

                  h. EARLY  EXERCISE.  The Award  Agreement  may,  but need not,
include a provision whereby the Grantee may elect at any time while an Employee,
Director or  Consultant  to exercise  any part or all of the Award prior to full
vesting of the Award. Any unvested Shares received pursuant to such exercise may
be subject to a repurchase  right in favor of the Company or a Related Entity or
to any other restriction the Administrator determines to be appropriate.

                  i. TERM OF AWARD. The term of each Award shall be no more than
seven (7) years from the date of grant thereof  (excluding  any period for which
the  Grantee  has  elected to defer the  receipt of the Shares or cash  issuable
pursuant  to the  Award).  However,  in the case of an  Incentive  Stock  Option
granted  to a  Grantee  who,  at the time the  Option  is  granted,  owns  stock
representing  more than ten percent  (10%) of the voting power of all classes of
stock of the Company or any Parent or Subsidiary of the Company, the term of the
Incentive Stock Option shall be five (5) years from the date of grant thereof or
such  shorter  term as may be provided  in the Award  Agreement  (excluding  any
period for which the  Grantee  has  elected  to defer the  receipt of the Shares
issuable pursuant to the Incentive Stock Option).

                  j. TRANSFERABILITY OF AWARDS.  Incentive Stock Options may not
be sold, pledged,  assigned,  hypothecated,  transferred,  or disposed of in any
manner other than by will or by the laws of descent or  distribution  and may be
exercised,   during  the  lifetime  of  the   Grantee,   only  by  the  Grantee.
Non-Qualified  Stock Options and other Awards shall be transferable  (i) by will
or by the laws of descent and  distribution  and (ii) during the lifetime of the
Grantee,  to the  extent  and in the  manner  authorized  by the  Administrator.
Notwithstanding   the   foregoing,   the  Grantee  may  designate  one  or  more
beneficiaries  of the Grantee's  Incentive Stock Option or  Non-Qualified  Stock
Option in the event of the  Grantee's  death on a beneficiary  designation  form
provided by the Administrator.

                  k.  TIME OF  GRANTING  AWARDS.  The  date of grant of an Award
shall  for all  purposes  be the  date on  which  the  Administrator  makes  the
determination  to grant such Award,  or such other date as is  determined by the


                  a. EXERCISE OR PURCHASE PRICE. The exercise or purchase price,
if any, for an Award shall be as follows:

                           (i) In the case of an Incentive Stock Option:


                                    (A) granted to an Employee  who, at the time
of the grant of such Incentive  Stock Option owns stock  representing  more than
ten percent  (10%) of the voting power of all classes of stock of the Company or
any Parent or Subsidiary of the Company,  the per Share  exercise price shall be
not less than one hundred ten percent  (110%) of the Fair Market Value per Share
on the date of grant; or

                                    (B)  granted to any  Employee  other than an
Employee  described in the preceding  paragraph,  the per Share  exercise  price
shall be not less than one hundred  percent  (100%) of the Fair Market Value per
Share on the date of grant.

                           (ii) In the case of Non-Qualified Stock Options,  the
exercise  price  shall be not less than one hundred  percent  (100%) of the Fair
Market Value per Share on the date of grant.

                           (iii)  In the case of  SARs,  the  base  appreciation
amount  shall be not less than one  hundred  percent  (100%) of the Fair  Market
Value per Share on the date of grant.

                           (iv) In the case of other  Awards,  such  price as is
determined by the Administrator.

                           (v) Notwithstanding the foregoing  provisions of this
Section  6(a), in the case of an Award issued  pursuant to Section 5(d),  above,
the exercise or purchase  price for the Award shall be  determined in accordance
with the provisions of the relevant instrument evidencing the agreement to issue
such Award.

                  b.   CONSIDERATION.    Subject   to   Applicable   Laws,   the
consideration  to be paid for the Shares to be issued upon  exercise or purchase
of an  Award  including  the  method  of  payment,  shall be  determined  by the
Administrator  (and,  in  the  case  of an  Incentive  Stock  Option,  shall  be
determined  at  the  time  of  grant).   In  addition  to  any  other  types  of
consideration the  Administrator may determine,  the Administrator is authorized
to accept as consideration for Shares issued under the Plan the following:

                           (i) cash;

                           (ii) check;

                           (iii)  surrender  of Shares or delivery of a properly
executed form of  attestation  of ownership of Shares as the  Administrator  may
require  which have a Fair Market Value on the date of surrender or  attestation
equal to the aggregate exercise price of the Shares as to which said Award shall
be exercised,  provided,  however,  that Shares  acquired  under the Plan or any
other equity  compensation  plan or agreement of the Company must have been held
by the  Grantee  for a  period  of more  than six (6)  months  (and not used for
another Award exercise by attestation during such period);

                           (iv)  with  respect  to  Options,  payment  through a
broker-dealer  sale and remittance  procedure  pursuant to which the Grantee (A)
shall provide  written  instructions to a


Company designated brokerage firm to effect the immediate sale of some or all of
the  purchased  Shares and remit to the  Company  sufficient  funds to cover the
aggregate  exercise price payable for the purchased Shares and (B) shall provide
written  directives to the Company to deliver the certificates for the purchased
Shares   directly  to  such  brokerage  firm  in  order  to  complete  the  sale
transaction; or

                           (v)  any  combination  of the  foregoing  methods  of

                  c. TAXES.  No Shares shall be delivered  under the Plan to any
Grantee or other person until such Grantee or other person has made arrangements
acceptable to the Administrator  for the satisfaction of any non-U.S.,  federal,
state,  or local income and employment tax withholding  obligations,  including,
without  limitation,  obligations  incident  to the  receipt  of  Shares  or the
disqualifying  disposition of Shares  received on exercise of an Incentive Stock
Option.  Upon  exercise of an Award the Company  shall  withhold or collect from
Grantee an amount sufficient to satisfy such tax obligations.

         8.       EXERCISE OF AWARD.


                           (i) Any Award granted  hereunder shall be exercisable
at such times and under such conditions as determined by the Administrator under
the terms of the Plan and specified in the Award Agreement.

                           (ii) An Award  shall be deemed to be  exercised  when
written notice of such exercise has been given to the Company in accordance with
the terms of the Award by the person  entitled  to  exercise  the Award and full
payment for the Shares with respect to which the Award is exercised,  including,
to the extent selected,  use of the broker-dealer sale and remittance  procedure
to pay the purchase price as provided in Section 6(b)(iv).


                           (i)  An  Award  may  not  be   exercised   after  the
termination  date of such  Award  set forth in the  Award  Agreement  and may be
exercised  following the termination of a Grantee's  Continuous  Service only to
the extent provided in the Award Agreement.

                           (ii) Where the Award  Agreement  permits a Grantee to
exercise an Award following the termination of the Grantee's  Continuous Service
for a specified period, the Award shall terminate to the extent not exercised on
the last day of the specified period or the last day of the original term of the
Award, whichever occurs first.

                           (iii)  Any Award  designated  as an  Incentive  Stock
Option to the extent not  exercised  within  the time  permitted  by law for the
exercise of Incentive  Stock Options  following the  termination  of a Grantee's
Continuous Service shall convert  automatically to a Non-Qualified  Stock Option
and thereafter  shall be  exercisable  as such to the extent  exercisable by its
terms for the period specified in the Award Agreement.



                  a. Shares  shall not be issued  pursuant to the exercise of an
Award  unless the  exercise of such Award and the  issuance and delivery of such
Shares  pursuant  thereto shall comply with all  Applicable  Laws,  and shall be
further  subject to the approval of counsel for the Company with respect to such

                  b. As a condition to the exercise of an Award, the Company may
require the person exercising such Award to represent and warrant at the time of
any such exercise that the Shares are being  purchased  only for  investment and
without  any  present  intention  to sell or  distribute  such Shares if, in the
opinion of counsel for the  Company,  such a  representation  is required by any
Applicable Laws.

         10. ADJUSTMENTS UPON CHANGES IN CAPITALIZATION. Subject to any required
action by the stockholders of the Company,  the number of Shares covered by each
outstanding  Award,  and the  number of Shares  which have been  authorized  for
issuance under the Plan but as to which no Awards have yet been granted or which
have been  returned to the Plan,  the  exercise  or purchase  price of each such
outstanding Award, the maximum number of Shares with respect to which Awards may
be granted to any  Grantee in any  fiscal  year of the  Company,  as well as any
other  terms  that the  Administrator  determines  require  adjustment  shall be
proportionately  adjusted  for (i) any  increase  or  decrease  in the number of
issued Shares resulting from a stock split, reverse stock split, stock dividend,
combination or reclassification of the Shares, or similar transaction  affecting
the Shares,  (ii) any other  increase or decrease in the number of issued Shares
effected  without  receipt  of  consideration  by the  Company,  or (iii) as the
Administrator  may  determine  in its  discretion,  any other  transaction  with
respect to Common Stock including a corporate merger, consolidation, acquisition
of property or stock,  separation (including a spin-off or other distribution of
stock or property), reorganization, liquidation (whether partial or complete) or
any similar  transaction;  provided,  however that conversion of any convertible
securities  of the Company  shall not be deemed to have been  "effected  without
receipt of  consideration."  Such adjustment shall be made by the  Administrator
and its  determination  shall be final,  binding and  conclusive.  Except as the
Administrator  determines,  no issuance by the Company of shares of stock of any
class,  or  securities  convertible  into  shares of stock of any  class,  shall
affect,  and no  adjustment  by reason hereof shall be made with respect to, the
number or price of Shares subject to an Award.


TRANSACTION.  Effective upon the  consummation of a Corporate  Transaction,  all
outstanding  Awards  under the Plan shall  terminate.  However,  all such Awards
shall not  terminate  to the  extent  they are  Assumed in  connection  with the
Corporate Transaction.



                           (i)   CORPORATE   TRANSACTION.   Except  as  provided
         otherwise in an individual Award Agreement, in the event of a Corporate
         Transaction,  for the portion of each Award that is neither Assumed nor
         Replaced,  such portion of the Award shall  automatically  become fully
         vested  and   exercisable  and  be  released  from  any  repurchase  or
         forfeiture  rights (other than  repurchase  rights  exercisable at fair
         market  value)  for all of the Shares at the time  represented  by such
         portion of the Award, immediately prior to the specified effective date
         of such Corporate Transaction.

                           (ii) CHANGE IN CONTROL.  Except as provided otherwise
         in an individual Award  Agreement,  in the event of a Change in Control
         (other than a Change in Control which also is a Corporate Transaction),
         each  Award   which  is  at  the  time   outstanding   under  the  Plan
         automatically shall become fully vested and exercisable and be released
         from any repurchase or forfeiture  rights (other than repurchase rights
         exercisable at fair market value),  immediately  prior to the specified
         effective date of such Change in Control,  for all of the Shares at the
         time represented by such Award.

Incentive  Stock Option  accelerated  under this Section 10 in connection with a
Corporate  Transaction  or Change in  Control  shall  remain  exercisable  as an
Incentive  Stock Option  under the Code only to the extent the  $100,000  dollar
limitation  of Section  422(d) of the Code is not  exceeded.  To the extent such
dollar  limitation  is  exceeded,   the  excess  Options  shall  be  treated  as
Non-Qualified Stock Options.

         12.  EFFECTIVE DATE AND TERM OF PLAN.  The Plan shall become  effective
upon its  approval by the  stockholders  of the  Company.  It shall  continue in
effect  for a term of ten  (10)  years  unless  sooner  terminated.  Subject  to
Applicable  Laws,  Awards  may be  granted  under  the Plan  upon  its  becoming


                  a. The Board may at any time amend,  suspend or terminate  the
Plan;  provided,  however,  that no such  amendment  shall be made  without  the
approval of the Company's  stockholders  to the extent such approval is required
by Applicable  Laws, or if such amendment  would change any of the provisions of
Section 4(b)(vi) or this Section 13(a).

                  b.  No Award may be granted  during any suspension of the Plan
or after  termination of the Plan.

                  c.  No  suspension  or  termination  of  the  Plan  (including
termination  of the Plan under  Section 11,  above) shall  adversely  affect any
rights under Awards already granted to a Grantee.


         14.      RESERVATION OF SHARES.

                  a. The Company, during the term of the Plan, will at all times
reserve  and keep  available  such  number of Shares as shall be  sufficient  to
satisfy the requirements of the Plan.

                  b. The inability of the Company to obtain  authority  from any
regulatory body having jurisdiction,  which authority is deemed by the Company's
counsel to be necessary to the lawful issuance and sale of any Shares hereunder,
shall relieve the Company of any liability in respect of the failure to issue or
sell  such  Shares  as to which  such  requisite  authority  shall not have been

         15. No Effect on Terms of Employment/Consulting  Relationship. The Plan
shall not  confer  upon any  Grantee  any right with  respect  to the  Grantee's
Continuous  Service,  nor shall it interfere in any way with his or her right or
the right of the  Company  or any  Related  Entity to  terminate  the  Grantee's
Continuous  Service  at any time,  with or  without  Cause,  and with or without
notice.  The  ability of the  Company or any  Related  Entity to  terminate  the
employment  of a Grantee who is  employed  at will is in no way  affected by its
determination  that the Grantee's  Continuous  Service has been  terminated  for
Cause for the purposes of this Plan.

         16.  No  Effect  on  Retirement  and  Other  Benefit  Plans.  Except as
specifically  provided in a retirement or other benefit plan of the Company or a
Related  Entity,  Awards  shall  not be  deemed  compensation  for  purposes  of
computing benefits or contributions  under any retirement plan of the Company or
a Related Entity, and shall not affect any benefits under any other benefit plan
of any  kind  or any  benefit  plan  subsequently  instituted  under  which  the
availability or amount of benefits is related to level of compensation. The Plan
is not a  "Retirement  Plan" or  "Welfare  Plan" under the  Employee  Retirement
Income Security Act of 1974, as amended.

         17.  Unfunded  Obligation.  Grantees  shall  have the status of general
unsecured creditors of the Company.  Any amounts payable to Grantees pursuant to
the  Plan  shall  be  unfunded  and  unsecured  obligations  for  all  purposes,
including,  without  limitation,  Title  I of  the  Employee  Retirement  Income
Security  Act of 1974,  as amended.  Neither the Company nor any Related  Entity
shall be required to segregate any monies from its general  funds,  or to create
any trusts,  or establish any special accounts with respect to such obligations.
The Company shall retain at all times  beneficial  ownership of any investments,
including trust  investments,  which the Company may make to fulfill its payment
obligations  hereunder.  Any  investments  or the creation or maintenance of any
trust or any Grantee account shall not create or constitute a trust or fiduciary
relationship between the Administrator,  the Company or any Related Entity and a
Grantee, or otherwise create any vested or beneficial interest in any Grantee or
the Grantee's  creditors in any assets of the Company or a Related  Entity.  The
Grantees  shall have no claim against the Company or any Related  Entity for any
changes in the value of any assets  that may be invested  or  reinvested  by the
Company with respect to the Plan.


                                                                      EXHIBIT B

                                ESSEX CORPORATION
                        2004 EMPLOYEE STOCK PURCHASE PLAN

         The following  constitute  the  provisions  of the 2004 Employee  Stock
Purchase Plan of Essex Corporation.

         1.  PURPOSE.  The  purpose of the Plan is to provide  Employees  of the
Company  and its  Designated  Parents or  Subsidiaries  with an  opportunity  to
purchase Common Stock of the Company through  accumulated payroll deductions and
direct payments.  It is the intention of the Company to have the Plan qualify as
an  "Employee  Stock  Purchase  Plan"  under  Section  423 of the  Code  and the
applicable  regulations  thereunder.  The  provisions of the Plan,  accordingly,
shall  be  construed  so  as to  extend  and  limit  participation  in a  manner
consistent with the requirements of that section of the Code.


                  a.  "ADMINISTRATOR"  means  either the Board or a committee of
         the Board that is responsible for the  administration of the Plan as is
         designated from time to time by resolution of the Board.

                  b. "APPLICABLE LAWS" means the legal requirements  relating to
the  administration  of employee stock purchase plans, if any, under  applicable
provisions of federal  securities laws, state corporate and securities laws, the
Code and the  applicable  regulations  thereunder,  the rules of any  applicable
stock  exchange  or  national  market  system,  and  the  rules  of any  foreign
jurisdiction applicable to participation in the Plan by residents therein.

                  c. "BOARD" means the Board of Directors of the Company.

                  d. "CODE" means the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.

                  e. "COMMON STOCK" means the common stock of the Company.

                  f. "COMPANY" means Essex Corporation, a Virginia corporation.

                  g.  "COMPENSATION"  means an  Employee's  base salary from the
Company  or one or more  Designated  Parents  or  Subsidiaries,  including  such
amounts of base salary as are deferred by the  Employee (i) under any  qualified
or non-qualified cash or deferred arrangement  established by the Company or any
Parent or Subsidiary of the Company  whether or not described in Section  401(k)
of the  Code,  or  (ii)  to a plan  qualified  under  Section  125 of the  Code.
Compensation does not include overtime,  bonuses, annual awards, other incentive
payments,  reimbursements or other expense allowances,  fringe benefits (cash or
noncash), moving expenses,  contributions (other than contributions described in
the first sentence) made on the Employee's  behalf by the Company or one or more
Designated  Parents or Subsidiaries  under


any employee benefit or welfare plan now or hereafter established, and any other
payments not specifically referenced in the first sentence.

                  h.  "CORPORATE   TRANSACTION"   means  any  of  the  following

                           (1) a merger or consolidation in which the Company is
not the  surviving  entity,  except for a transaction  the principal  purpose of
which is to change the state in which the Company is incorporated;

                           (2) the sale, transfer or other disposition of all or
substantially all of the assets of the Company;

                           (3) the complete  liquidation  or  dissolution of the

                           (4)  any   reverse   merger  or  series  of   related
transactions  culminating in a reverse merger (including,  but not limited to, a
tender offer followed by a reverse merger) in which the Company is the surviving
entity but (A) the shares of Common Stock outstanding  immediately prior to such
merger are  converted or exchanged by virtue of the merger into other  property,
whether in the form of securities, cash or otherwise, or (B) in which securities
possessing  more than forty percent (40%) of the total combined  voting power of
the Company's  outstanding  securities  are  transferred  to a person or persons
different from those who held such securities  immediately  prior to such merger
or the initial  transaction  culminating in such merger,  but excluding any such
transaction or series of related transactions that the Administrator  determines
shall not be a Corporate Transaction; or

                           (5)  acquisition  in a single or  series  of  related
transactions  by any person or related group of persons  (other than the Company
or by a Company-sponsored employee benefit plan) of beneficial ownership (within
the meaning of Rule 13d-3 of the Exchange  Act) of  securities  possessing  more
than fifty  percent  (50%) of the total  combined  voting power of the Company's
outstanding  securities but excluding any such  transaction or series of related
transactions  that  the  Administrator  determines  shall  not  be  a  Corporate

                  i "DESIGNATED  PARENTS OR  SUBSIDIARIES"  means the Parents or
Subsidiaries  which have been designated by the Administrator  from time to time
as eligible to participate in the Plan.

                  j.   "EFFECTIVE   DATE"  means  the  date  determined  by  the

                  k. "EMPLOYEE"  means any  individual,  including an officer or
director, who is an employee of the Company or a Designated Parent or Subsidiary
for  purposes  of  Section  423 of the  Code.  For  purposes  of the  Plan,  the
employment  relationship  shall  be  treated  as  continuing  intact  while  the
individual  is on  sick  leave  or  other  leave  of  absence  approved  by  the
individual's  employer.  Where the period of leave exceeds  ninety (90) days and
the individual's right to reemployment is not guaranteed either by statute or by
contract,  the employment  relationship will be deemed to have terminated on the
ninety-first  (91st) day of such leave, for purposes of determining  eligibility
to participate in the Plan.


                  l. "EXCHANGE  ACT" means the Securities  Exchange Act of 1934,
as amended.

                  m.       "FAIR MARKET  VALUE" means, as of any date, the value
of Common Stock  determined  as follows:

                           (1) If the  Common  Stock  is  listed  on one or more
established  stock  exchanges  or national  market  systems,  including  without
limitation  The  Nasdaq  National  Market or The Nasdaq  SmallCap  Market of The
Nasdaq Stock Market,  its Fair Market Value shall be the closing sales price for
such stock (or the  closing  bid,  if no sales were  reported)  as quoted on the
principal  exchange or system on which the Common Stock is listed (as determined
by the  Administrator)  on the date of  determination  (or, if no closing  sales
price or closing  bid was  reported  on that date,  as  applicable,  on the last
trading date such closing sales price or closing bid was reported),  as reported
in The Wall  Street  Journal or such  other  source as the  Administrator  deems

                           (2) If the  Common  Stock is  regularly  quoted on an
automated quotation system (including the OTC Bulletin Board) or by a recognized
securities  dealer,  its Fair Market Value shall be the closing  sales price for
such stock as quoted on such system on the date of determination, but if selling
prices are not reported,  the Fair Market Value of a share of Common Stock shall
be the mean  between the high bid and low asked  prices for the Common  Stock on
the date of determination  (or, if no such prices were reported on that date, on
the last date such prices were reported), as reported in The Wall Street Journal
or such other source as the Administrator deems reliable; or

                           (3) In the absence of an  established  market for the
Common Stock of the type described in (i) and (ii), above, the Fair Market Value
thereof shall be determined by the Administrator in good faith.

                  n.  "PARENT"  means a  "parent  corporation"  of the  Company,
whether now or hereafter existing, as defined in Section 424(e) of the Code.

                  o.   "PARTICIPANT"   means  an  Employee  of  the  Company  or
Designated  Parent  or  Subsidiary  who is  automatically  enrolled  in the Plan
pursuant to Section 5(a).

                  p. "PLAN" means this 2004 Employee Stock Purchase Plan.

                  q.  "PURCHASE  DATE"  means  the  last  day of  each  Purchase
Interval. Purchase Dates shall occur on each March 31, June 30, September 30 and
December 31. The first  Purchase  Date for the Plan shall be September 30, 2004,
unless a later date is determined by the Administrator.

                  r. "PURCHASE  INTERVAL" means a Purchase Interval  established
pursuant to Section 4.

                  s.  "PURCHASE  PRICE" shall mean an amount equal to 85% of the
Fair Market Value of a share of Common Stock on the Purchase Date.


                  t.  "RESERVES"  means, as of any date, the number of shares of
Common Stock which have been authorized for issuance under the Plan but not then
subject to an outstanding option.

                  u.  "SUBSIDIARY"  means  a  "subsidiary  corporation"  of  the
Company,  whether now or hereafter existing, as defined in Section 424(f) of the

         3.       ELIGIBILITY.

                  a.  GENERAL.  Any  individual  who  is an  Employee  shall  be
eligible to participate in the Plan.  Employees who are subject to rules or laws
of a foreign jurisdiction that prohibit or make impractical the participation of
such  Employees in the Plan shall not be eligible to participate in the Plan. No
individual who is not an Employee shall be eligible to participate in the Plan.

                  b.  LIMITATIONS  ON GRANT AND ACCRUAL.  Any  provisions of the
Plan to the contrary notwithstanding, no Employee shall be permitted to purchase
shares  under the Plan if,  immediately  prior to  purchase,  (i) such  Employee
(taking  into  account  stock  owned by any other  person  whose  stock would be
attributed  to such Employee  pursuant to Section  424(d) of the Code) would own
stock and/or hold outstanding  options to purchase stock possessing five percent
(5%) or more of the total combined voting power or value of all classes of stock
of the Company or of any Parent or Subsidiary, or (ii) such Employee's rights to
purchase  stock under all employee  stock  purchase plans of the Company and its
Parents or Subsidiaries exceed Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars (US$25,000) worth of
stock (determined at the Fair Market Value of the shares at the time such option
is granted) for each  calendar  year.  The  determination  of the accrual of the
right to purchase  stock shall be made in accordance  with Section  423(b)(8) of
the Code and the regulations thereunder.

         4.       PURCHASE INTERVALS.

                  a.   Initially,   the  Plan  shall  be   implemented   through
consecutive  Purchase  Intervals of three (3) months'  duration  commencing each
January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1 following  the  Effective  Date (except
that the initial Purchase  Interval shall commence on the Effective Date and the
first  Purchase  Date for the Plan shall be September  30, 2004,  unless a later
date is determined by the Administrator). However, the Administrator may provide
for shorter or longer Purchase  Intervals and may specify one or more additional
Purchase Dates within  Purchase  Intervals.  The maximum  duration of a Purchase
Interval shall be twenty-seven (27) months.  Participants  shall purchase shares
on the  applicable  Purchase  Dates until such time as (i) the maximum number of
shares of Common Stock  available  for  issuance  under the Plan shall have been
purchased or (ii) the Plan shall have been sooner  terminated in accordance with
Section 19 hereof.

                  b. Except as specifically  provided herein, the acquisition of
Common  Stock on any  Purchase  Date  through  participation  in the Plan  shall
neither limit nor require the  acquisition  of Common Stock by a Participant  on
any subsequent Purchase Date.


         5.       PARTICIPATION.

                  a. GENERAL.  All Employees eligible to participate in the Plan
as of the Effective Date shall automatically  become Participants in the initial
Purchase  Interval  and be eligible to  purchase  shares of Common  Stock on the
Purchase  Date of the  initial  Purchase  Interval.  All  Employees  eligible to
participate  in the Plan as of the first day of  subsequent  Purchase  Intervals
shall  automatically  become  Participants  in such  Purchase  Intervals  and be
eligible  to  purchase  shares  of  Common  Stock on the  Purchase  Date of such
Purchase Intervals.  Notwithstanding the automatic participation in the Purchase
Intervals  by all  eligible  Employees,  no  shares  of  Common  Stock  shall be
purchased on behalf of a Participant on the Purchase Date of a Purchase Interval
unless a  Participant  has filed a  subscription  agreement in  accordance  with
Section 6 hereof.

                  b.  PURCHASE OF SHARES.  An  eligible  Employee  may  purchase
shares of Common  Stock by  completing a  subscription  agreement in the form of
Exhibit  A to this Plan (or such  other  form or  method  (including  electronic
forms) as the  Administrator  may designate from time to time) and filing it (as
well as a direct  payment,  if  applicable)  with the Company at least three (3)
business  days prior to the next Purchase  Date,  unless a later time for filing
the  subscription  agreement  is set  by  the  Administrator  for  all  eligible
Employees with respect to a given Purchase Date.


                  a. At the time a Participant  files a subscription  agreement,
the  Participant  may elect to have payroll  deductions made during the Purchase
Interval in either (i) amounts  between one percent (1%) and not  exceeding  ten
percent (10%) of the  Compensation  which the  Participant  receives  during the
Purchase  Interval or (ii) fixed dollar  amounts not exceeding ten percent (10%)
of the Compensation which the Participant receives during the Purchase Interval.
All  payroll  deductions  made  for a  Participant  shall  be  credited  to  the
Participant's  account  under  the Plan and will be  withheld  in  either  whole
percentages or whole dollar amounts.  Payroll deductions shall commence with the
first  partial  or  full  payroll  period  beginning  after  the   Participant's
submission  of a  subscription  agreement  and  shall  end on the last  complete
payroll  period  prior to a  Purchase  Date,  unless  sooner  terminated  by the
Participant as provided in Section 10.

                  b. A Participant may make one or more direct payments into his
or  her  account  by  completing  and  filing  with  the  Company  either  (i) a
subscription agreement in the form of Exhibit A to this Plan or (ii) a notice in
the form of  Exhibit B to this  Plan (or such  other  form or method  (including
electronic  forms)  as the  Administrator  may  designate  from  time  to  time)
designating the amount of the direct payment. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the
total amount of the direct  payment(s)  and the payroll  deductions  pursuant to
Section  6(a) may not exceed ten  percent  (10%) of the  Compensation  which the
Participant receives during the Purchase Interval.

                  c. A Participant may discontinue  participation  in a Purchase
Interval  as provided  in Section  10, or may  increase or decrease  the rate of
payroll  deductions  during the Purchase  Interval by completing and filing with
the  Company a notice in the form of  Exhibit B to


this Plan (or such  other  form or method  (including  electronic  forms) as the
Administrator  may  designate  from time to time)  authorizing  an  increase  or
decrease in the payroll  deduction rate. Any increase or decrease in the rate of
a  Participant's  payroll  deductions  shall be  effective  with the first  full
payroll period  commencing ten (10) business days after the Company's receipt of
such notice unless the Company elects to process a given change in participation
more  quickly.  A  Participant's  subscription  agreement  (as  modified  by any
subsequently filed notice) shall remain in effect for successive  Purchase Dates
unless  terminated  as  provided  in  Section  10.  The  Administrator  shall be
authorized  to limit the number of payroll  deduction  rate  changes  during any
Purchase Interval.

                  d.  Notwithstanding the foregoing,  to the extent necessary to
comply  with  Section   423(b)(8)  of  the  Code  and  Section  3(b)  herein,  a
Participant's  payroll  deductions  shall be decreased to 0% or zero dollars and
one or more direct payments made by the Participant pursuant to Section 6(b) may
be rejected  by the  Administrator  and  returned  to the  Participant.  Payroll
deductions  shall  recommence  at  the  rate  provided  in  such   Participant's
subscription  agreement,  as amended,  at the time when permitted  under Section
423(b)(8)  of the Code and Section  3(b) herein,  unless such  participation  is
sooner terminated by the Participant as provided in Section 10.

         7. MAXIMUM SHARE  PURCHASE.  On a Purchase Date,  each  Participant may
purchase (at the applicable  Purchase  Price) no more than two hundred and fifty
(250) shares of Common  Stock,  subject to  adjustment as provided in Section 18
hereof;  provided  that  such  purchase  of  shares  shall  be  subject  to  the
limitations set forth in Sections 3(b), 6 and 12 hereof.  The purchase of shares
on the applicable Purchase Date shall occur as provided in Section 8, unless the
Participant has withdrawn pursuant to Section 10.

         8. PURCHASE OF SHARES.  Unless a Participant  withdraws from a Purchase
Interval  as  provided  in Section  10,  below,  shares of Common  Stock will be
automatically purchased for a Participant on each Purchase Date, by applying the
accumulated payroll deductions and direct payments (if any) in the Participant's
account to  purchase  the number of full  shares  determined  by  dividing  such
Participant's  payroll deductions and direct payments (if any) accumulated prior
to such  Purchase  Date and  retained  in the  Participant's  account  as of the
Purchase Date by the applicable  Purchase  Price.  No fractional  shares will be
purchased;  any  amount  remaining  in a  Participant's  account  which  is  not
sufficient  to purchase a full share shall be carried over to the next  Purchase
Date or returned to the Participant, if the Participant withdraws from the Plan.
Notwithstanding the foregoing,  any amount remaining in a Participant's  account
following the purchase of shares on the Purchase Date due to the  application of
Section  423(b)(8)  of the Code or Section 7,  above,  shall be  returned to the
Participant and shall not be carried over to the next Purchase Date.

         9. DELIVERY AND SALE OF SHARES. Within ten (10) calendar days after the
applicable  Purchase Date, the Company will deliver the Shares purchased on such
Purchase  Date  to  the  Participant's   account  maintained  by  the  Company's
designated  broker.  In no event may a  Participant  sell  Shares  acquired on a
Purchase Date prior to the delivery of such Shares to the Participant's  account
maintained by the Company's designated broker.



                  a. A Participant may either (i) withdraw all but not less than
all the  payroll  deductions  and  direct  payments  (if  any)  credited  to the
Participant's  account  and not yet used to  purchase  shares  under a  Purchase
Interval or (ii) terminate  future  payroll  deductions,  but allow  accumulated
payroll  deductions  and prior  direct  payments (if any) to be used to purchase
shares on the next  Purchase  Date at any time by giving  written  notice to the
Company  in the form of  Exhibit  B to this Plan (or such  other  form or method
(including  electronic  forms) as the  Administrator  may designate from time to
time). If the Participant elects withdrawal alternative (i) described above, all
of the Participant's payroll deductions and direct payments (if any) credited to
the  Participant's  account  will be paid to such  Participant  as  promptly  as
practicable  after  receipt  of  notice of  withdrawal  and no  further  payroll
deductions for the purchase of shares will be made during the Purchase Interval;
provided  that  notice in the form of Exhibit B to this Plan (or such other form
or method  (including  electronic forms) as the Administrator may designate from
time to time) is delivered to the Company at least ten (10)  business days prior
to the next Purchase Date. If the Participant elects withdrawal alternative (ii)
described  above, no further payroll  deductions for the purchase of shares will
be  made  during  the  Purchase  Interval,  all  of  the  Participant's  payroll
deductions and direct  payments (if any) credited to the  Participant's  account
will be applied to the purchase of shares on the next  Purchase Date (subject to
Sections  3(b), 6, 7 and 12) and all  remaining  accumulated  payroll  deduction
amounts shall be returned to the Participant.  If a Participant withdraws from a
Purchase  Interval,  payroll  deductions will not resume at the beginning of the
succeeding  Purchase  Interval unless the Participant  delivers to the Company a
new subscription agreement.

                  b. Upon termination of a Participant's employment relationship
(as described in Section 2(k)) at any time,  the payroll  deductions  and direct
payments (if any)  credited to such  Participant's  account  during the Purchase
Interval but not yet used to purchase  shares will be applied to the purchase of
Common Stock on the next Purchase Date,  unless the  Participant (or in the case
of the Participant's  death, the person or persons entitled to the Participant's
account balance under Section 14) withdraws from the Plan by submitting a notice
in  accordance  with  subsection  (a) of this  Section  10. In such a case,  the
payroll  deductions and direct payments (if any) credited to such  Participant's
account during the Purchase Interval but not yet used to purchase shares will be
returned to such  Participant or, in the case of his/her death, to the person or
persons entitled thereto under Section 14.

         11.  INTEREST.  No interest shall accrue on the payroll  deductions and
direct payments (if any) credited to a Participant's account under the Plan.

         12.      STOCK.

                  a. The maximum number of shares of Common Stock which shall be
made available for sale under the Plan shall be one million  (1,000,000) shares,
subject to adjustment upon changes in  capitalization of the Company as provided
in Section 18. With  respect to any  amendment  to increase  the total number of
shares of Common Stock under the Plan, the  Administrator  shall have discretion
to  disallow  the  purchase  of any  increased  shares of  Common  Stock for the
Purchase   Interval  in  existence  at  the  time  of  such  increase.   If  the
Administrator determines that on a given Purchase Date the number of shares that
may be purchased  may


exceed  the  number  of  shares  then  available  for  sale  under  the Plan the
Administrator  may make a pro rata allocation of the shares remaining  available
for purchase on such  Purchase  Date.  Any amount  remaining in a  Participant's
payroll  account  following  such pro rata  allocation  shall be returned to the
Participant  and shall not be  carried  over to any  future  Purchase  Date,  as
determined by the Administrator.

                  b. Shares to be delivered to a Participant under the Plan will
be registered in the name of the  Participant or in the name of the  Participant
and  his  or  her  spouse,  as  designated  in  the  Participant's  subscription

         13. ADMINISTRATION. The Plan shall be administered by the Administrator
which  shall  have  full and  exclusive  discretionary  authority  to  construe,
interpret  and  apply the terms of the Plan,  to  determine  eligibility  and to
adjudicate  all disputed  claims  filed under the Plan.  Any question or dispute
regarding the administration or interpretation of the Plan shall be submitted by
the Participant or by the Company to the  Administrator.  The resolution of such
question or dispute as well as every finding, decision and determination made by
the  Administrator  shall,  to the full extent  permitted by Applicable  Law, be
final and binding upon all persons.


                  a.  Each  Participant  will file a  written  designation  of a
beneficiary   who  is  to  receive  any  shares  and  cash,  if  any,  from  the
Participant's  account under the Plan in the event of such Participant's  death.
If a Participant  is married and the  designated  beneficiary is not the spouse,
spousal consent shall be required for such designation to be effective.

                  b. Such  designation  of  beneficiary  may be  changed  by the
Participant  (and  the  Participant's  spouse,  if any) at any  time by  written
notice.  In the  event of the death of a  Participant  and in the  absence  of a
beneficiary validly designated under the Plan who is living (or in existence) at
the time of such  Participant's  death,  the Company  shall  deliver such shares
and/or cash to the executor or  administrator  of the estate of the Participant,
or if no such executor or administrator  has been appointed (to the knowledge of
the  Administrator),  the Administrator shall deliver such shares and/or cash to
the spouse (or domestic  partner,  as  determined by the  Administrator)  of the
Participant,   or  if  no  spouse  (or   domestic   partner)  is  known  to  the
Administrator,  then to the issue of the  Participant,  such  distribution to be
made per stirpes (by right of  representation),  or if no issue are known to the
Administrator,  then  to the  heirs  at law of  the  Participant  determined  in
accordance with Section 27.

         15. TRANSFERABILITY.  No payroll deductions or direct payments credited
to a  Participant's  account or any rights with regard to the purchase of shares
under the Plan may be assigned, transferred, pledged or otherwise disposed of in
any way  (other  than by  will,  the laws of  descent  and  distribution,  or as
provided  in  Section  14  hereof)  by the  Participant.  Any  such  attempt  at
assignment,  transfer,  pledge or other  disposition  shall be  without  effect,
except that the Administrator may, in its sole discretion,  treat such act as an
election to withdraw funds in accordance with Section 10.

         16. USE OF FUNDS.  All payroll  deductions and direct payments (if any)
received  or held by the  Company  under the Plan may be used by the Company for
any corporate purpose,  and the


Company shall not be obligated to segregate  such payroll  deductions and direct
payments (if any) or hold them exclusively for the benefit of Participants.  All
payroll  deductions and direct payments (if any) received or held by the Company
may be subject to the claims of the Company's  general  creditors.  Participants
shall have the status of general unsecured creditors of the Company. Any amounts
payable to  Participants  pursuant to the Plan shall be unfunded  and  unsecured
obligations  for all purposes,  including,  without  limitation,  Title I of the
Employee  Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended.  The Company shall
retain at all times  beneficial  ownership of any  investments,  including trust
investments,  which the  Company  may make to fulfill  its  payment  obligations
hereunder.  Any  investments  or the creation or maintenance of any trust or any
Participant  account  shall  not  create  or  constitute  a trust  or  fiduciary
relationship between the Administrator,  the Company or any Designated Parent or
Subsidiary  and a  Participant,  or  otherwise  create any vested or  beneficial
interest in any Participant or the Participant's  creditors in any assets of the
Company or a Designated  Parent or Subsidiary.  The  Participants  shall have no
claim against the Company or any Designated Parent or Subsidiary for any changes
in the value of any assets  that may be invested  or  reinvested  by the Company
with respect to the Plan.

         17.   REPORTS.   Individual   accounts  will  be  maintained  for  each
Participant in the Plan.  Statements of account will be given to Participants at
least  annually,  which  statements  will  set  forth  the  amounts  of  payroll
deductions  and direct  payments  (if any),  the Purchase  Price,  the number of
shares purchased and the remaining cash balance, if any.


                  a. ADJUSTMENTS UPON CHANGES IN CAPITALIZATION.  Subject to any
required action by the  stockholders of the Company,  the Reserves,  the maximum
number of shares that may be  purchased  on any  Purchase  Date,  as well as any
other  terms  that  the  Administrator  determines  require  adjustment  may  be
proportionately  adjusted  for (i) any  increase  or  decrease  in the number of
issued shares of Common Stock resulting from a stock split, reverse stock split,
stock dividend,  combination or  reclassification  of the Common Stock, (ii) any
other  increase  or  decrease  in the  number of issued  shares of Common  Stock
effected  without  receipt  of  consideration  by the  Company,  or (iii) as the
Administrator  may  determine  in its  discretion,  any other  transaction  with
respect to Common Stock including a corporate merger, consolidation, acquisition
of property or stock,  separation (including a spin-off or other distribution of
stock or property), reorganization, liquidation (whether partial or complete) or
any similar  transaction;  provided,  however that conversion of any convertible
securities  of the Company  shall not be deemed to have been  "effected  without
receipt  of  consideration."  Such  adjustment,  if  any,  shall  be made by the
Administrator  and its  determination  shall be final,  binding and  conclusive.
Except as the Administrator  determines, no issuance by the Company of shares of
stock of any class, or securities convertible into shares of stock of any class,
shall  affect,  and no adjustment by reason hereof shall be made with respect to
the Reserves.

                  b.  CORPORATE  TRANSACTIONS.   In  the  event  of  a  proposed
Corporate  Transaction,  each  stock  purchase  right  under  the then  existing
Purchase Interval under the Plan shall be assumed by such successor  corporation
or  a  parent  or  subsidiary  of  such   successor   corporation,   unless  the
Administrator,  in the  exercise  of its  sole  discretion  and in  lieu of such
assumption,  determines  to shorten the  Purchase  Interval  then in progress by
setting a new Purchase  Date (the


"New Purchase Date"). If the  Administrator  shortens the Purchase Interval then
in progress in lieu of assumption in the event of a Corporate  Transaction,  the
Administrator  shall  notify  each  Participant  in  writing  at least  ten (10)
business  days prior to the New Purchase  Date,  that the Purchase Date has been
changed to the New Purchase Date and that EITHER:

                           (1) the  Participant  will purchase shares on the New
Purchase Date,  unless prior to such date the Participant has withdrawn from the
Purchase Interval as provided in Section 10; or

                           (2) the Company shall pay to the  Participant  on the
New Purchase Date an amount in cash, cash equivalents, or property as determined
by the Administrator that is equal to the excess, if any, of (i) the Fair Market
Value  of the  shares  over  (ii) the  Purchase  Price  due had the  Participant
purchased  shares under  Subsection  (b)(1)  above.  In addition,  all remaining
accumulated  payroll  deduction  amounts and direct  payments  (if any) shall be
returned to the Participant.

                  c. For purposes of Subsection 18, a stock purchase right under
the then existing Purchase Interval under the Plan shall be deemed to be assumed
if, in connection  with the Corporate  Transaction,  the stock purchase right is
replaced  with a  comparable  stock  purchase  right  with  respect to shares of
capital stock of the successor  corporation or Parent thereof. The determination
of  comparability  shall be made by the  Administrator  prior  to the  Corporate
Transaction and its determination shall be final,  binding and conclusive on all


                  a.  The  Administrator  may at any  time  and for  any  reason
terminate  or amend  the  Plan.  Except  as  provided  in  Section  18,  no such
termination  can  adversely  affect the purchase  rights of a  Participant  with
respect to the then existing Purchase Interval under the Plan, provided that the
Plan or then existing  Purchase  Interval may be terminated by the Administrator
establishing an earlier Purchase Date with respect to the Purchase Interval then
in progress if the Administrator  determines that the termination of the Plan or
such  Purchase  Interval  is in the  best  interests  of  the  Company  and  its
stockholders. To the extent necessary to comply with Section 423 of the Code (or
any successor rule or provision or any other  Applicable Law), the Company shall
obtain  stockholder  approval  of any  amendment  in such a manner and to such a
degree as required.

                  b. Without  stockholder  consent,  the Administrator  shall be
entitled to limit the frequency  and/or number of changes in the amount withheld
during  Purchase  Intervals,   determine  the  length  of  any  future  Purchase
Intervals,  establish the exchange  ratio  applicable  to amounts  withheld in a
currency other than U.S. dollars, establish additional terms, conditions,  rules
or  procedures  to  accommodate   the  rules  or  laws  of  applicable   foreign
jurisdictions,  permit payroll withholding in excess of the amount designated by
a  Participant  in order to adjust  for  delays  or  mistakes  in the  Company's
processing of properly completed  withholding  elections,  establish  reasonable
waiting and  adjustment  periods and/or  accounting and crediting  procedures to
ensure  that  amounts  applied  toward  the  purchase  of Common  Stock for each
Participant  properly  correspond with amounts  withheld from the  Participant's
Compensation,  and  establish  such  other  limitations  or  procedures  as  the
Administrator  determines  in  its  sole  discretion


advisable  and which are  consistent  with the Plan,  in each case to the extent
consistent with the requirements of Code Section 423 and other Applicable Laws.

         20. NOTICES.  All notices or other  communications  by a Participant to
the Company  under or in  connection  with the Plan shall be deemed to have been
duly given when  received  in the form  specified  by the  Administrator  at the
location,  or by the person,  designated  by the  Administrator  for the receipt

         21.  CONDITIONS  UPON  ISSUANCE OF SHARES.  Shares  shall not be issued
under the Plan unless the  purchase and the issuance and delivery of such shares
shall  comply  with all  Applicable  Laws and shall be  further  subject  to the
approval  of counsel  for the  Company  with  respect to such  compliance.  As a
condition to the purchase of shares on a Purchase  Date, the Company may require
the  Participant  to represent and warrant at the time of any such exercise that
the shares are being  purchased  only for  investment  and  without  any present
intention  to sell or  distribute  such shares if, in the opinion of counsel for
the  Company,  such a  representation  is required by any of the  aforementioned
Applicable  Laws or is  otherwise  advisable.  In  addition,  no shares shall be
purchased  hereunder before the Plan shall have been approved by stockholders of
the Company as provided in Section 23.

         22. TERM OF PLAN. The Plan shall become  effective upon its approval by
the  stockholders  of the  Company.  It shall  continue  in effect for a term of
twenty (20) years unless sooner terminated under Section 19.

         23. NO EMPLOYMENT  RIGHTS.  The Plan does not,  directly or indirectly,
create  any right for the  benefit  of any  employee  or class of  employees  to
purchase  any  shares  under the Plan,  or  create in any  employee  or class of
employees any right with respect to continuation of employment by the Company or
a Designated  Parent or  Subsidiary,  and it shall not be deemed to interfere in
any way with  such  employer's  right to  terminate,  or  otherwise  modify,  an
employee's employment at any time.

specifically  provided in a retirement or other benefit plan of the Company or a
Designated  Parent or Subsidiary,  participation in the Plan shall not be deemed
compensation  for  purposes of  computing  benefits or  contributions  under any
retirement plan of the Company or a Designated  Parent or Subsidiary,  and shall
not affect any benefits  under any other benefit plan of any kind or any benefit
plan subsequently  instituted under which the availability or amount of benefits
is  related to level of  compensation.  The Plan is not a  "Retirement  Plan" or
"Welfare  Plan" under the Employee  Retirement  Income  Security Act of 1974, as

         25. EFFECT OF PLAN.  The  provisions  of the Plan shall,  in accordance
with its terms,  be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of, all successors of
each Participant,  including,  without limitation, such Participant's estate and
the executors,  administrators or trustees thereof,  heirs and legatees, and any
receiver,   trustee  in  bankruptcy  or  representative  of  creditors  of  such

         26.  GOVERNING LAW. The Plan is to be construed in accordance  with and
governed by the internal laws of the State of Maryland  without giving effect to
any  choice of law rule that


would  cause the  application  of the laws of any  jurisdiction  other  than the
internal  laws of the State of Maryland to the rights and duties of the parties,
except to the extent the internal  laws of the State of Maryland are  superseded
by the laws of the United States. Should any provision of the Plan be determined
by a court of law to be illegal or  unenforceable,  the other  provisions  shall
nevertheless remain effective and shall remain enforceable.

         27. VENUE AND WAIVER OF JURY TRIAL. The Company and the Participant, or
their  respective  successors (the "parties")  agree that any suit,  action,  or
proceeding arising out of or relating to the Plan shall be brought in the United
States  District  Court for the  District of Maryland (or should such court lack
jurisdiction to hear such action, suit or proceeding,  in a Maryland state court
in the County of Howard) and that the parties  shall submit to the  jurisdiction
of such court. The parties irrevocably waive, to the fullest extent permitted by
law, any  objection the party may have to the laying of venue for any such suit,
action or proceeding brought in such court. THE PARTIES ALSO EXPRESSLY WAIVE ANY
PROCEEDING.  If any one or more  provisions  of this  Section  27 shall  for any
reason  be held  invalid  or  unenforceable,  it is the  specific  intent of the
parties that such provisions  shall be modified to the minimum extent  necessary
to make it or its application valid and enforceable.


                             SUBSCRIPTION AGREEMENT               (Exhibit 1)

1.   PERSONAL  INFORMATION.  All shares of the Company's  Common Stock purchased
     under the Essex  Corporation 2004 Employee Stock Purchase Plan (the "ESPP")
     must be registered in the Employee's  name.  Please  complete your personal
     information requested below.

     Shares  may  also  be  registered  in the  name of the  Employee's  spouse.
     Complete  the  information  about your  spouse  ONLY IF YOU WOULD LIKE YOUR

     Your Legal Name __________________________________________________________
                          (Last) (First) (MI)           Location         Depart

     Street Address____________________________________________________________
                                                              Daytime Telephone

     City, State/Country, Zip__________________________________________________
                                                                 E-Mail Address

     Social Security No. __ __ __ - __ __ - __ __ __ __

     Employee I.D. No. ____________  _________________________________
                                     Manager             Mgr.

     Legal Name  of Spouse_____________________________________________________
                            (Last)              (First)           (MI)

     Street Address____________________________________________________________
                                                              Daytime Telephone

     City, State/Country, Zip__________________________________________________
                                                                 E-Mail Address

     Social Security No. __ __ __ - __ __ - __ __ __ __

2.   ELIGIBILITY  Any Employee who does not hold (directly or  indirectly)  five
     percent (5%) or more of the combined voting power of the Company,  a parent
     or a  subsidiary,  whether in stock or options to acquire stock is eligible
     to  participate  in the ESPP;  provided,  however,  that  Employees who are
     subject to the rules or laws of a foreign  jurisdiction  that  prohibit  or
     make  impractical the  participation  of such Employees in the ESPP are not
     eligible to participate.

3.   DEFINITIONS Each capitalized term in this Subscription Agreement shall have
     the meaning set forth in the ESPP.

4.   SUBSCRIPTION I hereby  subscribe to purchase shares of the Company's Common
     Stock in accordance with this  Subscription  Agreement and the ESPP. I have
     received a complete copy of the ESPP and a prospectus  describing  the ESPP
     and understand that my participation in the ESPP is in all respects subject
     to the terms of the ESPP. The effectiveness of this Subscription  Agreement
     is dependent on my eligibility to participate in the ESPP.


     deductions from my Compensation  during the Purchase Interval in either (a)
     the  percentage  specified  below OR (b) the whole dollar amount  specified
     below  (payroll  deductions  may not  exceed  10% of  Compensation  nor the
     limitation  under  Section  423(b)(8)  of  the  Code  and  the  regulations

     Percentage to be Deducted
     (circle one)             1%   2%   3%   4%   5%   6%   7%   8%   9%   10%

     Dollar Amount to be Deducted
     (whole dollars only)          $

     Alternatively or in addition to the payroll deductions  authorized above, I
     hereby submit the following  amount as a direct payment to my account to be
     used to purchase  shares of the Company's  Common Stock in accordance  with
     this Subscription Agreement and the ESPP:


     The total of payroll  deductions  authorized  above and the direct  payment
     submitted  herewith  (if any) may not  exceed 10% of  Compensation  nor the
     limitation  under  Section  423(b)(8)  of  the  Code  and  the  regulations
     thereunder.  Any direct  payments in excess of 10% of  Compensation  or the
     limitation under Section 423(b)(8) of the Code shall be returned to me.

     I  understand  that the Company is not  obligated  to  segregate my payroll
     deductions  and direct  payments (if any) or hold them  exclusively  for my

6.   ESPP ACCOUNTS AND PURCHASE PRICE I understand  that all payroll  deductions
     and direct payments (if any) will be credited to my account under the ESPP.
     No  interest  will be  credited  on funds  held in the  account at any time
     including any refund of the account caused by withdrawal from the ESPP. All
     payroll  deductions and direct  payments (if any) shall be accumulated  for
     the  purchase of Company  Common  Stock at the  applicable  Purchase  Price
     determined in accordance with the ESPP.

7.   WITHDRAWAL  AND  CHANGES  IN  PAYROLL  DEDUCTION  I  understand  that I may
     discontinue my participation with respect to a particular Purchase Interval
     at any time prior to the applicable Purchase Date as provided in Section 10
     of the  ESPP,  but if I do not  withdraw  from the  ESPP,  any  accumulated
     payroll deductions and prior direct payments will be applied  automatically
     to purchase Company Common Stock. I may increase or decrease the rate of my
     payroll  deductions  on only one occasion  during any Purchase  Interval by
     completing and timely filing a Change of Status or Direct  Payment  Notice.
     Any  increase  or decrease  will be  effective  for the first full  payroll
     period  commencing  no fewer  than ten (10)  business  days  following  the
     Company's receipt of the Change of Status or Direct Payment Notice.

8.   PERPETUAL  SUBSCRIPTION I understand that this Subscription Agreement shall
     remain in effect for successive  Purchase  Intervals  until I withdraw from
     participation  in a particular  Purchase  Interval,  or  termination of the


9.   TAXES I have  reviewed the ESPP  prospectus  discussion  of the federal tax
     consequences  of   participation   in  the  ESPP  and  consulted  with  tax
     consultants as I deemed  advisable prior to my participation in the ESPP. I
     hereby  agree to notify the Company in writing  within  thirty (30) days of
     any disposition  (transfer or sale) of any shares  purchased under the ESPP
     if such  disposition  occurs  within  two (2) years of the first day of the
     Purchase  Interval during which the shares were purchased or within one (1)
     year of the Purchase Date (the date I purchased  such  shares),  and I will
     make adequate provision to the Company for foreign, federal, state or other
     tax  withholding  obligations,  if any, which arise upon the disposition of
     the shares. In addition,  the Company may withhold from my Compensation any
     amount necessary to meet applicable tax withholding obligations incident to
     my participation in the ESPP,  including any withholding  necessary to make
     available to the Company any tax deductions or benefits  contingent on such

10.  ADMINISTRATION  AND  INTERPRETATION.  I agree that any  question or dispute
     regarding  the  administration  or  interpretation  of the  Plan  shall  be
     submitted  by me or by the Company to the  Administrator.  I further  agree
     that the resolution of such question or dispute by the Administrator  shall
     be final and binding on all persons.

11.  VENUE AND  WAIVER  OF JURY  TRIAL.  The  Company  and I, or our  respective
     successors  (the  "parties")  agree that any suit,  action,  or  proceeding
     arising  out of or  relating  to the Plan  shall be  brought  in the United
     States  District  Court for the  District of Maryland (or should such court
     lack  jurisdiction to hear such action,  suit or proceeding,  in a Maryland
     state court in the County of Howard) and that the parties  shall  submit to
     the  jurisdiction  of such court.  The parties  irrevocably  waive,  to the
     fullest  extent  permitted by law, any  objection the party may have to the
     laying of venue for any such  suit,  action or  proceeding  brought in such
     provisions  of this  Section  11 shall for any  reason be held  invalid  or
     unenforceable,  it  is  the  specific  intent  of  the  parties  that  such
     provisions  shall be modified to the minimum extent necessary to make it or
     its application valid and enforceable.

12.  DESIGNATION OF BENEFICIARY In the event of my death, I hereby designate the
     following  person or trust as my  beneficiary  to receive all  payments and
     shares due to me under the ESPP:
      _________ I am single         ___________  I am married

     Beneficiary (please print) __________________  Relationship to Beneficiary
     (if any)
                               (Last) (First) (MI)

     Street Address ___________________________________________________________

     City, State/Country, Zip _________________________________________________

13.  TERMINATION  OF  ESPP  I  understand   that  the  Company  has  the  right,
     exercisable in its sole  discretion,  to amend or terminate the ESPP at any
     time,  and a  termination  may be  effective  as early as a Purchase  Date,
     including the establishment of an alternative Purchase Date.


14.  EFFECTIVE DATE OF SUBSCRIPTION  AGREEMENT With respect to the  commencement
     of payroll  deductions,  this Subscription  Agreement will be effective for
     the first partial or full payroll period  beginning (a) after the Company's
     receipt  of  this  Subscription  Agreement  or  (b)  if  later,  after  the
     commencement  of the  initial  Purchase  Interval  under the  ESPP.  Direct
     payments  submitted in connection with this Subscription  Agreement will be
     applied to the next Purchase Date provided this  Subscription  Agreement is
     received by Company at least three (3) business days prior to such Purchase

     Date: ____________     Employee Signature:________________________________

                        Spouse's signature (if beneficiary is other than spouse)


                   CHANGE OF STATUS OR DIRECT PAYMENT NOTICE     (Exhibit 2)

  Participant Name (Please Print)

  Social Security Number


----     I hereby  withdraw from the current  Purchase  Interval under the Essex
         Corporation  2004 Employee  Stock  Purchase Plan (the "ESPP") and agree
         that all accumulated  payroll  deductions and prior direct payments (if
         any)  credited  to my account  will be refunded to me or applied to the
         purchase of Common Stock depending on the alternative  indicated below.
         No further  payroll  deductions will be made for the purchase of shares
         in the applicable Purchase Interval and I may purchase shares in future
         Purchase  Intervals  only by timely  delivery  to the  Company of a new
         Subscription Agreement.


         Payroll  deductions  will  terminate,  but your account balance will be
         applied  to  purchase  Common  Stock on the  next  Purchase  Date.  Any
         remaining balance will be refunded.


         Entire account  balance will be refunded to me and no Common Stock will
         be  purchased  on the  next  Purchase  Date  provided  this  notice  is
         submitted to the Company at least ten (10)  business  days prior to the
         next Purchase Date.


         I hereby elect to change my rate of payroll deduction under the ESPP as
follows (select one):

     Percentage to be Deducted
     (circle one)             1%   2%   3%   4%   5%   6%   7%   8%   9%   10%

     Dollar Amount to be Deducted
     (whole dollars only)          $


     Payroll  deductions may not exceed 10% of  Compensation  nor the limitation
     under  Section  423(b)(8) of the Code and the  regulations  thereunder.  An
     increase or a decrease in payroll deduction will be effective for the first
     full  payroll  period  commencing  no fewer  than ten  (10)  business  days
     following  the  Company's  receipt of this  notice,  unless  this change is
     processed more quickly.


     I hereby submit the following  amount as a direct  payment to my account to
     be used to purchase shares of the Company's Common Stock in accordance with
     the terms of the ESPP:


     The total of payroll  deductions  authorized  by me and the direct  payment
     submitted  herewith (and prior direct payments,  if any) may not exceed 10%
     of Compensation nor the limitation under Section  423(b)(8) of the Code and
     the  regulations  thereunder.  Any  direct  payments  in  excess  of 10% of
     Compensation or the limitation under Section 423(b)(8) of the Code shall be
     returned to me.

     Direct payments submitted in connection with this notice will be applied to
     the next Purchase Date provided this notice is received by Company at least
     three (3) business days prior to such Purchase Date.

_______  CHANGE OF BENEFICIARY     _______ I am single     _______ I am married

         This change of  beneficiary  shall  terminate  my previous  beneficiary
         designation  under  the  ESPP.  In the  event  of my  death,  I  hereby
         designate the following  person or trust as my  beneficiary  to receive
         all payments and shares due to me under the ESPP:

     Beneficiary (please print) _______________________________________________
     Relationship to Beneficiary (if any)      (Last)   (First)         (MI)

     Street Address ___________________________________________________________

     City, State/Country, Zip _________________________________________________

     Date: ________     Employee Signature:____________________________________

                   spouse's signature (if new beneficiary is other than spouse)


Proxy Card


                Board of Directors Proxy for the Annual Meeting of Stockholders

         The undersigned  hereby appoints Leonard E. Moodispaw,  Terry M. Turpin
and Joseph R. Kurry, Jr. proxies with full power of substitution in them to vote
all shares of common stock which the  undersigned may be entitled to vote at the
Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Essex  Corporation to be held on July 21, 2004
at 10:00  a.m.  (see  proxy for  further  details),  and at any  adjournment  or
adjournments  of such  meeting,  with all  powers  which the  undersigned  would
possess if personally present. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
said proxies are authorized to vote as follows:

1.   Election of Directors

       FOR all nominees listed below         WITHHOLD AUTHORITY
                                     -----                      -----

INSTRUCTION:  To withhold authority to vote for any individual nominee, strike a
line through the nominee's name in the list below.

                  JOHN G. HANNON                     MARIE S. MINTON
                  ROBERT W. HICKS                    ARTHUR L. MONEY
                  ANTHONY M. JOHNSON                 LEONARD E. MOODISPAW
                  RAY M. KEELER                      TERRY M. TURPIN
                  H. JEFFREY LEONARD

2.   Amend Article (c) of the Company's  Articles of  Incorporation  to increase
     the  number  of  authorized   shares  of  common  stock  to  fifty  million
     (50,000,000) shares. (Board of Directors Favors a Vote FOR Approval).

                   APPROVE              DISAPPROVE           ABSTAIN
                           -----                   -----             -----

3. Ratify the Company's 2004 Stock Incentive Plan.  (Board of Directors Favors a
Vote FOR Approval).

                   APPROVE              DISAPPROVE           ABSTAIN
                           -----                   -----             -----

4. Ratify the Company's Employee Stock Purchase Plan. (Board of Directors Favors
a Vote FOR Approval).

                   APPROVE              DISAPPROVE           ABSTAIN
                           -----                   -----             -----

5.   Ratify the selection of Stegman & Company as  independent  auditors for the
     company. (Board of Directors Favors a Vote FOR Approval.)

                   APPROVE              DISAPPROVE           ABSTAIN
                           -----                   -----             -----

6. Act upon such other business as may properly come before the meeting.


Receipt is hereby  acknowledged  of the Notice of Meeting and Proxy Statement of
Essex Corporation dated June ____, 2004.

I will attend        I will NOT attend the Meeting
              -----                                -----
(Please RSVP to

                                        -----------------------------   -------
                                        Signature of Stockholder        Date

                                        -----------------------------   -------
                                        Signature of Stockholder        Date

               Please sign exactly as your name appears on the envelope in which
               this  card  was  mailed.  When  signing  as  attorney,  executor,
               administrator,  trustee or guardian, please give your full title.
               If shares are held jointly, each holder should sign.



                          DIRECTIONS TO THE GREAT ROOM
                             AT HISTORIC SAVAGE MILL

FROM I-95                  MILES

o        Take MD-32 East/Fort Meade                                         1.2

o        Take the US-1 North & South exit towards Elkridge/Laurel and
         Turn Right (South) onto Rt. 1/Washington Blvd.                      .5

o        Turn Right on Gorman Road (follow Savage Mill signs)                .3

o        Turn Right on Foundry Street                                        .2

o        Turn Left on Baltimore Street                                       .1

o        Turn Left on Fair Street and park in The West or "Main" Parking Lot.
         (follow sign to right).1

Park as far down in the  parking lot as possible as Savage Mill is at the end of
the lot.

The Great  Room is located on Level 2 in the Old Weave  Building.  From  Parking
Lot,  walk  directly  into New Weave  Building.  You will be on the upper  level
(Level 1). Go down stairs and  continue  straight to Old Weave  Building.  After
entering Old Weave Building, follow to right and THE GREAT ROOM will be directly
in front of you.

You can find  more  information  at  WWW.SAVAGEMILL.COM/DIRECTIONS.HTML  or call