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Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
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Flextronics International Ltd.
(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if other than Registrant)
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[The following letter was sent by Flextronics International Ltd. to certain institutional holders
of its Ordinary Shares beginning on September 19, 2008]
September 19, 2008
Dear Flextronics Shareholder:
On behalf of Mike McNamara and the Flextronics International Ltd. Board of Directors, I am asking
for your support this proxy season. Given the increased scrutiny of proposals to shareholders,
particularly those relating to employee and executive compensation, I am writing to our most
significant investors to request support for proposals #7, #8 and #9, which are proposed amendments
to our 2001 Equity Incentive Plan. These proposed amendments would increase the number of shares
authorized for issuance, increase the sub-limit on the maximum number of shares which may be issued
as share bonus awards, and increase the sub-limit on the maximum number of shares subject to stock
awards which may be granted to an individual in a calendar year.
Flextronics and its Board of Directors believe that the granting of equity compensation has been
integral to our growth and success. The company believes that the granting of stock options and
share bonus awards (RSU equivalents) is a significant tool necessary in order to attract and retain
quality employees who are committed to the companys continued success as well as to compete with
technology companies all over the world for the talented employees on whom we depend.
We would like to highlight key features of our 2001 Equity Incentive Plan (2001 Plan) and provide
additional background on the proposed amendments:
Ø |
The annual estimated cost of the 2001 Plan is within one standard deviation of the
average cost of similar programs of comparable technology companies based on projected cost
per employee and projected cost as a percentage of certain operating metrics. |
Ø |
The successful acquisition of Solectron and our growth have increased the number of
eligible employee participants in our equity incentive plan by more than 210%. |
Ø |
The proposed increase of 20 million ordinary shares available under our 2001 Plan
represents only 2.39% potential dilution based on our outstanding shares as of June 27,
2008. Combining the proposed increase of 20 million ordinary shares with the remaining
11.5 million ordinary shares available for issuance under our 2001 Plan results in a modest
3.77% potential dilution based on our outstanding shares as of June 27, 2008. |
Ø |
The potential dilution is artificially inflated considering that, as of June 27, 2008,
87% of Flextronicss current outstanding options have exercise prices that are above the
market price of our shares, or are underwater. The weighted average exercise price of
our outstanding options is greater than $12.00. |
Ø |
The underwater options have limited retentive value. |
Ø |
The rate at which we grant options on an annual basis relative to the total number of
ordinary shares outstanding (or burn rate), has been below 2% for the past three fiscal
years. We expect to maintain our burn rate at a level below 3.5% which is a benchmark
standard for technology companies. |
Ø |
As of June 27, 2008, 99% of the employee participants under the 2001 Plan were
non-executive officers. |
Ø |
We are seeking a modest increase in the maximum number of share bonus awards which may
be issued from 15 million to 20 million. Our philosophy on share bonus awards is to
directly align these awards with shareholder value creation and retention typically by
providing either performance-based vesting or a minimum three-year vesting schedule. |
We believe that Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) incorrectly evaluates our proposals
through its international proxy advisory services and incorrectly applies its international
standard policy guidelines in its evaluation of our equity plan proposals. Under these guidelines,
ISS takes a more simplistic approach and does not consider the costs of the plan. Our peer
companies, including a Canadian competitor, are evaluated under ISSs domestic compensation model,
resulting in a competitive disadvantage for us in the evaluation process. Following the ISS
international standard policy guidelines would place our company at a competitive disadvantage in
our ability to hire and retain talented employees.
Our employees are responsible for our continued success. The job market for high-tech workers is
highly competitive around the world. As a result, in order to attract and retain key employees and
to remain competitive, we depend on the ability to grant equity compensation at levels comparable
to those of our peers.
You may be aware that ISS has issued a recommendation to vote against our equity compensation plan
proposals. As noted above, we do not believe that ISS has adequately evaluated our proposals. We
also note that both Glass Lewis and Proxy Governance, Inc. have issued recommendations to vote in
favor of each of our equity plan proposals. We are hopeful that you will agree with the importance
of these proposals and support the company by voting in favor of the proposed amendments. Please
feel free to call me at 408-576-7466 or Chris Collier, Senior Vice President of Finance, at
408-576-7718 with any questions or comments. On behalf of the Board of Directors and the entire
management team of Flextronics International Ltd., we thank you, a significant investor in the
company, for your continued support.
/s/ Paul Read |
Paul Read |
Chief Financial Officer |